TIIE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1891. THE ROANOKE NEWS. 15V HALL & SLEDGE. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. KA'ITS OP SriWCKIPTIOS IX APVASCK. One Year (by Mail), Postage Paid $l.r0. Six Months I A Weekly Democratic! journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and sur rounding counties. j jAdvertisinu rates reasonable and furnished on application. THURSDAY DECEMBER 3, 1891, JfKX AMINE THR ADDRKNS ON Yoi'tt l'Al'KR Our subscribers will please notice the date oppo site their names on the margin of the paper. Doyou know tho mean ingot' the date? Well, we will explain : The date means that you have paid for your paper up to that time, and that you owe us for the paper from that date at the rate of one dollar and a half a year. Knt it means something else, too. It means that we want you to pay for your paper. If you want it a year longer send one dollur and a' half, if six months send seventy-live cents. We adopt this method of inform ing you of the date of the expira tion of your subscription because itis cheaper mid more likely to call your attention to the fact. We hope our subscribers will take notice of the date and remit us at once. It is a small amount in each case, hut it means a good deal in the sum total. Send along the money and we will send along the paper. That's business and business is business. The Rev. W. L. Mellichampe held services at the county home on Thanks giving day. Capt. Day hu moved into his new office on the second story of Evans' brick block. The Board of County Commissioners will meet in regular monthly session at Halifax next Monday. No other preparation combines the positive economy, the peculiar merit and the medicinal power of Hood's Sarsapa rilla. We brag Why? Because the Patent Sole Shoe wears longer, keeps in be'ter shape than any other shoo in the mar kct. Employees of the Coast Line aro very much disturbed at the reeouimi nJ.it ion of Mr. Walters to Teduee saluries all along the line to meet anticipated reduced re ceipts during the next year. Will Move Here. Mr J. U Til hry infurinod us a few days ago that whs his intention to make Weldon his home in a very short time. We will be glad to welioiuu him as he is a good bus iness ootn and will doubtless engage in Home business which will add to the mate rial welfare of the community as well as hit own. There is plenty of room in Weldon for such men. Good Sale op Tobacco Mr. L. H. Hale, of Halifax, sold a lot of ,2300 pounds of tobacco raised and cured by him in Richmond last week which brought him from twelve und a half to forty-eight cents per pound. Mr. Hale was well pleased wi'h the success of his first sab;. He has other tobacco which lias not yet been marketed. Prices are improving lately. Another Telegraph Office at Littleton. The Postal Telegiaph and Cubic Company has opened an office at Littleton with Mr. J. T. Gibson us man ager. The line has run through Littleton to Raleigh for a year or two, but the of fice was not established until recently.' The competition with the Western Union Company which this second office will cause will he beneficial to the people of that community. Conference Changes. The North Carolina Conference nuido several impoi tant changes at its annual session. A new dis', riot, Wilson, was added, increasing the number to nine. In making th district a portion of Warrenton district was taken, and Henderson station was added to Warrenton district. In this district Aurelian circuit was estab ished Weldon has been made a station and Smith's and Pierces churches have been put on Aurelian circuit. A lUt of pas toral Appointments for the fuming year will be found on the first page of this issue. Children llnjoy The pleasant flavor, gentle action and nothing effects of Syrup of Figs, whin in need of a laxative and if the father or mother be costive or bilious the most gratifying results follow its use, so that it U the best family remedy and every family should have a bottle. Almost a Disastrous Fikr. What was u serious ami caiuo near iMng disastrous tiro occurred at the residence of Mr. John T. Gregory at Halifax Monday night. We did not learn lb ; particulars but heard that o.io l " io and the furniture it contained were cui'nvly destroyed, while the whole house aid tho rot of the fm- uitu.e were badly d.iiu.r-d by tho bc.it and smoke. W e arc sincerely glad the damage was no greater. Doctor and Preacher. One of our physicians lianieu us tne iouowiug lines, which we would suppose met bis indorsement: Parson and doctor joined in one Most suitably wu hnd; The one tho suffering body treats, Tho other soothes the mind. Tho parson shows the way to heaven; And then, with tender care, The doctor consummates the work, And gets the patient there. Resigned His Pastorate. The Rev. W. B. Mortou recently londeied :iis resignation as pastor of the Baptist church in this place und it lias been accepted by thu church. Mr. Mnr.on will leave hero sometime