THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, AUCUIST G, JS)1. a THE HO AMOK E NEWS. 11V HALL .V SI.KDCi; PIT.LISIIKD EVERY TIll llSDAY. I;.V II '; I'K SI llsi'lMCI'ION' IN AHVAVCK. One Year I iv .Mail ', Postage Paid Six Months ".". A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to tin' material,, political anil agricultural interests of Halifax ami sur rounding counties. jKjyAdveitisinu rates reasonalile and t'nrnislu'il on application. TiirnsDAY Ai'iiisT'i;, ism. SlIitlM'IMI (lull. MoitK rain, more grass. The grape croi promises to be fine. Hot weather breaks watch springs. Moths slmi) carpets swept with salt. Goon liVK cotton after thin year, say all the fanners. TniN Kit's almanac predicts cool, frosty weedier for the last of August. 1'kom tlic present outlook, cotton will nut briug over li cents a pound this fall. Ir is said that counterfeit notes are most easily discerned by the lines in the portrait. " When the nocturnal katydids begin to sing and they are at it now summer is on the wane. The warm-blooded man now has his head shaved, and the venturesome fly takes a slide thereon. We are now in the last half of 13D1 and next year will be leap year. Girls, get ready for a brisk campaign. Merit wins, as the marvelous sueee-s of Hood's Sarsaparilla shows. It possess c.s true medicinal merit. Sold by all druggists. In this the fruit season, it is well to remember the old saw that fruit in the morning is gold, silver at midday, but lead at night. An exchange says that niosijuitoes are slow making their appearance. This may be true but we know Ir im exp"rienee that they are n it flow in lofting you know when they do make it. In the Gaston neighborhood the hogs are reported to be affected by a peculiar disease, which reduces them considerably in flesh but docs not prove fatal The disease is not cholera, but iw one seems to know what ifis, aud no remedy is sug gested. The Canai. Mummies. The stone piers for the bridges across the canal have all been completed except one, and the bridges, which are three in number and to be of iron are expected to arrive in a few days. It will take but a few days to put them in place. , Died. At her residence about four miles from Halifax, yesterday of malarial fever Miss Mollie Stephenson, aged about thirty six years. Shu had been ill four weeks. Her niece Miss Minnie Stephen-s-n, died at the same place of the same disease about throe weeks ago. The Streets. The streets need work, especially the sidewalks at crossings. This work should be done before the winter, in order that the walks may become hard before the winter sets in. We have no doubt the city fathers will give this matter their attention at the earliest possible moment, ('id, -im the streets put in the best condition but they should re member money is required to do it, and Inonev can only be obtained bv taxation. A Hako Winter I'r e iuct k d. The knowing ones predict an early and hard winter. Turner's uliuanae says it will be frosty in the latter part of August, others say there will be frost about the middle of September because they heard the katydid sing about the middle of June. Another say, he always noticed that wet seasons were followed by earlyl frosts. Whether these predictions are the cause or not we don't know, but some of our citizens are buying their coal for winter use. Progress. It is very important in this age of vast material progress that a remedy he pleas ing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and J. . healthy in its nature and effects. 1 ... .i i iv : waning these qualities, yrup oi rigs is the one perfect lai.uive and most gentle diuretic known. Uksitkh vmi IhKiwiMi A lew M i nicii-ai, .Ukaius The Board ofl Jays an a lntle eoloreil hoy was rescued j town ciiiniiis.