THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, AUdl'KT ;, 1S!H. "&RE T Roilflctioiis jijPptp (jjsju Suhihigp &00I1S yT3 V V;.--LT fiT vital ?! :! ! I'M f. ! Tl P lOO MailV MS- eveTbXloWii71 North was one too many, bought goods cheaper than " UUUW' Ss methJrt ?n w I, nS ES 1 eu2Pfte? to sel1- the summer seems too short; I take cheap goods throughSiS adjlouT' b Printei"S ink' broadcast thes Challies price is nofsiVtapnS 5 c ge assortment of latet colors and patterns of JSBSSJJSJl better goods 6c. ionner price 12c. Cal and see them not silk but fine cottons at 10c. former tUH.MJU . "'"'"if Wlf .mUM.U' Ls!l IJo m.the Ladies' goods. I have a few fine light weight coats and vests all w,i ERS; Call and satisfy yourself I,, a ATm o "'1 ,ll,,k t"',"r,'J w,l,s m,u I'ri""s -'"'d I' mi!i in Ir ,-k nml A rp Vrrn n , VC5lS WOOL York muslin shirt at 75o. a JLh Vl .... .SSS g V.ISHITO GOODS I ln,c .1, hu.cst t ,k , , nFiTpSSu'v'"!, " CLOSEST ZBT71T- I am qplKncr oil Tr "l',"'"-Mh.rta,,.w,,nl, 7.V A tin,. assortment of fancy bins ,.f all li, ,1s , ail I"-.uh .,,,,, ...e. .,,-s ar, orth r,U. My 12....0 line, bosom .New felt hats. QROCERES 0 fJ tf J fj D . merLnbtfn&ttTS fair dealings to ISAAC L E V Y THE ROANOKE NEWS. a .n,)Ui ,, v. , " " THURSDAY ACCCST MORTCACED HOMES. LESS THAN 0NE-SJXTH OF THE ENTIRE NTMBER EXOtMHERF.I. ITS I X V ENTER, .MR. K .n.(i iddliw V.HK I.IEVES HE HAS A KORTCXK. THE I'lm S-l.ooKINU SJ'ltANdKIt WAS TO,) IloXKST FOR Til E FARMER To TRI'ST. 1 Mr. W. II. J. t,,,,,,!,,, kiUVn farmer of Wake county, .-wit on to w, i . i. ...-.iiu-ion, v. t ., to secuio a Patent ., 1 ! ' I The count of the home and farm trans cript has been completed by the ceusus orhee. The results are very nearly cor- 'Ker in Missouri then! i a vit:iin I'.alik road ainl a n-rhiin i , .! I . t 1!.. his newly invented cotton elioMi.r. If.. f'Je the toll-cate there i alarm lions,. h:is triv..ti ir ..... .- .I . . . . . .... .1 I . I .. . i ffQsy BAD BLO !: I P.Ci J-.'V UrntLlt'ntr flnt I : .i cum jn.iiM03 i I I.ittio Bori'3 1 Hot Skint ! j If mi'V r I'rutu n-tr .f )ANACEA-:- 5C- r""-" 11 VIIJI (MS. Mtl.I i u K.,-t. thinkit).' and workini: upon ir r. .1,... 1 . v. tIMKI ten years. It will chop and side up ten l" c"iV U1 luIt"' 1'iT day, and 1 a very on ( In cool and cotnt'ortal'l.' t.or. ii wln-r ot the worthy farmer jisii.illv itv, waiting wliile his boy I!i i,,,i.'hs the eotu in the li ;ld away b. von l. On a certain recent oeea-ion, b iwever. this i . i i .mini Iieni'ii 1,1 . ill wlieii a to cheanon l'loMs-lookltlu' KtlMDir r drove uti t,i tin. the cost of cotton very much. tull-ate. Th.-re was no one in the farm Mr. Coodwin pays that its success is liouse, no one nearer than the farmer not problematical, but already established his boy Mill, balfa mile awav in tl. and that be would t "t.,..!;,y take Tl"' loll-.-ato was unU ked- Slim.OiMI cash for it. " open, in fact but ll.i. pu.s ..tran-.-r ' When the patent is issued, Mr. I J - W;l temptati ,n pro f. lie h,tch,,l l.jj an icct though the fibres are subject" to a ! ' Ml i . ... i i- . . ' si'UIile mneliin.. j-ui;iii lunuineation. there were returned : ' bv the nnnm,.r.,t, . (... .1, . T':. j o. . ! Several 'ood fanners liav. seen It 2,401.1130 farms Hud homes oecmi,., I,. ' B"rK' l,10-v a-w tll;" w the very h-M heliun- bis boy U,l wh owners and i,,,.n,h,.r,.l l- i ll"n-' i,mi tll:,t " iH tend . , .. uioi iaes. i This number included some farms and ; homes about which the enumerators made ! no ref ort and which belorv,' partly to tin class of hired and partly to the class of owned free, as well as partly to the class of owned and incumbered. I'mil . Vi lli 1 .r..l.s . ... I. i t unknowned nuatitav s ,.liniin:.t.,l U "" 1 ' " a 1'arbjcm h ...,.,..,!.,.! " . . ' . , have an e .,,.. , ,,s upproximaceiy true that two and a ijuarter million families of the : emcuish : j BLOOD EMS-Hi : V .11 , lo i;,!p.t,r..: : ; J li.v-, i'Vfr u.