THE ROANOKE NEAVS, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1891. (.()()!) I.NOIUIII. l)er liny. 1 "' 10 Klve yu nmtln safe anil irnoil, Tulll make your live Kucrmsfiil, jf )u betxl ll n-1 yon aliouliL ()heV it In tlicfllnt. l),e.y It I" the lettrr Po'i'l my tlilntf i "i?'Hl enouiiU" I ill ii can he no W Iter. ,,,1 wlirtlier at your lessons, Or at yi'iir ilally work,'t I' u'f w,l' labliler Dmi'l slide, ami "Kirk, nil think 't dotwn't matter Hint micli talk ! "trli" and 'stuff'1 For until your task is purfcrt, II Is never "ifood enounh." It ynur work in in tlio school room, Jliiko every lesson tell; o matter whit you menu to be, ldillil your foundation well. Every kn.itty lnt an I problem, j inil you bravely muster now III Increase your skill to labor lib the pen or witli the plow. f you sweep a store or stall's, I'e fure you go behind Every box aul bale ami counter; It will pay, you'll always find, To be careful, patient, I lioroiticli, 'Jlinui;b tbv work be hard and roii;h; And when nu'vedo ie your very bust, 'will thou be "ond enollifli." Jo you'd better take my motto, If you ever mean to work To ii ii v latlmi bibber 'I hnn a stable boy or clerk. It III make you ludepeirlenti It will make you no man's debtor; Then never say " it's kiiikI enough " lill it ra i lie no better. - .M. K. Fandiur.l, in (ioldeii Day. Mflnvy Cooper's I'toidl. Smut) of Hie earliest Ki.ctclies of the Tf U'lttn artist, Sidney Cooper, R, A., were in dt) with pencils, given to liini by a hti aiiner (whom in Inter years lit met us ii fellow member of the Hoynl Academy), uud sharpened ly no less a person than tliu head of tint English Church. The young artist was more iuUie.-t.'J, nl the tune, in the important fuel tlntl lie had line new ski-lcliing materials, than in tlie identity of li is twn friends. Years later, however, liy I leaning coincidence Ii und the giver of the pencils discovered each other. On p-i' passed his boyhood in Cull lel- bury. lie very early showed u taste for ail. nud nolliing deliglited him sMimie lliail to sketch the ratlii'draL One 'nfiernoon lie was drawing lite central tower on a slate, when a geiitleiiian who whs sketching the cathedral noticed Ida work, and gave him a bundle of pencils and some drawing paper. "Yearn later," write Mr, Cooper in "My Lite," "in 1830, at a Bocial meeting in London, I met Slantield. Roberts, C itleriuole, one of the Laudseers, Frank SUue, Patrick Nngein, and some others, and a proposition wu initdu that each of us should It'll (toiii'j anecdote of his early life. 1 ivlak-.l toe incidL'iit of tho slate. As 1 fiiihdieJ, Caller, i.ole jumped up and cried out: "Why, Sidney, are you the slate? Then know linn I tun the )h'IiciU! I really am the very man who e,uve yon the pencils in the eaityaid of Cauler bury Ciiilio.liul; and are you verily the 1 man who wan the hoy then?'" "Hut thou ,'h he now had pencil, lie a had no Unite, ami had to ask a stranger to sluirpe.i them lor him. "One 1 1 ay a very sellout looking man Mm iiereil I y, w itlt his hands clasped behind his incli. 1 said to myself, 'That m a priest.' In those days the boyscal.ed all the arsons priests, and Ic till see that he was a clergy nitiu of 8oine -oi t. "When he hud got a few yards away I gained courage and ran after him, call ing tU , 'Sir, sir 1' "lie luri.el rt.u id and said, 'What, my hoy ?' "'Picas-, sir. have you a knife?' 'Ws. iii v littlo man.' said tie. 'what do y u w an. ?' "1 told him, and he iul all my pen cils li and then, coming up lu the coping w her.- 1 was established, he looked at my drawing. 