v THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1891. T V THE ROANOKE NEWS, nv ii all & sm:di:, PUBLISHED UVfJllY THURSDAY. HATES (IK SI"tS(l:ll'TIIIX IN ADVANCE. One Year hy Mail), Postage Paid fl.'iO. Six Mon I lis .". A Weekly Democratic journal devoted tn tlio material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax anil sur rounding counties. 8ayAdvcrtising rates reasonable, and furnished on application. THURSDAY JUNE 18, 185)1. Chickens very kili. The fashionable skirt gets tighter. Hum shoulders and small hips still I rule. The young man with a sash has ap- pearcd. I The ever glorious Fourth of July ap- Jproacheth. I The engineers are busy laying off IWcBt Wcldon. ; Mrs. Daniel's school closed for the t?rm Thursday. Cherry pies and flies have appeared simultaneously. t An inch of rain means 100 tons of water to the acre. s The work of blasting out the mill race has been resumed. The schools have all ended and the holiday season is upon us. A cigar with a bend in it that stops ihe nicotine without cutting off the draft, A new.- 1 Chief ok Police Hancock will soon J lave his uniform. It will be in the reg ulation style! The club rooms are uow very popular. . !hcy have been comfortably and taste fully arranged. I The reception complimctary to Capt. nd Mrs. Cochran Thursday night was (eatly enjoyed by all who attended. It is hard to believe in the religion of a man who always looks as though he Lid just been throwing bootjacks at a ct. iTllAT poerless creature, the summer girl, is here, and the weather will have t be particularly bright it" it expects to erjual her loveliness. ' I Death. Mrs. llichard Mos'dcy died af the residence of Mr. T. J llookc, near 'Jaston, Sittirday last, after an illness of fine length, of consumption. She was furied Sunday, the Hev. 1 X. Slaiuback (inducting the service. I I Baseball. The Weldon basball -I fam will to-day play a match game with lie Warrcntoo team at the latter place, jlie boys will go up at 12:30 and return 8 evening on the shoofly. We wish hem success and believe tbey will have they have good players on the nine yd have been practicing several days. Mission at Halifax We learn $at the Rev. Geo. B. Ilebbard, retor of lalvary Episcopal Church, Tarboro, will M a week's mission at Halifax in the irly part ot July, upon a date not yet iced. Mr. Hebbard is one of the ablest reachers io this diocese. The services under the management of the Rev. W. . Mellichampe will be made most attrac tive to the congregations. I Cube for Dvse.ntery. Mr. Kd. Wills, of Briokleyville, writes that as hcre soems to be so much dyseutery pre failing, an unfailing remedy may be ac ceptable, Here it is : 'j "lake sweet milk, heat it as not as oan be drunk without boiling, and take rrom one-half to a pint at a time, repeat lag the dose as required." Si This is a simple remedy and within the reach of everyone. Try it. sThe Crops The crops are generally Lte and are grassy because the ground has been too wet to work, but the hot dry weather of the past tew days has done wonders for them and they are grow ing beautifully. There is plenty of lime for them to mature and jield abundantly, although some aredown cai-t at the pros vict. It it is too soon yet to make any rocnostications. Cotton 's like a wo un you can never tell whut it is going ) do until it is done. After all, the best way to know the Te4 merit of Hood j Sarsapirillu, is to try it yourself. Be sure to get Hoods. To Coli'miius Pknitkntiahv. Henry K. Davis, late assistant Postmas ter at Halifax was convicted in the Federal couitlast week on a charge of cmbczyJing government funds and Feritcneod to eigh teen months imprisonment in the Colum bus' Ohio, penitentiary, and lined .S-'IH'-!, the amount of his slo'itagc. The short age was originally about a thousand dol lars, but about six hundred dollars of it was refunded. The grand jury did not lind a true hill against Cora Davis, and she was discharged. Dii. Tai.mahe The Rev. Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage will to-day pass through here on the Atlantic Coast Line train en route for the Teachers' Assembly at Morehead City. An invitation was i-ent him to preach here either before or after his visit to Morehead, but be replied that his time had been so apportioned that it would be impossible for him to accept. Ho said that he would be hero twenty minutes and would be glad to be present ed to any who should so desire, lie will arrive here ut 12:10, and leave at 12:.'il. An Evidence of Weakness. Every established local newspaper re ceives subscriptions from large cities which puzzles the publisher, but which the New York Times explains as follows : "A wholesale merchant in the city who became rich in the business says his rule is that whenever he sells a bill of goods on credit, he immediately subscribes for tho local newspaper of his debtor. So long as the customer advertised vigor ously, the merchant was satisfied, but as soon as he began to contract his advertis ing space the fact was taken as evidence that there was trouble ahead and the creditor invariably went for the debtor. The merchant said that the man who is too poor to make his business known is too poor to do business. The withdrawal of an 'adv' is evidence of weakness which wholesale men are not slow to act upon." Ri;n Over and Killed. The through freight train which left here Saturday night at 12 o'clock ran over and killed a negro man by the name of Buck Wade, about two miles this side of EoGeld. Wade had been in Enfield during the day drinking and left about ten o'clock at night, walking home ou the railroad track. It is supposed that he sat down on the track and fell asleep. His body was found Sunday badly man gled and the skull crushed, near the place where he should have left the track to reach bis home. He was about !!0 years old, and a farmer. Corouer Gary was notified and held an inquest, the ver dict of the jury being to the effect of Wade was killed by a freight train on the W. & W. road. The engineer did not see the' ni.ui and probably did not know that be had been run over. No blame attaches to the railroad or its employees on account of the sad acci deut. Subscription Defeated. Tho election on the proposed subscription of $15,000 to the Garysburg and Jackson railroad, held in Oocaoeecb.ee township, on Saturday, was very hotly contested, both sides working hard to succeed. Until the day of election the railroad ad vocates were confident of success, but tho result was ten majority against the subscription, the vote being 239 to 219. A full vote was not cast. The road will doubtless be built but in stead of going to Garysburg it will proba bly strike the Seaboard road a little this side of Seaboard, where a lumber road has a station. This lumber road which is six miles long will possibly be made a part of the line, leaving about five miles of track to be built. The subscriptions uow amount to about $30,000, and it is proposed to induce the Seaboard road to take slock enough in the enterprise to iron the road and supply the rolling stock. DeafncHu Can't be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an iiiflammaiton of the mucous lining cf tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets iuflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out, ami this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever, nine cases out of ten are caused bv catarrh, which is nothing but an iuflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that we cannot cured by taking llal.'s Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free. F.J. CHENEY & CO, Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold hy druggists, prioe 75c. (Mini. POPULAR PEOPLE. SOME OF THE FOLKS YO U KXO WA XI) rilEIi: DOIXUH. Mr. S. 15. I'ierce returned from Trini ty College Friday. Mr. F. M. Parker, Jr., of Richmond, was in town Sunday. Mr. Eugene Johnston, of Littleton, was in town Saturday. Miss Daisy Crimp, of Tiilery, is visit ing Miss Alice Anderson. Ex-Governor Jarvis pissed through here Tuesday for Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Klin Carr, of Edgecombe, spent Tuesday night in town. Miss Tempo Hamilton, of Baltimore, is visiting Miss Nannie Long. Miss Gould, of Philadelphia's visit ing Capt. and Mrs. W. II. Day. Mr. Julian B. Timberlake. of eigh, spent Sunday night in town. Mr. Charles Euiry returned lfal- I'rmn Horner School, Oxford, Saturday. Mi- Lillio Daniel returned Monday from Wake Forest commencement. The Rev. 15. W. Spilltnaii returned from Wake Forest College Saturday. Miss Kate Preseott returned from a visit to Henderson Monday afternoon. Messrs. B. F. Gay and Buffaloe, of Northampton, were in town a few days ago. Miss Mattie McLeod, of South Caro lina, is visiting her uncle, Mr. J. T Gooch. Messrs. John C. and John H. Winder, of the Seaboard Air Line, were in town