THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 18&L THE ROANOKE NEWS. BY HALL & SLEDGE. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. ratks ok snisnupTiox is advance. One Year (by Mail), l'ostago l'aiil $1.50. Six Montlia 75. A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and sur rounding counties. PUB Advertising rates reasonable and famished on application. TIIURSDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1801. No Fair this Ykar. The authori ties of the fair have, after considering the matter carefully, determined to have no exhibition this year. The action was tsken in view of the short crops and the Southern Exposition at Raleigh, which two facts would in all probability militate seriously against the success of the lair. This is the 6rst season id twenty-oue years that Weldon will be without a fair, but the authorities could not control the circumstances. Next year the fair will be as succesful as ever. Ovsters. Shorteb days. Gunning season. This is preserving season. Tns white dress la going. Step up and pay your dog tax. Travel is light on all the roads. Use lime freely in your back lots. Tui9 time last year cotton was upeii ing rapidly. ' ' Newest stockings have polka dots as big as poker chips. Chickens are high and only the wealthy can indulge. Some of the corn j r JUted in the fields during the late wet weather. Vacation is over and the boys and girls are returning to school. .Mubdbbkb Wanted A telegram was received from the authorities at Plymouth Tuesday morning by Chief of Police Han cock asking him to look out for and arrest a white man by the name of Bob Lee Askew charged with murder. Askew is des cribed as being about five feet eleven inches -high, 180 pounds in weight, muscular build, no beard, light short hair and blue eyes, and with a sear on the upper lip. No such man hat been seen here. Died Mrs. Robert Reese died at her husband's homo in Garysburg, on Thursday last after an illness of only about two weeks. She had been married a little more than a year. Her husband has the sympathy of the entiie communi ty in his sad bereavement. Ho regret to announce tho death of Mr. S. G. Neville which occurred at his home near Aurelian Springs, Tuesday last, of typhoid fever. He was in his 28th year and leaves n wife and one child. Pastorate Declined. The Rev. W. L. Wright, of Reidsville, N. C, was called to the pastorate of the Baptist church made vacant by the resignation of the Rev. Dr Hufhaui who has accepted a call to Tarhoro. Mr. Wright visited Scotland Neck about two weeks ago and preached. Since then he has declined the call for the reason that he thinks duty calls him to another field. The church in Scotland Neck rcgrsts Mr. Wright's decision. Municipal Board ok Health. The Board of town commissioners at a special meeting held Monday night elected Dr. I. E. Green Superintendent of health, and immediate steps will be taken to in augurate some much needed sanitary measures. The Board made a most ex cellent selection of a health officer and we congratulate the town iu advance upon the improved sanitary condition of the town. Dr. Green knows what is needed and not only that but he will see that tho rules and regulations of tho Board of Health are enforced. limi.niNrt. Mrs. h. W. lirown is hauling lumber to build a dwelling ou Fourth street. It will contain seven rooms. Mr. J. A. Musgrove has made a con tract for the erection of a handsome dwelling on the same street nearly oppo site Mr. W. R. Smith's dwelling. The brick building of Mr. J. T. Evans progresses as rapidly as the weather will permit. The walls have reached the second story. Mr. Evans intends to make the building three stories for the purpose of making a hotel of the second and third stories. Mr. W. D. Cochran, of Mississippi, has purchased the vacant lot adjoining Mr. J. K. Campbell's residence and will, we hear, begin at once the erection of dwelling upon it. T It is also reported that Mrs. T. X. II ill, of Halifax, will iu a short time erect a re sidence on "Red Cut" in the southern part of town. IIiunEa Speed Allowed At the meeting of the Board of Commissioners Monday night representations were made to it which made it appear that tho rates of speed for trains and locomotives which had been fixed at eight and four miles an hour worked great disadvantage to the railroads and tbe Board amended the ordinance by raising the speed to ten and ei"ht miles an hour. Engineers will be required to conform strictly to this ordi nance as it now stands. A Narrow Escape mow a Horri ble Death Tuesday morning Tom Harvey, a colored man, was standing on tbe track of the W.