THE IIOANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1891. PLAIN, EVERYDAY MILLIONAIRE. mm3J Gould't Luck of Style Surprhe. the Observer. Rt the Hot Sprlug. One of the shabbiest hacks in Hot "Springs bumiieJ and rattled along the 3-oad in front of the Park hotel just as flthe small band of baseball cranks wore returning with hoarse voices and in spiring hands from the field where the St Faul team had snatched victory Iroin the Cincinnati!). The hack was pen, and on the back seat sat a little anan with a great many wrinkles in his lace and gray hairs in his dark beard. Beside him eat a very pretty girl with a sailor hat and a jaunty air to match. "Then vis-a-vis was a young man of :very small importance if appearances were to be trusted. The dust raised by ihe shuffling horses and rickety rig had - aiot subsided before a Xew Yorker -auuong the baseball cranks said irrever ently, "There goes old Jay!" Everybody turned tit once, and as if to gratify the curiosity of some of his subjects Mr. (iould hooked his umbrella into the luicktnaii's neck and signaled Lint to wheel about. Then as they passed we all had a good look nt the "Little Wizard." and the ew Yorker further identified the pretty girl and tho commonplace young man as tieorge Ciould and his young wife, about w hom thousands of young men raved when he adorned the stage as Kdith King Jon. Another hack of equally plebeian as pect the climate will be colder here when the supply of motheaten chariots suid spavined steeds runs out followed in the wake of Jay Gould's, containing 3tfiss Helen Gould and Dr. John P. Slunn, of New York, the physician who accompanies the railroad magnate on all his journeys. The Gould party arrived on their special car, and they got into Ihe hackman's hands of course. Even the wonderful strategic skill of Mr. (iould could not save him from the - ommon fate of all who get out at the Hot Springs terminus. It is my belief that Mr. Gould visits Hot Springs from time to time to study the hackmen, the druggists, the hotel keepers and the rest of the financiers here. Anyhow he drove all over the town and looked at the new hotels, the building boom, of which many new -stores are the result, and paid the 'hackmen without a protest, which as tonished them no doubt. Cor. Pitts burg Dispatch. Equivocal SentiineuU. There is an old story about the nier 4-hant of Milwaukee, who, daring the war of the rebellion, being an excellent liand at sketching, drew most admira bly on the wall of his store a negro's head, and underneath it wrote, in a manner worthy of the Delphic oracle, 'Dis Union foreber." Whether the sentence meant loyalty to the Union or not was the puzzling question which the gentleman himself never answered, always replying to inquiries, "Read it for yourselves, gentlemen." Tims it eamo to be a saying in the town that "no one knows how dat darkey stood on de war question." Another similar story of more recent origin is about a question which is puzzling the young ladies who attend a western female college. It seems that one of them discovered that some per son had written on the outer wall of tho college, "Young women should set good examples, for young men will fol low them." The question now per plexing the heads of several of the young ladies of the college is whether the writer meant what was written in a moral or in an ironical sense. Bos ton Gazette. A Spider ltarniiietrr, One of tho simplest and nt the samo time one of the best barometers is the common garden snider. When there is a prospect of rain or wind the spid always shortens the stays or likinietits from which his web is suspended, am leaves things in that state as long as the weather is variable. If the insect elongates his threads it is a sign of line, calm weather, the duration of which may be judged by the length of the webs. If the spider remains inactive it is a sign of rain ; but if, on