THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1891. THE KO,: OK 1 n.: W KEY & CO. ADVERTISEMENTS. X E W A D V EIITIS KM ENTS. TH ft '. ' 'i' 1 k ! f:'ii fli-tf .1? J- r A I 3 .if v . , . A. ft- THURSDAY DK'.'KMI'.KK ism. The lltilrou'l (.'.:mmsimi benan pr"-p-.i! ing their iinim;i! ri-puM to the Governor on Tuesday. It La ttvn in i ou'y cifilu ini lis, iiii'l ilii vci'Hit wi!l cover ii 1 1 thi'ir work t t-r this oti-il. The report will shew ilmt tlu- o.ttiisiisi.-ti has secured nwi r l'n-ijit rules i:i N ' Carolina than exist in any ntlicr State in the South. The ia-si iv: r rates on sill roads whose earnirs cxei-ed their ex penses are as iow us they can j 1 1 y ! made. The eoumii.-.'-l'ii has also ioeri a-i d the assess'isi nt of ruilroad propeny for tax:ilion S!I,IMHI,(IIM1. Besid.s tin si' prjt:iiu"iit benettts secured by the dimms hind oiuers have been obtained in vaiiou was siiid ail id" this proves that a railroad L'.mi uis-iiiii b.i.s beeiiuud will be of preat erw'i! t'lili'j p.'ople. It is ;ratif iu to nolo that the railroad utlicials havethrowii tin obstacle iu tin! way of the commission but have been alwajs courteous ai.d ready to remedy matters about which there have beon complaints. The resolutions of the National Alli ance published elsewhere take the posi tion that it h hardly possible to reduce the production of cotton to such an extent as to increase the price, and for the same reason which this paper urged several weeks since in discussing the same problem, viz: That many planters hoping their neighbors and others would make reduction in acreage would themselves increase their own iu order to be more greatly benefited by auy increase in price which might possibly result. But the resolutions referred to suggest u plan which is more practicable and would answer the same purpose. They ak that all cotton fabrics be put on the free Hit so that greater consumption of thoe goods may result from the repeal of the tariff tax upon thetn, believing that cheaper goods mean greater demand for cotton. Their reasoning is logical, and the same reasoniug is true of all other manufactured goods. The tariff not only increases cost but thereby decreases con sumption and so the producer suffers in both ways, lleduce the tariff is the key note. At an entcrtuiuuicut given to him in Brooklyn last week General John l'almei, Commander in-chief ol the Grand Army of the Republic, made a speech in which he took occasion to refer to the people of the South and in doiDg so said: "But, in doiug honor to the people of the South, thev houl.t not coulrout us with that d d stinking old rag of treason." VhatG"iii"id l'almer Miysordoes not say iudividually i a matter of no impor tance whatever, aud the eople of the South can afford to laugh at a man who diso'.avs nmst of his tiatiintisin a iiuaiter of a century at'ier hostilities between the two sections of tlie Union have ceased. But General Palmer represents four hun drei thousand men who claim to have fought in the yatikee army, and his re niarkakle utterance emoted above was approved with "au outburst of applause," if such language had been used soon after the war closed, when the smoke of latile Mill L'indoJ the tyesol'the Federal troops and the smell of blood still filled their nostrils such words might have been pardoned, because they would have been charitably attributed to the tire ot patriotism still burning biightly iu the bosoms of the victorious Gcruiau aud Irish troops whose bravery contributed so much to the cueeess of the union aims. But eoming at this late day and uttered at a banquet where there was no wine to unduly excite the speaker it must be con cluded (hut he is u natural born fool ui.d that those who applauded the couteuiti ble seutiuieut Were thinking lovingly ol the liberal pensions which the unfurling of this same "stiuking old rag of treason" has enabled theui to receive from the government, but which a returning sense of justice in the north and west may soou reduce to something like proper propor tions. The Southern pecplc have made ton . tinuous effort by word and deed ever since the war eudc( fjto convince the north, 6'pecially the soldier element, that it is loyal to theVnion and is willing to bury the past. But it seems that their efforts have been in vain. Nothing they say is believed; everything they do has been misunderstood, sometimes purposely They have done all they ought to do, and self-respect requires that they do no more, but look to the development of their own southland and their own future in their own wav; in the mean time doing honor to and preserving the memory of their dead heroes without the aid or presence of thoso who no longer fear them simply because they are in their graves, and treating the class to which General Palmer belongs with tha con tempt it deserves. I.N NIXH YE A Its 1'liE KIKM II A si II I'.t'oM K T11K LAlKIK.sT (iK'lllK K INK IN TI1K STATK. This tirm is composed of P. B. K'V, Ksq , and Mr G. K. French. The firm hi-gan business here nine years ago, and it has gr.