THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1SJ). LITTTETON NEWS. SCOTLAND NECK NEWS. ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISES! KNTS. IiTF THi: i;0vNOKt; tNiivVb liV II VLV, & SLKDtSH. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. UA i i:s (! s u-m :r. I'i'iiix ix akvaxce. One Year I by Mail), lWage 1'aid $1. "' Six Months " AW. klv l)enioci-aiie icmnuil devoted to the material, educational, political agricultural mtere-iM ot llaiilux aim snr- rouimin; t'otintics. a?Advi'itisiiig rates reasonable and furnished on application. THURSDAY JUNE 1, 1801. , . THE Railroad Commission has com - .... piereu me worn 01 lonumg us lauics ihm. , . ,)(, , ,, freight tariff an 1 passenger rates for the railroad A standard tariff has been adopted for freight business, and a table of modi liea! ions from this standard iu favor of certain roads, has been made out. The standard tariff will be in effect on m ist of tht! main lines, but. on branch lines, which are not jet on a good paving basis, and on which the expenses are barely met by the receipts, special 'rt-ight rates have been made, and a special pas senger rate of three and a half cents for first-class aud three cents for second class, has also been made instead of the standard rate of three and a quarter and two and three-quarters, respective''. The modifications, however, will be sub ject to change by the Commission in the future. Th3 Commission will probably adjourn their present session in a day or two. (Jenehal James Maiuson Leach, of Lexington, this State, died last Mon- day morning at sis o'clock. James Madison Leach was born in Lansdowne, Randolph county, X. C., in 1821. lie received a college education) studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1842. lie was for ten years in the House of Representatives of Xorth Caro lina, six years iu the State Senate, and was a Presidential elector ou ihe Fill more ticket in 1S5G. He was then elect ed to Congress as a Whig and served from December 3, 18.VJ, until lSiil. lie opposed secession till the beginning of hostilities, but was a field officer in the Confederate army aud a member of the Confederate Congress in lSti4-5. After the war he served twice in the State Senate, and was elected to Congress j for two consecutive terms as a conserva- j tive, serving from March 4, 1871, till ' March 3, 1875. He was a presidential ! elector in 187(5 and 1880. Jakes II. Harris, perhaps the best . known negro politician in the State, is, dead. Hams was a born orator, and al-, ways attracted attention. He was a very i outer rauu-ai. AX AIM)KI AT I.ITT1.K.TOX. AlRLIE, X. C. I June 1st, ISM. ) I will deliver a public lecture at Little ton on Saturday the 6th inst., on the .principles and purposes of the Farmers Alliance. E. A. Thorn e, Dist. Lecturer, 2nd District. CONSUMPTION CLUED. An old physician, retired from mac tice, having had placed in his hands by , "-d loaned it. an East India missionary the formula- ..hi o i , e i .11 j . . i At Pelta in Sampson county last week of a simple vegetable remedy for the- speedy and permanent cure of Consump- two "''I'lron of Mr. Tims. Cushwell aged tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and j respectively six aud three years were all throat and Lung Affections, also a burned to death. positive and radical cure fur Nervous De- bility and all Nervous Complaints, after j A reward of ?200 has been offered for having tested its wonderful curative pow- the capture of John R. Moore, who at crs in thousand of cases, has felt it his tempted to assassinate his brother in Pitt duty to make it known to his suffering : nhm a fellows. Actuated by tins motive and a : desire to relieve human suffering, I will Tin; l'lai-kwe'l Tobacco Company has send free of charge, to all who desire it, h,-cn sold to the American Tobacco eon -this recipe, in German, French or English, .,,. ,i i i . i i, i . . t . n . Iianv anil Will In! olicrah-il :s hnni-n null lull un c, ll'IIO H'l I'll! Illp iiiivi using. Sent by mail by adihessin-.' with stamp, naming this paper W. A. nrith full itimnt 11 rid T..I t,ri,nur,nif nm ' Noyes, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, X. Y. apr 30 ly. ECCENTRIC MTCIIK. ' AN amuninh EX l'EHIMRNT WITH soap, A child detests soap. How it would amuse a child to behold a number of matches rushing away