VOL. XXII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1891. NO. Uro. ENDOFTHE WORLD. FUN A PEDDLER HAD. A FINISHED PRAYER. ACOOD REFERENCE. COL. HARRY SKINNER. A NOTED DIVINE PREDICTS A GRAND CLIMACTERIC WITHIN TEN YEARS. Great interest has been occasioned by an announcement by the Rev. Dr. Joseph S. Jenckes, rector of St. Paul' Church, Indianapolis, Did , that the end of the world is close at hand. Dr Jenckes save up a lucrative luff practice in lSG t at Louisville, and entered the Christian ministry under a very strong conviction that the end of this age and the inaugu ration of the reij:n for a thousand years of the Saviour would occur in about lli5 years For several years this was the central fact of his preaching, but circum stances tended some years sineo to check his ardor of conviction, and ho found himself drifting toward a looseness of views respecting this important subject. He has recently had a thorough awaken ing through the influence of a discovery and a publication. The discovery was that an error in the accepted system of chronology has been lately found, which has made the time of the judges as gov ernors of Israel 350 instead of 420 years. "This correction, together with the twenty-seven years that have elapsed since 1SG4," says Dr. Jenckes, "bring this astounding crisis within less than ten years of the present time." The publi cation is a series of "studios," as he mod esly calls them, by Lieut. 0. A. Totten, of the United States Army, now de tailed upon professional duty at Yale University, Connecticut. The series comprises four small volumes, three of which have already appeared and the fourth is iu the printer's hands. In these the author proves the position above stated to his own satisfaction by a fund of exhaustive researches derived from history, sncular and profaur, chronology, astronomy, and revelation. Convinced by the cogent and conclu sive reasoning of Prof. Totten and of a number of English and some American writers that these things are true, Dr. Jenckes arrays himself positively and unequivocally with the earnest advocates thereof. He earnestly and alfeetioiiatcly warns all persons, whoever they may be to put themselves in-line of believers of the Lord Jesus Christ, unless they would, within hws than teu years, become ashes under thu soles of the feet of the righte ous " To morrow morning the doctor will deliver one of a series of sermons on this topic, lie is a conservative, thoughtful divine, with nothing of the crank or sen sation monger in his makeup. TEN EYtlSIGHT DUST'S. , t 1 Do not allow light to fall upon the face of a sleeping infant. 2 Do not allow babies to gaze at a bright light. 8 Do nut send children to school be fore the age of 10. 4 Do not allow children to keep their eyes too long on a near object at any one time. 5 Do not allow them to study much by artilicial light. C Do not allow them to use books with email type. 7 Do not allow them to read in a rail, way carriage. H Do not allow boys to smoke tobacco especially cigarettes., 9 Do not nceessarilly ascribe headaches to indigesliou, the eyes may be the excit ing cause. 10 Do not allow the itinerant spectacle vender to prescribe glasses. To strengthen the hair, thicken the growth, siop its blanching and fuliiug out, and where it is gray, to restore the youth ful color, use Hall's Hair llouewer. We are over stocked in shoes and will give low prices to reduce stock. P. N Staiubaok & ro. ' mp r-nit r.Ai , jmif.h. Or you nr.v aii worn ., n-it!v ccd fornotn- JV. ''. i'' iiKiWit!Mlil. Try H(KjV iit. Kl'rVhtiS ItWlUciua u,rt..n::iry(iii liver, and give gUUU UI'lJUlllV. OUR LITTLE BOY. I LOOK UP AT TUB WINDOW WIIKRE HIS BLUE EYES SPARKLED AT MY COM IN(, MJT It E IS NOT THERE. Tho following pathetic lines are from the pen of Robert J. 1'itrdctte and will strike a tender chord with any parent who has laid away in the grave a little son : ' I saw my wife pull out tho bottom drawer of the old buioau this evening and I went softly out and wandered up and down until I knew she had shut it up and gone to her sewing. We have some things laid away in that drawer which the gold of kings cannot buy, and yet they are relics which grieve us until our hearts are sore. I haveu't dared look at them for a year, but I remembered