THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 18.91. THE ROANOKE NEWS. JJY HALL & SLEDGE. PUBLISHED EVKttY THURSDAY. BATK.S OF HI IISCKTPTION' IJf ADVANTK. One Year (by Mail), Postage l'aiil $1.50. Six Months ".". A Weekly Democratic jonrnal devoted to the material, educational, political mid agricultural interests of Halifax and sur rounding counties. tOTAdvertising rates reasonable and furnished on application. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1891. Cotton is opening slowly. Warm days and cool nights. Most time to call in straw hats. The present one is harvest moon. Boiling water removes fruit stains. The hay fever is not to be sneezed at. Picnics seem to be the order the day. The mosquito wiil soon take vacation. There is very little sickness in town The ('mil's. TIih w.irru dry weather of the past week U said to be good 'or the cotton and it U thriving upon the suitable season Very Huh, if any, lias opened and none lias been marketed in this locality, Differeiiceoif opinion exist as to the probable yield, but all fanners seem to be hopeful And d i not believe the outlook to be as bad 11 )w as it was three or four week ago. Not Dr.AD as Reported. The Rev. Aunanias Buck, a colored preacher of h character, was reported to have ied on Sunday and Monday quite a number of his colored admirers went own to Halifax to attend his funeral, but when they arrived there they fouud itn still in the laud of the living and out of danger. Died. Mr. Willie Shaw, of North ampton county, died at his home Wed nesday of last week of malarial fevei after a brief illness, in the twenty-first year of his age. Just before the dissolu tion of soul and body he remarked that he was getting blind and requested the attending physician to pray for him. The doctor, who is a devout Christian gentleman, promptly knelt in prayer, and when he arose from his knees the young man breathed his last, and was dead in an instant. now. Scuppernonq grapes are plentiful and cheap. j The survey of Wost Weldon has been completed. The sircus is coming and the small boys are happy. Ix takes a nip of frost to flavor the oyster properly. The dogs have had their day, and now the leaves will have their turn. A swallow of milk after taking quinine removes tho unpleasant taste Lorn the mouth. Ab there will be no fair this year there will doubtless be a largo crowd iu town on circus day. Fall goods are coming in every day and our merchants are making ready for the fall trade. The fall girl promises to be just as handsome as was the summer girl in her early beauty. The nightsare very quiet in town since the blowing of steam whistles has been stopped. Weldon needs more dwelling houses. We have lately heard of twj or three famites who would come here if they could secure house to live in. The funernal of Mrs. Isabella A. Pair, wife of E L Pair will be preached by DrU. 0. Burton, at Mt. Tabor, at twelve o'clock tho first Sunday in October. For a stylish street dress for October get a mouse colored cloth tailor gown, with pale blue cloth vest and black braided bands. Have a close felt hat trimmed with velvet and feathers. Reported Ciianub ov Schedule It is reported that about the first of October the seJiodules of tho shoofly trains on the Seaboard & Roanoke and Raleigh & (iaston railroads will be chang ed so that people living in Norfolk and along the line of the road can leave home in the morning, spend the day in Ral eigh visiting tho exposition and return home at night. The Norfolk shoofly will reach here in the morning and leave late in the afternoon. The Raleigh shoofly will probably leave hero later and return earlier than now. Fine Farming Land kor Sale. To those who want fine farming land we suggest a perusal of the advertise ment of Edward T. Clark, real estate ent, in another column. He adver tises two tracts, both of which are des irably located and well suited to any kind of farming. The tract known as tho ''Edmonds'' tract is one mile from Tillery station on tho Scotland Neck branch road, has 430 acres open, 101) of which arc iu grasses, 20 in permanent pasture, 5 iu grapes, 2 in Japan Plums, 7 in strawberries all these are bearing. The farm will bo di vided iuto tracts to suit purchas ers X lie other trn'it contains lZd acres, is also suited fur corn, cotton, fruit and truck, is within a mile of the corporate limits of (he town of IKcldon, and has 75 acres open. Ou ii are good houses, and d water, and it is iu a g jj 1 state of cultivation. For further particulars address Mr. Clark at this place. Alliance Mass Meeting at