-wn until it is now the largist wholesale liquor house in the State. For sometime past the entire management of ihie concern lms devolved upou Mr French, and he has associated with him Mr. A. K. Klingeiider. Both are tiej h ews of Mr. Key, and young gentlemen t rare business ability. The business amounts to nearly half a million dollais a year, and it continues to grow in vol ume The buiidinu now occupied i IIH.V.12H feet, four floors, and all availa ble space i required to carry on the bus iinss. K very thing is arranged for eon veiiienee and dispatch in business. The i tlices at the entrance are linely i-quippi d with all the modern appliances, and in the building there is an elevator running from the cellar to the garret. The firm have a large trade with wholesale bouses in other States, and find North Carolina corn whiskey growing in favor constant ly. Messrs. Key & Co., more than two years ago, added rectifying to their busi ness, and it is now a very extensive de partment. They handle exclusively North Carolina liquor which, ns I have already remarked, is made iu small dis tilleries by the old-fashioned process, em ployed before the modern improvements of distilling by steam, and putting in poison were discovered. These liquors are, therefore, the purest and least harm ful in the world, and Messrs. Key & Co. receive hundreds ol testimonials to the excellence of their goods and learn daily of the best results atteuding their use medicinally. Bottling and shipping in cases is -vith this firm a business of two years. Their whiskies are beautifully put up and they have many custt uiers iu this, branch of the business. The whis key thus bottled is selected from choice old stock aud is warranted smooth and mellow, having aged naturally. The character of this house for dealing only in straight and natural goods is thoroughly well established. The whiskies they handle are absolutely pure and the extent of their operations aud the conspicuous success which ihey have achieved, are ample testimony as to their busiutss methods as .veil as to the superiority of the stock in which they deal. Messrs. Key Si Co. are also large dealers in apple and peach brandie, in which, as well as in whiskies, they have an ever increasing trade. They send out regularly price lists and circulars to the trade and they are re garded as the best authority ou Noith Carolina liquor. Mr. P. 11 Key, of the firm, is one of the most Mihslutitial business men of Stutesville, and he is interested in many other enterprises, both financially and of ficially. He is president of the long Island cotton Mills, director of the First National Bank, etc Atlanta Journal. Dyspepsia and I. h er Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 7"e. to free yourself of every symptom of distressing complaints, if you think so call at our store aud get a bottle of Shi loh's Vitaiizcr, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use according aud if d. es you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by W. M. Cohen. Thkhe is h pleasant odor of roast tur key, uiiuce pie aud Thanksgiving cheer iu the air. new' adveutisemots. Ii a constitutional and not a local disease, and therefore It cannot be cured by local applications. It requires a consUtutlonal remedy like Hood's Sarsaparllla, winch, working tlirough the blood, eradicates tlio Impurity wl.lcb. cause and promotes the dlseasn, and effects a permanent cure. Thotwinds of people testify to the success of Hood's 8arfparl!ta as a remedy for eatarrli when other preparations had failed. "I will say I have been troubled foriev tral years with that terribly disagreeable disease, catarrh. I took Hood't Sarsap. rilla with the very best results. It cured me of that continual droppliij in my throat, and Huffed up feeling. It has also helped my mother, who has taken It for run down stats of health and kidney trouble." Mns. 8. D. Heath, rutnam. Conn. " I have used ITood's Sarsaparllla