THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1891. A BETTINC SWINDLE. PURELY POLITICAL NEW ADVERTISEENTS. , E KENTUCKIAN WAS GAME, BUT NOT OVER SHREWD. "I'll bet I can drink more whiskey than any other man on earth." The speaker was n flashily dressed joung man in a West Side saloon. "Even money, and any amount that yon can't," said a tall Kentuckian. "Will $100 do?" "Yes, or twice that." f "Two hundred goes. Jimmy, set out your bottles. Who's going to drink against me?" "I am," answered the Kentuckian. "Then here we go." Tho barkeeper put two beer glasses before them and took a quart bottle in each hand. From one he poured fur the Kentuckian and from the other for his antagonist. Both drank the first two glasses down without effort. Each glass held half a-pint. Id drinking third the southerner gulped a little and turned red, but the other drank his dose without moving a muscle. At the fourth tho Kentucky man's hand shook and he spilled sitae liquor on the floor. The other man downed his in a flash and said: "Come on with another bottle, Jiin my. The tall man gajwd at him a moment in astonishment and lurched toward the 'door, saying: "Pardner, the money is yours. Good by!" After he had gone the winner took tho empty bottle out to a restaurant and go it refilled. He had been drinking cold tea against the other man's whiskey. RICH COLORED MEN. Among the richest citizens of the Southern States to day are several color ed men who began active life under most adverse circumstances. Silvester, of Gal veston, is said to possess real estate and personal property valued at more than 8350,000. Milton Sterrctt, of Houston, is one of the most successful meu in that town, fie owns a fine house surrounded by beautifull grounds, which aro cared for by a landscape gardener, and several plantations in Texas. During the civil war he was a waiter on the boats running between Galveston and Houston. His fortune, estimated at $400,000, wasmado in real estate speculations. Senator C. N. Burton, of Fort Bend County, Tcjus, was borne a slave. He is now the en viable owner of the plantation of his former master, uud three other farms in the most fertile parts of his native State. He cares teudvrly for his mistress, who, like so many of her kind, has been re duced to poverty. He sent the good wo man back to her old home in Virginia, where she still lives. For flfteen years she has received one hundred and fifty dollars a month from the man who was once her slave. His success, he declares, is duo to her alouo. Senator Burton is a good lawyer and is popular with the members of both political parties Henry Black, the ranchman of Tom Greco and Pecos counties, is also worth $300,000. A colored woman by the name of llarvy, the wind of a raulatj who died a few years ago, is one of the richest women iu the State. NEWS AHOUT YOURSELF. The averaga number of teeth is 32. The average weight of a skelctou is about 14 pounds. The brain of a man is twice as large as that of any other uniuial. A man breathes about 20 times a min ute, or 1,200 times an hour. A man breathes about 13 pints of air in a minute, or upwards of 7 hogsheads in a day. The average of the pulse in infancy is 120 beats per miuutv; in manhood 80; at GO years GO. The average weight of an Englishman is 150 pounds; of a Frenchman 13G pounds; a (r'Tinun 1 It! pounds. A ffR! givntolT4(W pur vent, narlmn io iras of tho air ho respire; respires l'J,G(iC cubit feet of caibonic acid gas iu 21 hours, eqiuil to 125 cubic iuches com mon air. Kupoy tliMwieia. Win. Timnmus, Postmaster at Ida ille, Intl., writw: "KVutriu Hitters has dona inni'i) fur mo than all other medi cines combined, lor thut Lad t'coliug arig ins from Kidney nnd Liver trouble." John Leslie, f unuer and stockman, of same place, uayw "Find Electric Bitters to he the best Kidney and Liver medi cine; made tuc fool like a new num." