THE 110AN0KE NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE J8, 1S!1 J MOHESTS Of MIUTH. The greatest philisuiliy is in not want ing tiling V'lil can't Ket. I Atchison Globe. The man who "litviwi; it all" wouldn't lie such a had fellow it' ho only kept it to himself. Yonkors iStutosnian. : "Have you a lare stall of "reporters to gather the news for you?" Country Kd itor No; we have a wii'e. I'neU. ! Women are riot ciuel to iluuili ani mals. No woman would willfully Mi ;i on a mouse. (Richmond Recorder. The avcruxe wife hates to ask her hus band for money, and in most cases lie hates to have her. I Somerville Journal. '. The young man who can write "a nood hand" hasn't half the chance in life will) the youth who can hold one. Washing, ton hist. -! Sauso find times make money scarce. Rcxld Yes: hut not nearly so scarce as a real jollv good time docs. New York Herald. It seems to lie the opinion of a lnrre tminlicr of linancicrs thai no slock can hu H'n'M wit hoi:, water. 11. '.-ton Transcript. ' 'llo-.v is your hoy jrctini; alniur at 11 u Tard?" "First ia I e. I le wrilrs me that lie Koos to Huston every night to study the stai"-l'.oslon (iaelle. :l "If you have a million you can get . into the four hundred." Yes, anil if sou have four hundred you are likely to i lay in the million.-; Brooklyn Life. "Talk ahotil slrikiug a tetidrr chord." Soliloquized the (ranipal the woodpile: ."this is one of the toughest con is 1 ever tit ruck." Yonkers Statesman. j "Do you think thai tailors are on the vhole a deserving class of men?" "Well, it can't ii" denied l hat we owe them a float deal." New York Herald. Somehody asks for a good ilelinilion ol n philosopher. A philosopher is a man w lio earns $!( a wei k and is coiili'iilcd villi his income. Somen ille Journal. ? "Ilearme!" said o, Mr. Hogs. Iie.-ital-ingiy; "I know I've forgoileii some thing, hut for the life of me I can't re member what it is. " 1 1 lai'per's Bazar. A Compliment. "The managing editoi dHike of your work yesterday." "What did he say? Something pleasant ?" " Yes. llesaidyou had nerve. "--( hicago Tri bune. AYife frank, how do you like l he way our new laundry girl does up your collars and cuifs? Frank---( Hi. lirsl rate! lirst "Jrate. She does things up brown. I I Puck. ' Johnnie Mamma. is(!em-ral f lively Mlie clerk of the weather? Mainin oh. flio, my child, lie is the cashier, lie I'piveg us our change, don't you know. j Washington Star. f Briggs 1 Iocs your wife ever threaten i to go home to her mother? 1 am willing I to own thai mine does, lira ;:;s No; ishe threatens to si ad for her snoilter. 1 Inilianapolis Journal. Weeks Well, how are tilings ocr in jT'oston? I lave I hoy nauicl e.i.v hi 'A pic J AriMotle vet: V .it.oan N-. !'o 1 S Jieard a mail there ask lor a Christian l.'egister. "Yes, we two hovs were 1..H SOI.P. irown 1 1- gclher a good ileal w hen we went to I school in the country." "In the same i class, ell?" "No; we rode Lie same ! mule."- Boston (la. -lle. "See here, doctor, von told me to avoid. , any sudden excitement. " "So I did; it' f likely to he fatal to you." "Then why, f sir, did you send your hill to me vi ste, - day?" fl'liegende'lilaeller. They were talking about trees, "M favorite, '' she said, "is l'ie oak. It is so nohle. so ma oiilieenl in it- s' i' n,.i, lint what is your favoiiie?" "Vi ,i," li. Ii jilied.