THE ROANOKE' NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1891. THE ROANOKE NEWS. II V HALL & SLEDGE. BLisiri'ibvEKYVnuiisl)AY. iutkh ok snwciurrroN in advance, ne Year (by Mail), Postage l'aid $l.fiO. Months ". A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to ;ho material, eduentionnl, political and iricultnral interests of Halifax and sur ounding counties. J Advertising rates reasonable and urnislicd on application. THURSDAY MAY 28, 1891. DtEH. We regret to learn of the Icath of Mrs. K. Vinson, mother of L. Vinson, Esq., which occurred at her borne near Ringwood, on Saturday, the 23rd iost., in the 77th yeat of her age. Alliance Organized. Mr. V. M. Martin, county steward, last week or anized an Alliance at Carter's School house, ooar Littleton. lie informed us ihat the prospects were very flattering for a flourishing Alliance. Died. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Musgrove died in this place on the 21st inst., after a short illness, of sholera infantum. A little flowery gem Hroke from the parent stem Transplanted to the skies It blooms in Paradise. University Commencement. The commencement exercises of tho Univer sity will take place on June 3rd and 4th. Col. John M. Galloway will deliver the aniual address before the Alumni Asso ciation. The graduating class has twenty-two members. We return thanks to Mr. Eugene JohnstuD, of Littleton, for an invitation. Reader when you come to this don't .ink you have struck a fpiack medicine, is Panacea Water. It is nature's medy. The proper ingredients are all ' it and properly mixed, so drink and : cured of Pyspepsia, of Chronic Diar tea and of .iver and Kidney troubles. 1 k your druggist or send an order to 1 J Panacea Springs Si Hotel Co , Oxford, N. C. fER vou a Fire Department. pntlemen from Providence, Rhode 1 , , who were hpre on business last ! offered to put up a reservoir of j 3 gallons anil put in a pump at a ut exceeding 8:!,.jHl) and Mr. S. P. ; iington fur the lloanoke Navigation and Hater Power Company offered to supply the power for working the pump free. The town would have to put in tho pipes in addition to the cost of the pump and reset voir. It Would he a Con vksieni Ciianue. An effort will be made, we hear, to iuduce the Coast Line authoti ties to change the schedule of the freight train on the Scotland Neck branch so that it will nrrivo at Kinston in time to connect with the mail train on the A. tv. N. C. road for New Rern and Morehead City. In order to do so the freight train would have to leave here at 7 o'clock in stead of 10:30 in the morning. Such an arragement wouid be of great advan tage to people living on the branch line Sheriff Settled. Sheriff A!s brook and Messrs. Blown, Clark and Attorney Daniel on behalf of the Board f Commissioners, met at Halifax Tues toy and made a settlement between the sheriff and county. Everything relative to the collection of taxes was in a satis factory condition. The county has now 'or general purposes until the nest levy (bout 82,700, besides one third of the liquor licenses and one half of the pur chase taxes which are due July 1st. It will fHoiiif close economy to iu iko b.lli Dods meet, but it will be doue. An Old Book. Maj. Wilson yester day showed us a very rare publication, bonk printed at Halifax in 17!)!.). It was a volume of cavalry tactics, and uito lare, too, prepared by Geti. Davie, who was then Governor of tho State The outs illustrating tho iniumivres are jxcelleut. And the whole hook was well gotten up for the time. We were theu apprehensive of a Wiir with France; and Washington had been u tiled from his re :ireinent to tho head of the army. Before ;he year wis out, "tho old General had paid the debt of nature. Xnw mid Oh server. There is daner in impure blond. There is safety in taking Hood's Sarsa parilla, the great blood purilier. 100 d- sea one dollar. Arm Br i K E N . Y est erd ay morning little Agnes, the six-year-old daughter of the Hcv. P. N. Stainbuck, had the mis fortune to break her arm just below the elbow. She was plajing in a new kitch en,whieh was being built, and fell through a hole in the floor which bad been left for tho chimney. Dr. Green set the broken limb and the little sufferer is do ing'well, we are glad to say. A Weldon Boy Married. Mr. S. L Trueblood, express messenger on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad, was married to Miss Mary McCabe, in Tarboro, at 11 o'clock a. tn., on Wednes day the 20th, inst., at the residence of Mr. B. F. Moore, Rev. G. P. Hebbard, rector of the Episcopal church, officia ting. The bride is an accomplished