War renton. An Alliance Mass Meeting will be held at Warrenton on Saturday October 10. The whole of Halifax, Vance, Franklin and Warren counties arc invited to attend. Arrington's large tobacco warehouse has been secured for the occas ion and the audience will be well pro tected from rain or sunshide. Senator W. A. Peffer, of Kansas, Pres ident Marion Butler, of the State Alli ance, and State lecturer J. 6. Well tiavo assured the brethren that they will certain'y be there and make addresses ou the reform movemeut. Speaking will begin at 11 o'clock. Public Meeting at Hoeuood. There was an alliance picnic at Hobgood Saturday which was attended by several hundred people. Speaches were made by Cjpt. E. A. Thome and the Hon Thos. H. Taylor. The speaches of both these gentleman were instructive and were received with applause. The din ner was plentiful and well served, and all enjoyed the occasion very much. POPULAR PEOPLE. juoRiirs nABRATiCL's. 1 here is a fearful disease which is prevalent among a great many Church members and in SOME OF THE FOLKS YOUKXO WAND order that they may recognize its presence rm-Ti nnrvr'v and its tianger we give tho following de scription Irom an exchange: .Morons babbatteus, or ounday sick- The Rev. Dr. Nash, of Raleigh, was in ness, a disease peculiar to church mem town Monday. bers. lhe attack comes on suddenly everv ouudav: no svumtoms are l'e It on Mrs. W. II. Day returned from Ral- Saturday night; the patient sleeps well eigh Monday night. and awakes feeliug well; eats a hearty breaktast. but about church time the Mr. W. h. Daniel is attending ai- attack comes on and continues until ser ren court this week. V1;es are over for the morning. Then the patient feels easy and eats a hearty Mr. 1. 1. Arrington, 01 Petersburg, dinner. In the afternoon ho feels much was in town Monday ni"ht. better, and is able to take a walk, talk aDout pontics, ana read the Sunday pa- Mrs. R. S. Hall, of Florence, is visiting perc; he eata a hearty supper, but about relatives in Scotland Neck. church timo he has another attack and stays at homo. He retires early, sleeps Col. W. F. Beasley, of Oxford, was in well, and wakes up Monday morning town a short while Tuesdav. relreshed and able to go to work, and J L . f .1 T uoes qui nave any symptoms Of trie ais Mrs. Eva Davisaod Miss Emily Camp- ease until the following Sunday. Tho 1. e . .. hell ara visitin. rVivp in fnm . peculiar Features are as lollows O 11. I ... I 1. .1 1. it always auacKs memoers 01 me Mrs. Edward .T Clark and children Church returned from a visit to Panacea Springs - appearance ex , cept on Sunday. M. Thft Hvmntnmx vnrv hnf. it npvor .v...r --vi .v. rw a n,.,;uMi f kq m. lnicneres witn inesieupor appetite, r .11 ,,.,.., 1,. flw. ........... ., , . . 1 . uu iu.'i-.t iiiuiu lunu i.Tcuiy- uitl.fil.ini Itil nlM9itna nl thiii i r r t. nuu in I . - town Monday. Mr. H. A. Chappell, traveling agent of the Southern Exposition, was in town a few days ago. Alliance Picnic at Crowells The writer had the pleasure of attend ing an Allianoe picnic, given by the Crowells Alliance, on Friday last the 18th. By 10:30 a largo crowd had gath ered under the old oaks, in front of the O. it generally attacks the head ot the family G. Nophysiciau is ever called. 7. It always proves fatal in the end to the soul. 8. No remedy is known for it except Mr. J. 11. lJurtonleft lucsday tor a prayer, pleasure and recuperation trip to several Religion is the only antidote 1 i 1 1 m i i n. iiiuci f0i,:ki0 ....., io. inis uisease lsoiten canea "oys- lUOUIUUUUIb 1UDVUO. I t w 111 . , temaiic iiying, dm its true name is Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Josey, of Scot- "Morbus Sabbaticus" or Sunday sickness. land Npok. returned home. 1 liesdav . . ' r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. As a family medicine these pills are un rivalled. As an Anti-Dyspeptic Pill they have stood the test of 75 years, and maintained their reputation. THE Y REG ULA TE tlie B 0 WELS and LIVER. They will relieve Colic, Sick Head- ache, Acid Stomach, and all the evils at tendant upon indigestion. They are the cheapest and best remedy offered for Dyspepsia in all its forms. For sale by ( W. M. COHEN, Weldon, N. C. E. P. Beckwitu & Co , Wholesale agents, Petersburg, Va. my 28 ly. from a two weeks visit to Baltimore. II. C. Spiers, manager of tho Weldon and is sweeping thousands every year prematurely to tho devil. