THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1891. MY STORY, MARM? DEATH OF PRESIDENTS. NEW ADVERTISEENTS. j story, marm? Well, really, now, I have not much to say; Cat if you'd called a year ago and thtn again to-day, Ko need of words to tell you, marm, for your own eyes could see How much the Teuiperence Cause has done i for my dear John and me. A year ago we hadn't flour to make a batch of bread, And many a night these little ones went supperless to bed; "jw look into the larder, marm, there's J sugar, flour, and tea; od that is what the Temperance Cause has I done lor John and me. The pail that holds the butter, John used 4 to fill with beer; Bat he hasn't spent a cent for drink for two . t months and a year; He pays his debts, is strong and well as I any man can be; ' And that is what the Temperance Cuase ; has done for John and me. He used to soeak along the streets, feeling f so mean and low, And he didn't like to meet the folks he used to know; But now he looks them in the fuce, and ' steps off bold and free; And this is what the Temperance Cause A has done for John and me. ' .K year ago these little boys went strolling f through the streets, With scarcely clothing on their backs, and i and nothing on their feet; Sut now they've shoes and stockings and I garments as you see; VAnd that is what the Temperance Cause 1 has done f r John and me. iThcchildren were afraid of him his com t ing stopped their play; But now when supper time is o'er, aud the table cleared away, . The boys all frolic around his chair, the baby climbs his knee; i And this is what the Temperance Cause has f done for John and me. I Ah, those sad days are o'er of sorrow and I of pain; I The children have their father back, and I 1 m John again! 1 1 pray excuse my weeping, marm they're ! tears of joys, to see ! How much the Temperance Cnnse has done I for my dear John and me. Each morning, when he goes to work, I upward look auu sy: "Oh, Heavenly Father, help dear John to V keep his pledge to-day?" I And every night, before I sleep, thank God , on bended knee U For what the Temperance Cause has done for my dear John and me. JOHN HOWARD PAYNE. THE AUTHOR OF "HOME SWEET HOME" A JILTED LOVEll HIS LOVE LETTER. "Madame: Idid for a long time in dulge in the fallacious hope that fortune would have favorud and placed me in more suitable situation for making this communicatiun to you. I have un fortunately been disappointed and have endeavored to calm my feelings and sum nut to my tate, yet the more I have striven to do so the more have I been convinced that it would be useless for me to any longer attempt to strugg'e with the sentimeuts I feel toward you. Iam conscious of my own un worthiness of the boon I desire from you, and cannot, dare not, ask you to give a decisive answer in my favor now, nnly purmit me to hope that at some future tirno I may have the happiness of believing my aff ection re turned Dut at the same time 1 conjure you to remember in nvtkiug up your decision that it is in your power to ren dcr me happy or miserable. Having frequently through the kind permission ot your honored parents the pleasure ol your society, 1 every day liud it more necessary to come to some conclusion to my future conduct, for when I was obli ed to leave you, it was uuly to renew th agitated state of my mind and to contem plate the image of one toj dear to me to resign forever, without making an effort I was unequalled to when in your pre seuce. You will p-jrhipi tell me this is persumptioa on my part, and true u I have nothing to offer you but a devot ed heart and hand; however, be assured madamo, whatever your decision may be present wishes tor your happiness sn welfare shall be the first of heart. I have felt it essential to my peace of mind that I should inform you of tho state of my feelings, satisfied that and your amiable ness of heart will plead my excuse entreat you to reply to this letter if bu one word; indeed, I am sure if you kne now anxious J HUall await vour answer, compaiun al n: woutJ induce you . . 