THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1891. A l.AKK F MOLTEN FIRR. t I tli ( nlfr of the I.argml Ynlrnno In the oi hl. The following remarkable account lias eon culled from the writing" tf JiKiqui!! Idler, and has reference U) the volcano f Mauna I.oa, in tlte Sandwich Islands: After visiting the American coiwtil at Honolulu, we Htarted for the volcano, nd after a hard, hot climb, readied the dge of a precipice overliaiiKine; a lake t molten lire, 10 miles In eircuniferenc' nd 100 feet Mow us. This U called by 'ie natives Kilianea, or god of lire. It is the largest active volcano in the. rorld, and is 6,000 feet above Ihe sea svel. This molten mass went dashing gainst the cliffs ou the oiiitosite side. 'ith a noisu like the deep and mighty urges of a stormy ocran. Waves of lood red fiery liquid lava hurled their Ulows on the ironbound headland and hen rushed up the face of the cliff to ass their gory spray high in the air. liis restless, heaving lake of lire (toiled nd bubbled, never remaining silent for single instant. There is an inland on no bide of this lake which the liorv raves ll tack unceasingly, and with re mtless fury, P if hcnt on hurling it roni ils base. Oil llie other side then1 was a large avily into which this burning mass ashed with n loud lour, breaking down 1 its impetuous, headlong career the Mi antic stalactites that overhung the ninth of this cavern, and Hinging up he liquid material for the formation of ew ones. It is terribly grand, magniti ently sublime; but no words can ude uately describe such a scene, and no mver but that of Omnipotence pro lice it. ; Hlrh Men' AVlves. I was speaking a few days ago to the rife of one of our rich nu n. of her social utics, anil she said with a sigh that she pondered that she was not completely khausted. " We go to our country place in Ixmg Island," slie said, "in the middle if May, and for a month hei'otv tiiat lime look forward to our departure exactly A my boys look forward to vacation Wison. Look at my card receiver; there ire 1011 cards, at least, and every one o! Jiose calls I must return within a week, j .'"Sometimes 1 start out in my carriage it I o'clock and come back at (i, having nade 1 do not know how many alleged Mils, and I am pciT.vtiy oluuv,"'l. The lalls are absurdities. It is simply -How lo you do?' 'What miserable weather !' i. brief chat for perhaps three or four notuents. and then lenvctaking, with he experience repeated at the next )lace, and so on throughout the altd loon. " "I feel sorry for my hns'nnd. win ;omes home lif-dfroiu liusincv.. and w he lesires to see his family in good siirits. xvuuse I uin t tired to entertain him is he should b CiU.ri. lined. Then there 8 the trouble with the children. My )!dest daughter. hen :.he cau.e cut if Hoarding selio..i ai.d mad" her debut, as ;l.oy will it, conceived a iio'ii n che iva.s thereafter i be the lieu! of the .louse; but fconld not permit that., and I I made up my mind that my j Hunger jhildren should get no such silly notions into their heads. "So 1 have trained them to remain rouiig. and I tell you it is no easy task to do tint! with the examples w hich they see about thorn with their mates. 1 do not see, however, any relief from this, unless we stay in tie- country all th" year irouud. and that would be di-mal. More over, t'.in ing my a"i:iia.n. lin es are many very cli 'inning women w ho fed, a-i I do. the nrtiiiciaiily : i : . ! perl'iinetoiincsMif the ;ocial customs ot tins city, "The wifeoi a waltliy man who trie lo maintain on his le!r,4 any sort of Hisitiou in .ociety here has a hard time ;f it, I a-atre you. !::: I wonder that so many st..nd the strain and keep their good liKik.