THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1891. THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY MARCH 19. 1891. THE OLD NORTH STATE. AS CULLED I'ROM OUR EXCHANGES. Goldsboro is to have a cigar manufac tory. Much building is going on in Dur ham. In Chatham county a boy ten years old weighs 122 pounds. The shops of the Richmond and Dan "fille railroad will be removed to Char lotte. A new hotel, to be called the "Zinzen dorf,'' to cost 8100,000, is to be erected at Winston. Nearly a hundred persons were con Terted at a mscting just closed in Wood ville, Randolph county. The Board of Directors of the Girls Training School will sood meet to select a location for the school. The Danville 'Tobacco Journal' says Raleigh seems destined to be the leading leaf tobacco market in North Carolina. Durham's live people rejoice at prospects of a $25,000 graded school building au thorized by the Legislature, after vote of the people. Captain Kirkpatrick, Greensboro, brings suit, $10,000 against the Ameri can Mutual Accident Association for the loss of an eye. There is a natural stone bridge in Jack son county across the Tuckaseegee river. It is 50 feet wide and 60 feet long, and is one solid rock. Gov. Fowle has appointed Prof. J. A. Holmes of the State University, as State Geologist under the act to provide for a geological survey. Alamance could not stand $300 for the State Chemist's analysis of a dead ne gro, and the coroners jury concluded that he was bitten by a mad dog. The centennial of Washington's visit to the Salem academy will be celebrated by that ancient institution of learning during the next commencement exercises. Some malicious person cut the main 38 inch driving belt of the new Odell mill at Concord, stopping the machinery and throwing 4000 people out of work for a day. Fayetteville is said to have made the largest per centage of gain this year in cotton receipts than any town in the State. It received 10,192 bales against 7,926 last year. A freight train was wrecked on the Carolim Central road last Saturday and a train hand was badly hurt. The tender jumped th track and thirteen cars fol lowed down a thirteen feet embankment. Xt occurred near Rockingham. Among the gradmtes of Wake Forest college there are 121 ministers, 94 law yers, 38 farmers, 29 physicians, 1G mer chants, 18 ministers and teachers, 8 pro fessors and preachers, 8 journalists, 5 soldiers killed in war, 5 foreign mission aries, 5 druggists and chemists, 20 scat tering, or occupation unknown. ADVERTISEMENTS. NORTH CAROLINA, HALIFAX COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. March Term 1891. Orphia Harrison, ' against Eliza Harrison. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. This is an action for divorce brought by the plaintiff, Orphia Harrison, against the defendant Eliza Harrison, and the defen dant is hereby notified to appear at the Superior Court for Halifax county to be liold on the 10th Monday after the first Monday in March 1891, (May 11th) and an swer or demur to the complaint which is filed in th office of the Clerk of the Superi or court for Halifax county. This March 4 th 1891. JOHN T. GREGORY, Clerk Superior Court. 3-12-6w. The undersigned having qualified before the clerk of the Superior court as adminis trator of the estate of John H. Shaw dee'd. on the 15th day of December 1890, hereby notifies all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to him at his office in Weldon, N. C, on or before twelve months from the date of this notice or tht same will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to said estate are re - quested to make Immediate payment. This the 11th day of February, 1891. W. E. DANIEL, Adin'r. of John H. Shaw, dee'd. 2-12-Sw. Burklen's Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soies, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns, and all skin eruptions,and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown 4 Carraway, Halifax, Dr. J A McGwigan, Enfield; W. M. Cohen, Weldon. ADVERTISEMENTS. ?.oou WOlFS !?00 t V1J 'WV W. L. DOUGLAS ifr HI fm oml I'l'.uT nni-cliil- D3 anUt 5"'1 ;f"r ;- - wa m am, un war ranted, and so Hlnnitwd on bottom. AiMriMt W.L. DOl ULAF, ltrocktoii, Mum. SoiUby W. IB. TILLERY, Weldon, N. C. jan 1 dm. LAND -:- SALE. By virtue of the power conferred upon me by a niortpicedeed made by .lames If. McGec and his wife Agnes McGee hearing date the 30th (lay of October 18-1, anil rec orded in the Registers office for Halifax county in book 72, page 4!i.", I shall on the fith day of April 18!U, that heing the first Monday in said month, proceed to sell ut public auction, in the town of Weldon, North Carolina to the highest bidder FOR CASH, the tract of land described iu said mortgage. Said tract is about three miles from Weldon ami on the load lead ing from Weldon toGnston, containing two hundred acres, more or less. This land is sold to pay the amount due on two notes given by said McGee and wife, and for which the said mortgage was made to se cure. This Until day of Februaiy 1 801. E. I.THOMAS, Mortgagee. 2-2fi-tds. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Whereas on the 4th day of February 1891, a deeree was made in the cause of Edward T. Clark, as administrator of Eli za N. Edmunds against W. C. Powell di recting the administrator to sell the lands of the late Eliza K. Edmunds to make as sets. Now, therefore in pursuance of said decree, I shall on the first Monday of April (Gth day of the month) sell at public auction to the highest bidder that tract of land situated in Halifax county, wl.ieh is described in the special proceeding for par tition entitled W. C. Powell and Augusta T. Powell his wife and Eliza N. Edmunds an infant under twenty-one years of age, suing by her mother and next friend M. W. Edmunds, ex parte determined in the Superior court of said county on the 1.1th day of December 1882, to-wit; Lot No. 1, on which is located the dwelling housecon taining one hundred and forty acres begin ning at W. M. Perkins' corner on path leading from Ebenezer . to Edmunds old Chapel, thence running N 7J E 2G2 poles to a dogwood, gnm, past oak and 2 piues pointers, thence W. 5 3 poles 7 links to an ash on Watery Branch thence up said branch to a large poplar, thence S 7 W 250 poles to a stake on the aforesaid path thence with said path 86 poles to the be ginning. Also a few pieces of household furniture. TERMS : One-third c.xh, residue on 12 months time, bond with approved se curity, bearing 8 per cent, interest from day of sale. EDWARD T. CLARK, Adm'r. of E. N. Edmunds. 2-26-tds. Liw mm M" .ti;i A m is- Ten IBs-fill NORTH CAROLINA, HALIFAX COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. A. C ZOLT.ICOFFER, AGAINST. Todd Johksov, Sam. SUM Joh.vson, Hamp John- MONS. son and Petes John son. TV defendants Todd Johnson, Sam Jul.u son and Hamp Johnson are notified that a petition lor the sale of certain real estate to-wit: a small tract of land near Weldou, N. C, for partition, has been filed in this office. - And they are hereby summoned to be and appear before the clerk of the Superi or court at his office in the town of Halifax connty and State aforesaid, on Monday the 6th day of April 1891, and answer or de mur to the petition which has been filed in said office. And the defendants are also notified that If they fail to appear and answer as above set forth, judgment will be reudered against tbem as prayed for In said petition. Witness John T. Gregory, Clerk Soperi or court of Halifax connty, at office in Hal ifax, N. C. ' -, " This 11th day of February 1891. , JOHN T. GREGORY, ' Clerk Superior Court- 2-19-6w. 1 J WE are now receiving the largest and best stock Dry Goods and finp Shoes we have ever had. Our motto is the best goods for the least mon! ey and leave the one thread in the reed slop shop trash" to others Would you make the best possible use of your money? Would vou eei the best and the most goods for a dollar? Then go to W. A. JOHNSTON'S If you doubt this ask your neighbor? He never asks you two prices and takes one and a half but is content with one price and small profits and warrants every thing he sells to be as represented or the money refunded Industry, Integrity, Ability and are our business maxims and credentials to your favor, and we will stand or fall by them m competition with trade demoralization and bus iness tricks of the day. , uo m m fjo ww JOHtJ with soft words, fine promises and special friendships, that are known ol all men to be counterfeit, but give you full value in every purchase LiAiDjllEiSFIIiNIEEDIRIEISISEECIOIOIDIS we invite your special attention to the new and beautiful styles and all shades of color, in our elegant silk wraps, Henrietta's, all wool cashmere serges, plushes, velveteens and fine cut silk velvets, as also our party dresses in cream Henrietta's, French embroidered flouncings, India Linens, Mulls, Nansooks, etc., these goods are the cream of the fashion and are Of whom we number many In clothing our suils run will take your measure Mr. J. K. Anderson with H.J. WATCHMAKER Littleton, Makes aspecialty of repairing fine WATCHES and CLOCKS. Fitting spectacles and eye glasses. ICash paid for old gold and silver. WW Stores, Dwellings and other buildings insured in the best companies against loss by fire. LOSSES -:- BY -:- FIEE -:- PROMPTLY -:- PAH). LOSSES -:- BY -:-.FIRE -:- PROMPTLY -:- PAID, Rates Low. Kates Low. Low rates in the Standard Companies given on STEAM, WATER and: HORSE POWER GINS. For further Particulars Apply to NEW ADVERTISEENTS. F'T FOR THE TROUSSEAU OUEEII .,np rnur .Mom, W. ,cm,t jh. , hri. .J 2i Bentlomon s m. Clothing l run frniri 8J. ti 89 !,.. ..1.1 .1 . from 84 to 82.) to wlm h we hays added a ent one , and have your mu.s made to order ,n a few .lays at 1'. a full corps of clerks w.ll msure yu p.,le aMen.ion IE. awl JEWELER, North Carolina, A nice line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, -lArZ JEWELRY, Always on hand for sale CHEAP. Watches sent me by mail will be carefully repaired and promptly returned. l o mmmmmmmmmmmmmm GOI GINS. A. SPECIALTY. -racnmmramrammmmaimmQmrammmmrarammmmmm- A 11 V York F,l,i, Momhl, for both Irfe, ,.d Fine Furnishing Eoois .i i , WS f the largest and most fashionable, tailoring establishments in the United States W ih.delphia piecs opr.e added and guarantee a fit lMmliSL W A. JOHNSTON, Littleton, N. C (S li 1890 -i. w. xoirrinxc-Tox -DEALER IN- GENERAL -:- MERCHANDISE, LITTLETON, N. C. j I am receiving daily a large and well . Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Men's and Boys wh eh I am tT..rin,- AT hythhmvt.v examine my stock before purchawn'. . . .Hihest market price paid for country produce ofall kinds. J. W. NORTH INGTON. s Q mmmmmmmmmmmmmm- TEE KDAKOKE NEWS' OFFICE. L Pluck Cotlmor, ,! M (pcci,,, in selected stock of Dry Goods. Notion Clothing, Hardware and Groceries etc t aw nomuD r r,0Le. , ew. jjvm liUCJCiO. lOU win no well to- "J J Rates Low.

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