before the new year, but has not yet taken any other work. Since he has been pastor hero ho has built up the church considerab'y and made friends with everybody. He is universally popular bore and the commu nity will regret for him to leave. La"nds not Rented to the State. It is reputed that tho lenso by the Board of Penitentiary Directors of Gen eral Ransom's farms in Northampton county, which it was announced had been consummated, has not been completed and will not be for the reason that General Ransom would not agree to rent them the land unless they bought his stock, nod this the Direotors declined to do. It is a matter of satisfaction to the people that the land was not rented because they believe the Penitentary already controls more land in this immediate section than is good for it. ' Tobacco Exposition, Ball and German. We return thanks to the management for invitations to the Tobac co Exposition at Rocky Mouut on yester day and a grand ball and German to night. Thu exposition was under the management of men who knew how to make a success of it and doubtless did. To day there is to be a grand land sale aud to night a ball and German. They are given under the auspices of the Queen City Club of which Dr. m. R. Braswell, is presiduut, and J II. Baker, Jr , is secretary. The floor managers are H. R. Thorpe, J. C. Braswell and J. Berger. The committee of invitation are Dr. G. L Wiiuberly, John L. Arringtou aud J. II. Cuthrell. Northampton Teachers Associa tion. Hon. T. W. Mason has accepted the invitation of the Northampton Teach ers Association to deliver an address at the next session to be held at Lasker, December 12th. The teachers seem to be doing good work for tho cause oi education, and they are to be congratulated upon their success in securing the services for their sessions of such eminent men as lion. F. D Winston, Dr. Taylor, of Wake Forest College, Dr. Crowell, of Trinity College, and Hon. Thomas W. Mason, than whom no man is more highly esteemed in Eastern Carolina. Au interesting programme has been arranged for the meeting which includes besides Mr. Masiu's address, mu-ne. readiugs, aud discussions of live subjects pc ,'taining to school work. Patapsco Guano Co., vs. Tillery This case was tried at the late t.rui i the Superior court. The facts were that Mr. J R. Tillery had bought a lot of Peruvian guano from the plaintiff givin His uotes for the purchase money. When thu guano was delivered Mr. Tillery com plained nf the fact that it contained a good deal of stone and refused to pay the notes aud suit was brought to recover the amount represented by the miles. Ou the trial, we am informed by Mr Tillery, his counsel moved to amend his answer which was denied by the court, the Judge saying he would try the cise upon the record as it stood. After the jury hud rendered its verdict the motion of plain tiff's counsel to amend the complaint wan allowed and judgment rendered upon the v rdict in acuordance with the amended couiplaiut. To a layuiun this seems hard to understand But as Mr. Tillery says, ho was told that it was law. The ease will go to the Supreme court on appeal. . Thousands of lives are saved annuall" by the use of Ayi r's Cheiry Pectoral In the treatment id en dip and u hooping cough, the I'e toral has a most marvelous effect. It allays intlainiuuiioo, frees the obstructed air passages, aud cuutrols the desire to cough. Trinity beats the University. The game of foot ball betweeu the Trinity College and the University of Virgiuia teams at Richmond on Saturaday resulted in victory fir theTriuity boys. The Rich mond Tiini's in its account of the game pays a high tribute to Mr. E. S. Whita ker, who is a native of this comity and a sun ot Mr. Ferdinand Whitaker. It says: "This ended the pani which had been won by the extraordinary work of Daniels and the splendid strength that Whiuker had given to the centre. ' It had been won because the Trinity team, as a whole, were bet-cr players. They played together easier than did their opponents. Their eapi .in had com plete generalship over his nun and tho Durhiims, Daniels and Whitaker played the game." Littleton Items hist Sunday, the -!lth, was a gloomy day in town All the yuting people worn .'irce-l to remain in doors all day long on acc unit of the heavy Miofffall. No smiles were exchanged on that day between I ho lassies and the lads. , Nearly all tho col ton inadft this yenr will probably bo marketed soon. The crops are much shorter than was anticipated by anyone. Mrs. Agnes Chouk, tho wife of Capt. Willis Chock was in town a few days last week, to the delight of her many friends. Mr Joo Ethcredge has recoutly pur chased a handsome residence on the avenue which he will occupy alter Christ mas. Mr. J. II. Bobbitt has nearly completed his spacious building ou Main street. E T. Clark, Esq., of Weldon, was in town a few days ago on professional busi ness. Rumor says that several marriages will take place here soon. Services were held in