-t i.s t'.iev do. it would he im possible r.o( to break down if w e had to undertake any of the cares of housekeep ing in addition, and it is my theory that the lir't essential for getting through a social season w ith success is the presence of a competent housekeeper w ho will re lieve the wile of every bit of rcspoiisibil. ity. X. V. Correspondent 1'hikulelphiii Press. The Hum llnlilt Overcome. "I read something tit" other day," said a jovial fellow, who is clawed among the "good fellows." "about breaking otf the drinking habit. I have been a drinkiiu man for a number of y. ars, drinking a IllUch for the good lellow-'iii) of the tbiug as for anything c!-e. And thi kind of drinking, 1 want ml to under stand, is the woist way lo drink. M wilV is tie- most sensible woman in tin world. She never tried to get me togivi up the rum habit, hut what sh" d:d wn to me was this: .Vow, Frank, you arc very likely to injure your health if you keen up titis drinking habit. Why don't you limit yourself to so many drinks a day ? Of course if you were to break oil entirely you would feel disgusted with yourself when yon really wanted t drink. Hut allow yourself so many n day, to go on and use tho.-.e up as you so" lit.' Of course my wife is abvays right in everything site advises, so 1 tried if, I allowed myself six drinks a day. Now here's the funny part of it, I was mi afraid I would exhaust my six and then lind that I wanted one that I hoarded them up until late in the day. The re sult was that I frequently came home with some of my drinks to my credit. 'Jen,' I said to my wife, 'your scheme works beautifully; only 1 lind that my limit is too high. I seldom reach it now.' 'Well,' she said, 'try live then.' 'No,' I answered, 'I'll try four.' I tried four and generally bad something com ing to me, so I cut it down to two. Sometimes I do not take a drink at all. Meanwhile my wife smiles and tells mo. that I am a sensible man, and I begin to believe that I am." New York Tribune. An immense 200 ton piece of granite, which will dress to a pillar 0 feet in diameter by 45 feet long, litis recently beeu quarried near Petersburg, Va. A foreign watchmaker has patented a device by which an hotir or I vo before a clock runs down the word " wind" will appear at an opening in the dial. ADVERTISEM ENTS. LIPPMAN BROS., Proprietors, Drugnlsts, Llppman't Block, SAVANNAH. GA. Tor Sale by W. M. COHEN. apr ; ly 50 Ladies L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE t it's for (M'lit Ifiucu, I,iiilii'.rtr..artMvar- huupii, nnii so HTrtmpni on i.ttMhi, AUiirovs VV'.li. DM ;i.A, Itrocklnu. Milhb. Mby W. 13. TILLERY, Weldon, N. jan 1 Gin. M ONLY TO LOAN. tin improve!! i... m hinds in sums of $.100 and upwards. : mis repayable in small annual instalim i ' ihroiicji a, perio I of 5 years, thus ciiiiLiii )' the biirnnver to pay of his indebtedness without exhausting bis cropinanv vcar. Applv to l'.l'RTON & I 'KAY I.s, Atlornevs, I lini. llalilax, N. ('. This - Space - be longs to the w. Weldoa- - Racket STORE., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ATLANTIC COAST LI W. &W. R. R. $ BRANCHES. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS UOISO SOUTH. No. i t, Daily No. 17, mail Daily. Nn 41, duily ex Sun Dated Jan. tilth IS91. Leave Wei don I U :i pm 16 4:) r M Ar Keeky Mount.... 1 140 " irTiirtiro...".."7... i !I7"" I I fijiam I 7 it." Leave Tnrla)ro,... luAM) . . . , Arrive Vllhon. . I 8 IS p m I 7 00 .... 