each article : There are two worn shoes, a little chip hat with a part of the brim gone, some stockings, pantaloons, a coat, two or three spools, bits of brokeu crock ery, a whip and several toys. Wife, poor thing, goes to that drawer every day of her life and prays over it and lets her tears fall upon the precious articles, but I dare not go. Sometimes wo speak of little Jack, but not often. It has been a long time, but somehow we can't get over grieving. "Sometimes we sit alone of an evening, I writing aad she sewing, a child will call out iu tho streets as our dear boy used to do, and we will both start with beating heart and wild hope, only to find darkness more of a burden thun ever. It is still and quiet now. 1 look up to tho window where his blue eyes sparkled at my coming, but he is not there. I listen for his patteriug feet, but there is uo sound. There is no one to search my pockets and tease me for presents and I never Qnd the chairs turued over, the brooms down, ropes tied to tho door knobs; I want some one to tease me for my knife, to ride on my shoulders, to lose my ax, to follow me to the gate when J go, and be there to meet me when I come to call "good uight" from the little bed now empty. "Aud wife, she misses him still more. There are no little feet to wash, no pray ers to say, no voice teasing for lumps of sugar, or sobbing with the pains of a hurt toe, and she would give her own life al most to awaken at midnight and look across to the crib and see our boy there as he used to be. So we preserve our relics and when we aro dead wo hope strangers will handle them tenderly even if they shed n ) tears over them." ALLIANCE IN CONGRESS. STRENGTH CLAIMED AND MEASURES CONTEMPLATED BY THE ORDER. At tho Farmers' Alliance headquarters in Washington city it is stated that the Alliance will have fifty -five men iu the next house who will vote with it on all measures that it may sec fit to bring for ward. In the Senate the party claims four souators Peffer, Kyle, Irby and Vance. At tho next session the Sub Treasury bill as it was introduced in the last Congress will not mako its appear ance. That measure has been repudiat ed by both houses of Congress aud will, for that reason, not be resurrected. A bill constru'.'t'jd, however, upon lines sim ilar to it, aud embodying tho sauio prin ciple, will be introduced into both houses and pushed to a vote. The Stanford land loan bill will not be touched by the Alliauoe, but a bill bearing upou the same subject will be introduced. Another mca.-uie which tLe Alliauee will demand i) a free ccimtgo bill. Theo three meas tiros aro the ones in whi'di the party take tho most interest, but other measures will bo Introduced and efforts to pans them will be made. As a general rule, it is'beot nut to cor rect costivoness by the use of saline or drastic metlb-iiics. Wheu u purgative is nucdcJ, tho uiu.-.i prompt, tiif. -tive and benefit Id is Ayr's PilU. Their tendency is t j restore and nut weaken, tlie uoimal action of the bowels. DOWN IN HARNETT A STOP ALL NIUHT SOME WILD ONES. "Now," I says to tho old woman, "I f you will tell me what you want made out of some of that white cloth I'll mako it for you." "Well, Polly Ann wants a pretty coat but how's yu'uns goin' tor make it with that thar thing?" "Oh, I can make it easy enough. Let me get the measure of her waist so I'll know how much cloth to cut." I took moasuro out of my pocket snd eoinrrene ed to pull out the tapo, when here went the brats back under tho bed again. Finally I got Polly Ann to come out aud bo measured. Every time I'd press my had on her person she'd give a little grunt and exclaim: "Oh, quit that man. You tick ul." "Where are your scissors?" I asked. Didn't have any; dad allers cut usscs cloth with the ax. Got my knife out and cut off what I wanted and went to work. I soon had the machine running and the kids finding out it wouldn't catch 'em came from uuder the bed again. The "pettycoat" was soon made, and when I held it up for them to look at dad open ed his mouth so wide in astonishment that it got out of socket. I went to work to get it back again when those dad blasted young ones began to howl, Polly Ann howled, tho old woman howl ed. That made the dogs howl. They thought I had "cunjered" dad and was going