-iotiers at ii fin ci in.: Toes -from ill-owning in liuanoke river Iv ! day ni-hi transacted the following biisi Master lavid V littc, M.ii of unr towns. ness: man, (Japt. T. X. White The hoy wa in deep water and . ic.i swim. If' beg in to sink aiel'.e.l i',.r In Ip when David, who is eti'v tw. Ue years ui'l, went out and brought bini to .shore. It was a brave act and showed considerable coolness for one so young. Til K Crops The crops are about 'laid by," though they are not in a good condition for that purpose, owing; to the continued Wet weather. There has been little if any change in thciu during the pa.-t week. The cotton crop depends entirely upon the seasons from now out. 'I he corn crop on the up lands is poor but on the low lands it is very good. Some of the tobacco fanners have begun the process of cuiing. 'In k Local Markets. The home markets are not very good now, and housewives find it dillicult to furnish their tables as they would like. Chickens and eggs are scarce and high, and the de mand for them is good. Watermelons are not as plentiful as they were last year and prices continue good. But few ap ples and no peaches have been seen here, while grapes all go to Northern markets where they now bring enough to almost pay for the freight and baskets. Vege tables are plentiful and can be had at reasonable pi ices. 1 lie supply and de mand in butter is about eipial and prices are reasonable. Kim.ed Near Gasto.v. Friday night liuck Sally, a colored man about twenty years old, was run over and killed near (Iaston by the shoofly train from Raleigh to Weldon. Sally had been working on a section, but was discharged the day before, lie said he had an ap pointment down the railroad Friday even ing and a short time before tin; shoofly train was due at the station was seen going down the track. A short time after the train passed his dead body was found tiear the track about a mile from (iaston. I'oth anus were broken and his skull was crushed in. Coroner B. V. Gary was notified and summoned the jury which after investigation returned a verdict in accordance with the facts. Improvements. Dr. A. B. Zolli cofl'er's new residence is going up rapid ly. We have seen the plans and know it will be a thing of beauty and add to the appear nice of that portion of the town. Mrs. Id i Wilkins will soon begin an addition of three rooms to her residence, which will be quite an improvement. Mr Aaron Present t's handsome house ! will bt mpleted and ready for occupancy I in two or three Weeks. The residences of Mrs. Mosely and Mr llobt. Ivey are about completed. Mr. J. T. Evans is digging for the foundation of bis large brick building to be erected oil Washington avenue. A part of the m has already been put in place to be used. Pi'rchase Taxes. The following are the purchase taxes due for the past six months according to postoffices ; Aurelian Springs $0 27. Airlie 4'.H. Brinkleyville 14.5-'. Crowells 2.55. Dawsons X Boads 22. Essex G.12. Euiield 12!) ,!). Gaston 1 LSii. Halifax 17.11.'!. Hobgood It!. 10. Panacea Springs 2.49. Palmyra 13.54. Bingwood 11.77. Scotland Neck 205 8!). Spring Hill 11.9S. Tillery-2118. Weldon lSii 7:5. Totol purchase tax paid in Halifax county 7b'0.4!l. co x s u m rr ion cuui'i. An old physician, retired from piac tice. having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous De bility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative pow ers in thousand of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to lift suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and u desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free 'of charge, to all who desire it , this recipe, in Gorman, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, iiamins: this paper W. A. Noyes, S20 Powers' Block, Roch.stcr, N. V. pr 30 ly. , Man propose and the father dispose when it conies to the marriageable daughter. The im--lit lily report of Chief of l'olieo Hancock was ordered recorded. The ordinances reported by the com mittee at the last ino.-tinLi were adopted and a coiiiiuiltce was appointed to have them with the charter printed in pamphlet form. The following taxes were levied for the current year: On each poll -51 (ill. On personal and real property 'A cents on each one loanlivd dollars iu val ue. On each icsidcnt merchant as privi lege tax $'. 