-t'tl m I-,-."-. I IC to. ili 1 x Ttv. '.iir.flt t lie In-' ntr ntiim nt tl: t . 3 ;vvn . La tll yuu lliat yu rn;i;vun liKo'' ; lii"(lii'lt.. (,r?i!"ir friril-iTii f r.l 'I t'li. ill rf ! I. . A. i r'. IIiil-II.'i ltl..,.il Uli'r i t' ! i ii i 'I pi ilir.r.' li'i.t w ri I ai.ruii'' ;.. ill- ; i il- 1, . iio.oil t.vni til-) P :,a. l.i't r. V n r, . .... or .-c- tn V. I- ";. "!! X i J .. i. , ctl llroi.dw iiy, .N.-w .! !; , ,i- j twelve and a half million families of the exposition ,,1'the workiiiL-s of bis invention. lie has planted a crop ofct ion that will t,e ready soon upon whi,h hors ' to a tlee an I i, run, lie 11 1. . .1 i I ii'iuiiiirini out to where the farmer and bis boy liill j were at work. j "My ii I man," sai 1 be, ,..,u , , . .... ,,,, iiiouou iamilleS 01 the ..nun j I'nited States oecunv and,-.,.! " test wi" bo mJ" the cotton elnm. ko('I" r nf this toil -ate?" iarms ana homes, and that ten and a '" """'-" ""'"" " . quarter million families occupy farms and : homes that arc either hired or owned L , r """T" V' V' J' for wn,f-free-the p.prietors of hired and owned j SlTeSl free w.ll be known when the population j Complaints. Try the great and powS division eriTnt,!,. 1. ......... i .F.l. . if. P P . in, 1 i . r tuiiui oi me points, j - . "u" l" lecommend it to your '"''"ousiy mr a Mlet pi The preliminary results indicate that the j nL''-'lljl)rs' al'1' tlien you will know "y,m l'""10 'it here just to g average debt for a farm io Iowa is 81-1 "C a -"H'J d,'l'J- ' 1-r. ntly. ep." said that worthy farmer. " hat is the toll, uiy g iod man?" " 1' ive cents " ''Well, I wish to drive thioiijh, my good man, and here is 3 our livu cents." The worthy farmer seratebed his b 1 nnxiMUMJ lor a M-Itt hIUmI. -'kl vim ivo u.o 1 hut itu k . ' t. I .s . . .1. - -W; home, STltt; avera-edebt for a farm i ow I was ci rkd of so-r vi i fi ,hn- , 1 ,i ' 1"'S' ' Mr' and home Rl 1 111 tc I , r an- and the pious-appcanug u.u ambled ana come, c 1,1 40. It these averaires 1 soullullv away. hold good for the Tnion, the incum- Lulaton. Ga. "Hill, " said 'the farmer to his boy in branee on the farms and homes of 1'nited i n au a,-":''ed undertone, "get on the old States occupied bv owners i .,,,-! P'-'1"-Sir: This is to certify that I mare and watch that stranger till lit $2,565,000,000. The success 0f this 'i 7"e 7 W"h " Illa "'-v u"t lot""r" "-"'"'7 HM: , , . 111c succ, s 01 this hp forfourtoon years, and was under investigation has been for beyond the I treatment of different physicians but tbev H.iiik) Ki:WAltl). anticipation of the most experienced ! oe me no good. 1 had lost 'hop,, ? Our American chemists are renowned fitataUcians and the result will be of im-1 b.e,n" cured hi '"odieal treatment. I not only for their enterprise but for jnense interestand value to the nation, j J'S . Ipt to ,S Incomplete returna from several Western to him it got well, uX S wh then.. btates indicate that farms and homes are I but returned as bad as ever. I thou Tl" '"--'Ver, they have not earned mortgaged for about one-third the value concluded to try P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, the reward of one thousand (l 000) dl- put nponthembythe owner, j 1 J Potassbrm) and aiW lars offered by the proprietors 'of .Swift I also find it a goo.l medicine to give a i l ('V S' b,) for ,he overy by good appetite, and to give proper "diues- ; an!,b'sl!,i f a particle of mercury, iodide tlon- r ' ; potash, or any poisonous substance, in Vours most truly. j their famous medicine. The reason the Strickland, I roward ,j;ls n(lt bppn up is Syphilis, Rheumatism, Old Sores and t're are no mineral or , poisonous sub I. leers, Scrofula and Catarrh aro exactly j stances in Swift's Specific (S. S. S ) It that are cured by that powerful mdi ' . li , ; cine, P. P. P. P ! 