'Very good, my boy,' lie nil, and passed oil. "Immediately a door opened near me, mid tut came a lit Ie man villi pow dered hair, and attired in nankeen i breeches and a Uu-velvet coal wilh 'metal bu tons, and poking his little nose tluou;li the railing, ased me what that gentleman had said lo mo. "'Nolliing,' I answered. "'Then w hat did you say to him?' "'1 asked him to till my pencils.' "'And did he?' "'Yes, lie tut theiti all? "'Do you know w ho that was? "'No.' "'ihat was the Archbishop of Canter lury.'" Profits of Mot Jl.iehloes. It is in this a I 'sei ice of salaries which Wakes the slot macliiiies valuable. Tho average cost of a good machine is said to be less than ?J. If such a machine is put in a barroom with the agreement that the proprietor of the barroom is to receive ha f the money that comes in, experience proves thai such a machine Will be used upon an average ISO times a week. I hiii speaking only of the olio cent machines. This gives 73 cents to the barroom and 75 cents to the owner of the machine. Weighing machines Ore more profitable, than ollieis because they get out of order less easily. If a. liiini can put oui 230 such machines it is evident that the average receipts will bo 5187, lifter paying the percentages duo to the proprietors of barrooms and oilier places, 'lhe capital involved will be about 10,000 and oue Bklled mechanic would Le required to keep the machines in ordor. Thin it may lie neen that the business is far from a bad uue. Chi cago Journal th Tulkeil Shop. She was the daughter of an editor, and w as rejecting an adorer. "Do you want a proof of my affec tion, " ho said in lurtlier pleading. "Oh, no," she responded as sho handed him back a pile of love letters, tied with a blue ribbon, "I want no proof; 1 have it all hero iii manuscript, uud that's enough." "Ofllclal" Crriiuitlon. Tlie government in Butie, Sw itzerland, offers the inhabitant of that city the clioio.' between being creiiia.ol aud be ing buried wheu they die. Social Uf,, In Offleial Cirri. Until within u few years wealth in- flnenced Washington society very little; hut oi late there has been a change ami from this lime ou money will be more and more the kev to the relative social positions. lhero will be probably higher and lower classes, and there w ill lie changes such as marked the Jeffer son administration with its HiiiinliriLv. or the Monroe, with its stateliness; but the President will alwavs t'iva reren- , . o I turns to Congress, the diplomatic coi ns. and the arinv and mivv: there will ml. ways be slate dinners at w hich officials, regardless of wealth, will be almost wholly the only guest. Refreshments are always served at evening receptions, except at the While House. President Hayes, who spent lhe largest amount of money on entertainments of any of the Presidents, nlnays had an elegant colla tion; but since that time there has been no eating and drinking at the three animal card receptions in the Executive Mansion. To the young woman just free I from school a winter in Washington society is like a winter spent with Aladdin's genii. Tho meoling of titled foreigners, the escort of army and navy officers, the iictpiaintance of men and women of national reputation, the beautiful homes, grand balls and gernians, the dainty lunches, the bouquets and Paris gowns, nil go to make up the; but to the middle aged woman w ho for years has watched the crowds come and go; who must pay visits no matter how invary; must see the frivolity w hich is of course present, it is a different story, nnil any slight illness or misfortune in the family is taken advantage of to an Bounce that "Mrs. So and So will be tin able to return her visits this season, be cause of the death of a near relative, " etc. lu most cities eopb are in the high' est rociety because of wealth or family, Lecause of extraordinary ability or genius, or from accident. In Washing ton it is because of their official k- sition. They may make friends and be beloved, but thai does not entitle them to the official invitation. Lathes aro invited lo the state dinner given to tho supreme Court, not becauso they are the brightest and best women of the President's acquaintance, but because their husbands are members of the committee on the judiciary of the S)n ate or the House, or to the state dinner to the diplomatic corps, because their husbauds are on the committee on foreign affairs. Such a guest may las cri-s eyed and