01) aunn.iny and on oods, wares and merchandise purchased for sale, to he collected seini-aiinuallv, cents on every ill iiisiud dollars and fr.u tioll thereof in excess of one thousand dollar-; the whole not to exceed $ll) per annum. I Onevei v non resident merchant or peddler offering goods, wares or merchan dise for .- ile in town 82.Y0U. On every shoolin- galleiy, $." 00. On every billiard table, howling alley or alley of like kind, bowling saloon, baga telle table or pool table kept for hire or in any house where liquor is sold or in a house used in connection with such a house, or used or connected with a hotel or restaurant 10.00. On bar rooms $").00. Onbeer bottling establishments $10.00. On auctioneers .$."). 1)0 ami one half of one per eeut. on sales. On hotels, $10.00. On restaurants and eating houses, S- ."i0. On coach shops, 2 f0. On blacksmith shops, 2.50. On dentists, 82.50. On lawyers and physicians, $2.50. On each circus, 10.00. On each theatrical performance, exhi bition of curiosities, Ac, per day $-.50. On each exhibition of stcreoptiean views each day, .-5. On newsdealers and fruit venders $-'.50. On each itinerant medicine and soap veuder, each day, 1.00. On each pedler or vender of plaster of paris or other images or ornaments each day, 1.00. Cot ntv Comm issioners. T h e Board of County Commissioners met in regular session at Halifax oti Monday, all the members being present. Thetax list was corrected so that it will show Dr. C. J. Gee, as listing nine iustead of twelve lots, and the value at three hundred iustead of nine hundred dollars A II Green pail in $7 '!5 delinquent taxes collected in Weldon township. P. S Hicks, an indigent Confederate soldier, was allowed to retail liijuor with out paving the license fee. The supervisors of Enfield township were authorized to repair bridges over Beach Swamp, Burnt Coat and Little Swamp. The clerk was ordered to notify S. P. Arrington, secretary of the Boanoke Nav igation and Water Power company, to appear before the Board at its uext regu lar meeting and list the property of the company, iu accordance with the advice of the Board's counsel. The property of the railroads in the couuty was ordered to be entered on the 'tax lists at the value assessed by the rai' road commission and sent to the Board. J P llaskius, indigent Confederate soldier, was allowed $4.00 per month. Mary Love, pauper, was allowed $2.00 per month. W C Powell was allowed to list dogs for taxation in Faucetts. Licenses to retail liquor were granted to J B Ncal, Norfleet's Ferry, and J W Bell and B W lly man, Hobgood. K E Kilpatrick paid in $2 25 delin quent taxes collected in Faucetts town ship. Andrew Lewis, J II Lewis, Heuben Gray, W C Whitakir, B Devereux, W B Tilohman, J T Gregory, Jas Robinson J B Bobbin, Buck Thrower, and Ste phen Williams were allowed to list taxa bles. The following accounts were allowed: Edwards, Broughton and Co., binding tax book. 2 25. B F Gary, inquest on body of Buck Sally 18 40. W M Crnuip, assessor Conoconara, 21 10 J () House, assessor, Littleton, 1 50. G W Pearson, com for county home 21 55 G L Alfred, repairing bridge, G 00. A R iollicoffer, drugs, D 15. W M Cohen, " 5 50. Dr A B Pierce, supt health 20 83. P N S'-.i"'..-' nil Bn, meat. 3$ 82 " J N Br ,!, dr l S OH Emry 101 1 I'i-'t .gmd- 17 03. Willcox Itr-is., whisky 1 75. B V Butts, tobacco, 8 00. L D Browning, county home account, 37 'JO. somkof r:n: folks yof k.xo ir niF.tu ntiisus. i.i .Mr-. W. ''.'