& W. road talking He saw one train moving and kept his eye on it, but did not see another coming to ward him on the track on which ha was standing. It struck him, threw him down, rolled him over several times iu front of the wheels and finally threw him entirely off the track, V 11 is clothes were tadly torn but La wa uuLuti.. He had narrow escape from horrible death. Progress at the State Farms Mr. H. J. Pope,the efficient superinten dent of the State farms aiy the expert ment of planting rice is a success. The land selected is probably the lowest on tho river and three freshets have covered the plants, the deposit of mud being from four to six inches, and much mud being left on the plants. He says the rice is now in excellent condition and growing well. It will yield from 75 to 100 bushels per acre and is worth about a dollar. Corn immediately adjoining the rieo was entire ly destroyed by fresh water. ' Another experiment tried for the first time this year is the cultivation qf ambn cane for the production of sorghum. Twelve acres are planted in this cant, whicn is uow ready to cut. During the war cane was cultivated in this section to some extent aud a fair quality i.f syrup was produced but the machinery was the crudest kind. On the State farms the very best improved machinery as been purchased for sorghum making and will be put in operation in few day?. Mr. Pope says a better quality of syrup can be made and much more cheaply than that now used for tho convicts. About November 1st two hundred convicts will be put to work diking these farms and when' this is done the crops will be certain. Tho work of dicing will be done at a season when they would otherwise be idle. There are 231 convicts at these farms and the health of all of them is good, not a Cise t sickness is reported, iney ate made to work and the discipline, of course, is strict, but they are well trca'ed in every respect. ' Many sent to the farms iu poor health 'improve under the open air work, and soon regain their strength and activity. The Board ot Directors is contempla ting the leasing of moreland as in about twifmonths they will have nearly 000 more convicts turned over to them irom contractors who have finished their con tracts. It is reported that negotiations are in progress for lands in Northamp ton county and also farms lower down the river in the neighborhood of Caledo nia. The Weldon Universitt School. The first session of tho Weldon Uni versity School opened on Tuesday, the 8th ofSeptember, 1891. There were twenty uiuB scholars present aud the number has since increased to thirty- seven, litis is considered a very good opening and it is hoped that the number will soon run up into the forties. The desks for tho school have arrived and wil lbe put up at once. The school rooms will present a very attractive appearance when the new desks are put in place, and tbe Headmaster extends an invita tion to all the patrons and friends of tbe school to come in and examiue the rooms and materials some time during the latter part of the present week or the first of the next. The school has been put in good run ning order and the success of the enter terpriso seems nssuieu. ... A large play ground for the boys has been secured just across the street from the school house, and the girls have a play ground in the back yard. Blackboards, maps, etc., have beeu secured and put in place The latest and best books are used, and Ilia best methods in teacluni' are em ployed. So tar, an unusal interest lias beeu manifested by the scholars and it is thought that they will do work that will be a credit to the institution. In connection with tho school, the Headmaster has been urged to hold i night-class for the benefit of those rail road men and young men of the town, who not having time to attend the regu lar classes during the day, would never theless like to pursue their studies at night. The class has not yet beeu formed, but will be started if a sufficient number wish to take it up. Those wishing to take any studies in the night class will please let it be known at once. It is urged upon the parents that they should personally superintend the work of the scholars at home. It is intended that the standing of the school shall be a high one, and in order that this may be done, it will be necessary that the private study of the students should be of the most thorough kind. Extending his hearty thanks for the generous support which the people of Weldon and vicinity have given him, tho Headmaster wishes to assure them that, in so far as he is able, he intends making the school one of the best and most thor ough in the State. Death or Capt. Jjsk Scott. News Wits received here on Monday of the death of Capt. Jesse T. Scott, whieli occurred vuddeuly ui Panama, mi Augu.