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 Normal School. WARRENTON, N. C. )FJt H E WARr"eNTON STATE COL- ORED NOUMALSCHOOL will begin ita first session jn the SHILOH INSTI TUTE buildings Monday Oct. 5, 1891. This School was formerly located at Franklinton, N, C, but removed by an net of the last Legislature to Warrenton, N. C. No healthier location can be found in the State. The school will be provided with able and exjierienced teachers. In order that all who desire an education may avail themselves of this opportunity, board and lodging may be secured within the buildings for $5.75 per month. Tuition free to nil residents of the State. For further information address REV. J. A. WHITTED, A. M. Prin., 9-10-tf. Warrenton, N. C. residence of F. W. Gregory. At 1 1:30 Racket Store, left last Monday for New the gentlemen with a large number of York where he will remain several days ladies met in old Conoconara church to with his Racket company buying up hear the speeches of the deft orators of bargains for his Racket store. o u. .u-jor ui. Hrut M T E Gtem Mi return- . . ' v ed from a visit to relatives m IrilruiDgton ant remarks by way ot a beginning in- Two of the children who were trodueed State lecturer, E. A. Thome, unwell while there have entirely recover- Returnof a Former Citizen. We were glad to see in the city yesterday Capt. Samuel Timothy Nicholson, who moved from Bracebridge Hall near Ci.l pepper Bridge, Halifax county, N. (J., in 1852 to Livingston, Madiwa county, Miss. He married a daughter of Dr Jiggct'u family of Oxford. Mr. Nichol son is just from Salem where he carried his daughtor to Salem Female Academy. He is an honest, high-toned Christian gentleman. Nobody wag gladder to see him here again than D. R. Walker of the News and Observer. He goes henoe to visit his brother Mr Blake Baker Nichol.-on, of Littleton, and thence to the old homestead, where Col. Frank Parker now resides. News and Observer. Another Freight Train Needed With the approach of fall the roovin of the crops requires more freight service on the railroads, and it is to be hoped that the authorities of the Wilmington and Weldon road will put a daily freight train on the Scothnd Ncek and G-reen ville road. List season it was found necessary to run a daily freight on this branch, which was reduced to a tri weekly during the dull season. It should again be run dailv. The mail train otigl not to bo required to do freight businer every other day. It is an unnecessary inconvenience to the travelling public and the travelling public has some rights. W have no doubt, however, that nnotht freight train will be put on the road at an early day. Sent on for Housebreaking. Saturday night about 1 o'clock several gentlemeu who were in their room above Messrs. P. N. Stainback & Bro's. btore heard a crash of glass nd looking out of the window saw a negro woman standing there taking goods from the store through the broken window. They called to a man not far off; he followed the woman who ran off when she heard the ' voices. The man overtook her with several arti cles of merchandise in her possession. She was put under arrest and tried before Mayor Gooch Monday, who sent her to jail in default of bail to await the action of the grand jury. Het name was Annie Day and she said the goods were .iven to her. The window had been broken with a brick. On the same night someone who is supposed to have been the same woman broke one of the lare plate glass windows of Messrs. Emry & Pierce's store, but uothing was missed from it. who made a good and telling speech of i ot an hours length. Subject: I ho fiuaneial condition of the laboring people; Mr. John B. Spillman, a native of the dangers to which they are exposed, this place, who last season taught school and relief for tho same. Mr. Thorno in tho Western part of this State, is now introduced Prof. F. S. Blair, of Hertford in charge of a large school at Starrville, county who entertained the crowd for J Smith county, Texas, and gcttiug aloug hour on the necessity of educating the prosperously. farmers and laboring people of the coun try and the burdens their wives and daughters had to bear in order to get the necessaries of life,' etc. After Professor Blair's speech, the crowd adjourned to Dr. J. R. Pope's grove, where the ladies of mQii interesting event. The build Mi POWDER NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA HALIFAX CO In the Superior Court. MARRIED. Britt-Petway. On Wednesdty Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government Food Report. night of last week the Methodist Epit- copal Church at Enfield was the scene "TXECUTOlt'S NO'J le :....,;n,. ti. i,.,:t.i TICK. had spread a bountiful repast of good : wa hrilliantlv lighted and hnantifultv IIavin q al ifted jEx eu tor upon tU things too numerous too mention I Ti HUpel Coldi, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when cos tive or biloua, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kdoey and liver to a healthy activity, without irrita ting or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TMPC MAUN. Qulitjnrrtiaillvvx. I I - - l M Joseph W. Jenkins, Plaintiff, vs. C. H. B. Howerton, and W. W. Free man, Defendants. ToW. W. Freeman. The defendant, W. W. Freeman will take notice that a summons in tbo above entitled action was issued on the 13th day of April, 1891, returnable to the May term, 1891, ot the the Superior Court for Halifax county; that the purpose of the action is to sell real property in Halifax county con tracted to be sold the said defendants by the plaintiff, default of said contract hav ing been made by said defendants, and to cancel said contract; and this is to require yon to be and appear before the Judge of our superior Court to be held tor the coun ty of Halifax on the tenth Monday after the first Monday in September, 1891, and answer or demurto the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the clerk of the Superior court of said county within the first three days of the term. Hereiu fail not. This August 17th, 1891. JOHN T. GREGORY, 8-20-6w. Clerk Superior Court. Ilow'i Thla. We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Re ward fr any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. K, J ruKNttr i n , rrrp , Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation! made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. VY aiding, Kinoan and Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Haifa Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upnntne blood and mucous surfaces of the system, , tKjrSend for testimonial free. gguSold by druggists, 75o. 917 lni. The decrees f fashion for this fall coDtiuue to make women's vlothes tako on masculine form. This time the men's eoat-taila have been acixed. i.t:it nl' the hit W. H. Whitaker. I here- as" decorated with flowers, the occasion be- i,u notil'v nil persons holdingplaimaaiBunst sure you the writer did ample iustice to : l,;..i nr Mr P,.Uf n TJ.itf paid estate, to present them to me t En- fl, . . .,n .1. i - . neld, fl. U.. on or oeiore inn ursi unv m ..,.. .lt ..... i;.o.,u a.u one 0f me leading business men ottlie town, October 1892, or this notice will be plead met at tho church. Meetinir called to ...i i;;.. n,.n l'.,..,, ii... ..ln. in bar of their recovery. order, when ounty lecturer T. II. Taylor. iD, y,lUDJ! tehter of the laie Dr. P. S. TVrl tl.ellnd IvI was called to the fl .or. His remarks etway. Promptly at the appointed costs of suit. This 22nd. day of Seplemb. r wow well .mi t,. .1... .,;,.. ,...,1 li-..,l i . ... . i . . . 1391. JNO. K WH1TAKEU, ' " nour I ne inspiring sirains 01 .uuuuen- rv,.t,r ,,r V. H Wl.itaker. dee'd witn good attention. i. j,rHD(i wejJiDs, ,Ilarel,. under the David Bell, Att'y. sep 24 6t. The writer having to leave for Enfield, ar,is,i0 touch of Miss Minnie F. Whita- in order to make connection with the local kor, floated softly through the sacred freight going to Weldon did not get the ejjfice ad the bridal party stepped into tuitner proceedings of the meeting. P. the vestibule The Great John Robinson Snow They entered the church in the follow to be is Weldon on October 7th. K orJer. U3'DS lhe riSht nd lcft ais,e8 It is seldom that tho people of this town and crossing over as the chancel was have an opportunity of witnessing such an reached: Mr J. J. W hitaker and Mr. L. interesting and instructive attraction as Hunter, ushers; Mr. H. 11. lhomas the John Robinson show, which will ex- of RtMiky Mount, and Mis? Sue Whitaker hibit here on October 7th, afternoon and Mr. P. O. Petway and Miss Annie Hep. night. There are many alleged or so- tmstall, Mr. R. W. 1 'artio and Miss let called mammoth shows traveling over the tie Mercer, of Elm City; Mr. G. A. Hep country preying upon the credulity of the tmstall and Miss Irene Petway, Mr. J people, but of them all there is none that E. Hocutt aud Miss Alleue Uell, ot it! i . . . comes to any city with such an undeniable low Springs, U. lnen the groom, lean- and profuse array of recommendations nz upon the aim of bis best man, Mr. and flattering press notices as that of Charles L. Foster, of Baltimore, Md , John Robinson. Its sixty seven years of walked leisurely down the left aisle. existence and fair dealing with the people Opposite them in the