to kill him. But it came to gether again with a report like a pistol. Everything got quiet Hgain I asked Miss Polly Ann if she could sing. Not much. "Yes she can," said her mother. "Polly Ann can beat anybody singin'that goes to Black Jack singin' school over 'cross tho erik." ' Hold on," I said, "and I'll give you some music," and I went to my wagon and got an accordeon out of the trunk. I never made any fuss with it until I got in tho house and sat down. IFhen all the kids got pretty well around me, -I quietly opened tho box and took it out. How they looked io amazement at it. What was ii? they would ask. Would it bite? Could it Just then I pulled the accordeon open and made all the fuss I could with it. Selah. Swish! Like a bird they were gone to the woods. I went to the door and listened. They were gone. About two hours afterwards I heard a voice calling as if it was from away down under the ground. It was the old man calling me from the woods. "Mister man! Oh, Mister maul is that thar thing gone? Say, Mister man! Did that thar thing bite yu'uns? Oh. Lordy! I speck hit's got Polly Auu, I've got the younguns au' the old 'ooman here, lleekin hit'll git me if I come up 4har? The gallemippers is pow'ful bad ou". lierc." I fut sorry for the poor old man and told him to come in. After much per suasion they came in one at a tiuie each looking like they had been buried throe months. Not long after Pol!y Ann came in. All of her freckles were gono, aud so was the wart on her nose. If Bill Sikes could see her now she'd soon be Mrs1 Sikes-r-she's so pretty. About 1 o'clock P.dly Ann went up into the loft and went to bed, the old woman put "wo" childnn on tho floor to sleep and a few moments after all wa quiet inside. Outside tho owls were hooting their loueiy hoot, a;id the whip poorwills playing with their beautiful lute; the bull frogs sang their songs in the swamp nut of sight, and "umskeeters" made hideous the night, while I lay and snoozed till morning. Raleigh Visitor. ,. IT WORKS WONDERS. Tho tonic and alterative properties of S..S. S are now widely known, and it enjoys wonderful popularity as a spring medicine. It is as perfectly adapted to the delicate system of a little child as it is to that of the adult. It works wonders on those who use it as a tonic, as an al terative, and us a blood purifier. It gives health, strength und heartiness to the sick and the feeble. It is adapted to the very young and the vry old. It revives, re nuns aud bi.ul.s up the fblo or th" broken-down system. LIFT ME LP, SAID THE DYING CHILD IN A FULL CLEAR VOICE ; "HOLD ME, PA PA. WlULK I SAY MY PRAYERS." The sick room was very still; tho night lump burned low, and the watchers made fantastic shadows on the wall, but no one moved or spoke. The doctor said this was the turning point of tho disease, and there was nothing to do but to wait wait. The boy slept and his father kept his eyes fixed upon the thin, wasted fea tures, and watched for what ho hoped would prove a new lease and rest. The nurse sat ucar and dozed. At last the sick child suddenly opened his large bright eyes and said in a clear voice : "Papa." "What, dear boy!" answered the father softly. "Is it near morning?" "Yes, dear boy!" "xYnd will I be well in the morning ?" "I I hope so," sobbed the poor father, faintly. There was a long silence, then the sick child moved restlessly on his pillows. "I want to say'my prayers," he mur mured. The father beckoned to the nurse and she brought the mother, who stole softly in and knelt ou the other side of the bed. "Lift mo up," said the dying child in a full clear voice; "hold me, papa, while I say my prayers." He clasped his littlo hands together and repeated like one who was dreaming. 'Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be Thy name Thy king dom come Thy kingdom come " "Papa, I can't remember! I can't re member!" "No matter, dear boy, you can finish it in the morning." Again he lay among the pillows like a pale lily, and his eyes were open wide. "I cau't see you, papa," he murmured. "Will it soou be morning?" "Yes, dear boy." "And will I bo well then ?" The poor father could not answer. No one spoke, and a faint light soon stole into the room that drowucd the flickering rays of the night lamp aud shone rosy on tho wall. Then