TIIE 110AN0KE NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1891. THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY JUNE 18, 1891. POPPING THE QUESTION. How sweet thou art, Oh little heart, I cannot tell to thee ; But heart, Oh heart, we'll never part If thou wilt gang wi' me. If I could tell right true aud well How much I love thee, Sweet Could measure out and fling about The tune my heart doth beat Could make thee feel that when I kneel And kiss thy dear wee hand I'm happier far than any king That rules in any land TVonld'st thou then say that yearned for "Yea" In accents sweet ami low ? Oh, say it now, my darling, "yea,1 Say "yea" before 1 go! HER LOVER A FELON. Hucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Sake in the world for Cuts, Braises, Sores,Ulcers, Salt Rheura,Fever Soies.Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns,and all skin eruptions,and positive ly cures Piles, or no rav reauired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown &Carraway, Halifax, Dr. J A McGwigan, Enfield; W. M. Cohen, Weldon. ADVERTISEMENTS. BAD BLOOD !: Plmplei on the Face Breaking Out I Skin Troubles Little Sorei Hot 8kln : Boils Blotches i Oold Soreii Bed Breath ; Bore Moith or Lip ; If j u .iiffiT lm it,r l 2 A TERRIALE ORDEAL FOR A I,OVlNU AND EXPECTANT (1IRI.. DOCTOR ACKER'S ENGLISH : IBLOOD ELIXIR! IWHY? n'AWStJ(MM I ll.r.m i-t.f nuH mMMtnr I If HO. did T"U igUo yoiiri'l( tli nwifd utlmllon M llio thou!. VV n' i'il not fc'll tou that you requiro a bloort ; mrlk'Wie, to enyun fiv.'."im from tN iifti'r i-l- lln-ls. Ur. Ak.f Knull.h Blood MMr Mil. . only kno n mmtldn mat ill ll:oionirlilv crmll- Smitetli. polron from Ine 'f"S.,','.L'V.'.,".n ! :Turdnik'tt. or .rife to H . II. Ilookl II A I :('(.. 4 Wt Uromly, t orktll. ; iM..a.n. f tiM n 1, - Li NEW ADVERTISEENTS. A r u. WE are now receiving the largest and best stock Dry Goods and fine Shoes we have ever had. Our motto is the best goods for the least mon ey and leave the "one thread in the reed slop shop trash" to others. Would you make the best possible use of your money ? Would you get the best and the most goods for a dollar? Then go to W. A. JOHNSTON'S If you doubt this ask your neighbor? He never asks you two prices and takes one and a half but is content with one price and small profits, and warrants every thing he sells to be as represented or the money refunded. Industry, Int e grity, A i 01 ity and Pluck : DOCTOR ACKER'S i PURE j PINK I PILLS. Thesie Celebrated ENGLISH; Pills are a Positive Cure for Mck 2 llraduche, IMIIounnen, and J Vouatlpatlon. 8 mall, pica-! ant and a fuverltc vltJk tar" lutltva. Sold in England for Is.; l jl in America for Ac. Get; tlii'tn from your Irutfglt( or; send to W. H. HttOaER A CO 46 Wfit Rronlwar, Kfw York, For Pale by W. M. t'OllKX, Wcltlim, N'.C ELCLARK, "I witnessed a most touching and dra matic incident the other day," says M. J. Madden, of Chicago. ';It was at the Union depot. Among the passengers leaving the train just in from the south was a distinguished-looking old gentle man, and eliDging to his ami was one of the most beautiful girls I ever saw in uiy life. "To take the Joliet train there eame lown the stone steps a burly officer in citizens clothes, and by his side was the once society favorite, George Lipe, con victed of forging his mother's name to valuable documents, who, in spite of all the influence brought to bear, must serve I his term in the penitentiary. "A steel band was about the prisoner's wrist, attached to another about the offi cer's wrist. The two couples I have de scribed met directly in front of the big gates. .. " ...i: i .1 ;.i ' f M J her fae lighted up with pleasure, "here I i-i . . i - i - is ueorge come to rueei us alter our long journey."'' "She rushed forward to meet the con I 1 nave l,,'l'n surveying vict and impetuously grabbed both bis I around Weldon at various tiuus hands. The shock the si"ht of the i manacles produced was positively fright ful. Her great eyes opened, her face blanched, she tried to speak but could not, and then she fell fainting into the arms ot her father, who bore her to a carriage. "The convict, during this ordeal,was a pitiable-lookiog object. He uttered no word, but an he passed through the gate I saw his lower lip covered with blood. He had bitten through it. "The girl, I learned, was the felon's fiancee, who had been in Mexico all winter." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. are our business maxims and credentials to your favor, and we will stand or fall by them m competition with trade demoralization and bus iness tricks of the day. we me no cheap jow with soft words, fine promises and special friendships, that are known oi all men to be counterfeit, but give you mil value m every purchase. UADIES': F!NE:DRES8-C00:D!S we invite your special attention to the new and beautiful styles and all shades of color, in our elegant silk wraps, Henrietta's, all wool cashmere ; serges, plushes, velveteens and fine cut silk velvets, as also our party dresses in cream Henrietta's. French embroiderer! flnnnmnore TnrHa WELDON, N. C. : Linens, Mulls, Nansooks, etc., these goods are the cream of the fashion j and are FIT fof TH TQOUSSE4U quEEfi Of whom we number many among our customers. We receive the l'aris and New York Fashions Monthly for both Ladies and Gentlemen and find our specialty in Gentlemen's Clothing Fine Furnishing Ms T . : i' & i . . a. : i i i i i . . . . .... in cunning urn sons mm i irom r i in c. in which we nave atiocii as agent one t i uio larger ami most t;ishi..n;iolo tailoring establishments in the United States. We 1 win iiiko your measure unci nae your suns made loonier in a lew days at rinladolplua pices exj n s.-ago s.iti, il ami tiuanmtce a (it and full satisfaction. Mr. J. . Anderson with a full corps of clerks will insure you polite attention. W. A. JOHNSTON, Littleton, N. C'., Oct 1st 1890 ' 0 S K desiring to purchase or sell properly in the town of Weldon, will do well to see or correspond with me. I have been surveying the lands in and for the nd hence I know some thing of the value of these lots. CAST 91.EKP SIGHTS Is the complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker's English Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles. Sold on a positive guarantee at 25c. and TiOc. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drugstore, Weldon. N. C. Feed the Heart. Is any miserli ness so mean as that which holds loving words in the heart unspoken when dear lives are starving close beside us, which our words would save and feed ? Use your gift of speech to give comfort, joy, cheer and hope to all about you. Use it to encourage the disheartened, to warn those who are treading in paths of danger to inspire the indolent with holy motives, to kindle the fires of heavenly aspiration on cold heart-altars. Ulcerated sore leg, with a running sore of several year's standing, which the doctors thought incurable, and amputa tion was regarded as the only relief, the patient scarcely able to walk before, now runs apparently well. The cure was made by P. P. P., and is known through out Savannah as one of the great cures that P. P. P., the wonderful medicine, has made. Headache is readily cured by P. P. P. which tones and regulates the digestion and creates an appetite. The best spring medicine in the world is P. P. P. If you would be well and in good spirits use P. P. P. If weak and debilitated and run down take P. P. P. For a spring medicine to cure and tone up the general ailments of the system, take P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium.) Abbott's east indian corn paint Is a quick cure for Corns, Bunions and TVarte. CURE TOUR CORNS Br TSIVa Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint for Corns, Bunions, and Warts, it is great. For pale at W. M. Cohen's drugstore, Weldon, N. C. K I I I I I Hart and Allen, SUCCESSORSTOM.F.HART. tlEVI FIRP- Anil a Uriglit Fresh stock Goods. Mr. Hart has just returned from the Northern markets where be has been bay ing oar stock. If our Iriends and patrons of the olil firm will give us a call they will timl a well selected aud stvlisli line of DBESS GOODS With trimmings to match. A complete line of clothing. A FASHIONABLE line of HATS. Best makes in LADIES', MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. In fact everything to be found in a first class establishment of the kind. The friends and old customers of Mr. Hart are earnestly requested to renew their business relations with him through the NEW : FIRM. Come to see ns without FAIL and we will give yon valne received. Respectfully, HART & ALLEN. 3-12-tf. Stores, Dwellings and other buildings insured in the best companies against loss by fire. LOSSES -: BY :- FIRE -:- PROMPTLY -:- PAID LOSSES -:- BY -:- FIRE -:- PROMPTLY -:- PATJX Rates Low. Rates Low. Rates Low. Rates Low. - ui in ui tu in in tmimi uini mm to Q mmmmmiummnimmmmin- GINS A SPECIALTY. -minrararatumramtnaimratnfranimmmuiinuiuuuraaimm- Low rates in the Standard Companies given on STEAM, WATER tnd HORSE POWER GINS. For further Particulars Apply to e mm mi' office.

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