THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1891. DEFINITIONS OF HOME. ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OME SENTIMENTS ABOUT THAT PLACE DO YOU KNOW 1891. 1891. WHICH 18 LOVED BY ALL. The London Tid-Bits offered a for the best definition of home. prize Here That vou can have vour even tested ac curately, and fitted with glasses by a are tome ot tbe best ot 5,000 answer aent in: The golden setting in which the bright, est jewel is "mother. practical optician at KEEP "Y" O IT IR, A world of strife shut out, a world of love shut in. An arbor which shades when the sun shine of prosperity becomes too dazzling; a harbor where the human bark finds ahelter in the time of adversity. Home is the blowout of which heaven iithe fruit. Home is a person's estate obtained without injustice, kept without disquie tude; a place where time is spent without pentance, and which is ruled by justice, mercy and love. A grand old mirror, through which both aides of us are seen. That source of comfort which youth does not fully appreciate, which the young men and maidens lovingly desire, which the middle aged generally possets, which the old rightly value. A hiye iu which, like the industrious -bee, youth garners the sweets and mem ories of life for age to meditate and feed upon. The best place for a married mau after business hours. Home is the coziest, kindliest, sweetest place in all the world, the scene of our purest earthly joys and our deepest sor lows. The only spot on earth where the faults and failings of fallen humanity uie hidden under the mantle of charity. An abode in which the inmate, the "superior being called man," can pay back at night with 50 per cent, intei est every annoyance that has met him in business during the day. The place where the great arc some times small and the small often great. The father's kingdom, the children's paradise, the mother's world. The jewel casket containing the most precious of all jewels, domestic happi ness. Where you are treated best and you grumble most. Home is a cent nil telegraph office of human love, intowiiicli mu innumerable wires of affection, many of which, though extendio" thousand of miles, are never disconnected from the one great termin vs. The centre of our affections, around which our hearts' best wishes twine. A little hollow scooped out of the windy hill of the world where we can be shielded from its cares and annoyances A popular hut paradoxical institu tion, in which woman works in tbe ab . . . euce ot man ana man rests in tbe pre sence of woman. A working model of heaven, with real angels in the form of mothers and wives The place where all husbands should be at night. YOUNG'S JEWELRY STORE. The finest set of test lenses in the stata, and there will be no charge for testing your signt. More eyes are ruined by glasses sold by incowDetent persons than anv other cause. Therefore, we advise you to be caretul with your sight, and have your eyos examined by a COMPETENT OPTICIAN Silver goods for bridal presents, dia. mondsof the finest quality, watches ia gold and silver cases, clocks of the best makers and good timers, gold thimbles ana Christmas goods, gold beaded canes and plain gold rings, opera glasses and fancy hair pins, and of the latest styles of goods, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE. PRICES. n o . W. YOUNC, Co Syca. 4 Bank Sts. Petersburg, Ti octly t 1 "Bv & 'ark for a, pt A mm Pep, Awatia, iia. J J.. Imi 1ala4a. Ufclat 4 tai. OlatraareaaaacaawaU. War 1 lsiiHriimllM.H Ik. Taat a4a ifca war tm4 it haraa, watrr fm art, Km ae- lladr HlifN. Waakaw rkr and atari Una arara ia tmmrt rtnaa t all the tint, ttf ini Ht wafc art. Failure aafcaawa. aaii Ifcaa. !eaa aa Mrwad al aar RKW llat afwafc, favlaMr ! aarablv. h tkaaa t aiiaar !. m all, t4 ka lhatr laaalltltM. w harass ka tiaa A mw Wa farniah ry!lilBjr. Wt atari 7. Nana. Ti mi 7ar (par Mamaaia, ar all yaar lima ta tae war. TaU U a tiraif aaw lea.aad annfi wtarlarrV lataaaa at avary warkav. MONEY! Wa fa ml ah avarylalaa;. YV yaar (para Mamaaia, ar al atiraif aaw laa,Nt ana l(iaaara art armit fra tail mara ifltri lltila aiaarlaaaa. Waaaa faraieai ?aa lha aaa piri'iwfai aa-1 taaraya rHKK. Ka irwaata ttniala a an. tall M ...r I. k. .r a.. J. kr J.k. G.a.1.,ra..vr ,. watt far aa. KMiir, .aa .., i.i .k. ...k. k.i a u. taaak .aa ai.kl kaw u a fra 9 1. I aav at ika, ..41 M.tfl aa ... t . i... Urtik itiM, .11 i,w. 1m a.r part af I (Minn, aa. r.ti ckuiMikna. al kaaiia, fi j.