f THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1891. ADVEHTISK.MMNTS. Ni;V AD VEUTLSKM KNTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. STul' AT NEW ADVERTISEMKNT-s. HE NEXT NEW THING. AKING PHOTO'RAPHS IN BRILLIANT COLORS. Will Be Don Ilefore Long The Only Trouble Remaining U in FU he Tinti-Advantage to He Gained -oltrixed Light. "There Is not the least douht in my ind that tin' problem of photographing colors will be solvcil before ior.s;," saiil eminent export, Mr. Smillie, of the aithsonian Institution at: Washington. '4 anticipate that within the iii-xl 10 .rs this Ion;; sought object will ho at ined. At present the most distinguished :pcriinonters in photography all over ie world are engaged upon the subject, id already they have arrived at, par ally successful results. There is one lenehman who claims that he has itually discovered a suece-slul process, lOliKii others dispute his ass( rtinn. "Von must understand that plmto ftphins in colors is, in one sense, no ?w tliiiiK. As early as the days of the iftueiTeotvpe it was sometimes aeeom islied by accident. That is to say, once I a w hile the sun pielure would be found have reproduced a color in soma lysterimis way that no one knew how i explain. It has since been surmised iat the curious result was due to a. are of copper that not into the sensitive trface. At all events, copper has been d in elforls utet 'ol.irsr.iut-e. nd with )me decree of success. However, it lias Jen found much better for the purpose Use chloride of silver, which is made, f exposure to li..;ht for a certain time, msitive to color waves. But the trouble aj been with experiments in this line rat tho colors would no!' remain. They in be pro. '.need usually now, but how ) fix tin-In is Ihe dillieulty, so that they fill stay. Nevcilhele: s, before very lonj; 16 secret, will be such no longer, I e. ect. and portraits and other pictures will e painted in color by Urn cam t;i. "A i:reat improvement has recently een introduced in (he shape of 'isochr -lutio plates, made witii a new chemical omposition, which, though they do not (produce the colors actually, do (rive, in way that (hey have never hitherto een Kiveti, tile 'values' of (he colors of hjects. To explain what 1 mean, look t those '.v.ii photographs of a,i a full f flowers. The vase was in light yellow nd tho l.:MiUet wa made up of yellow mquils, ble." Ii;veinths, anl whit" arcissus. ('!" of (he photographs is roni an ordinary pinto, and you will ob Blte that all the color values ure lot. '1$ narcissus comes out white, I.ee.iiNc t If white: hut ihe yellow wis- i:i made ilajck.forth'M--a - ii ! hat ,V"l'.ou ia'i-s that ray; the jonquils are m-ar'v hi i ), al-o. Jld the hyacinths lun'.i anything but ilu. Now. on hip other ihnti Hitie vas" and iia,tic' plate. h6n:h i.o euio ir$ so w ell jrivi a l. lyncintiis really OWlUiLs and the hfl original. Tin , ; Uljttin is in it -elf n grmt step ahead. Color phutoe.i'nphy would be a e;re:'.t lelp to us in onv work of making phtu nicro-;i'.:oi'is of s"et!.'C-i !' lo.