1 l ail ena me an cany answer. Allow me madrae, tn suhwita myself your very numble and devoid admirer. John Huwaud Payne' ouk very ntr PEOPLE Confirm our statement when we sav that Dr Acktr's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepa rations tor the Throat and Lunirs. Whooping Cough and Croup, it is mag and relieves ut once. We oner you a sample Ivttlo free. Remember, thii Remedy i-sold ioi a rmri'.wu uirantes. Sold by VV. M.' Cohen, drujiirist, WelJoii, N.r. CAUSES OP THE DECEASE OP THE CHIEF EXECUTIVES OF THE UNITED STATES, George Washington His death was the result of a severe cold contracted while riding around his farm in a rain and sleet storm Dec. 10, 1799. The cold increased and was followed by a chill, which brought on acute laryngitis. His eath occurred December 14, 1799. Ho was 68 years of age. John Adams lie died from old age, avins reached ins mst milestone. Though active mentally, he was nearly blind, and unable to hold a pen steadily enough to write, lie passed away with out pain July 4, 1826. Thomas Jefferson He died nt the age of 83, a few hours before Adams, July 1826. His disease was chronio diar rhoea, superinduced by old age, and, his physician said, the too free uso of the waters of the White Sulphur Springs. James Madison He, too, died of old age, and peacefully, July 28th, 1836. His faculties were undimmed to the last. He was 8"). James Monroe At the time of his death, which occurred in the 73rd year of his age, July 4, was assigned to uo other cause than enfeebled health. John Quincy Adams He was strick en with paralysis Feb. 21, 1848, while addressing the Speaker of the House of Representatives, being at the time a mem bcr of Congress. He died in the rotunda of the Capitol. He was 81 years of age- Andrew Jackson He died Juno 8, 1845, 78 years old. He suffered from consumption, and finally dropsy which made its appearance about six months before his death. Martin Van Burcn He died July 24, 1862, from a violent attack of asthma, followed by catarrhal affection of the throat and lungs. He was 80 years of age. William Henry Harrison The cause of his death was pleurisy, the result of a cold which he caught on the day of his inauguration This was accompanied with severe diarrhoea, which would not yield to medical treatment. His death occurred April 4, 1841, a month after his inauguration. He was 63 years of age. John Tyler He died January 17 1862, at the age of 72. I have been un able to ascertain the cause of his death. James K. Polk In the spring of 1849 he was stricken with a slight case of cholera while on a boat coin? up the Mississippi river. Though temporarily relieved, be had a relapse on his return home and died Juuo 15, 1849, aged 54 years. Aacbary laylor lie waf the secuud Presidout to die in office. He is said to have partaken immoderately of ice watir and iced milk, and then later of a largi quantity ot cherries. 1 he result was an attack of cholera morbus. Another au thority attributes bis death to a severe cold. The former seems to be the mure likely. He was 66 years old. Millard Filmore He died from stroke of pat aly sis March 8, 1874, in his 74th year Franklin Pierce His death was due to abdominal dropsy, aud occurred October, 8, 1869, in the 65th year of his age. James Buchanan His death occurred June 1, 1868, aud was caused by rhei matio gout. He was 77 years of age. Abraham Lincoln He was shut by J. Wilkes Bouth at Ford's theater, Washington, April 14, 1865, and died the following day, aged 56 Andrew Johnson He died from stroke of paralysis July 31, 1875, aged 67. The deaths of Grant, Garfield and Arthur are recent eunuch to be remem bered by all SHE 1)1 1) NT KNOW. Little Girl (looking ovur advertiniog PaisO "MatuuH, why do all these boarding houses object to children?" Fond Mamma ''I'm worn I don't ku.w. (J.) ma what tho baby is yelliu about, aud tell Johnny to stop throwing thiugs at people in the street, and raa Gcorgrt and Knte stop fightinar, and tell l)irktfhe dosi-n't stop bunging that Chinese gooir so hard I'll take it away from hi in " KiickllenN Vrulca Save. Thf Hi til Salve in th) wnrlil for Cut, Hruisi, 'Ti'rt.lTlcers, Suit lllieuni, Fever H..:cs,T;!tti;r, Chappwl liandi, Chilblains norns.ancl oil nkin eruptions.and positive ly curi's Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to pive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. F'Tsali' by flrnir-JT'tw at WoWon, Brown tC'.irMvay, llalilax. Dr. J A MoOwigan, ICnfield; W. M. Ooliea, WeldoQ. K flTYi" hi f rtrf fMi ifliiiifcTir ii"""iinf v Stores, Dwellings and other buildings insured in the against loss by fire. Rates Low. Rates Low. Low rates in