for ca tarrh with very satisfactory results. I havo received rcore permanent benefit from It than from any other remedy I have ever tried." If. E. Read, of A. Bead A Son, Wauaeoo, 0. ood's Sarsaparilla MbyllfUn. (1; tlx for ft. Prpr4enlf 7 0. L HOOD Co., Apotheeutet, Lowall, Maw, 100 Doset One Dollar oxu ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem ellectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers mid cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Fijrs i.j the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its elii'cts, prepared only from the most healthy aud agreeable substances, its ninny excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any sunstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. HWISVILLE. Kt. HEW fORK, N. T. mar ly NOTICE. Hy mutual agreement Messrs. Edward T. Clark and S. (1. Daniel constituting the. linn ol Clark and Daniel, have dissolved co-partnership. 1 l-'J;-4t. NOTICE. By virtue of a decree rendered at May term 1 -'! 1 1 of Superior Court of llalilax eoniitv iu the ease of K. K Kiloatriek. administrator of Dennis Neville, dee'd, ne.tinst the heirs at law of said Dennis Neville's estate, herein on tile 7t!l ila.v ol' December l-lll, at 1'J o'clock a. tu , I will sell at the court house door at Halifax in said llalilax county, at public outcry to the highest bidder the two ce rtain tracts of land ordered to be sold in said deeiee which lands are situate in said Halifax county iu 1'aueetls towiishipaud described as follows.- One tract M acres adjoining the lands of Mrs. I". M. Lewis, the Kuril v Neville tract and the tract of Mrs. Elia Linnet t and known as the I'oter land; also one tract -10 acres adjoining lands nf Mrs. I . M. Lewis, Heurv Warren, and V. L. MeMarksand otbeis, same is u part of Henry Warren laud. Terms of sab-: One-third cash the bal ance (i and l'J months time. K. E KILLATIUCK, 115-td. Adaiiuistnitor. ADMINISTRUOR'S NONCE. The undersigned having this day 'nulli fied as Administrator on the estate of Ster ling (t. Neville, deceased, lielore the clerk of the Superior Court of llalilax eoiinty. hereby untitles all persons having claims against s oil estate to present them to him duly authenticated on or before the lOlh day of October Hil-, otherwise Ibis notice will he pleaded iu bar of recovery. All persons indebted tosaid estate are reiiu sted to make early settlements with the administrator. W. K. NEVILLE. Ad nir. Sterling G. Neville, dee'd. J. M. Grizzard, atty. 10 l.'i (it. TIf E TOWN OE WELDON WILL pay to the person or persons furnish- -- ing information that will lead to the arrest and conviction ol the party who coin nutted the assault on the Lev. W. Mor ion, iu iVont of the residence of Mrs C. E. Allen, on the ninht of the Kith day of No vember, the sum of 1'IETY DO LEAKS. iind individual citizens w ill add TVY ENTY EIYE Dol.LAliS. The above rewards will be paid upon conviction. This November !Mth, 1H!L ll-2(i-4t J. T. GOOCH, Mayor. "ATtAKEIS" (rives Inirtnnt renci ana lsun ininiiitiio Cere for I'llet. PrieeSI. Ilv DriiinristRormnil. Samples free. Add rrss"AN AK fc.SIS." JJox 41o, &uw Vuik City. GROCERIES I Confectioneries. CIGAKS and TOBACCO. tt. 33. ZPTTZETIIIILL, Weldon, N. C Fresh bread and cakes shipped to any point. Orders by mail promptly tilled. DAY ANkfPURNELL'S B A E r f H B aja Lira tiSr is in the rear end of the same building. THREE DOORS from BROWN'S COR NER Main street, Weldon, N. C. oct 1 ly. The Full Prospectus Brilliant Contributors. j Artlflen have been written eiresMy for the raniinn volume by a lioi-t of eminent men nml women, anion); whom nrt T!:e l'J;;'.:. don. V. G. (ibL'st.iiiw'. Count Ferdinand de Lesseps. Andrew Carnegie. Cyrus V. Piele Tho ;Vi;uu,uis of Lome. Justin .McCarthy, iM.P. Sir Lyon Playfair. Frcnk R. Stocltlon. llciji-y CIjws. Va.'-.:!i ercstcliagin. W . Uarl: Kusscll. I He bar! Camilla L'.-so. The Nine Illustrated Serial Stories, Articles of Practical Advice, (ilinipscs of Royalty. Railway Life and Adventure. 700 Larejs Par;cs. Five Double HDKialSTKaiOn'i liOTICE. 11.IV IIIJ4 illl.tlilii'il us ;nlllli.iilnilor nl' the estutc ol ' Aiiron Mills, deccaseil, before tin clerk ol the .Superior court ol'JIiihl'.ix coun ty, notice is In icbv ivcu to all l"iiins liokling claims n.uiisi the estate til' said Aaron Mills to present 1 hem to me ilulv autheiiticutttl lor payineut ouorbclore the tirst day ul Deieuibcr, ISll'i. Otherwise this notice ill be pleaded in bar of a re covery. All persons indebted to said es tate are rcijucsted to make immediate payments, T. W. MYKICK, M. (..rizzard, Admr. Aaron Mills, ilec'd. Attorney. 