- i'i; uliiii-p; I ;isMli li. rrofes-or it cla .s in ee ii- 'y! --Nov. . .'cms are pceuliariy er stall ..vd. U'iia' H the form of the dianpeni? l'aili, pupil They are i rally diamond shaped. - , jewelers' Weekly. mi to n.ii'K av isi')i:Ai'io. 'rhr I'i-iihoii Wliyn Pi-t iM-liri- Hri ii ril '" l-'.fry S;i!nr(lii M;.,ltl. A merchant had a cf'i,e:.l I ml. he l.wcen whom iill l hiuiself there ei-l,.d ;. warm iuliuiacy. livery Saturday niehi, as the merchant was halam ine his cash, there would come a note fr.. in I Tn min ister lViU"still,e the loan ol' a s,a hid. I le money was always resloied panel ually on Monday iiiorniny;. Hal w'nai puzleil the lender was that the ideele al hill was j.lways returned. One Sa'ur-iay nihl he sent a sold piece instead of th" Usual hill, and marked il. Slid the very sunn coin was returned on Monday. The mer chant hecame nervous about this strange fact. 1 le was becoming consumed with curiosity, w lien a note came from tin reverend horrower on Christmas Eve. asking for a loan ol' if 10. lie solved to call and impure into the mystery . AVhen lie was show ii into his friend's .simly i, found him pliinecd in melancholy. "Mr. If.," said the merchant, "if yon will answer ine one iUestioii, 1 will let you have that $ 10. How does it happen that you always pay me the money that you borrow on Saturday niejit in the Very same coin or note on Monday ?" The par-on raised hi- head, and after a 6triijrsle said, ".My friend, you are a pentleman, a Christian, and a New Yorker 1 know that I can rely on your inviolable secrecy. Listen to the secret of my eloquence, Youknowthat I am poor, and when on Saturday liinht I have bought my Sunday dinner, 1 seldom have a red cent left in my pocket. Now I maintain that no man can preach the posiel proiK-rly without havini; some thinj; in his pocket to inspire him with conlidenee. 1 have, therefore, hol lowed $." of you every Saturday ni;ht, that I might feel it occasionally as I preached on Sunday. You know liow independ ently I do preach how I make the rich quake in their kIioph! Well, it is owing to my knowing that I have n i hill in lny iHH-ket. Not having to use il for any other puqiose, it is not changed, but re turned to you next Monday. Hut to morrow 1 want to make a siecial impres sion on my congregation, nnil I thought I would see what the elTeet of li $10 nertnon on them would le. " New Eng land Magaziua. ADVERTISEMENTS. p?-i"w"Ty rar r rroi v t wim.v " Hi? rvrvvi 9m mm., mm AiP, li-'iMjfilWrWjt Ca,AtfMiaSa . . , vy fi tj a Mil ii 'iff, n-'V" rrs KLrff rfim f 1 1 (- W l) Vfi H 7 i f i LIPPHAN Dn03.. Proprln'ors, 0ruitsts, Llpiiman'j Clock. S.'.Vn.V' f,H, CK For Sale hy W. M. I. OHKX. a,.rly s.UU 11 Arnrn T 1 WW t --v iv. g 1 AC $3 ;.n t '''.it i ip"'Ml' ti. ,t for nii"iHc:i. , runted, ami ' V.1 IXH Ul.Af, liiiii'Ulua, Mass, is,;,; by XKT "R rpTTT-ppy VV . -H5. O. -LJl-i-J-CU JX JL , Wchlon, M. C. jiiu 1 Cm. MONEY TO LOAN, On improved farm lands in sums of&iilO and upwards. Loans rcpayahle in small annual instalments thrniiHli a pcriol of o years, tlium naliliiiL' ihe liiiirovver to liay ofhis indehti'dnt'ss without cvhaustiiie; his ; crop in anv vear. Applv to 1 111' Kit )N - I UAVIS, Attiiin.ys, 1 1 i) (iin. Halilax, N. C. This - Space - be longs to the i Ail r-jiv.y tc .