the HORSE POWER 0 W,r. iveToHJw tieepleaNue9 Cure.. I am glad to testify that I mod Pastor lio nig's Narva Tonlo lth the bet I autceaa lor Heeplessness, and be 11 ore that It la a reall) real relief (or suffering humanity. it. HU.NK. pastor, Keylertou, P. O., Pa. Waldook. Mo., Oct, 14, W. About Ave years ago I becaino afltfetod, tlirouiii iicossive suiokinK, with a nervous siouitv'b .rouble (dyspepsia, My health broke Unv-ii lonipletely, 1 loll my appetite, and In oon.c luence became very weak; 1 could not. simp ai ill, aud uenroui eutleruiije aud symptoms ware unuuierable. Four doctor!, all known dy p ia remedies and also elooLrloUy aiforded ma uo .'lief. Asa lust resort, Jnat. a year ago, 1 or Ibrad soma of Pastor KtDig's Norrw Tonic. I'he second dose relieved my pains, and attar using only a low bottles I am entirely ourxd. I wrtliy that 1'astor Koenig's Noire Tunic ha. oroTdi not only a great and beneficent rauieiiy ut alto entirely harmless. FREE A Valuable Hook an Ktmat lMsoaM sent Irae to any aaureaa and poor pntients can also obtain ihla inadlelne n-M of chart o. Tliia mmedvhas been prepared by the RaYerend Pastor Koenig, of Fort Warne, Ind since una anc la now prepared under bis dlracttou by the KOENIG MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold by rrroarrlst at l per Bottle. C for S3 iMrf Slxo, V1.75. eUotU.sfbr . aug 20 ly c HAS. M ILLER AKBLB WALSH, onus, OCKADB SOUTH SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, VA. Monumenta, Headstonea, Totnba.J TabkU, fto. Lowest cash prices fjtiarauteed. AH work warranted satisfactory. fcS-A beautiful calendar for 1889 sent to any address on receipt of stamp for postage. 0 c:a::les m. atalsh. at 11 ly. 1 I I I I LOSSES -:- BY -:-FIRE LOSSES -:- BY -:- FIRE o -BammmianiixBiimDiiBnim GINS A SPECIALTY. -mnmramtumrammintuttiaiQaimBiainuiwmuimaiuitnm- Standard Companies given on STEAM, WATER and GINS. For further Particulars Apply to II ET. CLARK, WELDON. N. C. fj HOSE desiring to purchase or sell property in th town of Weldon, will do well to see or correspond with me. I have been surveying the lands in and around Weldon at various times for the past ten years and hence I know some thing of the value of these lots. LIQUORS. G. SMITH. SEE SIS LIQUORS, SEE HIS CIGARS, EYERY DRINK IN SEASON. V&rC. Smith, Brick IViiltiioK, on North Comer of Railroad ShoJ, Weldou, N C. eet 16 ly. Wino,Ber7Soda, J It -:- PROMPTLY -:- PROMPTLY nmoimmmmmBBiBmmm- EOUKE NEWS' OFFICE. PROFESSIONAL CAKVS. B. O.BCKTON, JR., O KWD. L. TRAVIS. BURTON AND TRAVIS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS IT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Practice in the counties of Halifax and Northampton, and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Claims collected in all parts of North Carolina, aug 14 ly. EDWARD T. CLABK. Weldon, N.C. SO. DAN1IL Littleton, N.C OFFICE OF CLARK.;-AND : DANIEL, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. WELDON AND LITTLETON. Practices wherever their services are needed. One ol the firm will atteud at Halifax every Monday. 1-2'2-ly. JAMES M. MULLEN, WALTEE E. DANIEL M ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wkldon, N. C. Practice In thecourU of Halifax andNortbamp ton and in the Supreme and Federal court. Col. lectinnimade in allnarU of North Carolina. Branch office at Halifax. N. C, open every Hon daj. Jan 7 ly OMA8 N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. I Practices in Rail Otx tad adjoining ooantlot aa t Federal and Supreme conrti. anf . 3t t Dr.e. L. HUNTER, SURGEON 'tin DENTIST. Can be found at his office in Enfield. Pare Nitrons Oxide Gas for the Paiule Extracting of Teeth always en haad. feb 27 1 v. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. !LlTTL(.TOV, N. ( Teetn Kxtractcd n about pain. 4 30 6m. n n best companies -:- PAID. -:- PAID. Rates Low. Rates Low. L igUORSAND GKOCKHIIS I have a comple stock of Family Src- csries of all kinds which I will sell cheap for Cash. I have also on hand and am constant ly receiving a large variety of LIQUORS. Such aa whisky, brandy, wine, beer, ale, porter, carbonated waters, &c. Call and see me on Washington Ave nue at the I&Told stand of R. W. Daaiel. W. D. SMITH, octlSly This - Space - be longs to the V eldoa H. C. SPIERS, Racket STORE,

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