-ks. In tl.e oi vailed 'iitholoeii :.l division' of Hi" Ciliional Museum we try to e ! i ' ' t the arious rocks of the world iu f.air ways. rV show, tii'st, a block of a particular dad of stoi.e. Ne::t, wcjiive in li-uri. he supnm -t ins; sirenlh of th it stone, i'llird, we oP.'er a picture in water colors, llDwin how a huil.liu;.' made of th.it tijne will look. And lonely we Inn.; lei M the v, indow, where the i!;l, shims brunch it, a greatly ina;:tiii; t Mvti-m )f; the titoiieasii isse,-u u.i.'er a micro Utpe by polai i-:ed li.'ht. l"or this illrpono a suiiill piece of p.. 1: i-i ;-ronud II Until ii is the tl'.imi'M po-siiec Anapa rent ti'-'u, A ray of light is pa.s.vd JilMueh a prisii, of Iceland spar, which 4s the ) uliar property of m scparuS the li.nlit waves as to 'polari.e' the 'I'd, as the technical phrase is. I're- othcr hand, look at i ph. which is of th" .." from an 'UocIim see ihii! j,i the :i!f,.r. ' sliadin t!,a: th .: bin- and th liijil yellow, as in ;i can not help ad- tin meamii'' this it wotiM ta o Ion-; i i xp! liu iu detail, but it is suf 1 lent to say that it lui-s a certain clTirt 4 ref'actiou widi h aecoinpliihesthe pur jl se I wish to ('.".scribe. "The ray of litrl it. having pme (hroutrh io prism of b elaud spar, passes on the f'ihn of which is ii nintcil on a (.'.lass plute, and In yuiid Jirouf;h a microscope, the other end of jthieh is lilted into a camera. Thus a jfery much nianihed iuia-e of the nxk feet ion is thrown upon the sensitive plate inside the camera and a hi picture Jf it is made. The picture is mtiely in Ijlaek and white, hut tl.e i in a. ire produced n the ground irlass at-the back of the ijninera is in all sorts of beautiful colors, ijneh elciu-nt of whit h the stone is com osed Ih-i'ii made by ihe reft actin-effect Jf the pukui, .1 hhiil, U Uke on it lint of Jsown. ho that t'uo least pretty bit of jlidiiiary cobblestone is a patchwork of (ovely hues, As it is we are obliged to hit the photographs with water colors, I'opied after the inlaw on the ground );lass; but, if wo had a wuy to phot.i f laiih coloix. the exouisiMv tinteil piet ii re of the stones could be obtaiued directly, "If yon care to look at the windows in Ihe south wini; of tho museum, which light the litholoj;ical exhibition, you will Bee a uiiiiiImt of theso colored photomi crographs just as they would appear to your eye if you looked at the ori-inals through a microscope. They are put up on the windows in order that the li-ht may shine through them and show their transparency, exactly as would be the case if you were employing a microscope !ur the examination of the Keeions." ''hIv-AW Was ikf W 1 mtm mmt hi W. & W. R. R. g BRANCHES. Dated .l:m. lt'ttl IK'.ll Condciist'it Srlicduie, TUAINS (iKIXU son'ii No. 21, Daily No.JT, I Xo .It, fiet iDHil lntty Didly. ex. Sun l.e:ive WeMon 12-1 I'M I 4 4sf M Ar Hoc l,y M. unit . . . . 