-. - i 'in STORE. II.CS11S, Manager NEW A I) V E KTI8E.M ENTS. ffiifiEBni. VV. & VV. R. . BRANCHES. Condensed fehediile. TRAIN.- (e'iXij Sul'Tll. Ne. 21. N'i.J7. Xn II, ' . 1 1 -. 1 !ill:e'.'tli. iStd. Iiist mm! ,,,jly Dully llnily. ex sun I ivc WVMoti 18 ;--i vi I ;,. :r M I liyiaui Ar llni-ky M.iuiiL... 1 hi 7 jji. t'lrliei-ii i i" "..T."'.".,... Leuve Tnrlnn Hi .in Ml . . , Arrive Wilson, , I -J 1- c m 7 co 7 " Leiivc Wilson I ,io ' A irivc Selnin :t :! " i Anne liiyeUcviilc, .'i;;n " .......... ' .'."...'" I..-o . . il.sli. ,ro :t ii 1 7 ,i ,s , ! e N arsHW 4 I" " y,; j l.-ive M.n.iiai .... j .( :y " s n " i ,j ,,, v u io "ll .i5 " t 1 u ' 'n;A!"S'i'UN,.; NOP. !'!! Noll, Ni 7 No i 'i.nlv i'X ll'lily. ll;lily .-ic'ni-y iv..- Wil in i u---ti n i:: i'.ii l.i-iivt- N'-ii.'iii.ii,i J n"i ' l . ii , i: r-iin , j Amu i ,-,!.;!,' n, '; ' l.cilW 1- .;l . -t l. ilii- Arrive i j Airii: Wil..ii . .. . Iti'HV. V.'il- i :i . .i Arrive ii'" Mi.uiit Arrive TurlinM I I envuTiirlioro j Arrive Wi!il,.n i;n!y e c,' j -i SiiiMiiiy. Tn in a -i.!m;il X.-ck ! Wr.i.n hi :; :u .. n. li-miii ! ia a : : a i ! in.,', , i; i-i ! 1 1 1 1 " ,', : ; I I:1'"'. " j 7 .v,i I : I I II Is" I " i M' .v:i i 1 :ih I h I 5 - ' 7 " I I I" I I S-'i-'nun i:;ii i'llrh K.i.el leiive. '. i. :tn i e simi ii let l'i ' - i. Ill Kel-t.ill U 1 lw .. III. I fe -livilli' 7 111 p. III. Kelllllli is K in-l'iii 7 ell, n. in. , leeio Ille Mini in Annile'll! 1 l.'.li ;',i s IIIJU. : II. 111., Welilnll 1 2 in III 'iilye.e"j.t sim.liiv.;il t'leiitai ir.i.n I'M.e We! Inn Moll lavs ; 'AeiliHlnyi- mill l-Vi'luys illi'ieu in., linivilig, lit si'eihin.l Neck 10 ii ; 11. in , (Ireenv ille liu 2 p. in ! Kin-leu .J. i. iii Ki lurniiii.'. leuvcH Kuiti.ii i ile-.liiys, I tiinilHV mi silt mi In is, m ili II n. in. . mi intr lit llreein iii.- 'l uu,'-e,U;,iii X.'i-k ' ! ' ill p. In. ' eliluli (1 i i p. in. ' Tniill len iVI'urher.i N. ('.. vill Ai!.el'll:ile iin.l ' ; liilleili I',. I:. Jlnily CM-epr Sli'iil.iv 4 e.'i p, )n ( . t iinilny :: in p in , r.-iv e ;lie;ei-i,,ii X. ( . C .:n !p in.. 1 2 1 c. in. l'! mil 7 eiip in., ,ri2i i. in. j KelnriiiliKleiives I'h llleicll . In ; v exeepl Siiinl.iv i '. t ' . m .-iiiiil iy '.i ii i n. iii. v "i'in in.-' hi. x. c', 1 7 III ii. i:i. ;i..s a. u:. Kirive l.irin.i',) In n i n. m, 11 2" ll. III. Train mi Mi'ilmel N". !. la-mieh leaves ii,v burn N.c , ilnily eveept Sniiilny 7 (In n. iii , nrrive sinilliiielil. X ('.,s;!'i a. in. Ueinriiliiu Iniv sinillilielil, N. ('., u nj a. in arrive UhIiWiiim, .X ('., la i. iii. Trnin lie X.eliviile linincii lenvei lt.-cky Mi um nt ami p. in., ( hi Xnslivjlle :i m p. III., -prillL' llel.e r, p. I,,. Keeiinili',' , 11V t S spriii.' liepe pun a i.i., Xuliville Pi n in., iirltneky Mount II IT, k, in. il.iilvexcepi -ni.ili.v.j 'llilill "0 l ill.l',!! Hi iceli Ki'ois U e. v.- ",.., illy e.eeit .-iiiiiI:i nil, en p. m. m,! Hie ii. i,i lielurain;: leai e I'linpni in s i n m i I'Ml, 2 7s. Si,ll,li..iiisllraii,i.iiViN ,l tiivelteville I Bniiieli is Xi..,,l. .Xiirililiumnliseo. nily vx- niitl .1 1" p. in . eeiiiieeriiii; tit Wursuw with .X liiiilv ex. ' cept Sinntiiy. i Trnin X,i. Seiilh wil! nnlv sinn nt Keek .