tho M. E Church hereon Thanksgiving day by the Rev J. M. Rhodes. X. Messrs. Key & Co., Statesville. On another page we publish an article from the Atlanta Journal showing the growth of the largest wholesale liquor firm in North Carolina within the past Dine years. Mr. P. B. Key, tho head of the firm, wai at one time in business at Enfield, this county, and was most favot ubly known as an upright and energetic businessman. He afterwards removed to Statesville where be eutcred iuto busi ness and by hard work, energy and pluck has made a fortune, for himself aud es tablished a business which amounts to nearly half a million dollars a yenr. Un der the excellent management which has characterized the firm heretofore it bids fair to continue its growth until it be comes mammoth in its proportions. The firm handles only North Carolina goods oi' die purest quality aud their brand on package is sufficient guarantee (hat it is what it should be. Mr Ky's IVieuds in this section, of whom there an; many, wnl be greatly pleased to hear of his financial and com inereial success in Siatrs' illo. II is also President of the hung Island co.ioti mills and a dueetoi "flint First National U.iuk. e regret to liiiow tit u ir Ke health has tivcii away under the lul l work to which he has devoted himself, tuit hope he will soon recover untiruly by ihe rest which he is uov takiug. COMMUNICATED. Eds. Roanoke Kuws: Dbar Sirs: Please allow ma through yourexeelleut paper to express my hearty appreciation ot the keen interest which you and the citizens uf Weldon aud other friends have taken in the matter of the base uttack made on me on the night ot the l'Jth inst. During the six years aud six months of my residenoo iu W eldon I have found tho citizens us clever aud respectful asany people with whom I have ever lived, Mum than once they have given me un mistakable proofs of their genuine friend ship. This dastardly as-ault does not re flect even the lowest type of our citizm '.tip. Even since I first knew the people of Weldon I have held myselt in readiness to speak in behalf of their many excellen ces, and J. wish to giVit this tonal ei trc sion of my high appreciation ot the peo ple who for neatlv seven years have done so much to make my stay pleasant. If always in the future I uuy live with so good a people, I shall congratulate my self. W. 1J. MORTON. Nov. 30, 1891. HOW'B THIS. We offer one hundred dollars Reward for uuy case of Catarrh that caouot be cured b'y taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co , Props., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last fifteen years, and believe hiiu perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligati.ms made by their firm. West and Truax, wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnin & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken internally acting directly upon ilie blood and mu cous surfaces ( the system. Price 73c. per bottle. Soli) by all druggims. ij-.Seod fur testimonials tree. K.Sold by druggists, 75o. 11-26-lm. THE CANAL COMPLETED. vt?:h i:ougii m nr. uv I'OH A !tuMirci I'Aomtircs AM) THOUSANDS Oi' SIM.VMl.UH. WELDON DESTINED TO BE OWE OF THE LARGEST BUSINESS AND MANUFAC TURING CENTRES IN THE HoUTH. On Thursday last, Thanksgiving day, the work of building the canal had finished and a par.y of gontle'iien con sisting of Messrs. ij. P. ArringtoH, J. 8. Bitlle, J. T. Uoocli, T. A. Clark, M. Kiddle ami oilier went to the head of the canal about eight mile) up thu river for tho purpose of raising tho gates which Wi re to let in tlie stream which is to give 'ifeand prosperity and thrift and wealth to this community and entire section. Mr. T A. Clark, ono of our most respect ed citizens hail throwa tho first shovel full of earth from tho canal when the work of excavation began on March 4t.h, 1890, and it was most appropriate that he was asked to turn in the first w t". He raised the gates with h's own b-tit's and tho water flowed in. Tho nest niu.ahg the people in town awoke aud found the canal full of water, and the waste way pouriug it out again into the river to go on its way to tho mighty ocean. This sight so long looked for and hoped for and prayed fur by those who knew the great results which are bound to follow gladdened the lieirts of all who beheld it, and our people have already taken fresh courage and feel greater hopes of the future, because there is that in tieir midst which must aud wiil bring great enterprises here and consequently increas ed prosperity to everyone who lives hce or will hereafter live here. The present capacity of this canal 5s 2,500 horse power, but is capable of be ing doveloped to 16,432 horso power. The company, which is composed of wealthy men, has a capital stock of $400, 000, and with the means at their com mand they can develop the caual to its full capacity as fast as there is need or demand for it, It W, according to Pro fessor Holly, the eminent hydraulio en gineer, the second largist water