1 III " r 1'Mrl ..ii- S 17" LcMveiurboro, .lil!l"AC . . . Arrive Wilson. . I JIM r m I 7 00 02'iiuii lit K.WtI4.5aW"t3M VrrivcSelinit.. . Ccki "I 2affoS?arra Arrive. (Ovm-viUe. ."i:i I.V.V.' raM t-Vli m M 3 Sonthern -:- lotc I 7 ;.;t .fionie 'harnrtri-Utlei of IVriv Orlrnna. i A visitor iu New Orleans says that fliere are three feature of the life in the preole City t' ,t are sure to impress the. stranger forcibly. They are the cein (leries, which am veritable flower gar iensj the kniinga of tho French resi m'liU, which is spoken everywhere and ("VS the pure Parisian necnt, and the j v that the uegnx on the lower river j Vmx the old tuneful Bongs that were J in slavery days. vMtI rf3 vw$mm to I.eiiVcHuMsbnrn 3 15 l.'"ive Wnrssiw I I 10 " I.isivi' MiiRiinliii .... 4 'J I " ll rrive Wihiiiiiulnii s ,,a ' u ri5 I S .fl " . I'.CH '.! Ill " 11 -w 'i'KAINS lailNij XOKTII CT.E.VX IIOOMS. No 1 1, daily. No TS dully i" !spi.i:ni)ii)T.i:i.i;. il.ii ly ex .siiiiduy l.eiive VI1 in I tiff (- I I- :"il I tl le AM I nil p in l.enve Miiunollii I.'n.'i " in :.7 .'i ail " I.MiO" Wursnw I II It " I r, ,".a " vi i ;ve o il.lsi.eri..,.. " 1-ii," " j i',;, l.enve I'.'iyelti'Villc I "I 2 I" I .virivesehurt I II is" Ainve Wiboii ! 12 2'" I.r.e. Wlln I '( la " 12 .sum ! 7 17 " Anive liiicky Mount J .in " m " vrrive TartiHie j 17 " ,, l.eme Tiireerti I 10 :i.'iiim ......... Arrive Ueldell i ".'i " 8 ,V p in ao " I'.itly except Siuiiiuy. !'r:an en SeetlMinl Noel; Rnue-h Rnol lenves w eetun at .: in a. m. il'i.it'n ; ;.2. iirr: e Si-'iM-uid S-i k nt 1 is p. iii.iireenvill" r, i 2 p. in KiiiNti-n 7 In p. in. Keturnlti;; leaves Kmsteii 7 ell, n, in. oreeiiville SHU in. Arriving ;il lliiiil'.iv 10 Jfi, a. in., Welden llu'iii in diiilyexeepl Mindiiy. 1 niin leaves 'Inrhero N. ( ., viu Albei:i:irle mid Kuleiuh U. K. Daily except Sinniiiy I n.'i p, m , iimlay a p in . iirrive tVilliiimwtoii X. ('. 0:10 ! in.. I Sii. in. plviiiinilli 7 .Mia in.; fi 2 I l. in. j Keturiiini; leaves I'lynenitti ilnily except Snudny ' ' ' 2 ' a. in si 1 1 id i y '.I im a. in. V i I i io msl. n . X. :,, I 7 in h. in. si.'is ti. in. arrive 1 urliuro 111 Ilia, in, I II ."a m. Trill n on Jfi'llnnd N. C. Iirnuch lonves (iolils- horo X , daily c cepi snudny 7 00 a. in., arrive j sinitlilii'lil, X ('.,;! a. in. lanuriiini; leaves: smitlitii'!,. X. (),, (iniii. m., arrive (iolilstior-, X ! i'., Pi an p. in. I Tl'iiiii nil X.ishville lilaneh leaves Knekv M Unl at :i an p. in , arrives at Xasliville a tn p. j in., spriinr lliipe 4 IS p. in. iMimiiiiK ! ve i -priii : ll"ie in iki a. m., xnsliville in - a. in.. 1 urKoekv Mount It 1", a, in. (lailrexceplSiiniliiv.i 'i-.... ; ...... i i u. i. I.... i" V. T I oil" "ii . iiiii 'u noun ii iiini-.s ,,.lIlt, i"i C'linlon.daiiy ect pt Suinlny ill ii no p. in. aiei II ii. in Kelnriiini; leave Clinton at s 2 i n m and a lop. in . eunneiaiiiir at Warsaw Willi Xos. 40, II. 2:; ami 7s. s.iiiilili.iitn.i irain tin U iis"ii and l-iiyi'tteville UraiteJ, is X". rl. Xorthliinnid is a0. 'Daily ex eep; S i i 1 1 1 1 1 y . I 'lion X .i. : --mil .' ill only stop at Wilsmi i:"l.t:.l."re..ll,d M;.-I.,,l;;i. Tntiu X-. 7s iniikes elnsn eunneelieli at Weldon f.irall iminls Xnrlli dally. All rail via Hieliniinid mid d:iily except Suinlny via Hay Line. 