mi mn yi THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBE !! M. IS'U. NO TH1HI) 1 HIV M.r.i)i:i). The UoANiiKK Nkws cannot see the need of of a Third Tarty in North Caio lina. Tlie Allianee controls the Demo critic party as it did in the last campaign. Allianee men went into the Ilenioeratic conventions and bee au-o they were Dem ocrats and were in the majority, controlled those o mveutious. It can do the same j which are sound and worthy of cotisid next year. They have thousands operation, lie said: friends and svmnathiz.TS niiionu De.uo- i crats who are ontsiJo of the order who will heartily co-operate with them in heeurio the reforms they advocate. The oririizitiou of a Third Party j the best way. At the same lime the would deprive the Alliance of eve.y ad-1 1,0 ,,ot ''"'"I"-"11'' '''")' , , , , ... . ..j their demand tor rehel. I here are vautai;e they nave gained and still hold 1 i , , ... o r ' cuoiij;Ii reasotiahle men m tlie r-tuto to in this State, and they would have to kn.,w that it will not do to li-ht the far begin anew the foundations of the success I niers if the latter act in a sensihle and which could only he attained if attained conservative way. I believe they will so at all, by years of hard labor performed iu face of outside opposition and internal dissensions, frequent disafl'ectious ami the treachery of pretended friends. What, then, can the Alliance hope for in North Carolina through the Third Party which has not already been secured by means of the Democracy? In the last election they secured a majority of the Congress men, a Dart of the State "overnmeut and I the Legislature. Next year by pursuing the same tactics they can nominate and elect all the Congressmen, the entire State ticket and a large majority of the Legis lature. That is all they could hope to do should they join the Third Party and win with it at the polls. There is positively nothing to be gaiued by abandoning the Democratic party. Its principles are sound and in accord with Allianee princi ples, and if the men put into office will not act up to them there are plenty of Democratic Alliance men who will, and it is only necessary to put such men in , tlUt tor tluir own hitorestM which is per office. i I'ectly right, but whether this strike is But there is a great deal to be lost by j right and wise is very doubtful. Whether the Allianee if it joins the Third Party, and every reasonable Alliance man knows it. They will lose the moral support and active assistance of their friends outside the order; they will suffer from the active opposition of many Democrats who are not friendly to it but who have hitherto been bound to silence and inaction by party loyalty. There is another matter for serious consideration. The Third Party may be confronted in North Caiolina by the same problem which presents itself in ! Kentucky and Virginia. In Kentucky ! the Third Partv was formally nr-anized i aud entered (he campaign. -The result was that a very large proportion of the vote it cast at the election was drawn i from the Republican party, which hoped j by that means to control it and return to power. The Republicans of Virginia have determined to make no nominations but support Alliance candidates, us the only means by which they can again be a factor in politics. They remember the success with which they co-operated with the Readjuster clement of the Democrat ic party, finally swallowiug that element and by its assistance defeating the Dem ocracy. Yet the State debt which the Readjustee wanted to settle still remains unsettled. As it has been in Kentucky and Vir-' positive aud radical cure for Nervous De ginia so it will be here if the Third Party bility and all Nervous Complaints, after is organized by the Alliance men. The hav!"s ' cstcJ t9 curative pow. t, ... . . v . ,. . ! ers iu thousand of cases, has felt it his Republican party in North Carolina .s ; Jut tQ ul;(ke k km)Wn (() hia mf. ueaa nut it nas some snrewa individual ; numbers in the State who will if possible use the Third Party to hoist themselves in to control of the State government. Every white man in North Carolina from recent experience knows what that means. Every man ought to know also that when the Republicans have once been put into power by means of the Third Party they would care nothing for the reforms de - manded by the Alliance, because they have in this State refused to place Alii - ance demands in their political platform ana necause me very principles upon whicli the Republican party is founded cave made these Alliance demands neo ssary. They can no more advocate Uianco principles honestly than Anglo is win honestly wlvneatc negro nacy. When Republicans honestly ; lliance platform they are