from soap. Place some matches in a basin of wa ter in the shape of a star. Take a pice of soap, cut into a point, insert in the water in the middle of the , matches, and lo, they will fly from it in '.' every direction as if in horror. J If you wish to bring the matches alto- f gether again you treat them as if you i would children, with a lump of sugar. Dip the sugar in the water and little bits of wood will come swimming to it as though they yearned for a sip of its sweet ness. Once a Week. TIIK EMANCIPATION OF TUK NEI1B.0KS IN AMERICA CLOSING EXKRC'ISKS OP THE LITTLETON I1IOII .SCHOOL H'K CREAM Sl IU'EU. ' Warren's tort-mot orator, the Hon. . IjOU;?, was last wet-K ttie speaKi-r on the occasion of the celebi at ion of the ... einatit-tpation 01 ttie negroes in Auiciica His speech was lengthy and eloquent, ami eloseil amid deafening cheers with a beautiful tribute tn this our common South land. Jlr. Long is an orator of a high order. The writer had the pleasure of attend- ;. , , . . ,t'..i . n- i J ing the closing exercises ot Littleton High e clinpel i was beautifully decorated and polite and tint! lookiug marshals were vigilent to set that ail were made comfortable. One of the leading features of the occasion was the contest for priz s. The successful vaiididu'e for the declamation priz- was Master D. W. Xewsoiu, of Warren. His subject was "Kail, the Martyr," but there were several others who deserve especial menliou, namely, Eugene t Hobbitt. of Xash, subject "lilack Horse and His Rider;'' (1. A. Xorthington, of Halifax, ''Survivors of Hunker Hill;'' Robert E. Daniel, Northampton, "Sun day Fishing." P. W. Xewsuiu was called on for "How Huby Played;" this was the crowning piece of the evening The contest for the penmanship pri.e oTered by Mr. R. P. Gibson, for the greatest improvement in writing was very close, Mr. E. B. Furdy, of Brunswick, Va., being the successful competitor The Rev. R. P. Troy in happy and chaste language delivered the declamation prize and the Rev. J. M. Rhodes is his usual thoughtful, easy style presented the prize for penmanship. The principal, Ptof. L. W. Bagley, announced that the session just closed had been the most successful in the his tory of the school. There is no reason why any young man should go farther than Littleton for a first class preparatory or business cdu aetinn. There was an ice cream supper given by the young ladies in Leach's Hall for the benefit of the Presbyterian church last Saturday. It was a success. . THE OLD NORTH STATE. AS Cfl.t.EI) FROM OK It EXCHANGES. The grand chapter of Royal Arch Ma sons will hold its annual session at More head on the IHh. The in,reasc of tW tobaw0 ,rop in Xah c,mmy is ceBt aD(J in combo 10() per wnt ! The Supreme Court of Xorth Carolina j has rendered a decision against selling liijuor in club houses. j An association was formed in Raleigh to have a series of horse racing at the Southern Exposition. 811,000 acres of land have been pur chased in Caldwell county upon which Russian Jews will be colonized. Mr. (. C. Farrar, of Tarboro, died last week of dysentery. In his will he left to the Baptist church $10,00(1, which he ' of that trust. It will after a while make plug tobacco. A largt; number of asbestos goods in Philadelphia pronounces the asbestos near Oxford the finest yet discovered in the Unite.! States. Tht) curly d"-velop- mciit of these mines may be looked for. The Burlington News tells of a crop of tobacco grown near that place by Mr. C C. Townsend averaged 1,800 pounds . of leaf per acre, which is almost unprece dented in this State. Last week ho sold 3,100 pounds of this crop at an average ot $17 per hundred. Tobacco grows in Alamance county, and brings big prices a0 When Baby was lick, wa gave her Castorla. When ihe wm a Child, he cried for Castoria. When ihe became Mias, ihe clung to Castoria. Wbea the had Children, the fare them Cutoria. One of the heaviest rains known in that section h 11 at Scotland Xeck Satur day morning. The crops are not in as good condition as they should be on account ot the wtt weather. The stand of cotton is tint good in some places and the peanuts did not come up well. The crops planted since the dry spell are growing titn ly. Some ,-ickness is reported, as is usual at this season of the year, principally dysen tery. The infant of Mr. J. II. Harden died at