and popular young lady of Tarboro. Mr. Trueblood is a native of Weldon, and is highly respected by his many friends. The couple nrrived in this city yesterday, and nro stopping at Mrs. C. II. Ward's, on the corner of Third and Mulberry streets, where they will remain for a few days, when they will depart for Bennetts ville, their future home. Wilmington Mcuv.nger. Town Commissioners. The Board met Tuesday night It was ordered that the regular meet ings be held on, the first Tuesday night in each month. The official bond of tho treasurer was fixed at $1,000. J. F. Hancock, W1 W. Spears and J. B. Motley were put in nomination for chief of police and tax collector. The ballot resulted in the election of J. F. Hancock. Win. Roberts was elected assistant chief and and lamp lighter. The clerk was instructed to notify the officers elect of their election and that they must tender their official bonds at the June meeting, which will be held on the 2d of the month. An Old Ticket. Mr. B. F. Gary gave us a few days ago an extra edition of the Roanoke Republican published at Halifax in 1852. It contained tho re turns of the election held in this county for Governor, members of the Legisla ture, and sbetiff. Tho polling precincts in the county at that time were Halifax, Gary's, Webb's, Perkins', Brinkley's, Ringwood, Enfield, Heathville, Crowells, Roseneath, Greenwood, Littleton. The candidates Cot Governor were John Kerr and David S Reid; for the Senate A. Joy tier and tv Wliitaker; for commons R. H. Smith, J. D. Perkins, and L. W. Batehelor, W. II. Tillery; for sheriff W. E. Line and J. S. Snow. The vote in the tounty was: Kerr, 551, .VI 1; Joyner 214, H'hitaker 1!)!); Smith ;!)2, Perkins 010, Batehelor 522, Tillery 400; Lane 000, Suow 517 The Whigs carried the county. Accord ing to theses figures the vote of the coun ty did not reach 1.200. Northampton went Democratic, Reid beating Kerr. Persons was elected to the Senate over Peebles, and Bynum and Lnckhart were elected to the House of Commons over Barnes and Jacobs. Untitled to the llent. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every family should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale iu 50c. and 61.00 botties by all leading druggists. Look for an Invitation. Keep your eye on the newspaper, and sec which of the merchante waut your custom and are sufficiently courteous to invite you to call. There is much more in advertis ing than you may think. It is not only to tell of his goods that a man advertises, but is to invite the people who read the thinking, tho intelligent to pay him a visit, and judge for themselves us to the quality and price of what he offers for sale. People read the advertisement. Don't make any mistake about that. They are just as much interested in knowing whero t.t buy to an advantage as the advertiser is in selling his goods. A famous showman has succeeded iu training geese to perform. The Hoosac Tunnel is the longest railroad tunnel in United Slates. HOW THIS. We offer One Huudred Dollars Re ward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY Si CO, Props, Toledo, Ohio. W'e, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, anil be lieve him perf'e 'tly honorable in all busi ness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations do by their firm West and Truax.wholesalo druggists, To . Icilo, Ohio Walding. Kinnau Si Marvin, wholesale druugisis, Tolod.i, Ohio Hall's Van h Cure is t iken internally acting ilirnly upon the blood aud mu cous surface of the .system. Sold by druggi.-ts, price 75c. 4 2;; lm. POPULAR PEOPLE. " SOME OF THE FOLKS VOU KXOWAXD THEIR DOIXGS. Dr. and Mrs. W. 11. Wood, who have been visiting friends in Scotland Neck, returned to Raleigh Monday. Mr. Jacob Pope, of Tillery, was in town a few days prospecting, with a view of making this place his home in tho fall. Mr. and Mrs. A. L Pope, of Spring Hill, went up to Warrenton a tew days ago for an extended visit to Mrs. Pope's parents. Mr. W. A. Blankenship, formerly a resident of this place, but now of Char lotte, is in town visiting relatives and friends. Dr. L. J. Picot, of Littleton, responded to the address of welcome in behalf of tho State .ucdieal Soi iety at Asheville on Tuesday. Drs. McDowell, Christian and Pope, of Scotland Neck, are in attendance upon the State Medical Society which is in session at Asheville this week. The W. & W. road is included in Cape Fear Division No. 271 of the order of Railway Conductors. Among its officers are D. L. Fillyaw, assistant Chief Conductor, and J. M. Home, Junior Conductor. At a musical entertainment at Rocky