no blicans. K ;ous times, soConly for rty, but for the Alii sure as; the - Third Torth Carolina just lose its prestige nere sideshow This is no only in le plain ' what is Tgam i the 18 Of Till- UOAXOivi; NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ii' "iwi w in nW'ii wii iwiiiwiiwfwwTnTw- iniim:vr iu;n.r.ii'-i vir.us. President Miiriou Ruthr, of (lie State AlliaiifO.is as true a member of tliealliancc as oa n ho found in the Stite This writer ! knew him aud worked with him during the last Legislature and knows that he is tine to the alliance in every reject. No one can doulit Marion Butler's loyalty to the order. Therefore when he opposes (he Third Party it is from a strong eonvietion that the movement would lie. injurious to the allianee. In an interview at Raleigh last week he "ives expression to his views I uo nut see in .North Carolina any " I do not see in North Carolina prospect lor the success of the third party My vi -w is that we can accomplish what we desire without it. The farmers want certain relief. The easiest way to get i; is act, tiut lliev will not lie trilled Willi, and as tlieir president 1 shall stand by them iu their demand for relief. Of course, the third party is already organized, hut it is not needed in North Carolina. Here the farmers can get w hat they need. All we have to do is to conduct ourselves properly and success is assured." xr.GHor.s AKU TlllVklX; FOR TIIUMSEI.VK. There is a large number of negro alli- aiiceuieii in the South, which e1ioV3 that the colored brother is thinking for him self much more than he ever did before The last movement of the colored allianee is proof that the negro will herouftcr con tinue to think for himself, not only in politics but in business mutter as well. The colored alliance has inaugurated a strike against the present prices for pick ing cotton aud demand one dollar per hundred pounds for the work. Thou sands are said to be in this movement and if it be successful it will affect the cotton farmers very seriously, especially in the States further South. The negroes look it is or not it will, it is feared besuccesd'ul No political party or other organization will in future lead the negroes in a body. There is another movement, confined, so far as is known, to this State, w hich emphasizes what we have just written. It is officially announced that after consulta tion the leading colored men of the State have decided to meet sometime iu Novem ber to confer with a view to understanding how to unify their strength for future action. The announcement says: "We shall meet as Republicans and devise means, if possible, to infuse new llle into the Republican party, so as to j,-aw t0 ;t n.00d and respectable white men who will prove a tower of strength and at the same time deal out justice to co'ored men and assuro them that the Republican party is their best friend. Many af our white friends, so called, met at Ashevillo recently to build un. as thev said, a protectionists party in the State 1,11 over ,lle s"a,- 1 ncv 1,re MHng them selves togethei in little knots here and there, especially at uight, plotting how to undermine and neutralize the negroes' power in the party. This would net be so if there were not offices to be disposed ef." CONSUMPTION CUliKD. An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. ! Noyes, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. ' aPr ty- j Kheumatism anTsyphilis yield read! 1 y tl) p. , ( tm Ah jvke Root p.,,,,,,, j ! Bl,,.hes, Old sores, Ulcers, and all , ,kin (.ruplins cured by P. P. P. the ; ,,reatt,st b,nd rffi of greatest blood purifier of the age. Henry Wimer, Esq , formerly manager ot the aavanuah Brewery, says he had Rheumatism of the Heart for several years. Often he was unnhln to walk over a few blocks, his pain was so intense; he had trouble to get his breath; he had physicians in Philadelphia, his former home, but the best profe.'sor in the university- there could not give him relief. Coming here he saw P. P. P. advertised tried two bottles, and is now a well man. His pain has left him and he can walk all day. He render thanks to P. P. P. and saya its workings are wonderful. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drugstore, Weldou, N0 .. 