Spring Hill Friday and the infant of Mr. M. T. Shields died near town Satur day of this disease, both about fourteen months of age. The next session of Vine Hill Acade my will open in September, with the military feature, in the new buildings which will he erected of brick for the purpose. Prof. Allen is principal These buildings will be in a different part of ihe town. The giris' school will remain in its present location. Several members of the Scotland Neck Alliance have procured (limits ami will organize an Alliance at Hobgood. ADV FRTISHMKXTS. King of JVledicines Scrofulous Humor A Cure "Almost Miraculous." " When I was 11 years of age I liail a severe attack of rheumatism, ami after I rt-envereil liatl to c en t rutt'lics. A year later, .ii-nifula. in the form of white swelUnpi, appeared on various parts of my body, anil for 11 years I was an invalid, Itelng routined to my bed years. In that time ten cir eleven sores ap peared and broke, causing me great pain and suffering. I feared 1 never should get well. " Early in lssii I went to Chit-ago to visit a sister, hut was confined to my bed most nt the time I was there. In July I read a book, ' A Day with a Circus.' in which were statements of ernes by Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was so Im pressed wilh the suceess of this medicine that I deeitled to try It. To my great gratification the sores soon decreased, and I began to feel better and in a short time I was up and out of doors. I continued to take Hood's Sar saparilla for about a year, when, having used six bottles, I had become so fully released from the disease that I went to work for the Flint & Availing Mfg. Co., and since then liAVK OT LOST A SINGLE DAY on areount of sickness. I believe the disease is expelled from my system, I always feel well, am in good spoils and have a good appetite. I am now 27 years of age and can walk as well as any one, except that one limb is a little shorter than Hie other, owing to the loss ot bone, and the sores formerly on my right leg. To my friends my recovery seems almost miraculous, and I think Hood s Sarsaparilla is the king of medicines." William A. Leuk, 9 N. Railroad St., Keudallville, lud. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all ilrugKlm. fl;illforJi. I're pared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mm. IOO Doses One Dollar SAVES MONEY. One box of theno pills will lavo many dollHr In doctor' bllla. They i apeclally prpard ue m Family Medicine, nd mippllen want lone felt. They re mote unhealthy aerumulattOHK from Ibe body, without tiausr or griping. Adapted to j onnif unci old. Price, 2io. SOLD JiVIiimYHliUlS. July ly 3 f A 1 V Bushels of WHITE Coqtl-.'-WjifJTED To be delivered between the 15th of May, and the 1st of July. Con tracts - will - b e made now for de livery. Weldon, N. C. 3 5 if. k k k 4 mnuwi OIVIS ENJOYS Both the method and results wheu Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant aud refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Rowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action, aud truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy ami agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. louisviue. nr. hew rout. h.y. mar 2li ly c 1HAS VTII.I.KK ITTALSH. OL'KADK ALakhlk it OHKS. SOUTH SYCAMORE ST11KE1, PETERSBURG, VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, &c. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. ftaJrA beautiful calendar for 1889 sent to any address on receipt of stamp for postage. CH.VKLKS M. WALSH, ootll ly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K. O.lllRTON, Jli., o EV1. L.TRAVIS. BURTON & TRAVIS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Praetiee in the counties of Halifax aud Northampton, and iu the Supremo and Federal courts. Claims collected iu all parts of North Carolina, ftug U ly. F.DWARDT. CLARK. Weldon, N.c. I.IUk-Uiii, N. (', 8 0. IIANIEI, "OFFICE OF CLARK-:-AND-:- DANIEL, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. WELDON AND LITTLETON. Practices wherever their services i needed. One ol the linn will attend Halifax every Monday. l-'-J'J-ly. at JMK M. MCLI.KN, WAI.TKR I. DANIKL U L L E ii A DANIEL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON. N. C. Practice In theeourts of ItHllfni andNorthamp ton and in the Hiipn-mr ami Ketleral conrta, Col lectioiiKmaile In allpartsof North (.'Hrolina. HrHiit li ottiee al Halifax, K.C., open every Mon day- Jan 7 ly 'I'HOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N.C. Praetleea In Halifax and adjoining conntlea and Federal Supremo courU. aud. it I JQlt. K. L. HUNTER, SURGEON DENTIST. Can be found at hia office in Enfield. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas for the Painleea Extracting of Teeth always on hand, feb 27 ly. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. Littleton, N. C. Teeto Extracted without pain. 4-30 6m. JVgS..e : t,r,i,v. i for Infants and "Cutorlsi no wcO adapted to children that I recommend itu uperior to any preacription known to me." II. A. Aunim, K. D., Ill So, Oxford Sk, BrocUrn, M. T. "The line of TMtoria' h sonnlTersal and IU merit so well known that it aeema a work of mipererw&ti'-ntoendoineit.. Few aretne intelligent familioe who do not keep CaiVoria wilbiu eaaj reach " New York City, lite 1'astor llloomingdale Reformed Church. Tn CawTAca oct 30 ly TO BE Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic will cure any case of Malarial Fever or Neuralgia. Money will be re funded if it fails. Price 50 Cents. x1 W-Li uxxjJJj AJ .1 sep 1 ly. Voolton's Patent Wire Tobacco Hangers CAN BE USED PRICKS, wben ah !0-5U.,.k." ''"P,'' U Wlrea 1,000 wirca (o Mick) nw mirai 1 ompiPlf 1,000 Wlrea (!o Ktlrka) Baakela, per Dozen. RamnlA Kflk ...l - - - . ruin. ftr TreatiM on Tobacco Culture and Curing FJiKK. ACENTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGER M'F'G CO., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. . hi Cover Your BuildinGs with N. A. HALDE RMAN & CO'S. IRON SMOOTH, I f y .' 0- JCorrefpoiitleueo solicited "feg Jan 1 lm. H. J. WATCHMAKER Littleton, Makes ns-ecialty of rejuiiiitiir tine WATCHES and CLOCKS. Fitting spectacles and eye pi asses. fc-Cash paid for old gold and silver. A LD STAND. NEWGOODU, J. T. EVANS CO , at 0. W. Pierce's former shoe store. PRICKS open to everybody. We keep in Stock the following goods: LADIES' DRESS GOODS. GENTS' Furnishing Goods, Notions and Shoes. We also keep a full Hue of FANCY GROCERIES and CONFECTION ERIES. Fine grade of FLOUR A SPECIAL TY. Square dealing, legitimate profits and acomplete stock, our motto. MR. EUCENE HODCES, of Northampton county, is with us and will be pleased to see his many friends. 2-26-ly. Children. Faalnrla ram Cpllr, Oonsttpatloo, gotir Suimaeh, diarrhoea. ILrucUUon, Kill Wnnua, giita aleep, and promotea ii reetiim. Without injurioui medlcauoa. For arre ral years I ha-r raeommendM your ' Catora, ' and ahull always continue to d.i no as it has InTariaely produced benefldal results." Eowin F. Piiidii, M. D., "The Wlr.throp," llh Street and 7th Ae, New York City. Commht, TT MeaaAT Ptrit, Niw Tom. SOLD.- ni:( '.OWN. Halifax, J.COUKN, Enfield. IN ANY BARN. AoconipanlcH llic Order i to Mirk) 00 ; ; 'JJ, -n-i r.. - r . . 3. SO 4. SO 4.00 Send nil oiderH to J. S t H FI. K ET II A B R ISS, Pin:iee:i ring, X. C. I ' i ... VI,,,lv i i, . ... M-VOj. law K-. , iuJ, ' "uu uem-Ial A"i-nt. JEWELER, N'oitTii Carolina, A nice line of lf.1 7V II ES, CLOCKS, AX1 JEWELRY, Always on hand for s.!e CI1EAI'. Watches sent nit; by mail will be carefully repaired aud promptly returned. f 80 T.y virtue of power conferred upon meby an order issuiiiR from the Superior Court of Halifax comity in a came therein pc-utliug entitled A. C. ZollicoflVr vs. Todd John son et. al., I shall on Monday, the' first day of June isfll, m-11 at public auctiou to the bidder upou the terois, one third cash, balance on a credit ofsix mouths with interest at cijjht per cent secured, in front of ZollicolTer's drugstore in the town of Weldon, N. C., the followiutf described real estate to-wit, One certain tract or parcel of land in Hal i fun county N. C, near the town of Weldon, N. C, adjoining the land formerly belonging to Mm. A. C. ZollicolTer, the county road leading from Gaston to Halifax am! Choekayotte Creek containing fifteen (l.r) acres more or less. TEKMS. Olio-third cash, balance on ft credit ofsix months, aocured with 8 per cent, interest. A. It. ZOLLICOFFEU, Commissioner. 4-23tds. I ,"T i c -torn Chi oft the ' T. i bot PF in ihe "Wai bec ma ihe flo fro of str be , th 1 de th ot ' CI v w A at r U ;' I. S- tl v i L ! i f i i -f

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