-t 29th. Ho hud been iu good health aud on the'JTth took a bath in u mountain stream from wliich he contracted a slight cold which did not aniline him to his room. On the 29th he went into a friend's loom and laid down ou a sofa remarking, tlmt be felt more at home there than he had done since ha left Virginia. He dropped asleep and died without waking. Capt. Scott, for a number of years had been a conductor on tbe Coast Line be- the warehouse demolishing the platform tween Richmond and this place, in which and injuring slightly tbe wall of the Cars Wbkckxb in the Yard.- There was a considerable wreck in the yard of the Raleigh and Gaston road Monday night. A lreight train was backing toward the block house, and a switch being wrong the train ran into a side-track which ends just at the ware house of the Petersbung railroad. Iking down grade and the distance being short the train could uot be stopped although the whistle was. sounded and the engine reversed. The shanty car crashed into position he made friends of the railroad officials both high aud low, with the travelling public who are quick to recognize worth and with the people of this place and Richmond. He was truly a man in the highest sense of the word, strong and building. The oar was pretty badly injured, one end of it being thrown upon a side platform by a flat running under it. Two flats were also thrown from the track. Mr. Harding, the engineer, stood NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. As a family medicine these pills are un rivalled. As an Anti-Dyspeptic Pill they have stood the test of 75 years, and maintained their reputation. THEY REG ULA IE the BOWELS and LIVER. They will relieve Colic, Sick Head ache, Acid Stomach, and all the evils at tendant upon indigestion. They are the cheapest and best remedy offered for Dyspepsia in all its forms. For sale by W. JUL COHEN, Weldon, N. C. E. P. Beckwith & Co , Wholesale agents, Petersburg, Vs. my 28 ly. yet gentle, brave and fearless, yet generous to his post as coolly as possible although and kind. The etrong respected him for just about that time it was one ofcoosid- ins manliness, me mean icarea mm ior i eraDi0 danger his contempt of anything and everything small and the weak trusted him because UNCLAIMED Letters. The follow- he was ev.r true and helpful. Many could jng jg a yut of elter, remaining in the far better have been spared than he, and Weldot postoffice : his numerous friends everywhere will ,. . grieve to bear of his death. He was a Ilo8a U Ince, Man. Long, Mrs. brother of Capt. Emmet Scott, of the Ella Long, Miss Rome Lams, Miss Adie Petersburg road aud leaves another brother Linch, Miss Louzelia Kamegay, Miss iu Surry county, Va. He resigned his positiou on the road Jor,e, Miss Sallie Johnson. Mrs Marth. TUTE buildings Monday Oct. 5, 1891. about the 1st of February, 1889, and left T-n- nnnrm t W T.: T. T. This Scheol was formerly located at ou the 18th for New York from ich port w T M ?! A A 'm 'n ? Franklinton, N C. but removed by an be sailed on the 20th for Aspinwall, having J b,, the last Legislature to Wenton, accepted a position with the Panama rail- Henderson, LA Hudson, Will Hodges, n0 healthier location can be found in the road the duties of which he discharged Miss Velvir Harson, W J Hodges, Ed Le State. The school will he provided with it.Li.iUi :i u'u. IV!. V m- n:t-4: able and experienced teachers. uu"' m"uo Bu uo v""""' "OD" u In order ihaUU who de8ire iucation resigned to take cnargo or a gold mine in I Miss Victoria Uletns, U J (iunter, Lewis may avail themselves of this opportunity, WAKKENTON STATE COL. Am flPm IAI)l I I RPHnflT. .Ill Tresia Kemgage, J R Jones, Mrs Nancy iU first session in the SHILOH IN8TI- inlScW. WARRENTON, N. C. An Unnatural Act. A foreigner by the name of Goluuibeck, who keeps an unsavory business stand here, turned his ten-year-old son into the streets Friday night for a trivial offence and forbid him to enter the house. The boy crawled upon an old shed and passed the nkht there. The night was exceedingly in clement and the action of the unnatural father is severely oondomned. The mayor wa notified and informed the irate father that the boy mmt be fed and sheltered. A largo lot of broken suits of clothin at cost. r. N. fctatuback & tfro One sot marble top fundi lire at cost P. N. Slainbaek & tsro. which he became largely interested and the operations of which he was superintend ing at the time of his death. POPULARPEOPLE. SOJIEOF THE FOLKS YOU KNOW AND THEIR DOINGS. board and lodging may he secured within the buildings for $5.75 per month. Tuition free to all residents of tbe State, For further information address REV. J. A. WHITTED, A. M. Prin., 9-10-tf. Warrenton, N. C. Forsello, Skipper Davis, Duke Denson, Weaver & Clark, Miss Maggie Cenby, W L Cartuicbael, R Chambers, Mrs Nancy Carter, Lucy Byrd, llobt Bass, Isaac Aycox, T J Anderson, Miss Lclia Allen, Miss Rosa Lee Lawrence, Bill Lassiter, Wm Long, Burton Morgan, Mack Magentire. R W