7,"3 Uave Wilson t .10 " VrriveSelma s:m " Arrive Kayetteville, &:k " U-avetin dtihori I 3 It "17 40 " S40 Leave Warsaw 4 M " 1 1 a-i Leave Magnnliu .... I 4 'U " 8 40 " (I () vrrive Wilmington 5:i0 "ilij5 " 11120 TRAINS IJOINU NORTH No 14, daily. No 78 duily No 40 daily ei Sunday Leave Wilmlnittou Leave MiiKtiolia Leave Warwiw A rri ve ' iolilshoro . . Leave Kayetteville Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson Leave Wilson 4 no p m 5 :ir. " B f:i " M " IUfi( " 11 11 " I 'J (I.) " '.mi" i 11 IS" l 8 i " lJjS(lM7l" " 1 fci " I 8 18 " W17 " 10 tlAlIM I J Vijini 1 1130 " I 8 'U Arrive Rocky Mount rrive I uruoro Left ve. Tarhoro I Arrive Weldon .: ' '" Dnily except Suadtiy. Tralinm Scotland Neck Branch Rna1 leaves Wcl'loii at .1 to I'. In. Halifax :i i. arrive Scotland Neck at 4 is p. iii.iireenville fn 2p. in Kinstuii 7 to p. ni. RcturniiiK leaves Kinstnn 7 00, a. in. Oreenville S 10a in. Arriving at Halifax 10 1ft, a. in.. Weldnii lloTiii in daily except Sunday. Traill leave" i arliuro N. (.'., via Allieunirle and Ualciuh K. K. Daily except Suudiiy 4 oft p, ni , u undiiy ! 00 p. in , arrive Williainstun N. :. it ;i(i p in.. 4 2'ip. in. riyiueiitli 7 .'op. in , 2o p. in. Ketiirniui! leaves I'lvineiith daily except Sunday r 2 a. in .Sunday Olii a. in. Witlianisieii, N. .:., 7 40 a. in. y js a. ui. arrive Tartiuro loOja. in, It imi. ni. Train on Midland N. ('. liraneh leaves tiolds txir N C , duily evcept Sunday 7 do a. m , arrive Smitlitield, N ('., :to a. in. Reluniint; leaves Sioithlield, N. i;., MO'la. m., arrive Goidsboro, N V., lntMip.m. Train on Nashville ISranch leaves Rneky Mciiinl nt a 00 p. in., arrives at Nanhvilte :i lo ti. in., Sprnm Hope 1 1 r. p. in. Ivctui iiiiik leaves sprin: lliipe 10 00 a. in., Nashville 10 a. in., arKocky Mount II lfia, in. daily except Sunday. 'train on rliutnii HrMUch IcaveH Warsaw lor Clinton, daily except Sunday at lint) p. in. and 11 l.ia.ui Ki-t 1 1 rit iiiur leave Clinton iitKJH a ni and ;ilo p. in., cuiinoclinu at Warsaw with Nos. 10.41, 2:laud 7S. Soutliliound train on W ilson and Kayetteville Branch is No. M . Norttihouiul is f)0. Daily ex- Tram No. h s .otli will only stop at Wilson I H II (Ml, II' 'II 111 I .l 11 IM Ml 'I. Train No. 7S nniucs close connection at Weldon . furall points North daily. All rail via Richmond ; and daily except Sunday via Hay Line. j Truius nitikesclose connection fur all points ortnvia Kicniiiomi ami nastuuitton. i All trains run s 'lid between Wilmington and j Washington and have I'ulliiian l'alaee Sleepers j attached. i J. R.KKSI.V. J. K. DIVINE. Sap't Trans ileneral Sup't. 1 T. M. KMKKsON. Ceu'l KnssenL'cr AReiit. ATI. ANTIC COAST LIMi. l'ETERSni'RG d- WELDON R. R. t'oiideiised li'liedule. TRAINS (itilNli SOUTH. No. 'Ji! Duily. No. 27 Daily. Dated May :iid, Is'.tl. Leave Petersbui.', Leave Stony t'reek, Leave Jarratts, Leave Ih'lliehl, Arrive Weldon, III. Ill am 10 511 am 11.11 am II.. 'in am IJ.lOpm :i. 15 p m 4.1H p in 4 '111 p in 5.211 p in TRAINS (iOlXG NORTH. Nn. 14 Dailv. No. 78 Daily. Leave Weldon, Lc Iielliehl, Le Jarratts, Le Stony Crook, Arrive Pctersburi;, K. 10 a m. 5.4') a.m. (i.Oi) a.m. II 111 a.m. (!.,"! a.m. 31.") p m. 3..V2 p.m. 1 4 :i:i p. 111. o.Vi p. m All trains run solid Wehlon to Washing ton. K. T. D. MYERS, T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Superintendent. Gpn.l'assonjreraHt TO THE PATRONS ALHKMAULE STEAM N YIC YTION CO rllirt TIMF Hitween NORFOLK mid On and after Monday. December 17th, and until further notice, the Steamei CHOWAN, Captain Withy, will I,KA'K FRANKLIN nn Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays for I'. UFA" TON, PLY MOUTH ami Ail i 'tcrincdiate points on 'mail train from Portsmouth, say airhal of 10-15 A. M. I KF.Tl'RNING. 