power capable of development in the United States, that at Minneapolis being 25,000 horse power. These things being true there cau be no possible doubt of the brilliant future in store for this towo. It will probably be years before the full fruiiiou of these hopes are realized, but the beginuiug of this great development has already begun, the town having long since felt the impetus given by even the commencement of work on this trcmcn dmis uiidci taking. It is claimed by sotuo that steam is as cheap as w.iter p iwer. but that cannot tic true, because steam cannot on furnuhe I for twenty dollars per horse power p year, anil that is tho estimated price placed upon the water power owned by the Roanuke Navigation and Water Pow er Company. We know several instances in which the saving made by using water instead of steam would a nmiit to from fifteen to thirty dollars per horse power, and this saving would add materially to dividends. In addition to this saving there are other cmsid 'rations whieh make the water at this il ic; m ut desirable. It is iu the heart of a country which pro duces thousands and thousands of bales of cotton, thousands and thousands of bus!: els of grain, aad possesses acres and acres of hard and soft woods of every variety all easy of access and ai'ier ih sy are con verted into manuf ictured articles within few hoursof the grout markets of the eastern States. The town being at the junction of tho Scihiard Air Line and Atlantic Coast Liue puts it within twen ty-four hours of New York, three hours of Richmond, two hours of Norfolk and five hours of Wiliuiu 'ton, at each of which places there is ocean eomuiuui cation and cheap freights to all parts of the world, and quick all rail trausporta tion to the large cities of the wealthy east and the gieat west. Besides all these advantages there is still another which should by no weans bo overlooked. W refer to the climate which is mild enough at all seasons oftheyear to permit mills and machinery to run without interruption cither on account of cold or heat. There arc no extremes of cold and heat, and m.t withstanding the iuipressiou among some that the health of this coin mu unity endangered by the preseuce of malaria it can be solemnly nfliruied that the vital statistics of the town will compare lav. ably with those of any t vn in the tern perate l ine. The deaio rate here lor some years has been five to the thousand and someot these were trow causes not local in their nature but liable to occur in any part of the world at any time. That theBe facts are recognized and understood by the outside world as well as ln'i'i! at home is clearly demonstrated by i In- aonoiiDceiui nr. that within less than a wi ck after the water was turned on .Mr J. is. T. Kvaus sold ono half of a mill site owned by him on the South side ol' Second stnti- whieli has a fall of forty le t, fur $l,"00. The preimii nary arrangements arc now iu progress toward the formation ot a stock company tor the purpose ot manufacturing lancy and ornamented wood work which will give employment to many people. The gentlemen at tho bead of this enterprise are men of ability and energy and some of them ure familiar with the business, having been engaged in work of that nature. These will doubtless be followed by others and these iu turn will bring others still anil thus will the town grow both in population and business importance Weldon is also splendid distributing point for business, having uightv-four tiains going in every direction of the cotn- pass every day in the year. A hearty, cordial and genuine welcome awaits every ono who will come here to build up himself and the town wheth&t his business be small or great. POPULAR PZQPL J I SOME OF THE FOLKS YOU KNOW AND THEM DOINGS. Miss Kate Prescott is visiting friends in Petersburg. Tho Rev Baylus Cade was in town a few hours last week. Judge Bryan spent Wednesday n'jht ot last week in town. , ' Miss Lucy Mills, of Wake Forest, is visiting Mrs. P. A. Lewis. Mrc T. II. Chavasse returned home from a visit to Raleigh Monday. Mrs. W. T. Shaw returned Monday liom a visit to relal'vesin Wilson. The Rv. W. L. Mellichampe is at tending the Convocation at Littleton this week. Sheriff Alsobrook went up to Raleigh this week to deposit three prisoners in the pen. Misses Addi Bain and Susie Tember lake, of Raleigh, are visiting Mrs. T. II, Chavasse. Mr. B. G. Green, a successful attorney of Kansas City, was in town this week on a visit to his brother, Dr. I. E. Gren. Miss Carrie Hall, of Scotland Neck, wlio has been visiting friends and rela tives in Raleigh and Piltsboro, returned home Tuesday. At the N. C. Conference lust week the Rev. J. A. Lee was on the standing com mittee on conference relations; Rev. P. N. Stainback on the committee on Books and Periodicals; Dr D. B. Zollicoffer on the lemperance committee. Mr. Charles T. Wood, a native of this county whore he still has many relatives, was here on a visit short time a".o. Mr. Wood