suddenly a little voice filled the room. It was so sweet and clear that it sounded like a strain of music from celestial spheres. It was tho dying boy finishing his prayer! When he canio to the last clause he seemed groping in doubt. "Forever and ever forever aud ever " aud with thu words ou his lips ho drifted off to sleep again. The rising sun shone into the room and lighted up its dim obscurity. It lay in golden bars on the white pillows, and touched the little face with a mocking glow of health and Strength. Perhaps it wakened him, but in the valley of the shadow of death he could not discern, and with wide open eyes that saw not, he murmured plaintively : "Is it nearly morning, papa?" "It is morning now, dear boy," A smile trembled on the closed lips there was a flutter of breath that came aud went as thu child clasped his thin hands together : "Forever and ever Amen?" CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed io his hands by an East India niisiouary tho formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous De bility and till Nervous Complaints, alter having tested its wotidcrlul curative pow ers in thousand of caws, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering Yellows. Aetuaied by this motive and u desire to relieve human suffering, I will sj'iid free of charge, to nil who desire it, tiiis recipe, iu German, French or h'nglish, with full dun-lion for preparing and u ing. Seut by mail by addieasing with sjanip, ''naming (hi paper. W. A. :oy., fc'-'j i'-ivcu iliuck, Rochester, N. Y. upr30 1y. B. V, NEWHERRY, IN THE "MORNINO STAR'" John was fifteen, and wanted a desir able place in the office of a well known lawyer, who had advertised for a boy, but doubted his success because, being a straugcr in the city, he had no reference. "I'm afraid I'll stand a poor chance," he thought,' "but I'll try aud appear as well as I can, for that may help." So he was careful to have his dress and person neat, and when he took his turn to be interviewed, went in with his hat in his hand, and a smile on his faee. The keen eyed lawyer glanced him over from head to foot. "Good face," he thought, and pleas ant ways." Then he noted the neat suit but other boys had appeared in new clothes saw the well brushed hair and clean looking skin. Very well, but there had been others here quite as cleanly; another glance showed the finger nails free from soil. "Ah! that looks like thoroughness," thought the lawyer. Then he asked a few direct, rapid questions, which John answered as di rectly. "Prompt," was his mental comment; "can speak up when necessary. Let's see your writing," he added aloud. John took the pen and wrote his name. "Very well, easy to read, and no flourishes. Now, what references have you?" The dreaded question at last! John's face fell. He had begun to feel some hope of success,.but this dash ed it." "I haven't any," he said slowly: "I'm almost a stranger in the city." "Can't take a boy without referenaes," was the brusque rejoinder, and as he spoke a sudden thought sent a flush to John's cheek. "I haven't any references," he said, with hesitation, "but here's a letter from mother I just received." The lawyer took it. Ic was a short lotter: "My dear John, I want to remind you that whenever you find work you must consider that work your own. Don't go iuto it as some boys do, with the feel ing that you will do as little as you can, and get something better soou; but make up your mind you will do as much as possible, and mako yourself so necessary to your employer that ho will never let you go! " You have been a good son to me. Be as good in business, aud I am sure God will bless your efforts." "Il'm!" said the lawyer, reading it over the second time. "That's pretty good advice, John excellent advice! I rather think I'll try you, even without references." John has been with him five years, and last spring was admitted to the bar. "Do you intend taking that young man into partnership?" asked a l'riend lately. "Yes, I do. I couldu't get along without John." And John always says tho best ref erence ho ever hud was a mother's good advice aud honest piaise. Syphilis, Scrofula, Blood Poison and Rheumatism are cured by P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium.") If you feel weak aud