( kl I Taar aiiata umh.u ul.u Ika work. All la a.w. Ora.1 i Silt far aar wnrkar. Hart ., rkralakikf aitlliliii. K11U.T, afttlJli r laaroao. I'iliric U.l. fkhl lIlnajiiaaiL noun IV., tUttUkll, THE BY-LAWS OF JOUKNALISM. 1 Be brief. This is the age of tele, graphs and stenography. 2 Be pointed. Don't write all around a subject without hitting it. State facts, but don't stop to moraliie. It's a dropsy subject. Let the reader do his own dreaming. 4 Eschew preface. Plunge at onee into your subjeot, like a swimmer into cold water. 5 If you have written a sentence that you think is particularly fine, draw your pen through it. A pet child is al ways the worst in the family. onaense. Make sure that you really have an idea, and then record it in the shortest possible terms. We want thoughts in their quintessence. 7 When your article is completed, strike out nine-tenths of the adjec tives. 8 Write a plain hand and use only one side of the paper. 9 Don't "puff" those who are too Blingy to pay fur what they get. A Wouder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of pnrungton, unio, states that he had been under the care of two prominent physi cians, and used their treatment until "he , was not able to get around. They pro nounced his case to be Consumption and incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds and at that time was not able to walk across the street without resting. He found before he had used half a dollar bottle, that he wa much better; he continued to use it and is to day enjoying good health. If you have any Throat, Lung or Chest Trouble try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at W. M. Cohen's drugstore. lew V Millinery. 0- MY STOCK OF 0 FALL And WINTEE EM RT&PI E.1CE. WELDON, N, G. ON THIS SPACE. NEW HQW WAMt 001O, mmm P- fl- StvJbwk Brio., AGENTS. TOWN LOTS FOB, SALE! TOWN LOTS FOR SALE! Millinery. I rrlvln g, and I will rtinpUy the fluent Una ot roodi ever ahnwn In Ihl. L.tin - - j j,e vv,mo NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW EST NOVELTIES. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, oct4 1y Weldoi, N.C. 1891. ZITHE-- NEW YORK 1891 WEEKLY HERALD AT ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Is the best and cheapest family paper in tna United Mates. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. NOW IS TIU T1MI TO SL'BStDlBI. Many novelties will be added to th nety ot its contents during the year taai, and notbing will be left un done to please aud gratify its ub scribers. Its specialties for 1891 will be Original articles on practical farming and varofmng, Penais and short stonea by the best authors. Woman's work and woman's leisure. Gems of literature and art. Original flashes of wit and humor. Answers to correspondents promptly and iunymade. THE LATEST NEWS FROM EVERY SECTION -:-OF -:- THE -:- GLOBE Address: JAMES GORDON BENNETT N. Y. HERALD, New York Citv. Do not fail ta subscribe for tha V. York Weekly Herald. Oaly one dollar a year. -:0: VCADO OF VARIED 1 1 LillO In thoUtoof CUR A. we Alone (for all Dia a a a X SUCCESSFUL J iiu jjbto wuix Iorgaiiti, who are suCer in. fr-rr, IHDHB lSltUiJ EXPERIENCE JIVE ME THODS, that .and Control, ordara of a SPLENDID TO FN LOTS FOR SALE IN THE TO WN OF rTELDON, AT Low prices, oil iej$oiHbLe tew$ -n ALSO o FINE FARMING LAND FROM 1 TO 2 MILES FROM WE LDON, K G if" rS. A LIMITED TIMS f REE puarnntoc to If they chh ottord ft CUliL .1JrTT a r . . I v ho Hennas uni in. ifelloffs nad tbo cou- vi lnt.'iitta ana iiwnions, JfiH'uiiBto . !1 ' o:a I'zuluiuve fi .ier.wmU JfTii7i awaiTaa a i iiaaiaaa jj HI I mm., I ... TWai. Vu. A - TMATMIIT tf.if V1,'li"1 " ( ' 'CooetluMwo emnloy. finJ wo dulm t hi vJ T,,, J .1 ePerlm P'aWf'T( 2.1HJ0 References. Namo this paper vhen you writs, 11 i dec 11 ly THE PLACE TO GET zDRUQS ano PEDICIfJES i -AT THE- LOWEST PRICES. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASES. This is a fine opportunity to purohase land where it will be certain to double in lue in two or three years. Apply by letter or in person to T. K HILL. Mr. J. T. Gooeh will take nU..r. i. .v.;. .v. i. ..?ALI.FAX N" - wishing to ia. then.. r "u i,B(a w "V IS -A.T DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OITOSITE li. R. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. rPEK8CEIPT10N DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH THE BEST BELECTKD ilATKKUL."W PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CAKE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLE.S, TOBACCO AND ClGAflv aaaiMlla UU hMrtrwelcnialwKT "UiyuB t ZOLLICOFFER'S

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