. Faueett left yesior lay for a visit to Liu cton. Mr. Jnni.' Cohen, of Enfield, was in town Monday night. Mrs. U.S. Hall, of Florence, S. C., is visiting friends in town. Dr. John li. Moore, 0'' Aulander, was in town a few days ago, Miss Nellie 1. An-ell ol Gallipolis, Ohio, is visiting Mis. II. C. Lassitor. Mrs. Fed 15. Drake, of Ililliardston, is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. II. Clark. Miss Xan Smith, of Scotland Neck, who has been visiting in Enfield, returned hiiiiieTuesd iy. Mrs. J. B. Timb rlake and her daugh ter Miss Mamie, of Raleigh, are visitim: relatives in town. Rev. J. A. Lee filled the appointment of Rev, J . N Cole, at Wilson last Sunday morning and night. Miss Annie Cohen, of Enfield, who has been visiting Miss Mabel Zollicoffer, re turned home Monday. Mr. Weldon T. Smith, who has been visiting relatives in Scotland Neck, re turned to Raleigh Saturday. The lion. W. H. Kitehiu and his daughter, Miss Gertrude, of Scotland Neck, parsed through town yesterday en route for Greensboro. Mr. W. D. Cochran, who has been liv ing at Leota Landing, Miss, for the past three years, returned home last Sunday. His many friuuds were glad to welcome him here agaio. Mr. George A. Magee, who for some time has been operator in the block of fice, left Tuesday to take charge of the Western I 'nion office at Suffolk. His friends regret his departure. Tub River. The heavy rain fall caused the river to rise very rapidly some time during Sunday night. Sunday morning it was dowu to within five feet of low water, Monday it was seventeen feet aboveand Tuesday morning it was twenty eight feci, yesterday morning it had reced ed one foot and was falling slowly yester day afternoon. TAKH ASI All! I1ATII. WHEN Vol.: A It K H'T OF SORTS IT WIU, SET V(lf RIIII1T AUAI.V. Every woman has evil hours when he is too restless to keep still and too lull and heavy to do anything. She says e is nervous. Iler color loses its fresh ness, her eyes their brightness, her ex-pros-ion all its delicacy Slit! looks a eoar-cr and less intelligent individual. Now thu latest remedy proposed for this li.-teniper is the air bath. Lock your doors if you would test it the next lime the blues declare them selves, and disrobe entirely, taking an air bath, in the sunshine if possible, for five or ten miuutes. This will act as a total alterative to the oppressed, restless state of the nervous system. It does better than a water bath, which, if one has al ready been taken in the morning, cannot be always repeated with perfect safety. After the air bath dress again s'owly donning completely fresh linen and some crisp and rather ncv gown, The fresh ness of external attire is infallibly sooth ing. Another suggestion worth careful noting wheu you aie feeling and looking dull eyed aud ugly bears indirectly upon the value of massage. Take your hair down and moisten the scalp thoroughly with good but harmless hair-dressing preparation. Then with the tips of the lingers work the moisture well into the scalp, and comb the hair out afterward with slow, soft, legular movements. State ok Ohio, City of Toi.fiio, Litah Ciu'ntv. ) h,s" Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of V. J. Cheney !i Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that the said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J.CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this lith day of December, A. D. 188ti. (r) A. V. (i LEA SON, ( .- ) Notary Publin. Hall's Catarrh ure is taken internal ly aud acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send fot testimonials, free. F. J. ClIKNEY Si Co , Toledo, Ohio. V.Sold by druggists, 75c. fy !) Im. OSITUARY. Entered iii!oweet lest after eighteen days of suffering from typhoid fever M.inie I'.rown, d inciter of J. L. and S. I! Mooic, of Greenville, N. ('. Leavin" to mourn their l"s hiving parents, two si:-tei - and a brother, and hosts of other relatives and friends. "Brownie" was a . 1 . 1 . . . . 