'trains ii. tiUe-i lnse ewiineelieii f,ir A points Xnrlli in Kieliilinllil and Wilsliintrt"ll. ,tl trains inn s li lln ivvi rii V lliniiudnii find Wn-hiimaui and have 1'iiliniau l iilaen SleeinTs llllaehid. J.U.KI.X1.V, J !'. D1VIXK, Siim': 'I'muis I ieneral Sllp't, T. M. l.M I.KsiiN, ; .-i i " ( I'a.-si'iiirer Anent. I'DIdTKKF.UVANTP. Fare always the best the markets canuf- ford. X AC ITS TRIPLE, VIOLET WATER,, WOOriWOUTll's KMIUID.V WA TER, AND SACHET I'OWDEK. CW Jjllie ie - -STATION R Y: Just Received 150 Linen writing Tablets, which I'll sell at a small PROFIT. SKRVKT-; SEAT AND I'ltOMTT. Ati. ANTIC COAST LINi:. Wj P4- ff?f i'i-:n:usnrn; a- ut.imox n. ,. C"NE.i: TI1K COURT HOUSE."! l!aej;ae. taken from ami to the railroad station. NICK ACCOMMODATIONS FOE - LADIES. RATIOS 2.X)A DAY, Special arrangements for honnl hy the week or month. CLARK & REiD, Truprietors. mar 20 tf. '(iiulciiM(t clo ilule. THE NEW YORK WORLD LIPPN BROS., Prcnrh'prs, Dritijr.hti. Uppmv's fl.x k. SVt.KAH For Sale by W. M. COHEN. I l I .'?" ..... ... 11 I.H y. I t I TI." INS i i( II Nil SOUTH Dale.; Ma.- Hid, lslH e. i.':: Daily. No -J7 Daily. Leave I'elershiii'j;, Leave Stony Creek, Leave .larrat'.s, Leave llelliehl, Ai I ive Welilou. i'i p in I.H n in .nn 10. In am In .Vi am 11.11 am 1 1 . "ii am I IU p in i'J in pin fi.-'l! p in TK.UNS COLNti MUiTII. No 1 I Dailv. ... No. 7. Dailv. I Leave Wehhei, ' Le I'.ellieM, ! Le .lariat ts, ' Le Stmiv Creek, A 1 1 ive I'eter.shai Mil a-in .VI,-) a.m. II.Oil a.m. C 111 a.m. CM a.m. l.'i ii m. ...Mp.m. i CLAS $3 S - li f r i.fiillt mi. ;i, , ' .n(!ic:..fTc..;m'vvar- W.li. DOl ,4; LAN I -Lion, .Hum. l 'ml y "W. !B. TILLEEY, i Wel.luti, N. C. j jan 1 fim. ONKY TO LOAN . On improved farm lands in sums of $:lll) and upwards. Loans repayahle in .small annual instalments tlirouuli a period of Ii years, thus euablinn the hnnnwer to pay of his indehtedniss without exhausting his crop in nn v vea r. Applv to r.riiTON .i TUAVIS, Attorneys, 1 :,) (im. llalilax, N. C. This Space - be longs to the Never cfuws. For lull it lias (loth) it .!!. s 11. 1 1'ivor and and 11a cuti.-iJeratieii, 'lli.it i- aneieiit hislnry in he iui-eutten. ll Kicks i iiiv tu the i'utiii'e tn the will k I till p.m. to la1 untie. Uur iiupes a'Ml lears, nitl ! :.', p. in. jes Mid s.iri'iws are hel'm: us net one fin . , -1 , i 1 , . t - ' la THE WO'iILl)':; w,.,k r.,r 1S!U All trains ran solid Weldon to Waslua- I A j ; ; ,, inU.r,s. ton. , , ii- teii, ami uui ciio no mailer wnai nts pillules inav he can inTmil to he without i us weekly eiliiion, wliieh has not an eiju.il 1.11 eattli as a De'..:j.aier. Nine ! 11. 1 11 out (it ten kllnvv lh,s (') he title. I livery tenih man Inuilil send today for i a specimen copy, that the knowledge, may j be universal. I Suhserihe at 0111:0. Three months costs j only cents, and hy every week's delay Veil miss si.aielliiiie wonii Inure th.iti ihe siihcripiinti pike for the year w his. h is only one dollar. Address THE WOULD, New York. 1 K. T. D. MVLh'S, T. M. KMKI.'SON (ien'l Superintendent, (ien. Lasseiievr at TO Till: l'AThtiNS ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIOATTON CO rllirl TIMr U 'tween N'ORroI.K ml lUlurv I Imt KA.