THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1891. THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY JULY 16, 1891. TRUST. 2 take you by the haud, for you are blind, You trust me follow me where'er I go; You never questiou iue, because you know With sight unerring I the path can find. Tou feel my pity, know me true and kind; Your feet may stumble and your steps be glow; Tireless I guide because I love you so. And thus your heart to minethe closer bind. So I in darkness clasp a guiding hand, That lends me through a rough and track less wild, I follow gladly, like a sightless child, The one whose wisdom all my life has planned; Because I need his tender, pitying care, His presence lingers with me everywhere. THE HUMORISTS. A LITTLE NONSENSE NOW AND THEN 18 RELISHED BY THE WISEST MEN. "Whatever became of that grayhouud jou had?" "Killed himself." "Really?" "Yes; tried to catch a fly on the small ot his back and miscalculated. Bit him self in two. Proud Father ( showing off his boy be fore company) My son, which would you rather be, Shakespeare or Edison? Little son f after meditation ) I'd rath er be Edison. "Yes? Why?" " 'Cause he ain't dead." "Do you play much on the piano," he asked after she had finished a selection. "I use the instrument a good deal for tilling time," she said. "Yes, I should suppose you used it for that." American Citizen Welcome to free America! Immigrant (just landed) Please show me where I can buy some knives and pistols. "You have a Irotlur, I believe, Miss Harkins?" remarked the new admirer. "Yes. Why?" "I have brought hiui a box of gum drops." "Better keep them and otTer him a box of cigars, Mr. Noo. He is over forty years old." City Girl Mr. Farmer, why don't you milk that pretty red and white cow? Farmer (laconically) She's dry. City Girl Poor thing; let me give her a drink of water. "What is the meaning of the word lukewarm?" asked the teacher. "John ny Cumso, you may answer." "Water is lukewarm when it looks warm and isn't." Oh, let us to the picnic grounds, With cakes, and pie and custard, Where hostile snakes meander 'round, And frolic in the mustard. "The mouth of the Ohio is fifty miles wide." "Dear me. With. a mouth of that size it ought to be called Foraker." ' Off to a mountain stream we sped, She looked so charming, so inviting, "Ah, fish for me!" I said; said she, "I knew-not suckers were a-bitting!" Clara (waking) Whose poem was that you've just read? Isabella Why that was Browning's. Clara I thought so. I knew it the -minute I fell asleep. He has not felt love's power Who notes time's flight And takes lees than an hour To say "Good night." Miss Fiflhavenue (to young man from the West) Ah, Mr. Kouboi, do you sing? Mr. K. (frankly) Yes'm, if there ain't anybody around with a gun. THAT TERRIBLE COUGH In the morning, hurried or difficult breath ing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Ackei's English Cough Remedy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee. For Bale at W. M. Cohen's drugstore. weiaon, a. t. A PICMY CAPTURED. ONE OF THOSE REMARKABLE BEINGS DESCRIBED BY STANLY NOW I.N LIVERPOOL. A London special says: The wonder ful account given by Henry M. Stanley, the African explorer of the dwarf tribe he had met with in equatorial Africa, has ar oused a great deal of public curi osity. Mr. Crosa, the Liverpool natural ist, in order to meet this demand, gave orders to his agents to obtain, at any price, the best specimen they could of this peculiar race, which seems to supply the long-sort for missing link between the anthropoid ape