THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1801. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. 1891. 1m & Fierce, DEALERS IN Glle n e r a 1 Merchandise. ill. I.MMIW II W I can TOWN LOTS TOWN LOTS :0: SPLENDID TO FN LOTS FOR SALE lOffpHIGES, Oil IEJ$0lHDLE TqfJS -o ALSO o- FINE FARMING LAND FROM 1 TO 2 MILES FEOM WELDON, K G TERMS TO SUIT TERMS TO SUIT TERMS TO SUIT This id a fine opportunity to purchase land Taloa in two or three years. Apply by letter or in person to l i ' Mr. J. T. Goooh will take pleasure in wiaug to m mem. 1891. WELDON; N, C- A full line o Coffins and Metalic Burial cases, l rice tnem ana see now much sou save by purchasing here. FOR SALE! FOR SALE! IN THE TO OOF WELDON, AT PURCHASER. PURCHASER. PURCHASER. where it will be certain to double in T. N. BLELL.. HALIFAX. N. C showing the lots and lands to any one aug HACK FROM TOWN. Old friends alias l the best, II nlest-like and heartiest; Knnwed us ftrat, and don't allow We're so bUme much better nowl They was stitndin' at tbe bars When we grabbed "tbe kivvared kyars" And lit our fer town, to ranke Money and that old mistake! We thought then the world we went Into beat "The Settlement." And the friends 'at we'd make there Would beat any anywhere! And they do fer that's their biz: They beat all the friends they is 'Cept the raal old friends like you 'At stuid home, like I'd ort to! W 'y. nf all the eood things ylt 1 ain't sht-t of, Is to Quit Business, and (fit back to sheer These old comforts waitln' here 1 hese old friends; and these old bands 'At a feller understands; These old winter nifhts, and old Young folks chased iu out the cold! Sinn "Hard Times '11 come ag'ln No Morel " and neighbors all Jlne Inl Here's a feller come from town Wants that-air old fiddle down From ilie c ilmbli 1 tilt the floor Cleared fer o-te cowtlllion morel It's poke the kitchen fire, says be. And skake a friendly let; with me'. James bitcomb Kiley, In Century. NO DIVORCE WANTED. A St. l.nuls M oiiimii Angered by Her l-awy.r'. I.MHglirer. A well known St. Ixmi lawver whs Called on one day during tln pust .week ty a liuly nmno is no: iiufitiuiliar to the readers of the Mcicty columns of the iiensoapcrs, mid consulted on the subject of divorce, Sliu wus not quite clear in lier own mind a to w hether (die wanted a divorce or not, mid, even Hfter she had tieeii told just what steps were necesntry in the ordinary case she seemed to 1 in a puzzled frame of mind. ith a delicacy characteristic of liml.s of the law u hose practice takes litem into the divorce courts tlie lenl light undertook to tin. I out w hat it whs she watt holding Lack, and linallv naid to her: 'Voit will have to tell all I lie facts if r i waul me to lake your c:tse. I can not proceed in the diir.;, itnd I can plainly see something is on our mind that you have not told me. " "Yes, there is, "ithe said, "and, in fact. 1 am not Mire that I want you to taKo my case, or, in fact, that 1 will have a case. You see, my case, if 1 it ply for a divorce, will lie just twice as liaj an the ordinary cane, for the very nitnple reason tltat Henry and I were married twice once privately and with only the necetw.tiy witnemes, and the ttecoud time four months afterward iu n church and with a tig reception, anil, of course, there wiil have to he two tlivoices iu order to set me entirely free. " The lawyer limjied. In flic', he laughed so Ion,; an.) h i heartily thai the lady got ma 1 and timuced out of the office, vowing that she would not have a divorce; that slip had rather fight it out with her twice mat ned hiislinnd than he lunched at by a lawver. St. Louis R public. 111. II Ik liit Mountain Altltada. Capiain Kmilio lleiera, of Sautiatro, Chili, claims to have tmceiidel to an tltitud.t never ln-fore reached by the foot of man. Having lint iced that the peak .f Aeni.c.iiia had heen covered by a hli nuim of hi.ow that would make the accent a little less lahorious, he waited two days in a half way cabin, anil then started for the summit on a cloudless morning, with three guides nnd a variety of nioiiiitiiinec riuir treat. Up to a height of 21 000 feet, the air, t.iotigh coll, could be breathed with tolerable ease; higher tip the explorer was seiz 'd with d.zzinos-j and a peculiar pain in the region of the temples. One of the, guides