Mount last week a handsome silver cup was offered to the most popular young lady. Everyone could vote by paying ten cents. Miss Mary Tierce, of this place, who was visiting there at the time, was awarded the prize, having received 20(3 votes, fifty five more than her strongest competitor. An Engine Toppled Over. Sat urday night between ten and eleven o'clock a locomotive of the Petersburg road ran off the track on the bridge across the canal, crushed the bridge in and toppled over on its side into the canal. The accident will cost the Petersburg road several hundred dollars. The facts, as near us we could gather them, are these: The freight train for Richmond was made up by the yard master, Mr. W. T. Shaw, who gave it orders to leave and then began making up a freight train to be sent South. A train had a short time before gone north on the straight track the switches being set for that pur pose. This train, of which Jimtnie O' Brien was engineer, went out on a side track the switch connecting which with the main line was wrong. Engineer O'Brien was going slowly and saw the switch was wrong. He put the brakes on the engine, shut off steam and sig naled the trainmen to put brakes on the ears. The train was moving down grade and the momentum carried the -engine beyond the switch. It struck the bridge between tracks where it too weak to bear the weight and crush jd it in, falling over ou its side and doing considerable damage. The fireman jumped from the engine when he saw trouble ahead, but engineer O'Brien remained at his post during the whole time and coolly stepped from the cab after the c fastrophc, al though one side of it was nearly flat on the ground. He showed true courage and devotion to duty which ought to raise him high in the estimation of the officials of the road aud the public gener ally. Fortunately no one was hurt. The accident happened on the yard of the Seaboard road and the local officials of tho Petersburg road claim that the Sea board uien are responsible for the acci dent, as it was their duty to see that the switches were properly set The work of raising the locomotive was immediately begun under the supervision of Mr. Morton Riddle, Jr., who has recently been made road master of the Peters burg road, and was finished Monday morning, This is the fifth accident to occur to the Petersburg road within as many weeks, we learn. CON'S UM lT I OS C U K K I. An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive mid radical cure for Nervous De bility and all Nervous Coinplaiuts, alter having tested its wonderful curative pow ers in thousand of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, Freiiefi i r English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stfinp. P'i'i Her this paper W. A. Xoyes, b2il Pnwcis' Block, ll 'eloster, N. Y. it 1 1- :io ly. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. Magistrates to Meet. The Coun ty Board of Magistrates will met in an nual scssim next Monday to levy taxes for the n-niing ; e r aud also to ileet a county Board of Education. The magistrates appointed by the late legislature do not their terms of of office until August. Littleton Hum School Com mencement. The Littleton High School Commencement exercises will take place tomorrow at 8 o'clock P. M. They will be of a mottt interesting nature and those who attend will he highly enter tained. Prof. Bagley u a thoiough in structor ami has by his energy and abili ty built, up a most excellent school. The Roanoke News acknowledges an invi tation to be present. Tho marshals lire: D. W. Nowsom, chief; W. W. White, G. A. Northington, W, A. Mosclcy, E. B. Putdy. N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Goixrnmeut Food Report. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TRDI MAIM. auiitjruitui limp. P. N. STAINBACK & BRO., GENERAL MERCHANTS, have exclusive sale of these celebrated glasses iu Weldon, N. C FAULKNER, KELLANI I MOORE, The only manufacturing Opticians in the South, Atlanta, Ga. JfesyPeddlcrs are not supplied with these famous glasses. -?NOTICEs- The Justices or tho Peace for Halifax county, will meet at the Court House ut 12 o'clock M. on Monday June 1st. F. M. Parker, Chairman, may 21 2in. NOTICE. fly virtue of power conferred upon meliy an order issuing from the Superior Court of Halifax county in a cause therein pending entitled A. C. Zollicoll'er vs. Todd John son et. al., I shall on Monday, the first day of June 18!lt, sell at puhlic auction to the highest bidder upon the terms, one third cash, balance on a credit of six months with interest at eight per cent secured, in front of Zollicotl'er's drugstore in the town of Weldon, N. C, tho following described real estate to-wit: due certain tract or parcel of land in Halifax county N. C, near the town of Weldon, X. C, adjoining the land formerly belonging to Mrs. A. C. ZollieolVer, the county road leading from Gaston to Halifax and Choekayotte Creek containing lil'teen (l.'i) acres more or less. TKKMS: One-third cash, balance on a credit of six months, secured with 8 per cent, interest. A. It. ZOLLICOFFEK, Commissioner. 