and man. After a loud and tedious search in the depths of the thirk continent, a remark able female pigmy was procured from a native tribe, by which she hail boon cap tured, and was brought safely to Liver pool. She is thirty-six inches iu height, well developed body and jet black com plexion, with a peculiarly monkeyish ex pression, and a nose so flat that the lower part of her face lesembles clo-ely the muzzle of an animal. She has learned a little English, and converses freely, as far as her vocabulary goes, with those around her. Anothir decidedly civilized accomplishment she has also acquired, is to smoke the best cigars with a relish. SHOULD A (illtL IIKSITATK? DIVEltliINO OPINIONS OK TWO MAIDENS AS TO WOMAN'S SWEKSKST HOfR. A young girl, attractive though not pretty, bright and witty, well-red and well-bred, whom I love dearly, asked uie the other day what 1 thought was woman's sweetest hour. I have since then discovered her reason for asking the question. She anticipated my answer with the preface that she thought it was when, having brought the man of her choice to he point of proposing, she keeps him waiting a few moments for her answer, regarding the nature of which she lins given no inkling so strong as to make it certain that it will be "Yes." I am also a young girl, three years her senior. I have not yet experienced that "sweet hour'' not, at least, from a stand that to see and feel the anxiety of one's love, and to know that it i nil caused by love for you, should constitute unbound ed happiness. Yet my friend's idea strikes me as somewhat insincere and a trifle cruel. Were I ever call upon to answer the most important question of my life, pro pounded by the man af my heart, I would find keener joy in unhesitatingly saying "Yes" than to feign a doubtfulness I did not feel. A little beating about the bush at the outset is perhaps proper enough, but when you have assured yourself that you are dealing with aD honest man that loves you I think that all parn ing and diplomacy had better be supplanted by frankness and sincerity. I think the honorable wooer is entitled to as much information as he has imparted to his sweetheart. HONEST ADVICE. A gentleman in a French restaurant who desired to get the best that the res taurant afforded drew a silver coin out of his pocket and gave it to the waiter be fore he ordered anything. "Here is your fee," said the customer. "Now I want to know, in all confidence, what you can recommend." The waiter pocketed the coin. "You want my honest advice, eh?" "Certainly." "Well," said the waiter in a confiden tial whisper, "I should recommend an other restaurant!" Detroit Free Press. CONSUMPTION CURED. Au old physician, retired from prne tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous De bility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative pow ers in thousand of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and it desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Noyes, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y. apr 30 ly.' FOR DYSPEPSIA, Indication, and Stomach dlcorden, dm brown's max uitteus. All doalen keep It. II per bottle Ccnulne bu trade-mark and crotsed red liuel on wrapper. DIRECT TAX. Halifax rr.ori.E who paid it and TO WHOM IT WILL I!E REFUNDED. Clerk (Jregory has received the list of the direct taxes from the Governor and is ready to till out applications for the same. These taxes are lefunded only to , the landowner, the executor or ndminis- j trator. Where the applicant holds the : original receipt it should he attached to the application; if the original receipt cannot be found two witnesses must ceiti- i fv to the ownership. Certificate must in i all cases tie niaile before the clerk. These taxes were collected in ISM under a law passed in IStiO. Following are the names of the owners of the land, and of those who paid the taxes in cases where the owner did not pay them. The names are given alphabetically ac cordingto the districts in the couuty, which numbered 16. 