n-'iised to g;o any further, but his companions push,.,! mi till they lenc iel a she. r precipice of porphyry, ftl on i 2 0 feet Mow the higli.'sl pin nacle. Here, at a height of 22,1100 feet tihove the plainly visible l'acitif, they leslel for half an hour, almost frozen in the attempt to manipulate their instruments, but upheld by the con sciousness of standing COO feet iibovo the summit of M .tint ChimUiraZo; and then started Icick for their cabin; which they reached about an hour nfier sun Cel. ll'.iix I. Oswald. Vl.a anil III l. Anton'' the I't incu nf AVales's many virtu, si that he is a "hm-r of. a ilo;. " In let'tl, tho la'ii i'h art one of the prin show phice-i at S iiiilriiih v.n. An inirrtMiiijj tit't: .tint of llicin, with ra()- ilal il u-sr.ui.Mis ;iviu in the C'lnistmag liumlH-rof tht' SloeklceeiuT. t'liah.t-s the puhlic to l ecoine acquainted witii many of the riiM'e'.i four footed friends. His favorite i-jiortin dog-, it tseeius, are two wavy retrieverr, Urtico IV and L!ell. Hut the irince fancies eteiy kind of breed, and is the recipient, of Course, of a K'eat many ( resents, anions which may be mentioned Itonco, a $a moved sledge Q". piesented Ly Captain Wig gins, and li.zoff, a Norwegian dog, hluo with gray markings, a most peculiar ond quaint looking creature. The fav orite pet of the Princess of Wales Is Ooss, a red Chinese chowchow, aed 14. Hut he Is now infirm as well as old, and the honor of lieing the princess's travel ing companion is now enjoyed by Plumple, also a red chowchow, and a perfect specimen of her breed. Another favorite of the princess aud daughters is Boozy, a quaint little bitch, a cross be tween a skve terrier and a dachshund, Pall Mall Gazette. Mnlfljr fItHiin'i liard QiittNtlnn. An antusiug story is told in Italy pf the ignorance of the sultan of Mofqrcpt Two Spanish oflkers lately visiting toy were received iu a solemn audience by the sultan. The presentation was gone through ith all the rules of court eti quette; afterward, the conversation bo coining more familiar, the sultan, Muley Hassan, said to the officers: "Your queen loves the pope?" "Very much, " replied the Spaniards, "The pope, does he love your queen?" Equally so." The sullan remained for a few mo ments in silence, then said: "Why docs lie not marry her, then?'i To this embarrassing question the officers bad no reply. Philadelphia Record, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1891. ZZTHE- NEW YORK 1891 WEEKLY HERALD AT ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Is the beet and cheapest family paper in the United States. SOW IS THK TIME TO RTBSCUIBB. NOW IS THK TIME TO SVBSCU1KB. Many novelties will be added to the va riety of its contents during the year 1891, and nothing will be left un done to please and gratify its sub scribers. Its specialties for 1 SO 1 will be Original articles on practioal farming and Gardening. Serials and short stories by the best authors. Woman's work and woman's leisure. Genis of literature andart. Original flushes of wit and humor. Answers lo correspondents promptly and fully made. THK LATEST NEWS FROM KVKKV SECTION -:-OF-:- Tfl E -:- GLOBE Address: JAMES GORDON BENNETT. N. Y HEltALl), New York City. Do not fail to subscribe for tbe New York Weekly Herald. Only one dollar a year. Snur liltlr f..rtntih?pl'n marlru fk f.r ua, U Anita if, Atirttii. Vim. ali( Jmi. Ilonii. loktln, Ohio. l-ir itit. titlif'(aTclohi(rwwll. Whjr i. it r..u ' pi-nip -m -ivtr f m umit h. Vti (Nitdv ibr wink ml ! i tnie. nhi rnrr rr. Kf l'- ft'nnri rc rnailv raminc from 4b to 111 rlnr. All nir.i. Wrabtm yim h" nd tri r-'U. I n w urk In uian lime tit ll ilie litnf. Htf nioiipv ua wink rri. Kollnri' unknown imonr th ni. NKW mud Mn.trful. 1'irtti r.'