badly take P. 1'. P., uud you will regaiu your flesh and strength. For Rheumatism, Malaria and Syphil is, P. 1. P. is tho best known remedy. For females in delicate health, for In digestion and dyspepsia, take only P. P P. It is the best Spring Medicine in the world. W. II. Wilder, Mayor of Albany, Q. , says he has suffered with rheumatism for fifteen years, and in that time he tried all the so en'led specifics but to no pur pos". His grandson, who v,is on the B. it W. R iilroad, finally tot him a bot tle of P. P. P. showed it remarkable eibic's, aod uttrr uing a short time te rheumatism disappeared, and be wiites he feels like a new man, and takes pleas ure in recommending it to rhenuiMtie sufferers. For g.du at W. M. Cohen's drugstore, j ! Weldun, N. C. " 1 A REPUBLICAN PREDICTS THAT HE WILL BE NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR. Mr. Claudius Bernard, who was the Republican nominee for Congress, has been talking politics to a Post reporter. Among other things he is quoted as say ing: "I have no doubt the Alliance will capture the Democratic State Convention next year and nominate Col. Harry Skinner, of Greenville, for Governor. Col. Skinner is but thirty-five years old, but has gained State fame through his campaigning with Polk and the other Alliance leaders. He is a brother to ex Congressman Thomas G. Skinner, and the law partner of ex-Congressman Lewis C Latham, both of whom oppose the Alliance ideas. Though not a member of the Alliance, being precluded by his profession, he is in full sympathy with, the movement and the father of the Sub Treasury plan. The scheme first eaw the light through an article written by Colonel Skinner for Frank Leslie's in 1887. "The ulterior object of the Alliance is to send Col. Skinner to the United States Senate in place of Mr. Ransom in 1894, He has been given to under stand that his election to tbe governor ship will mean his elevation to the Senate. The Alliance is in absolute control of the politics of the State, and can, in my opinion, accomplish anything it under takes." A PLEA FOR RAILROADS. SAM JONES SAYS WARFARE ON RAIL ROADS DOES HARM. In a trenchant letter to the Atlanta Constitution Georgia's queer genius and popular evangelist, Rev. Sam P. Jones, protests against the uuiversal outcry against railroad and o ther corporate con solidation. In reference to tho opposition to railroad consolidation he says: The Vanderbiltand Pennsylvania Rail roads combine a network of railroads .stretching almost over half tho United States, give the best equipped lines, the fastest trains, the most reasonable rates of any railroads in the world. What the South needs is not the dismemberment of railroads and the bankruptcy of her cor porations, but such friendly consideration and wise legislation as will conserve their interest and develop their resources until the Southern States shall have as magnifi cent railroads as New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois. I may not have eyes to see rightly nor cars to hear wisely, but surely I have had opportunity to see and hear, as I have covered most of the ground from Maine to California aud Canada to tho Gulf. I aju candid when I say that this warfare on our railroads and corporations have done us infinitely nil re harm than all other things combined, for when you de press and hummer down Southern se curities to tbe point where our bankers cannot hypothecate them in New York to get money to move our cotton irop, then it's time to call a half. Central Railroad stock 12o one month and S6 the next, not because Wall strut is on the rampage, but because ol homo war fare on combines. Tbe greatest prosperity 1 have Been in America is along the'lino of the pros perous and well-managed railroads. Tho two are interdependent. If you will show me one prospering without the other then you will show me tsight I have not look ed upon iu my peregrinations. I 1 how it is unwise to push this battle further against railroads, and il'ihwo in authority shall think and ittt diffuviu'v, time in and will demonstrate who was wise arid who was foolish. When Baby was sick, wo gave hor Castoria. When Blie was a Child, rtie cried for Castoria. When she Warne Mis. she chins; to Cas'ori.a. When she had C'hlkUvu, she gave them C.istorm.