5 t .is K 3 DtsTBUTl. Aston, W. E. l-22, Baker, Hcury .90 Lewis,T. est. of W E Aaron, .71 Pope, E. est. of Jacob l'ope, 19.33 DlsTKH T 2. Bobhift, Thus. 2 lit! Pickens, Chris. 2.49 Gardner, Mary I-'-' Hux, J. Sr. est of Kilpatrick, ail. 3 Si Harper, L. .ox Jones. Ileliecc.i, M M.Klicarin, 193 Neville, Keililin, 17. ronton, W'.H. tract, John Norlleet, locus' Distkkt 11. Bass, Turner UK 10 Powell, ,1 J W J W Bridgers ex. 183.72 Whitehead W 1) Druughan, 7 s0 District 4. Cheek. F. J. Daniel, li. W. Long. X. M. Powell, Win. 1! Spiimati, B. W. Tim I. el lake, J II 14.14 1.(10 1.11 ICC :i.:.j :: in 11. W. Hamlin, 8.00 48. fO Zollicollel'. ,1. U. District llriekell, W. W Karnes, Win. Cu Hum, Joel Culloin, Mary W. F ;-2 :ss i 2.37 ! .'.Hi ! 2 fX 1-02 ! Brown Pickens, Lunslord Glasgow, S. A. J. A 40 j Mux, Berry I). -37 j pes, Samuel 4.21 Lynch, G G 1 1.96 District (i. Allen, Mark A J K Johnston, 4184 Clements, W. W. S Carter, 10.09 Carter, Jesse. ." 17 Pillehay, John Af 42 Elms, Miss pecey .10 Harriss, Jas .64 Hamill. Tims J. 2.12 House. II. A. li E Moseley, 20.00 Harper, Mrs. Elva 5.44 Jenkins, Bellield J W King, 1.00 EdwS 2.44 B. K. " 540 Johnson, John li 4 00 Jarrell, Vincent 9.20 James 3.38 Jenkins. Henry T. 15.56 ' Jenkins. W .1 iieirs J W Harris .13 King. J W 1.81 Miles, Samuel. J Wilson, 1(1.42 Baiks & Clements J Carter, 15 64 Perkins, Nath'l S lid J M Nath'l Perkins 9.00 Sledge, Eliza & Ann 21.00 Wilson. Joshua .03 Webb, Wm 11 Jos Butts, ,Y44 District 7. Camp, JasO. 10.88 1 District 8. Easley, Lucy, J H Overstreet is .70 Overstreet, J H heirs ' 1.00 Archer, Stephenson, 5 91 1 Butts, Jesse Susan Butts .2 " Sr Eli 10.03 " Mills, 2 30 , Britt, Richard, X Dunn .20 Bustin, ll'm 7G.0O Butts, Susan, G Butts, .35 j Bellamy, W E 8.72 Carlisle, Hardv 5.15 Tlms'M 7.72 James 2.08 Duun, Nat 3.68 Draper, Win 11.28 Hancock, John, 2.10 Higgs, Temperauce .70 Hunter, Thus E 37.20 Hunter & Bellamy JC Bellamy 110.40 j Lewis, David 6.75 Parker, Thos. 2.00 ! Purlin. Thos. 4.69 '. Partin. liehecen W W Wiley I.Stt i Head, Jesse 5. 12 ! Wheeless, Spier M Wheeless 5.22 1 Wilev, Elisha 8.14 I Wiley, It'W 3. 08 j Hard, Spencer, 0 88 Pistbict 11. Alsbrook, Hichunl Itellamy, J. T. BrowD, W F Draugban, W Etheredge.D M est of W Drnugban Stamper, Jus. Wilson, Nuncy I'riali Kenton, " District li. Burj;es, John T L Buries, IJrinklev, Hiram B Hunter, " " Jerry " Richard " Hunter. Benj L W Batcbelor Head, MeU J Head, Kicliardsnn, Asa " Jesse Aimer Thrower, Eldride, MMTRICT 13. Butt, W W I.ile, R S Webb, Wm niSTIC'T I I. 7.44 3(1 Mi 3.'.'0 UfHot) 41.24 8. HO 944 17.0.-, G.78 7.4!t i.7- 2-31 7.H(i 4.01 24.U2 M 8.05 3.12 H. 43 80.11 .Ml 7.39 3.00 18 65 4.W! 7.G3 I. 40 15 20 4.70 1.411 .53 19.47 3.5G 21.20 2 90 .35 3.90 2.30 2.84 .97 11.54 18.38 L'rquhart, Jas B DISTRICT 15. Bishop, John T Burgess, TL Bush, Burgess Carlisle, J H Carlisle, J C Hnnter I! Hardy, Jnlin Harrison, Jas h W Baklielor T L Burgess W C Rosser X Partin Johnson, K est Jones, Frank est C Jones Matthews C est J T Bishop Matthews, Mary T I'nllen l'artiu, Nelson Pullcn Roderick J T Bishop Quails, Willis est H Quails Rosser, W C Rosser, Jll