brainless, but she will Bit in her seat and receive the same official attention. Personality is losl in position. This loss of personality position is true of all grades, even the President. He is served first at tho state dinner, and so exiciing is this rule that even when his Irieud from his old home dines quietly bv his side, it the host and not tin- guest, who isserved first, Harriet Taylor Upton, iu llo Home linker. A ritotngrnpliftr'a Mtory. "I had an experience the other day which has interested mo more than any thing of a similar nature Inch litis hti peued to mo in all my business experi ence. A young lady who moves in the best society brought mo three lotleio nnd I li!iolographed them for her, and at her request destroyed tin negatives. Tiio lelltus wert! the most tender aud ardent love missives imaginable. They were addressed to the young lady her self, and were signed by a iiamo which I urn sure you would recognize instantly were I to mention it. 1 will confess that curiosity got the belter of my judgment, ond I linady said: "You'll pardon me. but Ihis job is a little litiuniul, isn't it?" " Is it?' she said smiling. "It strikes, me so,' I replied. 'I don't see w hy you want photographs of these loiters since you have tho letters them selves, ' "'Don't yon? Well, I da Supposo t'ie letters were to be lost or burned or destroyed in some other way.' "'Wouldn't lhe photographs bo de stroyed just nseisily as the letters ?' "'Perhaps not; especially if they wero not kept in tho same place with tha let ters, ilhil I'm not afraid of losing them bv tire or in any such way as that The f .ct is, the ink is fading out nnd in a short time it is likely to lie illeg h'e.' "There is n girl for you who doesn't propo.e to take any risks in the breach uf promise business" Chicago Mail. Tha Flrt Tjpewrltur. I saw a few days ago a model of the first writing machine made in this coun try, it wan patented iu 1843 by a mau named Cha lies Thurber.of Massachusetts, and is a really amusing affair hi its very clumsiness. It consists of a wheel about a foot in diainolcr w hich turns horizon tally up .n a central pivot; the rim of the wheel is bored with 25 holes, in each one of which is a rod bearing at tho top a glass letter nnd ut the bottom a similar letter of steel. The paper sheet ii so ar ranged that the line to be printed is un der the rim of ll is wheel, and the letter wauled is swung into place by turning thH wheel; when in placa a rod bearing it is depressed until the steel letter or type touches the paper. 1 should say (.hat even the fastest operator conld not writu more than half as fast as a mail with a P'i). Yet it was a w riling . OT, I .. .. t 1 ! , iiiiichino ami llinroer sueceeiieci m Kei, tintr neoole to invest $15,000 in this curi- ousdevice. At piesent there are no less ,li:in 47 different kinds of typewriters made end cold in this country, and in New York city iih'nn there are said to Ik- moie than 3,000 expert operators imiking n living by typ'w riuuj. Oiiat.Ciirm News an I Cum r. Willie Vt as I'tislml. p,.,,,rlf y. u hud a suit of clothes nnd some olio would give you auomer, Low tiiiinv would you hnvo 1 . V.'ill e Slio' oiiO e. 'line ei N iw, AY .Hie, how do you make mat "U ? Wiibi My lilile brodier D would have the other. ,nv. io-Y nil St. Itiiriiard d.s sell at iioui i ' ,.l L. S I Oil, I eae.i. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STOP AT Hotel, mm -: HALIFAX 2sT. C CLEAN ROOMS. SPLENDID TABLE. POLITE SERVANTS. Fare always tbe beat the markets can af ford. SERVICE NEAT AND PROMPT. larNEAR THE COURT HOUSE.-! o Baggage taken from and to the railroad station. NICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR LADIES. RATES $2.00 A DAY, Special arrangements for hoard by tt) week or month. CLARK & REID, Proprieton. mar 20 tf. an.lWuiskevEabltl cured at homo with out uiiu. llook ofnor tieiiiHnisent FltrK. B. M. WOOL I.KY. M.I) Allaula,Uu. Ulticc 104 Whitehall Si CHAS. Ut'KADK MILhER AKttLE WALSH, soutii sycamore sTKLEj, PETEllSBUHO.VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, io. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. J6TA beautiful calendar for 1889 sent to any address on receipt of stamp tor postage. CHARLES M. WALSH, oetll ly. LIQUORS 0. SMITH, SEE HIS LIQUORS, SEE HIS CIGARS, feJeerM, EVERY DRINK IN SEASON. -C. Smith, Brick itiltling, on Vnrth Cornel of Railroad Shed, Weldon. N. C. oct 16 ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A I) :j' J GARWOOD'S EXTKAOT, New Line ol NA lE'S TRIPLE, .S TATIONERY&- VIOLET WATER, Just Received 150 Linen writing woodworth's FLORIDA WA- Tablets, wbich I'll sell TKR, at a email AND SACHET POWDER. PKOFIT. - " - - - ' ACCURACY ! Cm O O SO W ft .o o u a s a o 01 13 a o CO W H W Stag liraDd 1'rcpared A Larye Paints. Stock of Pure White Lead & Linseed oil. LANDRETH'S I'll sell paints at a QA11DEN very small margin. SEED. NOTICE. jNT0TICE, I have for sale 350-lotsin-the town of WELDON, N. 0. These lots are valuable for resi- Mgnces - and - for business stands. I M Jan. 84, iyu. E. T. CLARK, Weldon,N.C. jan 29 3in. E. Myers & Co. AGENTS RECTIFIERS & WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. FINE WHISKIES A SPECIALTY. Petersburg, Ya. H. T. POPE, -BIALIS ra- GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CI GARS, ETC. Sole Agents for the fol lowing brands of whkkies, which are Especially llccottnucndi'd for Medical Use: PETERSBURG CLUB- MOSUMESTAL CLUB dec 4 Cm. M o P5 l-H SO Ki i u 0 CD w w To the Friends and Patrons of the old and long establish ed firms of Tappey, Lumsden & Co., Tappey & Steel and Tappey & Delaney. WeqWre to state that we have bought the Machinery, Patterns, good will, etc., and will continue to carry on the Foun dry and Machine business at the stand occupied by them for the past 40 years. All inquiries and orders will receive prompt attention and we trust to be favored with the patronage of the friends j of the above mentioned concerns. Hav ing been associated with them as foreman and book-Keeper tor about .!U years, wo feel confident in entering upon this pn terDrise we do so with a thorough and practical knowledge of the business. STEUiL & ALKA.AiN Drill. ffl WOODWORK-0 ATfAC-HMESfSt rcfke0. 28 UNION SQUftRE.NY. sAjj-h ST.L0UIS.MO. IM-W Mia M 0ALlAS.TEX. P. N. STAIN BACK & BltO. Weldon, N. C. -0- MY STOCK OF 0 And Winlnp n liiiiii Is nrrlvltuj, nl I will niRplay the finest line oi Roods cvtr shown In this town. Come ana ste the NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW EST NOVELTIES. MRS. r A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. oct 4 ly 1 ISiii ! New Millinery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. exican ustang Liniment for and FOR orty Years THE For Sale BY ALL may 22 ly LAND SALE. VALUABLE FARMS FOR'SALEIK HAUFAX COUNTY, N. C: ONE FARM CONTAING 534 ACRES, 6 horse crop cleared, good pasture, never failing stream, apple and peach or chard, good dwelling and necessary out houses. PRICE $2,000. NE TRACT OF 200 ACRES, ONE horse crop cleared, most of the other in fiue growth of pines; good dwelling and out houses. PKICE $1,000. ONE TRACT OF 83 ACRES, ONE horse crop cleared, the balance in heavy growth of original pines. PRICE $400.00. ONE TRACT OF 314 ACRES, TWO horse crop clenred, the balance in fine growth of oak and pine. PKICE $1,000. ONE TRACT OF 4R0 ACRES, 3 HORSE crop cleared; good dwelling and all necessary out-hours. PKICE $2,000. 0 N E TRACT OF 8a0 ACRES, FIVE horse crop cleared; good dwelling and out-houses. PKICE $2,roo. These farms are convenient to eh in a healthy locality, and a short distance from Halifax and Enlield. Parties wishing to buy, and want to EXAMINE :-: TIIESE-:-LANDS Will call on MR. THOMAS Ot'SISY, Hen derson, N. C, or MR. T. C. MURGESft. who lives near Halifax, who will take pleas ure in showing them to purchasers. Any or all of these hinds will be ZRElsTTIED - ON REASONABLE TERMS FOE 1890. B.F.QAQY, an 30 ti. Weldon, N. C. mm STANDARD

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