THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST , 1S.(H, if I I THE ROANOKE NEWS TlirUSHAV AIY.l'ST 1'M. i"""""1 Wk. had v-.-n ;i of the Wd j ilini . kws in a nii.n: u it iv nut we malic havuo with it' ! I -Wiiiniiur tan .!'.,-. The UiiANi'KK N i:vs is nniled t''"-:, lark to the .) i' H'f i cv, rv v eck. arc S"tnc W'..!' ii ho in ill'' .' office and wo suspect ih.-y "eabbau as the Nkws is always in demand. A Fiirntt-rs' Alliance Caroliua l'ailed enic tinn! a no and as it was under the aii' i"es of the order cred it utt Here' tuid that the Aliianee had none of the responsibility of the eoiieern but tliai the managers must he looked t) personally. Some of the erniitors h ivc hrnigl.t suit in the Federal eourt aiin-t 'h" Aliianee. It is tlie first suit 0 ' the kind in the country and the re-silt-1 will h" 1 ick"d f'.r with interest, SF.l'HKTAItV dull N W. N.'III.K, of the j Interior lVpartiinnt, has tendereil his resignation. It is said that his residua I t on was on account of delieate health w'lioh will not allow the Secretary to at- j t nd to the duties of the llepartineiit as j fully as he should without endangering ! his life. Il was iut iuto the hands of: tie President some mouths ago. but lias not yet been accepted. It is alleged that Mr. Noble would iike to be one ef the! n 'W Federal judges to be appointed next winter. It is peneially believed now that Mr. Blaine, while not seeking the Republican nomination for lYisidcnt, will accept it if tendered hini by the next convention. It is said that his candidacy was fust su'iested by people who are not friends of his, but who wanted to use him merely to defeat Harrison. Rut the suestion lias met with a popular approval which was not expected nor desired. His name is greeted with applause at every public meeting at which it is mentioned, and it is almost always mentioned. The man from Maine is a power in his party and has a strong hold on it. Texas has by Legislative enactment denied to aliens the right to acquire title to and hold land, and the results of the law are not as satisfactory as were honed i for. it seems. A vast amount of foreign . capital is preparing to withdraw from the State, as no one will lend money on land iMi.s when not allovvt d the right to possess the security given. The Texas law even goes further and invalidates all land con veyances to or from corporations com posed in any degree of aliens, and as thcie are many such companies in the Stat., often with only otic or two alien stock holders, the act becomes a sweeping stroke against exising business arrange mcnts which will seriously hurt the citi zen. Benma.min (i.vsToN, a colored native of Georgia but who emigrated to Liberia in ISO", is now in this country with a scheme to induce the negroes to go to Liberia which, he says, is a splendid country and the government of which offers inducrments to emigrants. Gaston 8 ys be has the time and money to take O 'er as many as want to go. He will a so make an effort to induce Congress 1 1 aid the seln me with money. He says he has the signatun s of two million ne groes who will g . to Liberia, and three million more can be secured. Ks-Senatnr I?ruce says the negroes will not go to Liberia, that they were born and raised in America and in America tney win stay. 1 his s the tilth movement of the kind, the first having been started seventy years ago; and yet there are fewer than twenty thousand American born negroes in Liberia. W. 11. VaCUIIAN, of Nebraska, de. livered an addressed before a colored an dienee in Washington City last week in which he proposed that negroes should I,-.. , uemamt pensions irom the government for all ex-slaves. Mr. Vinighan is the and win. is visiting Iriond and relative." author of a bill before Congnss at the "found his old home. was present and en last