THE IIOANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1S91. MY SWEETHEART. leasing she i: God made her to And deeds of week-day holiness Fall from her noiseless as the snow, Nor hath she ever chanced to know That aaght were easier than to bless. She is most fair, and thereunto Her life doth rightly harmonize; Feeling or thought that was not true Ne'er made beautiful the blue Unclouded heaven of her eyes. She is a woman: one in whom The Springtime of her childish years Hath never lost its fresh perfume, Thongh knowing well that life bath room For many blights and many tears. I love her with a love as still As a broad river's peaceful might, Which, by high tower and lowly mill, Goes wandering at its own sweet will, And yet doth ever flow aright. ABOUT WOMAN. HERE ARE SOME 8AOE OBSERVATIONS CONCERNINO HER FOR CENTURIES, ALL MINDS, RIO AND LITTLE, HAVE TALKED OF II ER, TO HER AND AT HER, AND SIIEOCCUI'IES MAN'S TIIOLOHTS TO-DAY FOR HER WE'LL FIGHT, BLEED AND DIE, AND NEVER ASK MORE THAN A SMILE TO RECOMPENSE US. The funny man and the cynical writer cud always And something witty and sharp to say about women collectively; in other wordx, he always shoots forth his sallies at Ions: range. Here are a few of their generalization: Bidu, one of the reputed sages, said: "Whether women be handsome or not does not signify. If they are ugly they turn one's stomach; if they are lovely they turn one's head. Montague said he would not be a woman, for then he could not love her. And Lady Montague remarked that the only objection she had to be a man was that she would then have to marry a woman, A modern wit defines the difference be- tween men and women: A man gives forty cents for a twenty five cent thing ha want:, and a woman gives twenty-five cents for a forty cent thing she does not want" On the subject of courtship and mar riage we can report some interesting say. ings. A tierman wnter says a young girl is a fishing rod, the eyes being the hook, the smile the bait, the lover the gudgeon, the marriage the butter in which he is fried. There are really two eventful periods in a woman's life: one when she wonders who she will have or who will have her. A cynical sailor has civen his reason whv a ship is called "she." It is because the ships are use less without employment, they bring news from abroad, they wear caps and bonnets, they are often painted, and a man never knows the expense until he gets one. During the war Artemus Ward observed: "None but the brave deserve the fair, and none but the bravo can live with some of them." Here is a purely ironical description of the sex: "A wo mao is a mighty handy thing to have about the house P he doesn't cost any more to keep than youT give her, and she'll take a great interest in you. If you go cut at night, she'll be awake when you get home, and then she'll tell you all about yourself, and, more, too." As to wives some vilo traducer says a month before m.irriageand a month after death, men regard their wives as angels. Doug!as Jerrold observed: "My no tion of a wife at forty is that a man should be able to change her like a bank note, for two twenties." A gentleman once rode up to a public house in the countrv aud asked: " Who is tho master I of this house?" "I am sir," replied the landlord; "my wife has been dead about three weeks. There is nothing so calculated to call up the deep earnestness of a true woman and enlist her most faithful devotion, as the doing up of her back hair. There was onoe upon u time a Connecticut man who believed in self-improvement, and who suggested to his wile that they should argue some fjuestiou frankly and freely eveiy evening, ond try to learn more of each other. The question for the night happened to be whether a woman could be expected to get along without a epring hat, aud ho took the affirmative; but they say that when he was last seen he had climbed up i&to the luy loll, and was pu.liiig the ladder up alter him. A gentleman conversing with a Brook lyn lady about the absurdity of female apparel and the frivolity of fashionable life, exclaimed: "Is there on earth a bigger fool than a mere woman . of fashion? Her questioner considered himself shut up and put down, like a disagreeable book, whi;n the lady answered; "Yes, the man mIh admires her." "Women," (1u.uU' Smith, "are the salad of life, At once a boon and a blessing." "In one way they are salad, indeed," re plied Brown, "They take so much time in their dressing." It is said that the full dress of a native lady in Colombo is a hairpin and two garters, and in the West Indies that ladies wear corsets from instinct a nat ural love of being squeezed. Much ridicule has been heaped upon woman because they can't keep a secret. A gentleman sat down to write a deed; and began with "Know all women by these presents." "You are wrong" said a by-tander; "it ought to be Know all men." "Very well," answered the other. "if all wnmpn lennv it. all man will nT course." Said Lord A to a friend, who wished to convey a matter of importance to a lady without directly communicating with her: "How can you be certain of her readiDg the letter, seeing that you have directed it to her husband?" "That I have managed without a possibility of a fuilure," was the answer. "Sho'll open it to a certainty, for I have put 'private' in the corner." However they say that the portrait of real woman that kept a secret is in the British Museum. It is said not to re scmble any woman now living. As to the want of certain peculiarities in women, we furnish these illustrations: A teacher asked a boy who was the meekest man? "Moses, sir," was the answer. "Very well, my boy; and now who was the meekest woman?" "Please sir, there never was any meekest woman. Brooklyn Eagle. FIGS AND THISTLES. The thankful man is always rich. A mother's love is the same kind of love as God's love. The devil loves to sit down and look at people who worry. No man is good