is a typo and is now business man ager of ih Richmond county llrrald, a Democratic newspaper published at Sta- pleton, New i oik. lie is getting on quite Buceessiully, we are glad to say. Mr. Morton Riddle, of Petersburg who for the past eigl teen months has been superintending the construction of the inal of thu Roanoke Navigation and Water IVwer couidrbv, having completed h's work leit hrre Saturday for his homo While here Mr. Riddle made friends with everybody by his cordial, genial dis position and his universal courtesy. Our people exceedingly regret his departure and sincerely hope that ' ho will again come among them. The Roanoke News for itself and the community wish es him success and prosperity. Prize A n n o u n c k a k s t . - A t thecon- test for the best loaf of bread made with SugarCoatcd Yeast nn Dr. 2 1891 Aiio e ( olciuan was awarded the puze 4 6,.0!i. I here wi re six loves presented, and M were of excellent quality. Sugar Coated least is now tor sale by all grocers. Mrs. w. T. Whitfield. Mrs. l.T. Vfilk- ms, Mrs. f. A. Ijpwis, Judges. V e have a snee(y una po-uive cure for ca.dirh, diphtheria, canker mouth and headache, in SI1ILOHS CA TARRH REMEDY A na.! injector I cs with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50c. Sold by W. M. Cohen. We bra" because the PuteDt So'e Shoe is as cheap as any other "ood ca'- shoe and wears twice as Ions. Til ERR are ilnrlv-one references lo "shoos" in the Hihle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS mm P0VMR - Absolutely Pure. A cream ot tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. J. Guvernment Food Report. ADVERTISEMENTS. BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. As a family medicine these pills are un rivalled. As an Anti-Dyspeptic Pill they have stood the test of 75 years, and maintained their reputation. THEY REG ULA IE the, B O WELS aad LI VEIL They will relievo Colic, Sick Head ache, Acid Stomach, and all the evils at tendant upon indigestion. They are the cheapest and best remedy offored for Dyspepsia iu all its forms. For sale by W. M. COHEN, Weldon, N. C. E. P. Beckwitii & Co, Wholesale ageuts, Petersburg, Va. my 28 ly. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TRADE MARK. QuIU; Tint ud limy P. N. STAINBACK & BRO., GENERAL MERCHANTS, have exclusive' tale of these celebrated glasses in Weldon, N. C. KELLAWI & MOORE, The only manufacturing Opticians in the South, Atlanta, Ga. ftsT" Peddlers are not supplied with these famous glasses. Watson A Bttxton. Attorneys at taw, l IVraw.. XT i- u i .! icni r 3k. H. WliB, Sec'y, Washington, I). C. s DUB Bib I bars been oaiDg one of yemr Electropotoes for lour years, upon a little in valid ion, who has been afflicted with a pul monary trouble and a dropsical tendency. I Have louna great raner lor mm in tee nse oi the Electropoise, when the doctors had failed to ei ve him anr permanent relief, and I am aatlsfled that but tor its use we should have lost him. 1 have never seen It fail to reduce hU fever, or to bring sound sweet sleep. I would not be without it for many times its cost. Yours truly, J. C. BUXTON. Mr. Bnrtnn la also President of First Na tional Bank, Winston, N.CM and is one of the wrauwt inru ui hip dvu,u. for all information address ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO., No. 140S mw Yob Av., Washington, D.C.. Z23 Kino St., Charleston 8. C. A GOLD WATCH AND $204. That is what every ncent receives who gets up a elul) on nur$l p-r week plan. Our 14-kiinit noiil-ulled eases are war ranted lor 2(1 years. Fine Elgin or Wal thuin movement Stem wind and get. Lady's or Gent's size. Equal to any $50 wuteh. To secure agents where we have none. w sell one of the Hontinif Case Watches for the eluh wire and send (V (). I), hv expri-s with privilege of examination before pn vini! for same. Our a''ent at IMirham, N. C, writes: "Our Jewelers have confessed they don't know how von can furnish sneh work for the money.'' One good reliable agent wanted lor eacti place. Writs for particulars. EMPIRE WATCH CO., 48 and fiO Maiden Lane, New York. oct-15-ly. 1' .M THE LATEST INVENTION OF THE PKESEXT CEXTTJRY. Representing our Patent SOLEiSHOE. consisting of an inner or middle leather sole which excludes dust, dirt and water, &dd ing EXTKASl'liKNUTH TO U1TKK8, as well hs bottoms, uud wears longer thuu ajy other shoe. -THE MOST RELIABLE $:1.00 SHOE on the uiurkei. BaTTry a pair. To he had at HALES BROS, HALIFAX, N. C. n f ftid WhlfSsyHabtta j.JvJ cured at home wilb- lit ticular sent FRfcE. B.M.WOOLLEY.M.D. pain. Hoot of par Atlanta, tia. oiBce 104)4 Whitehall Ht AVID E. HOLLEY, PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER, WELDOX, X. C. Gniioin;;, Glavug. Gildiii'j, Slaiuluj;, Kal- 8oaitiitiii!. All wooii-i nituted to prrfeetinn. 1,'ooins jiaieicd iu Hie latest French, Eng lish anil American styles- BCOUNTRY WORK SOLICITED.,! DOV-i!MUf m .ii ,as av,i: euu fn) (va mm n V..,iar

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