1'he "Cho.van" will roiich Franklin on Tuesdays, Thursdays j and Salurdays at H15 A. M., in time to, oonniet with Fast Mail train from Raleigh ; to Poitsinoutu and with F.xpross train for the Smith. Passi'iicers, by this arrangement, takiiiK the Steamer Chowan at any point on the river, will REACH NORFOLK by 11 A. M., and thus have the entire day for the trans action of business in that city. GIYK THIS ItOUTK A TIM AL. Respectfully, J. H. BOG&RT Franklin. Va., Dec. 15, im. Kupt'; ADVERTISEMENTS. -STOl' AT- CLEAN ROOMS. SI'LKNDID TABLE. POLITE SERVANT?. Fare always the best the markets canaf- ford. SERVICE NEAT AND PROMPT. JOT NEAR THE COURT HOUSE.-! riiiKH'ijie. taken from and i i to the railroad statior. NICE ACC( IMMODATIONS" i IFOIEvl -:- T A T)T H IP! ICATI2S .1L.()A DAY, Special arrangements for Iwvnd by tbe week or month. CLARK & REID, Proprietors. ; mar 20 tf. THE NEW YORK WORLD Never crows. Fur what it has done it asks no favor and and uo consideration. That is un:icnt history to be forgotten It looks only to the futureto the work to be done. Our hopes and fours, our leys and sorrows tire below us not one behind. In TllinVOPJiD S woik for 1 S'J 1 every Anioiieau citizen is vitally interes ted, and not one no matter what hi polities may lie can iill'onl to be without r I Us weekly edition, which has not an i e'ltial on earth as a newspaper. Nine i men out of ten know this to be true I Every tenth man should send to day for I a specimen copy, that the knowledge, may 1 be universal. Subscribe at once. Three months costs only 2."i tents, and bv every week's delay Dl''s tiomet'l'n- wort'1 more than the stu'sciijiiiiin puce 101 iu year wiueu 1: only one dollar. Address THE WOULD, New York. L KJUORS AND GROCERIES I liavB a eontplo stock of Family dro ceries of all kinds which I will sell cheap fur Cash. I have also on hand and am constau ; y reccivin i a large variety ol , XIQTJOBS. Such as whisky, brandy, wine, beer, ale, porter, carbonated waters, &c. Son Call and see me on Washington Ave nue at the teg-old stand of 11. W. rvniiel. W. D. SMITH, oct IS ly NEW ADVTISEMENTS. wMM t MIIiMIjI! 0 A K W UUU ' S E Hi ACT, MACE'S TRIPLE, VIOLET WATER,. WOODWORTIl's FLORIDA WA TER, AND SACHET POWDER. ACCUIJACY! Q 'A O -r S "73 a a o !U O tn 3 H ta;.; tir.iiid 1'iepaieil Taints. Pure Il'hiie Lead & Linseed oil. I'll sell paints at a very small margin. . 5Al " A pamphlet of informntloa and ' , vjV.Miiik!, t'oiivrichtg, nt frtt.4lJJk t,!r-.. ".i ' 'i""ji LIQUOR 0. SMITH. SEE HIS LIQUORS, SEE JUS CIGARS, EYEHY DKIXKIN SEASON. larC. Smith, Brick Building, on North Corner of Railroad Shed, Weldon, N. C. oct Hi y. E. Myers &Co.- RECTIFIERS d W HOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. FINE WHISKIES A SPECIALTY. lVtorsliur", Yi H. T. POPE, EEAtn !i; GROCERIES, LIQUORS, Cr GARS, ETC. Sole Agents lor the i'ol- Iovviiir l.ramK of whit-kio, which ' are Especially liecotisniended Cor Medical 1 se: PETERSBURG CI.FB i '--e .ii'T.-i. W J 'S JkA -MONUMENTAL CLUB dec 4 tini. -Mew Litiii of VS1JI 0 N ER Y: V Just tec 150 Linen writing: TableSiich I'll sell - v pi b Ui A La 1 fit; Stock of LANDIIETII'S GARDEN SEED. mil k 111 MANUFACTURERS OF ILL KINDS OF PETERSBURG VA. Mi l II ALL INQUIRIES AND ORDERS WILL RECEIVE IS ATTENTION. '.'IMF &e&triiw woodwork ati aci-in IBSBBiM 'L;,,-r,0f. 28 UNION SQUARE.NY. MNr,,a. st.louis mq. nrnag.L'i-ieyg dai.las.tex. P. N. STAIN BACK & 13110. Weldon, N. C. 0 MY STOCK OF 0 may ly. lew V Ilium; Siiriiii' And l)Ilf Iiliisery. Is Hrriviiip, ami I will itisplny the finest lino pnoiis ever sliown in this town. Come and tln'i NEW STYLE? COME AND SELECT THE NK EST NOVELTIES. MRS. I A. LEWIS, oct 4 ly Weldon, N. a