who behaves himself simply because he has to. The truth we hear amounts to nothing unless we resolve to live it. Unless a man lives as high as he shouts tho less noise he makes the better. Hell is a cool place for the sinner io comparison with what heaven would be. The devil's way of binding people is to give them pleuty of rope to begin with. How straight we would all walk if we knew how many eyes wero watching us. One of the poorest men to be found anywhere is the rich man who never gives. The sin that damns is always the one of the present moment. It is not what we have done, but what we are doing now that God looks at. DOJiT'S I'-OK JIliN II Y A WOMAN Don't wear a felt hat on a humid sum mer's day. Don't save all your polite attentions for other men's wives. Don't be jealous without sufficient cause; it belittles you. Dou't begin every remark with "by jove." It is as bad as "lovely." Don't neglect to judge your own short comings as severely as those of others, Don't be such a crank that every one in the house is glad when you are out of it. Don't make life a burden to the family if your shirt docs not Gt or your trousers are too short, Don't anticipate being angels in the next world until you give up the worship of "graven images" in this. Don't cross your legs so that a woman in passing you raut brush the dirt from your shoes with her dainty. lion t allow a woman to stand an finally offer her a seat, as if you hated to; give it up with a good grace or else keep it. Don't scold because the children dis tuvlt jour eiijuyiuuul of tuo eVuuiug pa per; they have been bothering somebody all day. Djn't misunderstand women wh they ocjasionally wish thny were men you objected to tiuaiijn without ropre sjiitatinn yourself. IJiukllen's Arnica Save. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uleer,, Salt Rheum,Fev Soiesfetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns.and all skin rruptions.and positive ly cures Piles, or no pny required. It guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Pot sain by d'ui'gists at Weldoti, Brown &Carraway, Halifax, Dr. J A McGwigan, EnfMd; W.-M, Cohen, Weldon. IIII : Stores, Dwellings and other buildings insured in the against loss by fire. Rates Low. Rates Low. Low rates in the HORSE POWER 0 A NATURAI. REMEDY FOB Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hystef ics, St. Titus Dance, Nervousness, Hypochondria, Melancholia, Iu ebrity, Sleeplessuess, Diz ziness, Brain aud Spi nal Weakness. This medicine has direct action upon lie nerve centers, allaying all irritabili ies, and Increasing the flow and power ncrvo fluid. It is perfectly harmless a lonvfls no unpleasant effects. FREE" A Valuable Ilnok en Nervoui Mmhm win free to any auuresa, and poor patient can aino ouiaiu tills medicine free of chance. Tiii rnmnAvhis beeD nrepared by the Reverend Pantor Koenig, of Fort Wayne. Ind., aluce 18J4 uc Is now prepared under his direction by the KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III. Bold by Drureist at SI per Bottle 6 for SG Large Hlxe, V1.75. 0 Bottles for SO. aug 20 ly CHAH. OCKADK MILLKR AKBLK WALSH, OKKS, SOUTH SYCAMORE STRLE1, PETERSBURG, VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, fco. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. fifegrA beautiful calendar for 18S9 sent to any address on receipt of stamp for postage. ClIAliLES 31. WALSH, oct 11 ly. Jo NEW ADVERTISEENTS. USUI LOSSES -:- BY -:- FIRE LOSSES -:- BY -:- FIRE o -mmmmmmmammmmmm Q GINS. A SPECIALTY. -mmaimaimmmmmmmaiiuQmminmmmmmmmmmtam- Standard Companies given on STEAM, WATER and GINS. For further Particulars Apply to THE ET. CLARK, Ml Estate tent, WELDON, N. 0. rp HOSE desiring to purchase or sell property in the town of Weldon, will do well to see or correspond with roe. I have been surveying tho lands in and around Weldon at various times for tho past ten years and hence I know some thing of the value of these lots. LIQUORS. 0. SMITH, SEE I1IS LIQUORS, SEE HIS CIGARS, EVERY DRINK IN SEASON. DdsrC. Smith, Rrick Building, on North Cornel of Railroad Shed, Weldon, N. C. oct lu ly. Wi&D,Boor,Soda, -:- PROMPTLY -:- PROMPTLY mmmmmmmmmmmmmm- ROANOKE NEWS' OFFICE. PBOFESSIOXAL CARPS. R. 0. llf ETON, JR., 0 EWD. L. TRAVIS. BURTON AND TRAVIS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Practice in the counties of Halifax and Northampton, and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Claims collected in all parts of North Carolina, aug 14 ly. KnWAltDT. CLABK. Weldon, N.C. til. UANTEL Littleton, N.C. MOfFICE 0F- CLARK-:-AND -:- DANIEL, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. WELDON AND LITTLETON. Practices wherever their services are needed. One ol the firm will attend at Halifax every Monday. l-'.'J-ly. J A M KS M. Ml'U.KN, W A I.TKE K. LAN1EL -ijrULLEN A DANIEL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. Practice In theeonrt of HHliftu andNorthamp ton and in the Supreme ami Federal courts. Col lections made In allparUsof North Carolina. Branch office at Halifax, N. C, open every Mon day. Jau 7 ly T MIOMAS N. HILL, Attorney t Law, halIfax.n.c. Practices In Hallflix and idJolnhiK conn'Jea and Federal and Supreme court. n.r8tf D 11. E. L. HUNTER, SURGEON TOifKiSa DENTIST. Can be found at his office in Enfield. Pure Nitrons Oxide Oas for tlie Painless Extracting of Teeth ahvnva on hand, leb S7 ly. J. VV. HARRIS, D. D. S. LlTTLM'lV N. C. Teetn Ivtitaeieu i..uoUt pa ".a. 4 30 Gin. best companies - : - PAID. -:- PAID. Rates Low. Rates Low. L IQUORSJAND GROCEEIES I have a comple stock of Family Gro ceries of all kinds wbich I will sell cheap for Cash. I have also on hand and am constant ly receiving a large variety of LIQTJORS. Such as whisky, brandy, wine, beer, ale, porter, carbonated waters, &o. Call and see me on Washington Ave nue at the JCoTold stand of R. W. Daniel. W. D. SMITH. ootl8 ly This - Space - be longs to the 11. C. SPmRS Weldon STORE.