right aisle came has won for it a reputation that is uosur- the bride, attired in rich cream ca-shmere passed both for reliability, quantity and trimmed with oream silk, cream cords, quality. In presenting its claims before and lace, and by her side walked her maid the critical public the Robinson show of honor, Miss Emma Petway. The uses none but cold facts and conservative bridesmaids were all dressed in white dot- statements. It will therefore be imnossi- d Swiss muslin. A UK 1 11 LAKOLIN A, I ii.rrtii r -. f r 'irr U.P....V ...i....r .u k . , . . t.iMf.i.1 wejiw. urn .u. i..o wuu rcue. u. u.c i.mujyua i no couple tooK tneir positions im- J2jf HE SUPERIOR COURT. of this great attraction to imagino with mediatly fronting the Rev. W. L. Oris- Thomas N. Hill and Mary A. Hill, Exec any degree of thoroughness what a re- Km wh0 stood book in hand ready to utor of N- M- I'on?' deceased, plaintiffs, markableand entertaining show it is. It pronounce the words which would bind We,icy H. Harrisou and Tempe Harrison is the primary aim of all connected with tbem with the golden fetters, and the his wife, defendants. this show to strictly adhere to the policy wllUers formed . semi-circle around th.m. ZTZTSZ TZ.Z en U of honesty in all its dealings, and this q'he minister in a most impressive man-1 tied action was issued on the 15th day of instruction is particular., applied in the ner perf0rmed the ceremony, and then the r o Z U.lfex coumv matter of advertising. bridal party tiled slowly out of the which commences on the tenth Monday The advance agents are energetic and church. niter tne nrst Mon.iay oi tseptemoer itwi hard workers, and through their efforts They repaired to the home of the a contract tor the sale of real estate con every honorable method of mukiug known Eroom, where a wedding supper had been tracted to be sold the delendant, Wesley . i I. j .i j . , . , H. Harrison by the plaintiffs, and this is to tnthepeipleof Weldou and the surround- spread, and a happy welcome was ex- require yon and each of you to be and ap ing country the numerous features of the tended to all who entered the brilliantly- P"' before the Judge nfourSuperiorcourt ..-.-. .. . .,. t lui h.l.l In Ik. rannlir show have been adopted, better advertised than anv other show as invful occasion were kcr.t un till ouite tenth Monday after the first Monday in it. superior!, v over thm is acknowledged, ,Hl, The bride received man, handsome ,Z as is attested Ly the leading newspapew presents and the hearty conirratulations the office .f Hie clerk of the Superior coo rt 01 toe counirv, v incn u columns 01 r . i f ..i f,:JnJ. pimranrauij win im uwi ra uaj matter t.HMuit.4 with eomplimeniary no- . h , . , , '.' P ,e.,m: . 1 f' "" .i....f .!....... ii.l..;,.M(u. 1MW was aiso remoaioeiea, auu ill mistne nn any oi Bepwmper, m ... " . yj f - . JOHN T. GREGORY. will be given in this pltcs oa Uctobcr " prtounceu oy an witness one oi . 8llDarlor (v.- .1 I t I ... " an. ' the pratiast weaaings oi ine season. sep-10-6w. J oE Rg Re On P. N. STAINBACK & BRO., GKNERAL MERCHANTS, have exclusive sale of these celebrated glasses in Weldon, N. C FAULKNER. K ELL AM & MOORE, The only manufacturing Opticians in the South, Atlanta, Ga. ftirPeddlers are not supplied with these famous ulasses l "IMMMMaiUMLtV,)).!), m Atlanta, tla. Uinc llMH WnlWluUl St, and TThUkey Habits cured ai noma wild out paiu. Book of pur- ticuUnient FREE. s I f It is a Modern Eureka! It is a boon o ladies suffering from diseases peculiar (i in. lr sex. It is an antidote for mala- ial blood poison and a sure remedy for restoring the system after having had CHILIS AND FEVER, n 1 a god tend to the human family as n antidote for drunkenness. It restores lost by vitul energy indigestion, overwork. worry, mental Btrain or other causes. It is nature's great system renovator and blood purifier. IMS JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. is unequaled as a tonic, alterative md blood purifier, I' will cure rheumatitB, cancer in its early stags, heart diserse, erysipelas, chronio bilious colic, tet er, ruptions, skin and blood diseases. In fallible in SYPHILITIC TROUBLES. if used in connection with the wash. In'allible for scrofula. Gives instant re lief in cases of violent colic Adult dose, wine glasi two-thirds full, and more if neceoeary. IT RELIEVES CATARRH. it will cure ulceration of the womb, if us ed with wash. It is au HUtidote for rot too caused by po:too oak. The use of the w sh is a. .-important in such tuts otlS. ' . r .

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