7 u- ; . Whn Bby tu tick, wa gTe her Cutori&. When ihiiH a Chad, ih cried tor CutorU. When the became MIm, the clunf to Castor!, What ahe had Children, eh fare them Caatoria, Tin: nkws KNionsi:i. I cannot resist the temptation of wri ting and thanking you fur your timely article iu the l,-t issue of yoin paper headed, "No Third Party Needed." As yon truly say, there is no need tor anv such iui'ty. All the reforms that ihe country demands can be had only through the Democratic party. A division of Democrats at this time iu North Caroli na is worse than madness. In such a division no -rood could possibly come, but a great il ;il of harm. Neighlior would he against neighbor, friend opposed to friend, family divided against family and enmities created that would be lasting indeed Let all good men w hether in the Alliance or out of it gi t together and devise some measures on which all who oppose the present system can unite ami work for aud all will he well. Continue your articles on that line and you wi deserve the thanks of all good men. Yours, S. LIT TLKTOX NKWS. Rev. T. J. Taylor lectured in the chapel, at the I lie.ll School, to the 1. 0. O. 1, of this place on the -1th inst. It has never been the good fortune of the writer to listen to a lecture more inter estiiiL' and instructive. Everybody left pleased and glad they went. The speaker was frequently interrupted by long and loud applause. Mr. Taylor was intro duced by S. (I. Daniel, Past Grand. The Rev. Mr. Troy is conducting a meeting at Bethel church aided by the Rev Mr. Jim Jones, of Western Carolina. I think then' is a great deal of interest manifested in the meeting. Mr. Jim Bobbin is building a very nice store house on Main street. Mr. W. II. J host on, i f Faueetts, was iu town a few days last week. Capt. Rodgers. of Northampton, says his health has improved considerably since he has been here. He drinks the Pana cea watir ami breathes pure air. On the full inst., we were pained to hear of the death of Jimmie, the sou ot our townsman Mr. J. L. Shaw, which occurred on the 4th, at Si aboaid The tears of the bereaved an1 dried in the hope that the white messenger of death has only taken him from a world of strife and trouble to a home of eternal bliss. X. PANACEA SIMCINCS. The protracted meeting at liethel, which continued eight days, closed on Sunday evening. A great deal of interest was manifested. The Kev. Mr Troy was as sisted by the Rev James Jones, the (Qua ker evangelist, who did mosr ot tlie preach ing and did it well. Kev. I,. J. llolden preache.l once, and Dr. r.urton, who per haps, has preached more than anv other living minister to this congregation, de livered two able sermons Saturday ami Sunday respectively. There were six or eight converts and several penitents when the meeting closed- Capt. Leech's two oldest daughters and Miss Eugenia Wiggins were thrown from a buggy by a runaway horse a few evenings since. Miss Wiggins had ananklespruineil, the Misses Leach were unhurt. Mrs. II. . Moore, of Medoc, had her horse to run away with her at this place a short time ago. She was liailly bruised, but not seriously hurt. Her little son was caught under the buggy when it turned over and was carried forty or fifty yards before the horse broke from the buggy, hut little Harry was not hurt a bit and came out all right. I sympathize truly with Capt. Shaw, of Littleton, in the death of his son Ji'nmie. He was an excellent young man beloved by all who knew him. Huilon Thome and Charlie I'liUcn left on the :!rd fur the A. & M. College. W. E. Nicholson left the same day for Trinity, and several other boys and girls have gone to their schools from the neighlxirhiMid. Mrs Edward T. Clark and children, of your town, are on a isit to relatives in this section Mr. l'ulleu has closed the hotel here; it was not ery profitable. His boys all going to school, the labor was too great for him to attend to both this one and the one in Littleton. x x x. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tho importance ot keeping the blood in a pure condition is Universally known, ami jet there are very few people who have perfectly pure blood. The taint of scrofula, salt rheum, or other foul humor is horeditcd and transmitted for generations, rausing untold suffering, and we also accumulate poison and germs of dis ease from the air we breathe, M tho food we eat, or f aftKt)le wnter we drink. W III II Tbero Is nothing 1 I 1 1 I I more con clusivcly Ulll proven than tho positive power of Hood's Sarsaparilla over all diseases of the blood. Tins medicine, when fairly tried, docs exel every trace of scrofula or salt rheum, removes the tajnt which causes catnrrn, neutralizes the acidity and cures rheumatism, drives out the germs of malaria, blood poi soning, etc. It also vitalizes and en riches the Wood, thus overcoming that tired feeling, and building up the whole system. Thousands testify to tho superiority of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier. Full infor mation and statements of cures sent free. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold hjr all aruuirUu. IjilxforH. Prepared onlj by C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mats. 100 Doses One Dollar AH AKESIH - gives Instant relief and to an Infallilite Carafor J'llei. Price ft. Ily fre. Aiklrem'A.N A K K.sls.' Doimt,Kvil York City. Purify Boca nil t.q A D V KKTISKM EXT& h4 mm OIV13 EXJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Rowels, cleanses the sys tem eliei'tnally, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial iu its ell'ects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 10UISVIUS, KY. flW YORK. N.Y. mar 2d ly JjlXHCl'TOirS NOTICE, The uinlersigneil having qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Margaret !. Ivey, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said Margaret 11. Ivey s estate, to present them duly authenticated tor piy ment to the Kxecutnr on or before the lirst day of September IH'lJ. Otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate, are requested to make earlv payment. A. 11. i'lEUCE, Kxecu tor of Margaret H. Ivey, dee'd. WcMon, N.C., Ang. i'., IS'jI. 8-!27-liw. J. W. Thornton, DEAI.KK IX PURE LIQUORS,WINE, BEER, CIGAKS, AND TOBACCO. Littleton, N. C. Main St. near depot. Agent for BAl'EKNSCHMIDT EXl'OKT BEER, NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES, PRIVATE STOCK. GIBSON'S XXXX, CLOVER CLUB, OLD VA. RYE, AND WHITE JESSA MINE WHIS KIES. ICE -a ICE SHIPPED FER RAIL OR SOLD BY THE POUND OR BARREL AT MY ICE HOUSE. jy 'J 3m. NEAR RICH SQUARE. fwI have for sale for cash or on"H BS-time FORTY ACRES of landS9a tejfon which there is a store, gint&S firy"house and steam engine, near& 8Rich Square, formerly beIonging8 ISTto J. C. Laseiter. Address: ia W. A. Dunn, Scotland Neck, N. C. 8-G-4t 200,000 CiJ- birawDerry iPlants FOE SALE All of standard varieties, viz: Monarch of the West, Cumberland Triumph, Juniho, Sncker State, May King, Hoffman, Cloud, Price, Big Bob, Warfield and Crystal City. Apply to JNO. J. ROBERTSON, Enfield, N. C. je 11 6m. B. F. Gary, Agent, Weldon, N. C. Notice-Land sale 10, 1S91. NKW A IY KKTISKM KXTS. mm, for Infants Cutorlii it towth adapted to children tht I recommrad i t u mperior to any prcBcriptioa known to mc " IT. A. Am-ucii, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. "Tho uf of Turtoria" U so unlwnial and its mi-rita so well known that it nx'irn a work nf mipt'rproL'.ilicn to'ndorse jt. Few n-tlie intelliKdit familiea who Uo uot keep Cftstona within easy reach " Carlo MiWYK, T). I)., New York City, I jitc fastor Hloominsdalo lluformed Uiuiva. Tn Cstm! net SO ly ATTENTION HUD !E! OXFORD IS YOUR f.MRKET! We Want Snow's Wire - Curd Tobacco! Ktins it aloni;, the more the merrier. We are prepared to pay HIGHER PRICES for SNOW'S WIRE CURED than any other market. Freights are cheap, n mm. trifle when increased prices are taken into account. Send your to haceo to Oxfonl, N. 0., you will irrt ;iiod prices and quick returns. Buyers for classes and from every part of the world are located in Oiford. You will find us -:- All Business and no Prejudice ! -:- Hunt, Cooper & Co., Meadows Warehouse, Hullock A Jlil.h, ll, li anni r arehouse, (Vswrt, Rogers & Co., Centre Warehouse, R. V. Minor A; Co, Minor Warehouse, It. P. Knott, Mauager Alliauee Warehouse, J. M. Currin, buyer, . U. Reed, buyer, John Meadows, buyer, Wilkinson Bros, buyers, Meadows & Yancey, buyers, D. S. Osborn, buyer, E. 0. Bransford, buyer, BEWARE OF IMITATION. MANUFAC tured by !10DEffl HART & ALLEN LITTLETON" High School and Business COLLEGE PltKPARATIOM, COMMEKCIALCOUIiSE, PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY, SHOKTHAXD AND . , TYPEWRITING, rrice ery moderate, excellent location. Opens August 24, 1891. Address for Catalogue; L. W. jy 2 3m. Scotland Neck Military School, I MILETARY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN. A Fine location new buildings, new furniture, beautiful drill urounda wilitarT or ganwation aud discipline, Knod teachers. Brounus, military or- Boaid, tuition, washing, wood, lights person of five months 175. Fall term be gin, Jth of September. W. c. ALLEN, Snpe, intended, i7U- . Scotland Neek, N.C. M and Children. Ciutoria cm Colic, Con.Hptlon, Pour Stomach, T)iarrhoft. k'ruciation, killa Wonun, given aleep, and promotes (SV rention, TV ithout uijurioui medication. For wrera ywn t hare recommended Jour ' Castoria, ' and uli.tll alwaya continue tu o no as it ha invariubly produced beneficial rtoalta." Edwin F. PAnDil, 11. D., "The Wlnthrop," liith Street and Tth Ave., Kew York City. i Comfant, 77 Mcrray SmiET, Nw York. E. G. Currin, buyer, U. b. fcinoot, buyer, J. D. Bullock, buyer, John Webb, buyer, W. A. Bobbitt, buyer, C. F. Kingsbury, buyer, IS. bleno, buyer. BUY ONLY THE SNOW STICK. J0BJCC0 BJlUfl CO., local agents. nstitute, :o:- BAGLEYJifflz LITTLETON, N. C. J

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