the contra ry, it keeps at work during a shower the rain will be of short duration, fol lowed by fine weather. Other observations have taught nat uralisU that tho spider makes changes in its web every twenty-four hours, and that if such changes are made in the evening. Just before sunset, the night will be clear and beautiful, and the thoughtful spider will stand a fair chance of getting some tender night flying insect for his breakfast, ilie re pairs of the spider's net being made with that point in view. St. Imu'im Republic. Ths Historic Nil The Nile is a remarkably different stream now from what it was in i ti days of the ancient Pharaohs. lu waters are still wanted for making ; the but land of Eimt fertile each vear. they can no longer be depended upon ai least not to the extent desired During three months of the twolve the river does not flow into the MeHi liter- ranean at all. and the denartment of public works is engaged on the ques tion oi storage reservoirs winch v hold back some of the Mirnhis water flood time and let it out more leisurely as needed by the agriculturist. But survey shows it to be iniDracticahla store water north of the first cataract, ana tne irovernnient design for build ing a dam at Philoe at a cost of $3, 640, w wouia only give one-third of the water wanted, while it would involve the submergence of the ruins at that point Chicago Tribune. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. 1891. HBT ft WELDON, N, G. ANFELEGANT LINE OF PRESS GOODS AXPJTRIMMIXGS, CLOTHING, DRESS AND NEGLIGE SHIRTS, SHOES FOR MEN. BOYS AND LADIES. ALL THE BEST MAKES. HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. BkCotins and Metallic Cast's, at low prices. Call and examine our stock. EMKY & PIERCE. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE! TOWN LOTS FOR SALE! :0: SPLENDID TO JVN LOTS FOR SALE IN THE TOWN OF 1FELP0X.AT LOW PRICES; 0 fEJSOflJDLE fEfrJS FINE FARMING LAND FROM 1TO 2 MILES FROM WE TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. This ia a fine opportunity to purchase alue in two or three years. Apply by letter or in person to Mr. J. T. Oooch will tale pleasure in wishing to see them. 1891. PIERCE, -ALSO o- LDON, K C. land where it will be certain to double in ( T. N. HILL. HALIFAX, N. C. showing the lots and lands to any one ADVERTISEMENTS. riHAH. TlflLLFR WALSH, SOUTH SYCAMORE STRLE7, PETERSBURG, VA. Monuments, Headstones, Toaibs, Tablets, &c. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. DoTA beautiful calendar for 1889 sent to any address on receipt of stamp for postage. CHAKLES M. WALSH, oct 11 ly. 1891. THEz: 1891 NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD AT ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, Ts the best and cheapest iaiuily paper iu the United States. NOW IS T11K TIME TO FfBSCRIBE. NOW IS T11K TIME TO SfBSCKlBK. Many novelties will be added to the va lid y of its ((intiiits during the year ISM, and nothing will be left un done to phase and gratify its sub scribers. Its specialties for 1891 will be Oriiual articles on practical faroiinj; and Gardening. Serials and short stories by the bct authors. Woman's work and woman's leisure. Gems if literature and art. Original flashes of wit and humor. Answers to correspondents promptly and fully made. THE LATEST NEWS FROM EVERY SECTION -:-0F -:-TIlE -:-GLOBE AdJr JAMES GORDON BENNETT- N. V II KltALD. New York City. Iu not fail to Mihserihc ter till! NeW York Weekly Herald. Only mie dollar a vear. m? tlttlp r.iiiiihn'l'f nmdK ih t. r tv Aim t '?. Austin, ... i i.. . 11 I .,-!,. I II. I.i . t tit. i nhnmtr tli.iiifria Whr . . . , . a&iMl lMI nth. Vi'ii run d the work Mict )!' ,..,.. . l,..r....p v.. ii mwm t.VM h. end inrl vu. 1 an werk In inure unit r ail Mie tiini'. Hip nionr fur woik .r Mini iitihfn- n ami-fifth' m Il.llullf UV o.,ltu MHO I'ortluuil,. Maine MONEY in l' pornr-d nt otir SEWIInpnf Wfirk, .i.iillv mid liuimrnlilv, iiv lln.i of titli.