-1 I Mount WiUmi i.nliMi. rmunl Jiiiuiinliu. i 1 1. iin Xn.7- makes cl.wi- iinii..i el Weld. in i fiirnll poiiils Xerili (tai ly. All mil via liielinieii't ! .'lli.l iPulj eeepl sila.piy viii li.iy Line. j Truins miikesi l.e l eiiiieeiiMii r,,r nil puinls I X'ellll Vill lliel'llli, ml nil, 1 Wilsililief'il. All n-iiins run li.l l.envei n Wiliaiie.'ieu ,u, ; .Mi e.iMii-inn - uu ivein (( iiiaiie'i,,u an, 1 "iishniePiii mi, 1 liiive l'llllmiiii t'iiliiee Sleeper: ; -t-.,. , , I)1VISK: I sup I I'nuis lleneriil sup't A Th.wrsc coast lsxu. . vi.'irnsnnn; ,i- wt:uos u. u. Ceiulenseil Si licdule. TRAINS t.olNC soLTH. I I Oale.1 May i'ad, Isill. No. llailv. Daily. Leave Petersburg, I .cave Stony Creek, Leave .lariat Is, Leave liellield, Arrive We'.doii, 10.10 am l'l.'llaiii 11.11 am li. I.) i m I. H 1 111 1 1. ilii am j -I -lil p in l'i. In jiai I ." :;:! p m TWAINS (iOINti NitUTII. No. 1 1 Nn. 7S Daily. Daily. Leave Welilon, fvltiani. li.l.'i p.m. I.e liellield, a. 1.1 a.m. li..")'.' p. 111. Le .larralls, (i.OOa-in. 100 p.m. Le Stony Creek, H lit a.m. Llii! n 111. Arrive IVlefsl'tirg, (I .11 a.m. ,1. 2 p. m All trains run solid Welilon to Washing ton. L. T. D. M VLI.'S, T. M. TM Kh'S. )N, i On'I Superintendent. Cell. Passenger agt TO TlIK PATKONS i of Tin; j : ALBKMAULK STEAM NAVIGATION CO rllirl TlltlC llelween NOUFOI.K hiu! QUICK, I IM t KASiKltN X. (Al.UUS 0 0 1 On and after Monday. December 17th, ami until further notice, the Steamcl CHOWAN, Captain Withy, will LKA l'K N K LIN 1111 Mondays, Wed nesdays and I'ridays for KDKN TON. Pl.V MOl l'l! and Ail i 'teriueiliate points on I arrival of mail tra:n Irom Portsmoulli, say : ID.1.1 A. M. - KE'lT'h'NINO llie "Chowan" will ...... ..1. I.'-., ..!.!; i.t, 'ritewil'ivw 'ninimliivs leiiiii 1 i,iiiii,i ............... and Saturdays at!) 1.1 A. M., in time conned w ith Fast Mail train from Kaleili to Poitsinoutn and with Kxpress tram for the Smith. Passengers, h.V this arrangement, taUina the Steamer Chowan at any point on the river, will ULAC1I NOKFOI.K hy 11 oclock A. M., and thus have the entire day for the tians action of business in that city. GIVE THIS KOUTE A TIM AL. Respectfully, J. H. EOGART Franklin. Va., Dec. 15, 18KH, Snpt'; ADVERTISEMENTS. STOP AT Sou Hoc ECA.LIF.AX INT. O CI.KAN' ROOMS. Sl'I.KNMDTAUI.F,. I'OMTE SKItVAXTS. Fare, always the best the markets can af ford. ci.-cm-Ii 'I- VI.' i t Iv-l-M-Al AMD I'h'OMPT. Ewr NKAi: T11K COUKT JIOUSi:."E8 lli'gg.ige takt a from and to tho railroad station. MCi: ACCOM MODATIONS; FOR LJLIDIES. KAIKS $L.MA DAY, Special arraiieenu iits J'nr I'lioril hy the week or month. CLARK & REID, 1'i'ofirietors. mar 20 tf. HJUOKS AND ti UOCKKI KS. I Lave 11 conijile stock ol' Family Gro ceries of all kinds which I will sell cheap for Cash. I have also 011 liaml ami inn constant ly reeeivinv; a lare variety ol LIQUORS. Sm:li as whisky,, wine, beer, ale, porter, carbonated waters, ic. Call 11ml see tne on Wasliington Ave nue at the JqToIJ stand of It. W. Daniel. W. 1. SMITH. net. 1 8 ly AT -0 MY STOCK OF -0 1 ; ; - to 1 j is airiviinr.Hiul I will ilisi.lny llie flnet line nt rniil.s over bliuw n 111 1111a iuwu. v.uiuu unu thu NEW STYLES. COME AND SEI-ECT THE NEW. EST NOVELTIES. m?. V. A. LEWIS, to V Hi 1111 i ji 1' I II t And I