1 1 1 v uiisiian. Having given nor Heart to in r Sawniu when but. a child, and though but I S was a quiet, sulf sacrificing chris tian, w ho is more often seen among those of riper years. While sick she gave every evidence of being ready, often singing 'Swei.l hi',, .,,,,1 1,1. " Tlo.v 111,! b,.r e - j '" j - among a bed of roses as pure and sweet, as her spotless young life had been. May God comfort the sorrowing ones left behind, and help them to say as old Eli did. "It is the Lord, let him do what seemoth him good." Dear friends, let this not harden us but point us to "The Lamb of God which lakeih away the sin of the world." A I' NT Sisie." Greenville Jujirlur please copy. "TkvAaTT1 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Lot nt lr. S. (rurmiiiifiit Final Export. run NEAR RICH SQUARE. IqtI have for sale for cash or on"8 je-tiine FORTY ACRES of landa MToti which there is a store, giu-8 Jet)'"house and steam engine, near"8 SfeirRieh Square, formerly be!onging-i5a MSTto J- C. Lassiter. Address: M W. A. Dunn, Scotland Neck, N. C. 8-G-lt THRKK lirXDKKD TOF1VK HI N DKKDTlim S.VNI) I-KKTOI' WHITE OAK LUMBER. ni(;in:.sT cash l'KICi:. DI'.LIVl'.liY, NORFOLK. 8IZF.SOX A1TIJCATIOX. ADfiUKSri: PAUL C. TRUGIEN. roKTSMOl'TH, VA. 7i:!-tm. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TRfcDK MANHa Qulltj First ul P. N. STAINBACK & BRO., GENERAL MERCHANTS, have exclusive sale of these celebrated glasses in Weldon, N. C. FAULKNER. KELLAM MOORE, The only manufacturing Opticians in the South, Atlanta, tia. karRoddlers are not supplied with these famous glasses. 200,000 Strawberry- EOE SALE. All of standard varieties, vi.: Monarch of the West, Cumlierlimd Triumph, Junilm, Sucker State, May Kind, Hoffman, Cloud, Price, Bi(? Bob, Warticld and Crystal City. Apply to .ISO. .1. KOKKKTSON, Kuticld, X. C. je 11 6m. B. F. Gary, Agent, Weldon, N. C. Notice-Land sale NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ijeckWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. As a family medicine these pills are un rivalled. As an Anti-Dyspeptic Pill they have? stood the test of 75 years, and maintained their reputation. THEY It EC ULA TE the B O WELS and LI VEIL They will relieve Colic, Sick Head ache, Acid Stomach, and all the evils at tendant upon iudigestiou. They are tb cheapest and best remedy offered fot Dyspepsia in ail it. forms. For sale by If. J. COIIEN, Weldon, N. C. E. P. Beckwith & Co , Wholesale agents, Petersburg, Va. my 28 ly. John Pi. hi (SrCCKSSOK TO K. J. NICELY & CO ,) WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dealer Iu - MOULDINGS, BAL ESTERS, BRACKETS, ETC. TIT--''-i-H-CS ' 1 X I) O V -:- S C K K E xkJ Paints, Oils, Varnish, And Builders' Hardware. Sheathing Papers, White Pine, Walnut aud Poplar Lumber. Stair Kail and Turns Worked Ready to Hang! Cor. Water and Queen st., Portsmouth, Va. jy 16 jau 1. MBS. JOE PERSON'S E '1 'i me UK. J. II. UCADKN S OPINIO. I tonsider Mrs. Joe Person's llemedy, the finest blood purifier that is on tha market to-day. J. II. McAdea. Charlotte, N. C. August 15, 1S89. REV. C. J. OIBSON, P. I., Minister of the Episcopal Church, Pe tersburg, Va., says: I hve used Mrs Joe Person's Remedy in my own familj and it gives mo pleasure to say it haa proved a valuable tonic and purifi er of the blood, and if thoroughly tested I think will remove many cutaneous dis orders Churchill J. Gibson. Petersburg, Va. SKK THIS. lSDIOKHTlON. Mr. J. C. Henderson, Genera' Mana ger of Chattanooga, Marsden and Bir mingham Railroad, sajs he does not be lieve there is a case of Rheumatism which MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY" will not cure, and it is the finest Remedy for Indigestion he has ever used, nov 15. niDGEWAY I- u 1 n u vi- oAt The Scholastic year of 1801-02 Wnin Aucust lUst 1H!M, and ends June !th, 1HSI2. Total expenses per session of twenty weeks. tuition: Primary, J9O.0 Academic, 25.00 Music on Piano, - V2.50 Use of instrument, ... 2.511 Hoard (including lights and fuel - - 50. (Kl Washing, a"5 No extra charge for Latin, Greek audi French nor for Vocal music or book-keeping. With twenty-six ye rs' experience three ponipelfht nssistimu the Principal guarantee his patron satisl'action. Catalogue furnished on application. Address JOHN GUAHAM, Principal, 7 16-6w. Kidgeway, N. C,

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