11-12-6'w. Everybody invited to pay us a visit nt once. Uur stoclc ot oqESS qooos in Bedford Cords, Broadclothes, CnshnuTcs Plaids and all the Novelties ol' the nciisou are ready for iuspectiuu. TO MATCH. We have the best stock of CL OTHING FOli MEN. BOY'S AND CHILDREN In town. GOOD FITS nnd STYLISH MARKS. Big Assortments of SHOES in all grades. Latest New York styles in HATS. GENT'S FURNISHINGS. Housekeepers goods and anything you will need. We will sell poods as cheap and give you as good values as anyone in town. Respectfully, HART & ALLEN. 3-12-tf. 200,000 StrawberryEE Plants FOE SALE. All of standard varieties, viz: Monarch of the West, Cumberland Triumph, Jumbo, Snrker State, May King, Hoffman, Cloud, Prici, Big Bob, Warrleld mid Crystal City. Apply to JNO. J LOBF.KTSON, lui id, N.C. Je 11 6m. B. F. Cart, Agent, Weldon, N. C. I "A Yard of Roses." Ikrt E'lit iliiiiiii of Notahls Features for 1S92 and Specimen Mrs. Henry Al. Stanley, and One Volume for 1892 will Contain 100 Stories of Adventure. Sketches of Travel. Popular Science Articles. Charming Children's Pace. Holiday Numbers. Llustiated Weekly Supplements. Nearly Jooo Illustrations FREE TO JAN. I, 1892. Ta N'enr Piilinrrihpr who nill ent out nnd send n thin slip n-lth name and nildronii mid 91.7.1 we will nend The ( ompnninn Free 10 Jnn., 1S9 J, and for a l ull Year from Hint Dnlc. ThU ofler Inrluilm lha TIIANKH. GIV1NC, ( IlltlWTIIAS and NKW YEAR'S Double llolldar Number.. We will alia send eopr ot benatlfiil painting, rnlltled "A YAK It OF ROSES." Ita production hn. rout TWENTY TllOt HANI) DOLLARS. Strut Chtck, Pot-offlM l)ror, or RrttUtrtd Utter at our rti. itdrMf. The Youth's Companion. Boston. Mm. i sill 9 i------ THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS EVFJ BROUGHT TO THE COUNTY. DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, HATS, CATS, BOOTS, S1IOKS, NOTIONS, MILL1NLKY. UUOCERIKS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, CANNED GOODS, WHOLESALE AND Van .... I.. ..... .1 r. . .... ....... . K, t n,M ,r ,, iii(inrVi iiecaiise that is busiuess. we want to sell unr goods, anil that i i hiisiness. When business Kiple conic log. tln-r it doesn't take thnm lng to trade ion w;mt in 1 . m v w ate boiiiul to srl. and there it goes. Both goods and prices can stand the nt.ictost sciutiny. COTJNTET PEODUCE Bought at HIGHEST 1'I!1CES and not Paid for in Trade. EMRY , , - im liiff- 'KgJrfj.j " Jat 'OL'SnED IN 1064 bj the present exeestlTe-17 YEARS of eonUnnom and rjcceiifnl diw L-.Ir.iTA''"';1? on."idinM-Now oeenpyine fonr bnlldlnr-8tasds inriTiWIi ,YfY;;f.B 7. V? 1 'J2.LAVI) WOMEN for taeetM is If.. In decldinf ipai , ;.nniiJtL.thlld"?PA?E.MT ,hon,, "nd lhem THK BEST, bertn.. it pajT "JIT' P"d"tar of i lew dollars more at flnt, bat It will prove theeheape.tia u H .-J J "0VLy,rl kecM i " ehf tp te tehrn, rheio larroandlnn, Inferiority ,'Li 'i .1.., N? opportunltlet for wearing POSITIONS for lu papils and gridMia In ."mu..i!. i.w?'B fro "arttand, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, U ill a.milar iutltntiona combined. Catalogae and partlrilara mailed oa application. RMeTTc JJ?AShl'1' Md " f. A. SADLER. 8creUrT. BUSINESS COLLECE.6.8.I0A l2N.CharlM St.. BALTIMORE, MD. oet 1 6ni SHIP TOTJtt II II OXFORD, IT. C. Where yon shall have HIGHEST MAKKET PKICES and ijnick rcturus. We si ways sell it us high us any ldy else eun. Our market is as Strong as the Strongest. " " iiouiai n uur Fiip.rn.-i. j.,r nll graac8 CI m gyud pnoen- p Our buyers hold largo orders that must be tilled, and they ore willing to pay well I for it so send it along aud we will send you returns that will make you smile. Hogshead! I furnished upon application. Don't have your tobacco in too soft order aud don't j forgot to mark your name on every package. J ALL I ffl IS A Hi Promising our best efforts to please you and make it to YOUR INTEREST TO SELL with us, we are with best wishes, VERY TRULY YOURS, BULLOCK & MITCHELL, iSSktoAs Banner Warehouse, Oxford, N. C. oet 8 3m. Copies will be sent Free, i ot Mcain. Dr. Lyman AWim. fl Hundred Others. The Best Short Stories. Hints on Self-Educution. Household Articles. Natural History Papers. This Slip and SI ,75, DAME U isiliiilii, . VEIiti) & DANIEL, Halifax, N. C. TOBACCO TO ATT PUli It A' One Six 1 ' A" tlie agrii roun i P furn TH (i ! 1 ,W ,

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