Monday. Mrs. T. H. Chavasse left Friday for a month's visit to Henderson and darks ville, Va. Master Karl Pope returned home Thursday from Raleigh, where he had been at school. Miss Emily Hall, returned home to Scotland Neck Friday from St. Mary's School, Raleigh. Messrs. Raleigh Daniel and John Long returned home Saturday from Davis school, Winston. Miss Annie Cohen, of Enfield, re turned home from St. Mary's School, Raleigh, Friday. Miss Lola Walker, of Maryland, who has been with Mrs. P. A. Lewis for some months, returned home Friday. Misses Addie Baiu and Susie Timber- lake, of.llaleigh, who have been visiting in this place, left for a vi-it to Hender son Friday. Messrs. Ilabliston and Williams, of the Great Falls company, were in town sever- ;il days ago on business connected with the company's canal. Miss Bettie Clarke, of Oxford, who has been visiting the fainilv of Mr. W. R Smith, is now attending the Teachers' Assembly at Morehead. Col. Frank Cameron, of Raleigh, was in town last week in the interest of one of the building and loans associations of which he is the general manager. Mr. W. B. Daniel, representative of the State Chronicle, has been in town a day or two in the interest of h is paper. We hope he was largely successful. Misses Leliaand Eva Allen, daughters of Mr. A. S. Allen, of this place, who who nave been attending school at Bel field, Ya., returned home Thursday. Mr. J. B. Coffield, of Martin, repre sentative in the last Legislature, passed through here Tuesday to attend a meet ing of the Board of Agriculture, of which he is member. Mr. W. C. Bowen, of Jackson, who has been sojourning in Denver, Col., with a view of making that place his home, has returned to Jaikson for a while. If Mr. Uowon should determine to reside there permanently he will have the good wishes of a host of friends who regret for him to leave the Old North State. More Dwelling Houses Needed. Moro houses are needed iu Weldou. A dozen or moro could bo rented at onc , and in a few months the demand will be still greater. Over half the houses in town contain at least two families, and all the boarding houses are crowded con staotly. People are bound to crowd be cause there are not enough houses for the population. The town cannot grow much more until there are places for people to live in Will not some one make a good investment by building dwelling houses to rent ? Touristg Whether on pleaure bent or business, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Fi . i" nets most pleasantly and effectual! on the kidn-vs. liver and bowels, pr - n'irio fevers, headache and other forui.-i of sickness. F ir sale in oOj and $1.00 bottles by all the leading drug gists. Building & Loan. A branch of the Building and Loan Association, of Knoxville, Tenn., was organized here last week with the following nllicer: W. 11. Ilrowo, president; T. F. Anderson vice-president; B. A. Pope, secretary and treasurer; E. T. Clark, attorney; direc tors, J. L. Judkins, II. C. Spiers, G. P. Philips. The capital stock of the company is 825,000,000, and its affairs are under the control of Odd Fellows but every one is permitted to take stock. For informa tion apply to aoy of the above otlicers. Hebrews for Littleton. A tele gaiitu from Hickory says the representa tive of the Baron Hirsch immigration committee now in this country was in that place recently and while there it was learned from him that the committee is negotiating for large bodies of land in various places in this State, including 120,000 acres of land near Littleton. This committee expects to put 20,000 Russian Jews in this State. No place is better suited for such a project than Littleton. It has every natural advan tage, and these outcasts from Russia would be warmly welcomed. "I say, doctor, what in your opinion is the leading virtue of this wonderful Pan acea Water of which I hear so much down at Littleton, N. C? "Why, it is this, in the diseases which it cures there seems to be a permanency which no other water effects. It not only relieves but cures. It is indeed a remarkable virtue." Ask your druggist or send $1 for a case to Panacea Springs k Hotel Co. Oxford, X. C. Sunday School Picnic. Yesterday tho Sunday school of the Episcopal church went to Littleton on a picnic, where they spent the day, returning here at 8:30 io the evening. They took up with them a number of invited guests. Xext week the Sunday schools of the Methodist and Baptist churches will also picnic at Littleton. About two car loads will go. The railroad authorities very kindly gave a low rate of fare for both occasions. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar linking powdt r Highest of all in leaveiiiie.' strength. L'iti s C S. (Inn i iiuii'iil t'oihl I'cjiDi l. NOTICE . " The undersigned having ou the 5th day of May IHMl qualified before the Superior Court of Halifax county as executor of the last will and testament of Thomas V. Harriss, deceased, hereby notifies all per sons holding claims against the estate of his said testator to exhibit the same to him on or before tho first day of July 1892. J. J. W. HAKUISS, Executor of Thomas V. Harriss. je 18 6in. 200,000 Strawberry EPlants FOE SALE. All of standard varieties, viz: Monarch of the We.st, Cumberland Triumph, Jumbo, Sucker State, May King, Hoffman, Cloud, Price, Rig Bob, Wartield and Crystal City. Apply to JNO. .1. KOHKKTSON, Enlield, X. C. je 11 Gin. B. F. Garv, Agent, Weldon, N. C. LAND SALE. !y virtue of a decree issuing from the Superior court of Halifax county, in the cause therein (tending, entitled V. H. Day hxeeulorot 1.. 1). JSiowning, against ( VV. Lewis, I will sell at public auction lor cash in the town of cldon, N. C. on Sat urdav May :10th, IHill, the following real estate, to-wit: One lot in said town of Weldon, fronting on Sycamore stteet, "() feet, and running back llli tent, adjoining the lands of I. K. Green and Henry Pr- ham, being the lot formerly occupied by M. 1j. Mahry, as it residence. Also one nt her lot in said town, begin ning at W. I). .Smith's corner, on the X side of 1st str -el, I hence W 27 I'- t toC. .1 Gee's line, thence along lice's hue 1 feet to I lam 1 1 ii Darners line, then t,,-i to said Smith's line, thence 1J J fed to he ginning, containing ) ot an acre. K. HANSOM. 5-7-4t. Commissioner. mm, Si NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BECK WHIPS ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. As a iamily medicine these pills are un rivalled. As an Anti-Dyspeptic Pill they have stood the test of 7.") years, and maintained their reputation. THEY R EG ULA TE the BO )'EL& mid LI V Eli. They will relieve Colic, Sick Head ache, Acid Stomach, and all the evils at tendant upon indigestion. They are the cheapest and best remedy offered for Dyspepsia in all its forms. For sale by W. M. COHEN, Weldon, N. C. E. P. Beck with & Co , Wholesale agents, Petersburg, Va. my 28-ly. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES VflADI MARK. Quilt; rintulilwyi. P. N. STAINBACK & BRO., GENERAL MERCHANTS, have exclusive sale of these celebrated glasses in Weldon, X. C. FAULKNER, KELLAM & MOORE, The only manufacturing Opticians in the South, Atlauta, Ga. JwjrPeddlers are not supplied with these famous glasses. A AVE HAVE SEVEKAL OF FICES i TO i LET, : SUITABLE l'OK LAWYEItS, REAL ES TATE AGENTS, OK OTHER PROFESSIONAL MEN. THEY A RE LARGE WELL LIGHTED ROOMS, LARGE WINDOWS AND VERY FAVORABLY LO CATED. FOR A TER3I OF ONE YEAR Okt MORE WILL BE RENTED REASONABLE. Al'PLY TO FROELICH & CO. ie f tf. LOT 15. ces to fe fc 1 w GO'S 1 s I 1 j ca NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. nANACEA r .-. SPRINGS HOTEL FOUR MILESSOUTH OF LITTLETOH. WILL BE OPENED 1ST OF MAY, 1391. NEW FURNITURE, and everything arranged for the convenience and com fort of guests. The Panacea Springs have a wider range in their curative properties than any other known waters. DRINK AND BE When you arrive at Littleton some of the good people will tell you that the Springs around town are just as good as Panacea. Well, they are good but when you drink mix in some Panacea, and bear in mind all the time tho more PANACEA you put the better it makes it. Come Directly TO Littleton v Hotel WHERE A LI YBE Y CAN READILY BE HAD To take you Out. TERMS: For less than one day $2 rates. 1 day $1.50; week $10.00; month $30.00 , B. B. PUILEN, Prop. Panacea Springs Hotel, Panacea, N. C, and Littleton Hotel, at Little ton, N. C. 4-30-3m. IE, DEALER IN 1 McrchandisE, ALSTON'S GIN. WARRNNTON ROAD. Alway on hand: BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. DRY GOODS NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, GUNS, PISTOLS. : GROCERIES,:- WILL BUY CORN, COTTON, COTTON SEED CHICKENS, EGGS. And all COUNTRY PBODTJCE- y i fir J. MM Ben The very lowest prices and beat prices at MAGUIRE'S, jan 1 Cm,

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