session makiuL' provision for cam-in- "twill ih meeting of old . , v i, , , . triehds very niiieh. He is being much out bin proposition. He said t int as the t . i, . . . , 1 sought alter us a teacher and may take negroes had been held in bondage in this a position as principal ot a high school country and had added materially to its in Pender county. wealth by their labor without receiviu" any return the country necessarily owes them a debt. He favors paying this debt by issuing bonds to the amount of $400,000,000 to run fifty years and drawing interest at two and a half per cent., the interest to be used for pensions. He argues that this scheme would settle the race question, as it would do more than anything else to put the negroes on an equal footing with the whites. It would also, he thinks, have the effect of building up the South, because most of the money would como here. He says many prominent men had endorsed his scheme. It U ir.j. .-.t to luilil a convention of the farmers oi'the Smith in Atlanta on the tiit V t-iliiiv-thiy in September to consider: Tu k cotton acreage, can it In- rc- .juliitcl and , ntr. IU-. i? , I Hi; gathering ale. linlnliiug on Ilk' ; farm; ran it t imptove.i? j :. TiiKshippini:. uradini: and m-IHiij: ; o! our staple: eati in be n uuaitni ami adjust I'd a-- to il.i i'ciia! justice tu 1 hot Ii I l o- dllcvr and consumer? 'I'll K election in Kentucky on Monday resulted in the success of the lVuiocracy by the usual majority. The Third Tatty I bad a mall vote, taken chiefly from tin- ! Kepuiilican ranks. A new constitution ', was adopted which will tax railways, banks and sti k companies, provide for a seer 't ballot and municipal o, viTtinietit n- 1 forms, and also entries an atiti -lottery j clause which will wipe out I he lotti com- , panics which ire now operated daily at l.ouisvi'.le and Co inutoii. Theeon-titii i tioii liotrtithsiatidiiu' t he heavy fight made aoainst it, was adopted by a vote nearly live timesas at for as ai;aiiit it. I PANACEA SPRINGS. THE I'llol'S, SOME IMfltuVlMi (iTHKItS NUT 1 11 1-, SI MM' Tlt.MiK A UoltsK 111 NS A WAY. The weather continues rainy and the crops are sul'ering for the last werkino. Coin lias improved very much: tobicco is I'ood, lean sav little about ei t on till later on. The melons, which pnuiii-ed Irom the luxuriant vines to be very good, are bearing sparsely and almost a failur . The hotel is crowded with guests and they are having a gay time at present. The merchants are again buying large lots of sumac. It is surprizing win re .-o much of it comes Irom. It is eertain y a great help to the poor people in this section at this season of the year. Mrs. Helen Owens' horse ran away with In r a few days ago. She is an ex pi rt with the ribbons, but her horse was not accustomed to a roadeart. In going down a steep hill he "lit out" at a thuu dering gait. She had her little daughter in the cart with her which rendered it almost impossible for her to manage her horse, but she kept him in the road I'oi three or four hundred y irds, when he was stopped by some gentlemen. No injury was done. :- ;;; RINGWOOD. lHCNIf: TIO.V- SI'NUAV -ahhkess- si'llnol. CK.I.K.hHA i ltnl'S- I'Kltsi.NAI.. t ti i i c i ! 1 here was a most enjoyable Nindav j school nie nie at the Bat. V. Arrine-ton ! school house near here on Friday last, j The managers did cveivthing in their; pow. r to make the large crowd enjoy themselves and well did they succeed. In the forenoon the children and young folks engaged in eio.piel. singing and playing: and the elder ones in conversa tion and reminiscences of the past. At one 1'. M. lr (i. K. Matthews was called on (or a speech. He accepted the invi tation and for 40 minutes held his audi ence spell bouud by a most apt. appropri ate and forcible address which was received with