I I Millie imtirrtiiTitiMi-n"! -"'iiini nitriiiT""" oct4 lj Weldon, N. C. xVEW ADVERTISEMENTS. hAUHUUllS h.VlltACl, XACirs TRIPLE, VIOLET WATER,, VOOliWOltTIi's FI,(II(I1). WA TER, AMI srn KT POWDER. ACCURACY ! H fl H PURITY! Mae tin, pit j'njiarcd I'aints. Pure ll'hiie Lend & Linseed oil. I'll sell jiaints at a very small margin. B. Myers & Go. -X 1 .s RECTIFIERS d- WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. FINK WIIISKILS A SPIXTALTY. Petersburg, Ya. H. T. POPE, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CI GARS, ETC. Sole Atrenls tor the f'nl- loiving brands . of whiskies, which a Especially l'ccommeiuleil fur Medical I'm RETEESlU'RG CLE II MOXTMESTAL CLUIl dee 4 (iin. THE NEW YORK WORLD Never crows. For what it has done it asks no favi r and and no consideration. "I ll ill Ts ancient losioi y to he loi'Jottcll. It looks only to the futun to the work to he dmie. Our hopes and fears, our jos and sorrows are before us net 011c behind. In THE WOKI.D'S woik for 1S!U every Auicricau eitizi n is iiully interes ted, and not one no maiter what lii iolitics may be can aflord to he without its we, kly ediiioii, which has not an cijiial on earth as a newspaper. Nine men out in' ti 11 know this to he tine. Every tenth man should semi today fur a specimen copy, that the knowledge may he universal. Subscribe at once. Three months costs only ll.'i cents, and by every week's delay yen miss snnu'thin;.' woith inn'e (ban ihe subsciiptii'ii pi ice for the year which is only one dollar. Address THE WOULD, N.w York. .New Liue ol iSTATI 0 U E R Yr Just Received 1:jm I-incn wrding Tablets, wluch I'll sell at a small PItOI IT.H B B Q CD A Large StuCk Oe LANDRH'firS (JAUDEX SEED. 0. SMITH. SEE lilt LIQUORS, SEE JUS CIGARS, EVERY DK1XK IN SKAS0N. JeTf. Smith, Hrick Buildinp, oa North Corner of Railroad Shed, Weldou, N. C. net 111 pv. R0FESS!0NAL CARDS. 1;. o. nrnviiN'.ji;., o i:wti. 1,. thavis. BURTON & TRAVIS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the enmities of Halifax and Northampton, and in the Supremo and lVdi'ial co 1 its. Claims collected in all pails oi' North Carolina, line; 11 Iv. laevAiei r. 01. auk. We.iieii.N.C. S li. HANI1'.!. Litlleton, S.C. -oitii r. or- CLARK-:-AND-:- DANIEL, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. WKLHON il AND J I.1TTLKT0N. Tractices wherever their services are needed. One 01 the firm will attend at Halifax every Monday 1-2-ly. JAMl M. VI 1.1 1 s, WA1.TKB E. DAMEL I' L I. K S A 1 A X I K L, ATT01LXE) SAT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice in tlieeearlsuf Halifax amlN'orthftmp tmi mill in the siipreme 11111I Keileral c(nirl. C'uU leetii'iis neiile in niip nisei erlli I uruliiiH. Iiriuu li iiliiee hi Halifax, .'. .'., u,eu every Mon- lny. Jhii 7 ly ' v It 0 M A 8 S. H I 1. I., Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. 0. rrnetlcei In Ihilifiii iin.l niJiiliiInKCounUoR Hud Korti TKlainl Snpri'iiie court. fnc. 28 t JU. E. L. lH'NTEi;, KUI!Gi:0N tf DF.NTIST. Can be found at his ollice in Enfield. Pine Nitrous Oxi le Has for the Painless KxM'actin of Teeth always on baud. l'eheTlv. T. VV. HARRIS, D. D. S. Littleton, N. 0. Teetn Extracted without pain. 4 30 Gui. LIQUORS 1

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