-i Trrr. I.llullrtt.V o.,IKs HHO I'orMund.M ulno MONEY rin titrnfd t our NKW lint nf work, fnidillr and limrt)lr. by tliu vf tiiluT an, rouiif or old, and in their own local! tlta,Miirrf-r lliy An one ism do tba wurk. kr to larn. Wfunnh vfrrthinir. Wo tart wvm. No mk. Yuu ran ritvuta four itr moniniB, or all jotir tltna to tba work. '1 bio la an rmirtly ti- w li-uj.amt tiriniri " omirful aurcata t irtft workr Hriinipr an prniiir fmni f 2& to &0 rr wcrk and upward, and mir Hfr a llnlv riirinct. Wt ran fornivh you tba m- jintrnl andtracb y-u rKKK. Ko artartto titiUln bare. Kuil nfonoaiiou rlikk, TULEtK U,, Al ftAiftlL o o n o ft ch,,V'''??, lli I I I I I I laltt'r hisirurtion.Hill -WWVVV li.,w to ani 1 br 1 unr1rtak to hrtfflw it iiprktifi of tu her and writ, and who. HI work inriurtrloualr, Tbouaaod UoMara ar in their own lucalitiva.vt -httvvr-r thry will alaofuraiah thr aituailon nr rniiilivinriit,at w tilt h t ran earn that amount. n nuiMvv f.r inr unlraa atitrrutul alot. Kaally and quk-klr amrd. I dfaire Imt una wnrkrr front each dlatrtrt oreuantr. I lio- aiready lamrlit and provided rllh Mnploymrni a Intra i.umtirr, wbVt are niakina; over M'HtO a veareaeh. It It' V.W il NOLI Ir. Full naitlrutars FU fcK. Addreaa at onra, 4', AI.I.K., IIuk 40, Auguota, Maine, f SAMl.M) rnr I. httnir rntil b John R. lirmitn hi, I r.. ,.VY.,it woih fur I... limit,, jrou iitnv not muili, but inn twirli how ti.titrii fr.-m $ i la tltt .lay it lli Btart, Slid tnur Jou fa nit. H.'tli Ktrl, kll Iu an rl ir Amrnia. you ran cotiuiirnra at lion.a, aiv 'in, all your timv.or auara muturnta o,il, ti tlia wurlt. All ia iicn. tirrat y HI Mr. for vary wurkrr. a alart you. rurulihii.ff .rrylblnir. KASII.Y, Hl'EV.IHl.T Ininir.r. I-AIII It I I.AIW FHKK. Adilrt-a. at onra, TI.S6 tU., ItiaTLAM), lil.Ml. DO YOU KNOW That you can have your eyes tested ac curately, aud fitted with glasses ' by a practical optician at YOUNG'S JEWELRY STORE. The finest set of test lenses in the state, and tbete will be no charge for testing your sight. More eyes are ruined by classes sold by incompetent persons than any other cause. Therefore, we advise you to be careful with your sight, and have your eyes examined by a COMPETENT OPTICIAN ' Silver poods for bridal presents, dia nionds of the finest quality, watches in pold and silver cases, clocks of the best makers and pood timers, gold thimbles and Christmas goods, gold headed canes and plain gold rinus, opera glasses and fancy hair pins, and of the latest styles of goods, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. J. W. YOUNC. Co Syca. k Bank Sts. Petersburg, Va OCt If PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAM KS M. MULLEN, WALTSB I. DAWIL IULLEN & DANIKL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice In thecourtnof HMlfax andNorthump ton and In the Supreme and Federal rourti. CoU lecitnni matte in anparuoi Minn uarouna. Branch office at Halifax, N. C, open erenr Mon day. Jan71y ' H 0 M A S N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in Halifax and adjoining counties and Federal and Supreme conrtl. aog. 28 1 D R. E. L. HUNTER, SURGEON DENTIST. Cau be found at his office in Ende!-', Pure Nitrous Oiitle Gas for the Painless Extracting of Teeth always on hand, feb 27 ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P. I III! 1 1 o m p 1 g t o FALL AND WINTER GOODS IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN COME AND SEE US. P. . $TlllBJCK $ Bl0.f YEARS OF VARIED u SUCCESSFUL IathoTJaoof CUR A. we Alone own. for all Dls-i M RN ..iw..---.;; Who have weak er Of YE LOPe 0. or ancartai orcrans, wno nro suffer-t intr from e xnoiisoFYOurn'1 nnd nny r.xccsscs. or "i i FOR ALIMITEQTIMEIWE suarantco to il they can fTrmro. our mpt.hrin :ind ir- jiUIora a t'UUTCl ".HHOPEYOU Don't brood ovcryr.ur corditlon, tier rivo up In fcpnfr I Thot'snnda of tho Worst Cuvcs have vicltlctl to nnr HIMP TREATMENT, nawt forth la our woNoeRful BOOK, whioli we aedBtsilou, post puld, FREE, lr a limittil time. 6iT IT 10-01, llcnicmbor.uoouc else liua tho met hods, nppllunccs and cxieri encothutwo employ, and we clulia tlio uonornir of vhifomi mass. Ems Medical Co., 64 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. 2,000 References. , Name dec 11 ly THE PLACE TO GET IDQUQS and fJEDlClfJES AT THE LOWEST PKIOES, is -AJiy DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. J-PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH THE BEST 8ELECTED MATERIAL.- PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. HtyiMItK that hearty welcotreaJwT a!t yon at ZOLLICOFFER'S.- x. v j Stock of AGENTS. KPERIENCE JIVE METHODS, and Control, orders of a Whoaro rVfirousand im. I tow r, the scorn cf their I teliowa aud tho con-1 tcmnt of frlcntls and I coniponioup, lenilrt uato I all patients, u k.1 own lixcliuivit 5 ' , I -M, fTlKroKtheu, 11 i I il il u i: n M n . liV0 YOURS. this paper when you write.