Moselev. Emilin I NORTH CAROLINA 1 In the Mason, George Maho. Mrs Jane Mills. HALIFAX CO Superior Court. Mrs. W. H. Day is visiting friends in I Mrs Jennette Pierce, Sallie Pender, S L . . . , Raleigh. Presson, George Person, Bat Powell, . w. . . , , , 4 I wllie Sanders, Francis Paskell, Wesley c. H. B. Howeeton, and W. W. Fbbk. iuusAuimus lowers x ueouay iu ghaw, Mrs Louisa Scott, Mrs Mollie man, Dependants, NOTICE. attend school io Henderson. Sykes, Alex Shaw, Mrs Eliza Scott. Mrs To W. W. Frkeman. i ' . . . ' fTL. wr i it mow e ir j . Annie Taylor, Solman Vincent, Miss L ,lue ".e,l""a ' Mr. II. M. Robinson, of Henderson' o i iifL:.v.j mL n ii-i take notice that a su . s , , .ara" " lena! . ""son, uu . ation w. is8ued the nth da Mrs Rebecker IVebb, Miss Polhe Wafe, 0f April, 1891, returnable to the May term, The defendant, W. W. Freeman will summons in the above How'iTMi. We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Cutarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney 4 Co , Props., Toledo, Uhio. We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions, and nnanciaity ante to carry out any obligitions made by their firm. - West k Truai, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnau and Marvin, Whole sale DrUiil'ists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iuternally noting dinvily upontno blood ud mucous surfaces f the Ntmefu. Iby-Send for tHstinionial free. 8Si.ld by druggists, 75c. U 17 lm. The Tax Lists. The tax lists of Halifax county -show an increase in the value of property as compared with the lists of last year. Tbe aggregate value of all taxable property in the county this year is $4,010,208; last year it wss 83,387,420, an increase of 8628,788. Following is the assessed value of real estate in the respective townships: Brinkleyville 64,819 acres of land value $250,242; 23 town lots, value $S,2:i3; total 8253,475. Butierwnod 20,730 acres of land, value $103,244. Conocouara 27,150 acres of land, value 8132,837. Enfield 72,145 acres of land, value $330,311; 122 towu lots, alue $122,905; total $443,300. Faucetts 40,673 acres of land, value $148,903. Halifax 42,680 acre of land, value $242,r27; 124 town lots, value $57,573; total $300,130. Littleton 37,283 acres of land, value $200,317; 68 town lots, value $50,810; total $251,127. Palmyra 35,476 acres of land, value $213,328; 184 town lots valuo $14,870; total $228,198. ' Roseneath 20,935 acres of land, value $107,142. Scotland Neck 29,451 acres of land, value $183,750; 552 town lots, value $119,852; total $303,602. Weldon 36,178 acres of land, value $287,807; 318 town lots, value $242,817. total $530,624. Enfield township has the largest num ber of acres of land, and Buttcrwood the smallest. Weldon shows the largest val uation in real estate, and Buttcrwood the smallest. The total number of acres is 427,520, the value of which is $2,200,438; total number of town lots 1,399, value $609,- 975. Following are totals and values of cer tain kinds of personal property in the county. 2046 horses, value $130,25! mules 1641, value $115,488; 7219, cat tie, value $74,305; 15,714 hogs, value $22,7 13; 2801 sheep, value $3,024; farm iog utensils, value $48,642; mechanics tools, value $4,686; household and kitch in furniture, value $38,180; provisions, value $54,824; fire arms, value $5,768 libraries, valuo $6,451; money on hand $59,532; solvent credits 8232.2U; shares of stock io incorporated companies $38, 218 allot her !"rs"iml property $303,35S; uet ineuw- ,l;l"'t """cli S".05t. The C'i r d p. . pi i of tli.: eouuty list property to the value of $289,11)6. The increase in taxes, according to the increase of property, is over $5,000. was in town a few days ago. Mrs. J. B. Spiers, of Reams' station, Va., is visiting her son, Mr. II. C. Spiers. Capt. W. W. Carraway, of the News and Observer, was in town a short while Monday. Capt. Wm. Smith, superintendent of the R. & G. road, was in town Monday. Dr. J. E. Shields returned homo Tues day from a visit to Chase City and Hen derson. Miss Nannie Long passed through here Monday en route to Henderson from Jackson. Daniel Wtot. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mrs. II. L. Harvey and Mrs S V. Harvey returned from High Point a few lays ago. Mrs. P. A. Lewis left Monday for Bal- tmioro to purchase ner tail and wint r stock of millinery. Mi.'S Anthony, of Baltimore, spent several days in this place last week while cn route to Goldsboro. Miss Susie Timberlake, of Raleigh, spent Monday night in town on her way home from Wilmington. Mr. Thomas L. Purnell, of Raleigh, who has been visiting here several days returned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Shaw returned from the wedding trip on Saturday last and were welcomed by their many friends. Capt. T. N. White and Master Rich ard left Monday for Richmond where they will in future live. We wish them success. Messrs. W. B. Tillery, W. M. Cohen and M. F. Hart have returned from a trip to New York which they say they greatly enjoyed. , Messrs. T. L Emry.Mr.J. J.Daniel and W. A. Pierce left Saturday for New York to purchase fall and winter goods for their stores at this place and Halifax Mr. Merritt. of the Raleigh Chronkh, P0UDER 1891, ot the the Superior Court for Halifax county; that the purpose of the action is to sell real property in Haliiax connty con tracted to be sold the said defendants by the plaintiff, default of said contract hav ing been made by said defendants, and to cancel said contract; and this is to require you to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court to l)e held for the coun ty of Halifax on the tenth Monday after the first Monday in September, 1891, and answer or demur to the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the clerk of the Superior court of said county within the first three days of the term. Herein fail not. This August 17th, 1891. JOHN T. GREGORY, 8-20-Ow. Clerk Superior Court. Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government Food Report. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES auUtrrnftntirftji. Ms. JOe 'Eg oN. S T 1 P. N. STAINBACK & BRO., GENERAL MERCHANTS, htve exclusive sale of these celebrated glasses in Weldon, N. C. FAULKNER. KELLAM & MOORE, The only manufacturing Opticians in the South, Atlanta, Ga. Pcddlcrs are not supplied with these famous (.'lasses I and Whisker BaMta cured at hum with out paio. Book of ptr- Itlcularawnt ntl, IB.M.WOOLLEY.N.D. WILL CUES RHEUMATISM AMD DYSPA SIA. Como, Hertford N. C, Mrs. Joe Person : Dear Madam: After hating been a great sufferer from Rheumatism and Dys pepsia, and finally Erysipelas, and getting no substantial relief from other treatment I was relieved of these troubles in a eonj parstivcly short time by tbe use of your Remedy, and heartily recommend it to all who are similarly afflicted. I know of other instances in which it hat been offlo mx wtuwhau at! most effective and satisfactory XnHTII CAROLINA. ours very truly, HALIFAX COUNTY. mado this office pleasant visit Monday, m THE SUPERIOR CO UR T. The Chronicle is good paper and we Thomas N. Hill and Mary A. Hill, hxec- . . ., i , i 1 .v. l . utoraofN. M.Long, deceased, plaintiffs, hope he added larg?!y to the subscription Vi lists of the paper. Wesley H. Harrison and Tcmpe Harrison! his wife, defendants. After several weeks spent among his The defendants above named will take 1 . r I A T 11 . nAtiiu thnfc Biiminnn. tn tllA AhnrA pnti- manv t.iunna nn v r m . i minnii I .'...- - - i ..... ......... ... . .... - i ... . . . iu.u, v-.. i fe.ed Action whm isHuetl on tlie 15tli day of Yours ot the 17th received, and vary turned to his home in Reidsville luesday AoRU8t, 1891, returnable to the fall term willingly I will reply. When I first com- morning to make ready lor the tall cir- oi tne superior coun ior nwun '"Jt menced tho use ot your valuable medeme. li . To 7 J i. 1 could not walk one step on account or after the first Mondav ot September 1U; . , r,, .... that the prirpose of the action is to cancel very bad sore on my leg. I bought three a contract lor the sule of real estate con- bottle of your Remedy and four patsk- Mits. B.S. Sfiebs. scrs liq ecsre. Black Creek, N. C. Mps. Joi Person Dear Madam: euit of courts. Success to you, Col. - contract lor the sule ot real estate con- Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the traded to be sold the defendant, Wesley Bxes of the Wash, and commenced to nse it. 1 could see the improvement in a j j - J . t i :i T tive or bilous, or when the blood is impure pear before the Judge ofonr Superiorcourt lew U"J" "uu lu U"J M,u "BPF"J , . . ,. , ,., , at a court to be held in the connty of Hali- m well, andean, with much pleasure, re- or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual , h , H UfM ' on the oa,niend it to any person as the best constipation, to awaken the k'dneys and tenth Monday after the hrst Monday in 1 medicine I ever nsl Jiver to n h-slthy activity, without irrita ting or weakeniug them, use Syrup of Figs. We are over stocked in shoes and will jrive low prices to reduce stock. P. N Stainback & Bro. Septemlwr. 1891, and answer or demur to the complaint whu-n will i5 nepoitea in the offii! 'f the clerk of the Superior court ot said enmity within the flMt three days of the lenti ll rein till not This the 71 h dav of September, 1891. JOHN T GKKUORY, Clerk Superior Court. sep-10-Gw. Yours truly, C.Pitt man. The above si're w.i ca .st d by a wound received during hn war. and had been sore ever sine t, so Mr. Pitt man told me. Mrs. Joe Person. no 15.

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