1S a vef-'ctle compound, which has been j before the public for half a century, and For sale al ; W. M. Cohen's drugstore, ' its liistory is marked by a wonderful scries WeIdonN'C- Of successes. "Just as Good," Say Borne dealers who try to sell as a sub stitute preparation when a customer calls for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not allow any such false statements as this induce you to buy what you do not want. Re member that the only reason for makin" it is that a few cents more profit will be made on the substitute. Iu-it upon having the best medicine Hood's Sarsa parilla. It is peculiar to itself. Thcie C'olFlirnti'd tMiLltlo Pillsaroa riiseivnCuri'tiir SI1U5 llrailurlir, l:(lloutnr-. and! U'oiiKtlpallon. (.mall, plem." ttut anil a ruvorltc llh the lndlca. Sold in Kuff'-ma. f0r le. ! ;-J.. In America ti-r C.'.i.. fl.'tl iliir. from your Priuvisls. or" JCnJ to W. H. HOOkl a k " 40 Pit Itroarar. I(.w Vnrt. I. tiiaii.aaai FiirSHle l,y W. M. CoIIEN, W.lduii, X C iiprj.l ly Kn. HAVES' ! DOCTOR ACKER'S i mi I Flh'K ! PILLS. SPRINGS HOTEL FOUR MILESSOUTH OF LITTLETON, WILL 1!E OI'EXEI) 1ST OF MAY, 1891. COIL Wit Richmond, Va. THEONIY COALELEVATOR SOUTH. NKW Fl'llNITrHK, and evcrvlhin.. j - i arrangeii lor the convenience and com fort of guests. The Panacea Springs have a wider range in their curative properties than any other known waters. DRINK AND BE When you arrive at Littleton some of the good people will tell you that the Springs around town are just as good as Panacea. Well, they are good but when you drink mix in some Panacea, and bear in mind all the time the more PANACKA you put the better it makes it. lart and Allen, SUCCESSORSTOM.F.HART fiEVl FWl. And a Illicit Fresh stock Goods. Mr. Hart lias insl reinmi.. r... ,i.. Northern markets' w hero lie has lieeu liuy iujj our stock. I four friends ami pal inns i.r,li .,1,1 fir.,. will uivc us a call thev uill tl.,,1 ,..n selected and stylish li'ni. ,,- IDIRIESS GOODS With triiiimitigs to match. A complete line of clolhini; A KASHIONAMI.Kliueol-ilATfH I'.est makes in There are seventy-five screens in the building, No i ist or dirt can possibly get iuto the Coal as it runs over these screens in passing from the Elevator into the carts. Consumers get their coal dry and per fectly clean. 1 have now and shall always keep on hand, a large stock of all kinds of coal best suited for foundry, factory and fam ily use. All coal selected and of best (juality. Prompt shipments. Orders solicited. -tTThe railroad cars run alongside the Elevator, and the Coal is louded into them there, thus lessening the cost to tU trade ? outh and Went. S. II. HAWKS, Richmond, Va. jy 2 2tu. Come Directly ,LADiES'' MEN'S TO- Littleton v Hotel WHERE A LI VEB Y CAN KEAIHI.V 1IE HAD To take you Out. TERMS: For less than one dav rates. 1 day 81.50; week ? 1 0.00; month $30.00 B. B. PULLEN, Prop. Panacea Springs Hotel, Panacea, N. C., and Littleton Hotel, at Little t0D. N- C 4-30-3m. AMD CHILDREN'S SHOES. In (act everything to lie found in a first class establishment of the kind. The friends and old customers of Mr. Mart are earnestly renuestod to renew theii business relations with him through the NEW : FIRM. ( to we us without FAIL and we -will yive v.iu v, received. I.'espectl'ullv, HART &' ALLEN. s-ia-tf.