W C Rosser Richardson, L)rea9 Sykes, Win W C Rosser Stokes, Wm J H Hbearin Shenrin, Lewis " ' Nick Wright, Anderson M " DISTRICT 10 Ivey, Richard Moseley, R E 47-20 Total, $3,363.55 CAME TOO I. ATE. A New Yorker who stopped for three or four days Inst spring in a bouniiug Kansas town was so aunoyed by real es tate men that he finally mado ready to leave the place. He was waiting to go to the depot in the omnibus when a very respectable lookiug man stepped up to him and said. "You are Mr. Blank, from New York, I believe." '"Yes. sir; but I don't want any real estate." "I've heard how you have been an noyed, and I am very sorry for it, and I've called to express my personal re grets that such should have been the case." ''Thanks. And what may be your line, please?" queried the New Yorker. "Oh, I'm a runner for oue of our big gest faro banks, and if I could have met you when you first came I could have lixed it so you would have gone away in love with our whole population." Savannah, ( la . Manli 2.'i, IStfl. Messrs. Lippuian Bros: 1 was suffering with weakness and general dibility, being almost incapaci tated from attending to my business I was forced to call oil Dr. While-head for treatment, He at once put uie on J. 1', P. ( Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot, and Potas sium), and after taking two or three bot tles my health improved, and, although suffering for sometime with general weak ness, debility and catarrh, am now com paratively a well man. E. B. Forked, With Cornwall it Cliipman. Flesh a mass of disease, condition hopeless, the system an entire wreck, nerves all unstrung, et P. P. P. was taken and an entire cure made. Attend to diet and directions of P. P. P. and all blood disease must yield slowly but sure ')' That lired feeling, pains in the l ack and dies , distress after eating, headaches aud like affections are overcome and and cured by P P. P. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drugstore, Weldon, N. C. ADVERTISE M E N TS. BAD BLOCO!: Fimp'.ot ou tl:e Face Breaking Out t Skin Trouble ; I.itt'o 8orw Hot Skin ; V,i:.i B!.::tb',si S C... l.-r.. B-dErtaii f. t.-rf r.-uta.-rLm MlV p I'llitll It"- Ol id pi ttndt I 4. I.J ENGLISH 11 l. ' . i , MjT i I hVJ M Ul U4 J : y degauss ?ov? elocs: ? ' .to yMi vrr v M TTKT"i:r I If so. Hd y"ii !t-.n v--k .if :,e i .vJt ii ar :iti'n t tho I :;- l I w L - . 0 i, tU A you ihnt you r-i re a blucA ; m "ii .m i.rnrure fi-cfl'tni from tin ft'r ci'- ' I ii'. XvUor'm r.nk'lUh ItliMtd Kllxtr lstiipj ; "ii y v;... . tn--jtciiio tiit 1 iioroTi:rl.!y crmli-; c it- t'm prtisnn f rvn tim e-.:itt. (i.f. it from I v.- irrf-iii ,-it. rr writ to V. II. ?'Ur i( V J ;CO.. 4 il U et iJromtwiiy, New ork ity : DOCTOR I Thet) Cc'.ehrttcd ENCLIMI; Pill are ft 1'osli tve Cure for Kick "m Ucsiltichc, lUIUunr, and! ('ouatlntlon. uiH, plraft." nut and m fTorltc with tktt Indlrt. Sold In England for Is. i ',dM In A merle fur G-t; tiiin from your Dmpylata, orj oiid to W. II. 1 1 OO li Ml A (0 40 Writ Dramlffftr, New Ynrk, J : t'UAt PINK. ! PILLS. F..r Sale by W. M. COHEX, Weldon, X C uprS.l 'y S.H.HAWES' i Richmond, Va. THE ONLY COALELEVATOR SOUTH. There arc sevenly-6ve screens in the 1 buildii-. ! No dust or dirt can possibly j;et into j the ('onl as it runs over these screens in j passing from the Elevator into the carts. I Consumers get their coal dry and per ; fectly clean. I I hav e now and shall always keep on j band, a large stock of all kinds of coal i best suited for foundry, factory aud fata- ily use. All coal selected and ot best quality. Prompt