-iKUN n. r a no., is L IQ U O KS A X D 11 UOC l: KI KS I have a eomplo stock of Family Gro ceries of all kinds which I will sell cliea lor Cash. Racket II. C. SPIERS, ' On and after Mondav. Deeemhi-r 17th, 1 and until t'urther notice, the Steainei CIHAVAX, CiiptMin Withy, will I. HAVE Fh'XNKLlNon Mondays, Wed nesdavsand i'lidavs for KDIOXToX, PLY MOUTH and id iatermeiliate points oir y receiving a lurye variety of arrival of mail train from l'oitsuioiith, say 10.15 A. M. . I KKTUKNINU. I'hc "Chowan" will ' reae h franklin 011 Tuesdays, Thursday? j and Saturdays at il.L") A. M, in time to; ooniKi't w ith l ast Mail train from lfaleib ( to I'ortsmoutn and with Express train lor the South. rassenirevs. hy this arratiKeinent, takinu' the Steamer Chowan at nny puiut on the j river, will KEACH NORFOLK by 11 oclwk A. M., nnd thus have the entire day for the trans action of hnsincss in that city. ACCl'liACY ! H H v -.1, 3 Ai a cl 0 CD Mjjj iiiand l'repaied Faints. I'uvo H'hiie Lead & Liusued oil. Fll sell uiints at a very small margin. I.J';!!,..,,.l!S!S? ZPTJIxlIT-Z'! . J..i r(.e Stock of LANltKETirs, GAF.DEN SEEP. p.f.y fX -"A3 ' ' I 1 SIDES, A",. Apienplilctof Information sndab-,1 himi'lol tlio li:v. :i, faowinj; hew t(e Vr- (S-een lutein a, ("nvwits. Trade :s lu;kn, topvriiaea, ertt. jru. ...iu. mii um . r.n. .A ;v ..'lljl Hi'ondwny. y sa LIQUORS MANUFACTURERS OF ILL KINDS OF 6 1 MA H NKKY fuV ill tf-yl lA rVfl A sK ifb A jP"" if 0. SMITH, SEK 111$ LIQUORS, SKF. II IS CIGARS, f PFFERSBUJUI, VA. AtLiilQUiRIESAKD ORDERS WSIL P.fXEIVE i:!: ATTENTION. may 111 ly. I have also 011 liand and am eutistan Such as whisky, hrainlv, wine, beer, ale, porter, euihonuted watori, vto. GIVi: THIS KOUTi: A TRIAL. Respectfully, J. H. BOGftPT Franklin. Va., Dec. 15, ,1HH. Kupt'I EYEUY DRINK IN SEASON. ZJrV. Smith, Ilriek l'niildini:, on Nmtli Cornel ol'Uai'.niad ShedYeldoc, N. C. ect 1(1 V- E. Myers & Co.E RECTIFIERS WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. U 1 N I', W 1 1 IS K 1 US A S 1' 1 '.C IALTY. retershur.', Ya. H. T. POPE, SEALS!! IS GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CP GARS, ETC. Sole AirentH lor the lol- lowin Irands of whiskies, which r,rc Especially Recommended1 fir iV'eilio d p WOODWORK TcXoT' ATfACMMCrlfSjiZJ" r:t;cftoa. 2a UNIUNSQUARt.NY. Mlrn,Bt- OAtLftS.TCVC ST.LO'JIS M0. '. N. STAlNRAt lv & 11110. Weldon, N. C. h V 111 .0 MY STOCK OF 0- Aiid Call and see trie on Washington Ave nue at the e?"old stand of R. V. Panhl. W. D. SMITH. 1 ct 18 ly H Bill I 11 Li, 11110 Use: I'ETERSHCRG CLCll- doo i Gtu. MONUMENTAL CLUIi K RrriviiiR, tuiil I will disjilny the flncst line ot cm ids' ever shew 11 in this town. Cunie and tee lie'! NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW EST NOVELTIES. MRS. P. A. LE'WIS, , oct 4 ly Weldon, N. C.

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