-r im, onnp nr t hi, ami hillirir lu. ftlitltri.w ii"'?' 111-. Any w cur i mi do (lit m ei k. t Irani. Wt furnih vrryihinjr. We ttart vn. Nu nk. Vu rnii drtot your imrr m- mrtii. ur nil vinr linv to t ) Hurk. llil it n ntirrly itt kU,.itul l-iiiic w owl rfnl iiutcm in ttrty m oikcr UvpiHiitr tr trrntiir Ir.-m it to t'0 pi-r v. i-rk atiil ufwaciU tiilU mOTW biiti nnn rijiriiriirr. t t run lunii'ii lira nir rni- ilinint ntl tt-ai h v u rllkR. No mc-e lo ii)jlflln hfff. Kull MzuUvn l(kk. Till fc V 1 O., AllilSIA, HAl.Sfc. Sftrf X VI Alt 1 f iirid-rtnk to iirirflv "I 1 1 I I II It'Oili t'Jiy mii.v!liriitl pf-mMitif rithrr 1 1 1 1, w In ii rvnd and writr, and who, 1 1 1 1 I I II n,'r luiTNriiuii.uill vMnk itidutiriuilrt WWW Whuvrto tarn lirrt IhotiMiaMMIart a l rar in thriruwn lui lliin.rt In rir tlirv livr.l will aliofumlah the ilnaiin r hirli vuu ran rim that amount. No nullify f..r im utij-i uiritul aa ahnvr. tatily and gutckly unnim i m-ajrv nut mr wiirKir iruiu raci ninmi orrouuty. 1 lia alrrailr iMuirlit ami pr-. titfd with vniploymrnt tnrr numlipr, wh.i arr mnkiitd ot-r f X1HIO a irarrarh. It 1' ami N4M.III, hull imrtit-ular KII Kt, Addrfta at our, frflltfl.On a rrnr U maflf b .1. hn 1 (.....Juin.l i-- .M .,Ht .-ik i-r n(. Iia.l you lutiy ii I li.nkr it liuiib, Itut w it l it T irn from 9 1U a ilav at ilir man, and nu-ir 'in. lii-tli rr, til Mft-k. In any (irl t nif riia. j "U mn ci-nnm-ucP at liumr, y , nig an yuur uuir,ir Pj'arr iiiunivnia dun tltawurk. AH Inifw. (irrul yty hi Kk' fur ry tirkiT. r fiirnialiiii ttiytluiitr. 1 A.HU Y. M l 1 hll V Irani fcil.NbO.X A 10., IUUTLAU, aUI.k! DO YOU KNOW That you can have your eyes tested ac curately, and fitted with glasoes by a practical optician at YOUNG'S JEWELRY STORE The finest Bel of test lenses in thestate and there will be no charge for textinp your sight. More eyes are ruined by untms sold by incompetent persona than any other cause. Therefore, we advise you to be careful with your sight, and have your eyes examinea by a COMPETENT OPTICIAN Silver poods for bridal presents, dia monds of the finest oualitv. wtehen ir cold and silver cases, clocks of the best makers and good timers, gold thimbles and Lbrtstmas goods, gold headed canos and plain gold rings, opera classes and fancy hair pins, and of the latest styles of goods, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. n . J- W. YOUNC, Co Syca. & Bank Sts. Petersburg. Va. octly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. It K & SUMMER NEW STOCK Dress Goods -- Full line Bay State and Zeigler's Fine Shoes. STEAW GOODS For Men, Boys and Children. CLOTHING And GENERAL of every METALLIC AND WOODE COOKING STOVES, Etc., Etc. s A lot of Clothing in odds and ends at less than cost. P. . $T4illBHCK $ Bro.t AGKNTS. YEARS OF VARIED SUCCESSFUL In tho Uso of CURA. we Alono own. for all Dls- o M P.N Who liavo wiiil; or(.'.".t DEVELOPED, OT uiser.sto : s ordain, who ure smler-S-3i I HOME l any nxiiv. . .r ii W ... . , ,u,rrnTIUCfCf if tiny ...r. 0. mi-liioiani . 1 M .Hhope Don't trnod ovryoi:r rn. Thoumnds f tho Wort Puns TREATMENT, ns set fori h m our BcndfiraluO, postpaid, FRFi:, fur once that wo employ, nu-.l we i - WCSS. CatE liCOKAL C0.. C4 2,000 References. Name dec 11 ly THE PLACE TO GET IDRUQS and pEDICIfJES -AT LOWEST PKICES, DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH THE BEST SELECTED MATERIAL." PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. -IIVIHBI1 Unit fcaartr wtlcomeslwtyi awtlti yon at v ZOLLICOFFER'S. n COMPLETE. Newest Shades. MERCHANDISE description. "BURIAL CASES EXPERIENCE JIVE METHODS, and Control, orders of e Ivmmi "C :!!-, -iosi'i.i -ii . theirs : 'is U) ; ..t. :, till.. I, YOU14 ,, r'r . i'n-ir iiai v Vi-l u, mukgru COi. ' VC-! ii h::imi tiv.w. tiTiT ri."w, laim t!m pnrorr.'r - ' Mill KiAOMA ST.. LWaLO. A. V this paper v:!icn ysu vrlie, THE- il