great applause. At the conclusion of his speech he Was presented with two beautilill boo piets ot' rire-t flowers by Miss Mary Airitigton, a pink of loveli ness and Mrs. James 1". Moore, than whom no better woman can be found. The luctor's allusions and compliments to woman's work was one of the most touching and elo.pient to which I have ever listened. After the address dinner was announced, and such a dinner! Har- beeue of the i idlest flavor prepared by that prince of good fellows, Mr. Fred Moore, who look a most active part, and lamb and be. l'and the linest of lakefisli, corn puddings, beets, tomatoes at.d delic ious eake. etc., in fact everything the most fastidious eould d sire. Take it all in all, it was one of the most enjoyable occasions ever held in this community. Late in the evening the iatge crowd disp. rsed well pleased with the day so wu ana nappuy spent anil hoping to have many such days in the future, Much credit is due the Messrs. Kdwards, merchants, near the school house, for the part they took, us they wa re materially instrumental in turiil-liitig the good cheer prepared for all, young Mr. Kdwards being Miperiiitetideiit of the Sunday sel I. Long may they live and pros per 1'rof W. ('. Pullen. long a teacher and well known in Nash and other counties ; It eontinues to rain and crops are sorry IV. G. K. Matthews and two sons. will probably visit Wrightsville to-morrow (the ruin permitting them.) The lr. gets plenty of practice. He h.19 had his hands full and now needs some rest from his labors. A picnic at Medoc on Thursday was much enjoyed. Miss Fannie Weller, a noble young lady of Littleton, aged about 18 years, died in that place on Friday morning and was interred in the Episcopal cemetery at Kingwood, Saturday the 1st. For such a pure and lovely spirit death is but an entrance into joy eternal. B. F, Arrington and Berry Simpson, two as good fellown as can be found, paid Ringwood a visit last week. P. C. W. hi: ( vi ( in l r. AMi T1IK wish r.v i I. MO' IN Kit' 'NT k n a 1 1 vussn. in UK 1 1 1 M 1IAKK A -Camp titlemati who attended church at '.ills la-: fm,.av rv l:lllg IJIIIC ami spoil. fell swoi p. n.-ar breakini: up tin' niectitv injr a love of a bonnet at one lie -at si i'i in iv in his pew and i'muii.I the s rviecs very eoj v able until the mos.pii tih- In to 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 re. Sunn he became a.ssimd that he had been sinhd out bv a particularly persistent and vigorous in sect. As he bowed his head in the atti tude of pi iy i r the little ipin.' poison bottle perched oti his neck, and a sense ol iT' i ct' ilee. rum was ai, that restrain a hl..vv. with t! flu in-ecl waso.nliv dislodged i ' . . ! It hand, hut nnniediate'v to. k ; ri'tie.'e on the ntit ear ot the soreiv tempted Wofsllitiper. I'p went the lijht hand and the biij took his departure to reappear on the r'tle r ear. It was no use, the r strain! of a lifetime was thrown oil and with a , might v thrust out went the right hand and snatched at tbelittle ..llbndcr when, i . ., . . i to the consternation ot two iicoole and ! 1 ' 1 ; the irr. pressihle amusement of a sere of j le.-s devout worshippers, the getulouui:) i found in his hand the feather of a lady's j hat and the lady felt her hat violently wii'iiched from her bowed bead. bewis ton Journal. i mfnr""TTrTr-wiMiiMn.iii,"J fm I NKW-.I)VKKTISK.MKXTS. epsia I lo w iiei'i'le have sufTeri .1 more severely (rem ilysic.sia than Mr. I'.. A. M' Maholt, a wi ll Known ercer of Staunton. Va. lie says: " Before WS I was in cxcelle:;! le'a'.lli, v.eigli .iv .T g"ii I'ota.i'.s. In t!i;;t y ..r an ailment (t. veli iji. .S into acute .lyspeps;;i, ;uul suou I was reiliKvcl to v.l lumuils, sufteriiii; Ininiins sensations m the stomach, palpitation of the heart, nausea, ami iii'!i-estioii. I couM net sleep, lost all nse i heart in lay work, fits of melancholia, anil i for (!a-i at a time I vonUl welcomed I death. I became morose, sullen Had irritahle. I I and for cii;ht years life was a harden. 