THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1891. NEW RAILROAD SYSTEM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERT1SEENTS. I I I I CONNECTING TIIK SOUTH WITH NOKTU AND WEST. THE There is now talk of another bi rail road deal which is to connect the South with the North aud West and the South Bouod Road, now being constructed in this State, is to be one of the connecting links. The new road is to be completed by the 1st of October, and it is said will be the connecting link of a new system with the South. "Starting from Savannah, Ga., it will have connection over the Savannah, Flor ida and Western llailroad into Florida; thence moving North, ii intersects the South Carolina Railway at Lee's on its way to Columbia, and then to Monroe, N.C.,via the Three C's where it intersects the Georgia, Carolina and Nut hern Road. Then the line goes straight on through Lexington to Winston .Salem, Martins ville Rocky Mount to Roauoke, Va., over che Shenandoah Valley Road, now the property of ihu Norfolk an Western Road, to Shenandoah Junction, connect ing with the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road, where direct communication can bo made for the West and North. All these lines are outside of the present re cognized systems, and should tho South Carolina and Charleston, Sumter, and Northern Road be entered in the poo there could very easily be auother big system arranged to run to Charleston. "It is generally thought that John Itobinson, of tho Seabord Air Line, thinking of securing a port ou the South Atlantic coast, but principally to cstal lish a quick line between tho North and South. With the prcseut Northern con nections beyond Mouroe there is a good chance for tho establishment of a new system between Washington and the South. "The railroad situation is certainly a most interesting one, particulaly at this time. Those roads which are not already under (lie control ot some ot the many gigantic syndicates arj practically on the market. ( harleston mini r Journal. A MODERN DRUMMER. HE KINDS THE TEI.EIIRAl'H I'SEFt'L IN COMMUNICATING WITH HIS WIVES. w. &w. r. n. $ BRANCHES. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS liOIXii SOUTH. I No. J:i, LI 0 IrgWftfflramHBgBgSgEH! ...An.a..-w,. .. Dated June'th, 1S1. No. 2", fast mail Daily I Daily. , No 41, daily ex Sun 1-cave Weldon I 1pm I S43P M 6 nam I I " 140 ' 7 (JO Ar Kocky Mount... xr Tariioro "8 if" -t'avu iiirunro io:t,AM! Arrive Wilson. . I 8 IS r m I ; ixuvu nusou -.di" Arrive Selma I a :i " Arrive Kayultuville, 5;io " avL'(inUll)oro 13 15 " 1710" .eave VNursaw 4 in " ( .eavc .MiiL-iiolia .... I 4 l7 "ism Arrive Wilmington i;ui "9f5 TUA1NS(,0IN(I NOKTU I 7 M s in " I DM " 'J4il " 1 11 20" Noll, I daily. I'.''lIlM 29. s ;ii 1 No 7S No 40 daily ei dally Sunday ItM.'iAM 42ipm In '7" Kin nil" ssa " I'.'o'i" 7 au '.nil" ;. ll is" I il Hi" 1 11-iSpM H - i " I :) " SM " i!17 " I I" :ftaM . .( inri ni, h m iihiiiiiihiimiumi in IVipni 9.10 eave VV i I in I ! tut. 11 I'live MnL-nulia.... live Warsaw Arrive liiildslinni.. .eave Knyeliet ille Airivu Solum Arrive Wilson .eiivc Wilcm Arrive Kocky Mount Arrive iHrhoro aveTurlioro . Arrive W eldon .'i ". laily except Sunday Train on Scotland Nock llram li Koad leaves Weldon lit S 10 p. m. Iluiifiix ;i :2. arrive Si'otland iscck an iHp. m.drei'iiviiit' eon p. m Kinstou in P. ni . KoiurninL' leaves Knistoo 7 nil. a. m. (ireeuvilles Ilia in. Arrlviiiu at Halifax 11 ml, a. m., Weldon 1 1 I'm in daily e.xceiit .Sunday. i.oeai ireiL'iu inim leaven vtemon ) ivi Wednesdays and l''rldnys ill 70 0 a in , anlviiiK, at Scotland Neck lilll'in'.in , lirecnville fin 2 p. m ixiiimoii 4 , p. iii ixeniniinn leaves Mlisioil luesiiays, i iiursuavH an i saluroavs at ihi ik. in. arriving at lireeiiville 12 (Xi noon, Scollund Neck i mi p. in. n eicion ii x i p. m. Train leaves Tariioro N. ('., via Albemarle und Ualeinh K. It. Haily except Sunday 4 nil p, m , tunday 3 00 p. in , arrive Williaiiiston N. C. (ISO i in.. 4 8'ip. m. nyinoiuii .Jin. m.. sin n. m. Kclurniu? leaves Hymoiilh dally except Sunday fi2'ia. m Sunday il (I ) a. m. Wilfinnislon, N. ('., 7 4(i a. in. ii.'is a. in. arrive Tarboro, 11 sou. ra. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds- boro N.C , dailyeeept Sunday 7 On a. in., arrive Sinithtield, N C.,8:ui a. m. Returning leaves Smitlilield, N. C, UCrJ a. m., arrive (Joldsboro, N C, to :)p.m. Irani on .Nasiivwe Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3 00 p m., arrives at Nashville 340 p. sprout Hope 4 1,1 1. ni. Ketiirniiu; haven sprin Hope hiiio a. m Misnviiie 1U ;ii a. m ar Kocky Mount 11 IS a, in. daily except Sunday. i mm on i union nrancii leaves ttarsaw lor Clinton, daily except Sunday at BOO p. m. and 11 UctunnnK leave (Hilton at 8 20 a m and a 10 p. m., connecting at Warsaw with No 40, u.iana vs. Southbound train on Wilson and Favetteville Kronen is No. 51. Northbound is 50. l)aily ex cept Sunday. lrain No. 27 sunn will only ston at Kockv .Mouni nuson ooiiihuoroauii liiKnoiia. 1 rain N'i. ,s makes elmc coiinociioii at Heldon forall points North daily. All rail via Richmond ami daily except Sunday via H;iv Line iriiinsmiikesciose connection lor all point Norm via Kiciimoim aim vmsiiineion All trains run s-'li.l between Wilmington and Washington aud have I'ulluiau 1'alace Sleepers auaciieii. J.R.KliNLY, J F. DIVINE, Sup't Trana General Sup't. 1. si. Missus, urn 1 rasseuger agent. Stores, Dwellings and other buildings insured in the best companies against loss by fire. te "No one who has heen a telegraph operator in a large hotel doubts the en tire truthfulness of the old saying that all men are liars," he remarked, as he finished sending a dispateh and added th receiver's cheek to it. "I tvish you could see the sort of business that goes over my wire here day after day. It is enou to establish beyond doubt the theory of the total depravity of man. "Last summer a drummer stayed this hotel for a couple of months am every morning he received a dispute every uight in which he gave a coiuple account of his doings during the day. After this telegraphic bombardment had been kept up for three or four weeks the fellow came into the office here one morn ing and handed mo a $20 bill. 'I'm go ing up to Waukesha for a week,' said he, 'and I want you to look after my business here. You understand about how my affairs have been running, I guess, and you can handle them just as well without me for a few days. Remember, I am hard at work here. Don't let me stay out too late at night, you know, or do anything that a sober, industrious und devoted husband ought not to do.' "Well, I became that Rochester wo man's husband by proxy. Every morn ing I received a dispatch from her, and every evening I answered it. I sent tho truant husband to church twice on Sun day and permitted him to go to the theatre twice during tho week. Upon his return from Waukesha ho began send ing amatory dispatches to a woman at that point. One morning he handed in dispatch to be sent in duplicate to his wife in Rochester and to a woman in Cincinnati. I noticed that the message ended, 'Your own loving husband, Bert,' and immediately called his attention to the slip. 'Do you want tho word "hus- Vianrl" to co to Cincinnati also?' I 'Oh. vea' he replied, as he lighted a cigar, 'make it a double header Tf mo last week's work pans ouc well I'll soon give you a chance to save .. . , j- 1 !... ' little worn Dy senuing iripie-ucuucio. Chicago Mail. Bucklen'a Aruica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheura.Fcver f?,, CVmnried hands. Chilblains Corns,and all skin cruptions.and positive ly cures Tiles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 2o cents por bo: For sale by druggists at WeldoD, Brown Camway, Hal;1ax,Dr. J A MoUwigan - .. ... w ri 1 TIT I 1. . apc'd; W. M. VJoneD, neiuou. TLA N TIC COAST LINK. I'KTERSnCRG if- WELDON R. U LOSSES LOSSES Rates Low. Rates Low. BY -:- FIRE BY -:- FIRE -o- PROMPTLY -:- PAID. PROMPTLY -:- PAID. Rates Low. Rates Low. -mmmmmmmammmmmm Q mmmmmmmmmmmmmm- GINS A SPECIALTY. -ramrararammmrararamramQrarammrammrarammranira- Condensed Schedule. TKAI.VS liOIXd SOUTH. Dated May :inl, l.S'Jl. Daily. No. 27 Daily. 1 1 Leave Petersburg, 10.10 am .'t.15 p ni Leave Stony Creek, 10.J:iam 1.13 p m Leave Jarrattn, 11.11 am Leave Kellield, II. HO am 4 49pm Arrive Weldon, 12.10 pm 5.2:1pm TRAIN'S (iOING NORTH. No. 11 No. 73 Daily. Daily. Leave Weldon, 5. 1 0 a- m. 3. 