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, name town, says. : Elect rio Bitters is just the thinr for a man who is all run down and don't caro whether ho lives or dies; hu found new wrench, troed appetite and felt like he had n i'v leasu on if'e. Only fiile. a buttle, ut W. M. Cohen's dra;-btvro. In a dainty little parlor on an uptown street, In a dim little corner on a very narrow spat You know the rest. In books and arts the maid was versed, In law and politics the lad was first. "Of course I'll tell to you the tricks." He said, "Of what we call dry politics." This is "protection" said he in haste, Placing bis arm around her waist. "Free trade, you know, is more like this." He gave and took from the maiden a kiss. Then a rattling noise around them ran, As the shaking of shot in an old tin can. And Johnny came from beneath with a grin, '"And this," he cried "is American tin." Yon know the rest. THE TYPEWRITER. PRACTICE IS WORTH SOMETHING IN 8UCII MATTERS, YOU KNOW. "The newspapers have a great deal to say about the conquests of tho typewriter girl," said a young woman of that class io a big down town hotel; "but they do not know what they are talking about, that's all. I've been here nearly three years now, and I have had just one soli tary bit of sentiment to break the monot ony of business. "About a year ago a good natured Iiisliinau who is employed at the hotel here came to me and said that he could not read or write, but wanted me to write a letter for him inviting one of the cham bermaids to attend a dance op the West Side. It was done iu a short order, and the poor fellow was so pleased with it that I refused to accept any pay for the work, and offered to read the answer just as soon as he should bring it to me. The next day one of the chambermaids came to me and asked me to write a letter accepting an invitation to a dance. She had been able to spell out the pre cious message that the postman had unex pectedly brought her, and wanted to send an equally neat and polite reply. So I answered my own letter by proxy. After that an energetio epistolary bom bardment was begun and I furnished the ammuuition for both sides. I will con fess that I grew greatly interested iu the contest. B ith of my patrons were desperately io love with each other, and as th&iuanugement of their amours de volved upon me I handled the matter us delicately and diplomatically as I could. Can you blame me if I occasionally gave them a chance to learn from experience that 'tho course of true love never runs smoothly'? Well, right or wrong, I did it; and after mixing into the case about as many lovers' quarrels as I thought would add zest to the wooing and untangling all the snarls I had purposely made, I brought tho play to an end by writing a proposal and its acceptance, and was re warded for my work as matchmaker by an invitation to the wedding. It was all the pay I deserved practice is worth something in such mutters, you know.' Chicago Mail. I.a Grippe Again. During the epidemic of La Grippe last season Dr. Kingo New Discovery tor Consumption, Couirhs and Colds, proved to be the best remedy. Reports from the many who used it confirm this state ment. They wore not only quickly re lieved, but the diseases left no bad results. We ask you to give this remedy a tria! and we guarantee that you will be satis tied wit h results or the purchase price will be refunded. It has no equal in La Unppe, or any lhroat, hest or Lung Trouble. Trial bottles free at W. M. Cohen's drugstore. Largo bottles 50c, aud $1. WOMEN AND THE STEAM ENGINE It takes sand to run an engine; so it does to run 0 woman. Then is usually a great bustle about an eugiue; bo there is about a woman. It makes a fellow mad to get left by un engine; so it does by a woman. An engine is an obieot ot much won eler nnd rt'l'mnMin in ni"i nnii i tear to horses; so is a woman. When an engine goas off tho track it usually takes a man' or more along with ii; so dues a woman. An engine is known by its company; so is a woman. An ensii no will sometimes blow a fel low up if he puts on too much pressure so will some women. IS I.1FI3 WORTH MVISitil Not if you go through tho world a dy.s peptic. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a poi-iiive cure for the worst forms of Pyspephia, Iudii;:stioU, TUtu'dicy and CoiisiiiMitjnn, Ou' ranteed and K.,r N,ie bv W. M. Wddon, N. C. Cohen, Druist, Fir l it mmmsmmssmmssmssz Stores, Dwellings and other buildings insured in the best companies against loss by fire. LOSSES LOSSES Rates Low. Bates Low. Low rates in the HORSE POWER I.imI the Desired ERVni 11 CiiiaoLLTos, Green Co., 111., Nov., '88. I highly rucomuitmd l'aator Kocuitf'i Norve Touio to anybody that hai auffnd from head ache, hi my ion did for 3 yuan, because two hot Ue. of iha wudloiuo cured hiui, M. Mci'IUTE. Washington, D. C, Mnreb fi. lot. For 8 years I bod feelings that I cu Lanih describe, i would feel at limes that I was stir.. IV dyiutf, or hvr preioutimeuU that something dreadlui a about to nuiiieu; uc9 muiun Pastor Kowuig'ii tiurve Touio I have felt Hko a diilerunt person. It la a wouderlul uiedleinu. MllS. AUNEo fcjHJiA. TjOKKtto, Ky., March 2, ISM. I have taken Pastor Koeuhj'a Toulc forei'i lepay of 8 years' t,Uuidint!. and it worked like a charm uu we, after neveritl doctors did iuu J.o food, lour iiiediciue is perfection L. O. V AN CLEAVE. FREE1 A Valuable Book an Nervotu lliseHHes lent lree to any aunresa ami poor ptttieuta can also obtain tma meuiciue ire 01 viinrice. This remody has been prepared by the Reverend Pastor KneuiR, of Fort Wayne, lud. since la.ii. auc Lauowproparud under hif dlrecUuu by the KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, 111. Sold by DrOKgista at SI per Bottle. 6 for St. Large Size, 1.75. 6 Bottles for SO. aug 20 ly riHAS. AfULKR OCKADE 1UJ Larble SOUTH SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, VA. Monuments, ! Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, &o. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. UtirX beautiful calendar for 1883 sent to any address on receipt of stamp for postage. Iq" p&v "0 Edward CII.VKLES M.WALSH, oct 11 ly. I I I I BY -:- FIRE BY -:- FIRE o -mmmmmmmnmmmmmm GINS A SPECIALTY. -mrararammrararacnturararaOmaimmmmmrararammratn- Standard Companies given on STEAM, WATER and GINS. For farther Particulars Apply to 11 T. CLARK, WELDON, N, 0. HOSE desiring to purchase or sell property in the town of Weldon, will do well to see or correspond with me. I have been surveying the lands in and around Weldon at various times for the past ten years and hence I know some thing of the valuo of these lots. LIQUORS. O. SMITH, SEE HIS LIQUORS, SEE I1IS CIGARS, EVERY DRINK IN SEASON. loTC. Smith, Brick Huilditia!, on North Corner of Railroad Shed, Weldon, X 0. oct Id ly. Wn PROMPTLY PROMPTLY mmmmmmmmmmmmmm- -: -: ROANOKE IEW8T OFFI PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K- O. fil'BTON, JR., O EWD. L. TRAVIS. BURTON & TRAVIS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the counties of Halifax and Northampton, and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Claims collected in all parts of North Carolina, ang 11 ly. KDWARDT. CLARK. Weldon, N.C. RG. DANIEL Littleton, N.C. OFFICE OF- CLARK-:-AND-:- DANIEL, ATTORN EYS-AT-UAW. WELDON AND LITTLETON. Practices wherever their services are needed. One ot the firm will attend at Halifax every Monday. 1-22-ly. JAMRS M. MULLEN, WALTER t. DANIEL VJ U L L K N A DANIEL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice In theoouTUof Halifhi andNorthamp ton and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Col lerlioiiRmHdu In ulllmrtsuf North Carolina. Branch ofllcB at Halifax, N. C, open every Mon flay. janVly rpHOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In Haliftx and adjoining oountlet and Federal and Supreme courta. anir. ai -jTR. E. L. HUNTER, BURGEON DENTIST. Can be found at his oflicc iu Enfield. Pure Nitrons OiMc Gas for the Pninieaa Extracting of Teeth always un hniid. icb 27 ly. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. 3. -X 7.--- vN LlTTI.KTOV X. (j. Tcotn tract Cu ..uout pain. iilOUui. j :- PAID. :- PAID. Rates Low. Rates Low. I Q U O K 8 A N D GROCERIES I have a comple stock of Family Gro ceries of all kinds which I will sell ehap for Cash. I have also on hand and am constant ly receiving a large variety ol LIQTJOBS. Such as whisky, brandy, wine, beer, ale, porter, carbonated waters, &c. Call and see me on Washington Ave- nue at the Daniel, oct 18 ly torold stand of R. W. W. D. SMITH. This Space - be longs to the ions IP Mk- Racket STOKE. ia

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