1 tried ; many hysicians and many remedies. One day a workman employed hy me Miejte.l that j 1 ,:,ke f rt Hood's , ?ji Suffering i si... I .ltd so. and hefore tak'.ie' the wliuli of I a hotlle I liepan to feel like a new man. 'i'he ternhh' pains to which I had heeu MihJ -oted. : ceased, the palpitation of the heart stihsid ;!, j my stomach hecame easier, nausea ilisap- peared, and my entire svstem hecau to tone up. Vith returnini: str.'iii;th c .uiio activity of mind and hody. licfore the fifth Pottle was taken 8 Years 1 had regained my former weicht and natural condition. I am today well and I aseriho it to taking Hood's Saisaparilla." X. ft. If you decide to take Hood's Sars.v parilh do not he Induced to huy any other. Hood's Sarsaprrilla Solill'TaUdruffists. ffl ; six for."i. Preparcdonly brC. I.llOOl) CO., Apothoourica, Lowell, Mm. 100 Doses One Dollar O 0 O It .. II . O 11 II II O O O II o SEND VOl'l: OKDCKS KoU i I'll SI t il AS I-U'TKI; II I. ADS. HILL IIKADS. IH SINLSS CACDS. No IT. II KA! is, STATKM i:NTS, KNVKI.ol"! AN EXTRRORDINftRY OFFER ! For S4 HO we will j .tint you 5110 sheets of Note Heads, 5I0 Envelopes, one-half dozen blotters, and send you the 1!oa nokk Nkws, one year. Hiite for pi ices. AlUiltKSS WELDON, N. C. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 TOTICE 0F INCORPORATION sonmciuor.ixA: ixthk H.IUFA X CO. Sl'I'KKIUU Cot KT. Notice is hereby given ot the incorpora tion of the Enfield Collegiate Institute, that the names of the incorporators are H. S. Alsop, C. !. Britt, John A. Collins, II. H. Harrison. John K. l'ettitt, F. L. 1'ippeii John K. Whitaker and such others as they may associate with them; that the principal place of business shall be in Kntield, N. C-, and its general purpose anil business is to conduct a school for the white race, in which shall be taught all the learning, arts and sciences, usually taught in schools of high grade; that the duration of the corpo ration shall be sixty years; the capital stock is 110,500 divided into 105 shares of the par value of $100. Given under my hand and official seal at office in Halifax town this July 8, 1891. JOHN T. GREGORY, 7-16-Gw. Clerk Superior Court. ADVHKT1SKMKNTS. Roth the method and result? when Svnm iif Figs is taken; it is lilensant i .... i i . . i ... . i ;lml ,n',r ""'K ulw ."' m " felit v vet tii'nnmtlv rm tho Kidnevs. i , . ' i ', , ,, ,, HI iver unit bowels, cleanses the sys tem elieettitilly, dispels eohls, head aches ami fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup nf bigs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste und ac ceptable to the stomach, iirotnnt in its notion and truly beneficial in its etlects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its tiianv excellent otialities commend it t , j . i . i . to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c A'"1 1 ""ttles by all leading; drtig- I gists. Any reliable druggist who ! may not have it on hand will pro j cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any I substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. StH FRANCISCO, C4t. LOUISVILLE, Kf. HEW YORK, H.Y. mar : ii ly J. W. Thornton IK. I.KH IX fURELIQUORS.WINE.BEER, CICAIIS, ANliTor.ACCO. Littleton. N. ('. Main St. near depot. Agent for i;ah:i;xsc'iimiit kxtoct i.i:ei;. n ati vi", wint.s and ukandl ks. lM.'lVATK STOCK. CIliSON'S XXXX.C'I.OVKK CI. I II, UI.D VA. i;VK, AND WHITI'M KSSA M INK Wilis K1KS. ICE ICE sini'i'KD n:i; i;ailoi;soi.d p.ytiii: I'OI'ND OK CAKliKL AT MY 1CK IIOI'SK. iyilliii. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore rxuting between S.T. bawls and W.A. Sater under the Ii r tu and style ..I' W. A. Sater and Co.. formerly engaged in the saw mill business in the town of Halifax, X. ('., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. S. T. IvAWI.S, W. A. SATKIt. je 2.") -Iw. Advice to the Aged Atr tirinic Inririnl1le,urh mhUip rir h li irisli boneln, weak tlduej tud tld diT and torpid lir. have avpFrifle fTert on t hceoran, atlmululiiiir the boweln, giving nalur ul dlorhurK? wilbout atraiuing ol rlpiiitf, and IMPARTING VIGOR to the kidney, bladder and livafb TUej are adapted to old or young. 8ou uyuuywukkl:. julyaiy J. T. EVANS, at 0. W. Pierce's former shoe store. PRICKS open to everybody. We keep in Stock the following goods; LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENTS' Furnishing Goods, Notions and Shoes. We also keep a full line of FANCY GROCERIES and CONFECTION ERIES. Fine grade of FLOUR A SPECIAL TV. Square dealing, legitimate profits and a complete stock, our motto. 2-26-ly. s Pi lis to bods NEW ADVEKTISEM I' NTS. for infants "Cantor ! n I: wtll iw'tipW to eiill.'.rpJi that T rcccuimc-: ! i: u jurcricr lo any prpsc.npt.on known to m " II. A. ARv.tiess, I!. I) , 111 So. Oxford St., hroukljn, X. T. " The iisn nf ' CaMdrln ' no uniT("Mal unit Its merit. well known that it s.v:iusii werk i. f snpi'renH-.vien toi'inlerw it K(-w nrplhn ii. telhtfciit fairili.'s lo ito Lul kep C'iisto:'ia wiiluii easy reach" (.illLCH MlHTYS, n il . New York CitT. Late 1'ii.sUir lUodiiiiiiiilalo lU.'furmv.l L'lmnu. Tn CtsTAen ft )Wj ATTENTION! I) fi) ... pnmifi OXFORD IS YOU ft PICKET! We Want Snow's Wire - Cured TobacGo! Tiiti' it almiL', the mere the merrier. We are prepared to pay IlICIIl'.U THICKS I'.r SNOW S V I KH (TREK than any other market. Freights are elictip. a itier.. tritle when iuereased prices are taken into aecout.t Send your to bacco ti Oxford, N. , you will o, t r,10,i ,ric,.s ami .juick retutns Iiuvers fur classes and fioin every patt "f the world arc located in Oxford. You will Hud us -:- All Business and no Prejudice ! -:- Hunt, t'ciipcr Co., Meadows Warcbcuse, liubix k .Miti Ii. II, Ibiumr Wan In. use. Ci ziM, Rubers ( I'. . t'i litre Warehouse, R. Y. Minor t'u, Miimr Warehouse, R. 1'. K unit, .Manager Alliance Warehouse, J. M. Ctirrin, buy.r, ;. (. Currin. buyer, W. C. Reed, buyer, () S. Suiot, buyer, John Meadows, buyer, ,1. ) l!ulc.k, buyer, Wilkinson lir. s , buyers, Ju, v,.,,, 0UVt.ri Meadows Yancey, buyers, , . RMitt, buyer, J). S. O.sborn. buyer, ( Kiinrsburv, buyer, E. O. liralisl'ol J, buyer, . tJle,,,,, lllcr. BEWAREOF IMITATION. BUY ONLY THE SNOW STICK. MANUFAC TURED BY filODEHfl OXFORD, IST. C. HART & ALLEN, cat, LITTXjETOIST llmli Sclioo 10 COl.LKtiK PliKPARATItiN, co.MMi:i;tiAL roriisK, riCNMAN'SHIl', Ti'.i.i:t;i:Ai'HV, SMOKTHAXI) AND TYI'EWRITIXt;. I'riees very niixlcra'e, excellent loeatioti. Opens August J-t, Address for Catalogue: L. W. jy 2 m. Scotland Neck Military School, A MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN. A Fine location, new building, new furniture, beautiful drill grounds, military or ganization and discipline, pud teachers. Hoard, tuition, washing, wood, ligbu persession of five months $7.-. Fall term b- gins 7th of September. W. C. ALLEN, Superintendent, ft 8 lf' Seotland Nck, X. C m. & VS. and Children. Cantorla rtnrs roll", OowtlrAtlnn, sour Moinai-u, J'iaiTrnpft. t.ructation, Kils Wnrau, sivuj si(vp, uij pruuiotn d rwtjon, WiUiuut lujurium mrUiealioo. Ffr wrcral yfnn t hr rftommfntpd your ' I'fstona, ' ftiut shall always cnntimit. to Xi hii as it lias luvarialuf proJuced benefkial roiulUi." F.owis K. r.ini.11, M. I)., "The WluUimp," KStli Street ami Tth Are., New York City, Comtast, 77 Mi i.RK Stiikt, New Yoiut. J0BCC0 BffJ CO., 11111 Ok 5 EAGLE YjBlfli I.ITTI.KTOX, X. C. nni Kiuunnnn nntitutA .in vu.iiiiLU lllkJlllUlV ft . t ?V f- r ,