1 5 p. in l.e Hellield, 5.45 a.m. 11.52 p.m. Le Jarratts, (5.00 a.m. 4(!p.m. Le .Stony Creek, 0 19 a. m. 4 .XI p-m. Arrive Petersburg, G.51 a m. 5.12p.m Low rates in the Standard Companies given on STEAM, WATER and. HORSE POWER GINS. For further Particulars Apply to IE ROBE MS' OFFICE. L All trains run solid Weldon toWashiug ton. T. T). MYERS, T. M. EMERSON, Oen'l Superintendent. Gen. Passenger a(?t TO THE PATL JNS -OF THK- ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIGATION CO flimv TIMC Between NOKMM.K ina yuivrv 1 mi- KASTKRN N. CAKdua I A Mi j" ..;iWSv cd"i zmir-z. l jiAr . LI IB ; . W,. t ' " A M I 2so 'ET. ULAKK, Jf-DO 'Or Udies 52-00 WELDON, N. C. lliVVil LikJllVtV xaqviivj L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE and ntlwr upeclnl tied for Gentlemen, Lad les, etc., are wur- ' . - J 1 .n nn Ivitlnm AllllrMHR W.L.'l)OUtH.A,UrocUtn. Mm, boldby Weldou, N. 0. jan 1 6m. P ROFESSIONAL CARDS. R.O. HUBTOX.JB., O EWI. I..TKAVIS. BURTON & TRAVIS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the counties of Halifax and Northampton, and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Claims collected in all parts of North Carolina. min 11 ly. or rp II O S E desiring to purchase sell property in the town of Weldon, will do well to see or correspond with me. I have been surveying the lands in and around Weldon at various times for the past ten years and hence I know some thin" of the value of these lots. 1 1 On and after Monday, December 17th, and until further notice, the Meamei CHOWAN, Captain Withy, will LEAE FRANKLIN on Mondavs, weu nesduvs and Fridays for EDENTON, PLY MOUTH and All intermediate points on arrival of mail train fioiu Portsmouth, say 10.15 A. M. RETURNING The "Chowan" will reach Franklin on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdavs nt9 15 A. M.. in time to connect with Fat Mail train from Raleigh to Portsmontn and with Express train for the South. Passengers, hy this arp-Migement, taking the Steamer Chowan at a ly point on the river, will REACH NORFOLK hy 11 oelock A. M., and thus have the entire day for the trans actifjn of business in that city. GIVE THIS ROUTE A TRIAL. Respectfully, J. H. BOGART Franklin V., Dec. 15 1888. Snpt' -0 MY STOCK OF -0 Ana LIQUORS. 0. SMITH, SEE 111S LIQUORS, SEE HIS CIGARS, EI1WARIIT. CLARK. WeliU.ii.N.t:. (i. PANir.L Littleton, N.C office or. CLARK-:-AND-:- DANIEL, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. WELDON AND LITTLETON. Practices wherever their services are needed. One ol the tirm will attend at Halifax every Monday. 1-2'3-ly. JAMSSM.MI-U ItN, WA1.TEB K. DANIEL if UUO i DANIEL, ax IQUOKS AND GROCERIES. I have a complc stock of Family Gro ceries of all kinds which I will sell cheap for Cash. I have also on hand and am constant ly receiving a largo variety ol LIQTJOBS. Such as whisky, brandy, wine, beer, ale, porter, carbonated waters, &c. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice in theconrts of Hallffti andNorthamo i in ihi Knnri-tiip anil Federal court. Cow Call and see me on Washington Ave nue at the fta?"old stand of R. W. Daniel. W. D. SMITII. lrctlmiR made In allparUof North Carolina. . Braueh office t Halifax, N. C, open every Hon 00t 10 iy j" IBM 7 IV I - day Summer Wine.Beer.Sod Millinery. Is arriving, and I will dlilay the finest line ot Itoodsever shown Iu this town. Come and we luel NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW EST NOVELTIES. MRS. I'. A. LEWIS, oct4 ly Wddci, N.C. EVERY DRINK IN SEASON. tefirC Smith, Brick Building, on North Corner of llailroad Shed, Weldon, N.C. oct 16 ly M ON EY TO LOAN. On improved farm lands in sums of friOO niul nnwnrds. Loans repayable in' small annual instalments through a period of 5 thus enabling the borrower to pay of his indebtedness without exhausting his crop in anv year. Apply to HUKTON & "KAVIS, Attorneys, 1 :!) tiiu. Halilax, N. C. IHU11A) N. HILL, Attorney at LW HALIFAX, K. C. Practical In Halllni nd mljoliilng oonntloi and anv W t Federal and Hnpre me courti. D K. E. L. HUNTER, SUKliK(S DENTIST. Can bo found at his office in Enfield. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas for the Painless Extracting of Teeth always on hand. feb27 ly. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. ' Littleton, N. C. Teetn Extracted v'lliout pain. This - Space - be longs to the oiuuit Racket STORE. Mm ittiu

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