shipment.". Orders solicited. ItaTTlie railroad cars run alongside the Elevator, and the Coal is loaded into them there, thus lessening the cost to the trade ir'outh and West. S. H. HAWES, Richmond, Vu. jy 2 2m. SOTICEOFADWINISTRftTI0N. I have this dayliialified as administra tor of the estate of Jones J.e, deceased. Those owing the estate will oblige me by settling at once; any person holding a claim or claims against my intestate must pre sent the same to me or to Clark & Daniel, Littleton, N. C, within 12 months from the publication of this notice or I slnll plead the same in bar of a lecoverv. Tl.i July 1, 1891. EDWARD T. CLARK. Admr. of Jones Lei. 7-9-6ia. km . Pfti pi mi fpftn Aiun, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 15 III G AH WOOD'S EXTKAUT, New Line of XA CES TRIFLE, , -S TATIONERY VIOLET WATER,, Just Received 150 L ncn writing WOODWOllTIl's FLORIDA WA- Tablets, which I'll sell ter, at a small AND SACHET POWDER. j PROFIT. ACCURACY! H PS Cu H Q o H Cm o CS 3 Eh PURITY! flag Jlraud Prepared A irg Paints. Stock of Pure H'hite Lead & Linseed oil. LANPRETH'S I'll sell paints at a GARDEN very small margin. SEED. E. Myers & Co. RECTIFIERS A WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. FIXE WHISKIES A SPECIALTY." Pt teraburg, Va. H. T. POPE, suLiim GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CI GARS, ETC. Sole Agents for the ful- lowiug brands of wbitkies, wbleli are Especially Recommended for Medical Use: FETERSHCRG CLUB MOSUMEXTAL CLUB deo 4 Cm. oo ooooooooo oooooo SEXD YOUK ORDERS FOR (J -SUCH AS- LETTFR HEADS. BILL HEADS, . BUSINESS CARDS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER I For 84.00 we will print you 5(10 sheets of Note Heads, 500 Envelope?, one-half dozen blotters, and send you the Roa noke News, one year. Hiite for prices. A duress WELDON, N. C O 0 O 0 O (I O q 0 0 O O 0 O O 0 0 OTICEOFAOWINISTRATION I have this day qnalilied as administra tor of the estate of T. Irby, deceased. Those owing the estate will oblige mo by settling at once; any person holding a claim or claims against my intestate must pre sent the same to me or to Clark and Daniel, Littleton, N. C, within 12 months from In-publication of this notice or I shall ;! hi i lie sihi e iu bar of a recovei v. This July 1, 1891. EDWARD T. CLARK, 7-9 Oin. Admr. of T. Irby, ftD P1HMTI! w mi in u w o Pi Pi o b 8 S3 t K 0 CD Hart and Allen, SUCCESSORSTO M.F.HART wiFmi And a Bright Fresh stock Goods. Mr. Hart has just returned from the Northern markets where he has been buy ing our stock. If onr friends and patrons of the old firnn will give us a call they will find a well; selected and stylish line of DSESS G-003DS. With trimmings to match. A eoniplfte line of clothing. A FASHIONABLE line of HATS. Best makes iu , LADIES', MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. In faet everything to be found in a first rlass establishment of the kind. The friends and old customers of Mr. Iliil t are eaiocstlv rnMii'Mlfd to rrmw tlmir business relations with him through the NEW : FIEM. Como to see us without FALL. and. will give you value received. Resneotfiillv. HART & ALLEN. 3-12-lf. HOTICB. The undersigned having on the 3th day of May 1891 qualified before the Superiwf Court of Halifax county us executor of the limt will nnd testament of Thomas W. Harriss, deceased, hereby notifies all per sons holding claims against the estate of . ,.:l.J. .1. ... .... ins sain ies,aiur locxmoit i lie same u miK on or before the first day of July 1892. J. J. W. HARRISS, Executor of Tliomas W. Harriss. je 18 Gin. )