4-2:i tds. A LD STAND. NEWGOODU, J. T. EVANS I CO, at O. W. Pierce's former shoe store. PBICES open to everybody. We keep iu Stock the following goods: LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENTS' Furnishing Goods, Notions and Shoes. We also keep a full line of FANCY GROCEIUKS and lONFECTION EBIES. Fiue grade of FLOUR A SPECIAL TY. Squaie dealing, legitimate profits and acomplote stock, our m . tto. MR. EUCENE HODCES, of Northampton county, is with us and O will be pleased to see his many Irieuds. 2-2G-ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MCKWITIVS A NTUOYS PEPTIC PILLS. As a lumily medicine these pills are un rivalled. As an Anti-Dyspeptic Pill they have stood the test of 75 years, and maintained their repirtatiou. THEY REG ULA IE the U O WELS and LIVER. They will relieve Colic, Sick Head ache, Acid Stomach, and all the evils at tendant upon indigestion. They are the cheapest and best remedy offered for Dysju-psia in all its forms. For sale by H'. M. COHEN, Weldon, N. C. K. P. Beckwitii &, Co., Wholesale agents, Petersburg, Va. my281y. NOTICE OF- coff 0J4 jioL TO A I.L WHOM IT MA V COXCEHX : NOTICE is hereby Riven that articles of agreement have been filed and recorded in the offices of the clerk of the Superior Court for Halifax County, North Carolina, by W. Edwin Teregoy, William M. l!ur gan and J. Wtllcox Jenkins, for the forma tion of a corporation under the name of "The Peregoy Lumber Company," and that letters have been issued by the clerk of said court, declaring said persons, their associates and successors, to be a corpora tion for the purposes and according to the terms prescribed in said articles. The substance of said articles is, that the persons above named formed a joint-stock aompany under the name of "The Peregoy Lumber Company" for the purpose of get ting, buying, selling, milling, transport ing and manufacturing timber, and of con ducting and carrying on the lumber busi ness in all its details, branches aud de partments, within the State of North Caro lina; and to that end to acquire and hold real estate and other property, aud to sell, grant, improve, manage, develop, lease, mortgage or otherwise deal therewith, and own and operate saw mills, planing mills, and all kinds of wood working machinery and appliances, and construct, own and operate roads of any kind for the purpose of transporting its products. The capital stock is thirty thousand dollars, but may be increased to two hun dred and fifty thousand, in shares of one hundred dollars each. Given under my hand as Clerk of the Superior Court for Halifax County, North Carolina, on this the 14th day of May A. D. 1H91. JOHN T. GKKGOHV, "i2l-7t. Clerk Suporior Court. 3 tl nov 15. B o ! m hi w M 1 , 1 H w to 8 m t 1 fn m c . 1 g ' 1 1 k ts 1 H 1 EX FOUR MILESSOU Will. HE OPENED 1ST NEW FURNITURE, k arranged for the convenience fort of guests. The Panacea Sprii have a wider rango in their curati properties than any other known waters. COME ii cm When you arrive at Littleton some of the good people will tell you that the Springs around town are just as good as Panacea. Well, they are good but when you drink mix in some Panacea, and bear in mind all the time the mora PANACEA you put the better it makes it. Come Directly TO Littleton v Hotel WHERE A LIYBRY CAN READILY BE HAD To take you Out. TERMS: For less than one day 82 rates. 1 day $1.50; week $10.00; month $30.00 B. B. PULLER. Prop. Panacea Springs Hotel, Panacea, N. C, and Littleton Hotel, at Little ton, N. C. 4-30-3m. andWnlsksrHaMtt cured at lioiu with, out palu. look of pr. ticularatent VREB, H.M.WOOI.I.KY.M 11 Atlanta, Ua. uiflce My, Whitehall at t 1 DEALER IN ircbiisE, ALSTON'S GIN. WARRNNTON ROAD. Alway on hand: BOOTS, SHOKS, HATS, CAPS. DRY GOODS NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, GUNS, PISTOLS. -:GEOCERIES,:- WILL P.UY CORN, COTTON, COTTON SEED, CHICKENS, EGGS. And all COUNTRY PRODUCE- " a BTTlie very Itmvst prices and best I prii-ts ut MAGTJIRE'S (Oipiur.! if nimi r At m 1 1 1 illilUUill Genera jan 1 Cm. ,(

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