THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1891. THE HUMORISTS. LITTLE NONSENSE f-OW AND THEN 15 RELISHED BY THE WISERf MEN. ' The devil is always willing to aid in putting up a stove pipe. ' The more cuffs you give a laundry man ifct better he likes it. ' The key to the political situation in inny States whis key. I A river has not much to say even if It does all run to mouth. It is astonishing how debts will expand I after being contracted. Doctor No man has to die more than once. Maud Aren't you sorry? f "What made him leave tho coal oil business?" "Uo grew weary of well do- ? ing." i sV 'a I "Time's up," as tho workman an nounced when he fixed tne hanging r clock. ! The auctioneer's lot is not a pleasant ! one. He must always act at the bidding I of others. I If a boy refuses an extra piece of pio you may rest assured that the pie is par- I ticularly bad. I v 1 Boulaneer left a letter saying he "wish: ': ed to die in war." "Then why did he ; leave his wife?" 1 .ft If you want to get a dream out of a J wedding cake put it in your stomach in jj stead of under your head. ADVERTISEMENTS. ia1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STOP AT NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Southern Hi ESS HALIFAX 1ST. O CLEAN ROOMS. SPLENDID TABLEf POLITE SERTAKTS. Fare always the beet the markets can afford. SUBSCRIBE TO ffilTIC com it W. &:W. R. R. fi BRANCHES,. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. I Doted Juie7tn.l91. I No. 13, 1 No.J7, I fast mail Dally Dally. No 41, daily ex Sua Leave Weldon I U I 6 48 P M ArKoolcy Mount.... n - Ir Tarboro .". .' j 17" Leave TarDoro, iuooami tOai I 7 34. THE ROANOKE NEWS, THE KUAN THE KUANUJL4E JNiiiWb, Arrive Wllnoa. . lillPM Leave Wilscm Arrive Selma I S0 Arrive Fayetteville, 30 Leave Ooldaboro I S 15 Leave Warsaw I 4 10 Leave Magnolia .... 14 87 Arrive Wilmiiif toa 00 1700 1 7 40" I 8 40 I 9&d S4 I 9 49 ' IllW TRAINS (iOINO NORTH No 14, No 7S No 40 daily ea daily, daily Suaday Leave Wllmlnrtoi Leave Maguolia. 4 15 m ie " its " 7se ' 15 AM ie57" 11 11 " iaor" s ie" 11 18" 19 10 " 817 " I .... 10 StaM ( ... 35pm I0 IIS SERVICE NEAT AND PROMPT. I Ethel Was Harry at the hop last night?" Maud No, Jack tells me that I he made his skip about that time. I Thn'ii;ffVi-irirfl bntwean an editor and J I his wife is that his wife sets things to 1 rights while he writes things to set. mi . "Cleanliness is next to godliness," re marks the man who sets up a Turkish bath establishment adjoining a church. , Merchant Have you no trade? Tramp Tradel No, sir; but I have a profession. I am a special pleader at the bar. Tn tfin Vulino f!ourt Judsie "Colo nel are, you always drunk?" The Colo nel "Does your honor take me for a millionaire?" Cora Did you ever go to a fortune teller's? Merritt Yes, my dear. I went to Bradsireets's to find out about your fathers fortune. Teacher Cau you explain what is meant by vicarious puuishmeut? J tfho ny Yes, sir. When ma gets angry at pa shetpauks me. Borrower Well, I never borrow trou ble, auybow. Lender Oh, no; you al ways give that to the people you borrow other things from. V Enpee The doctor says it wouldn't taltH Vint n hrimth to carrv me off. Mrs. Enpec The breath you brought homo last night was strong enough. "That child is really dangerous. He always was curious, and now he's just old enough to take advantage of tho kevhole." "Oh, I see. He Las come to the peer-age." "Well, she may be nioe and all that, but I don't thiuk she is ladylike." "What! Not ladylike! Miss Debo nair not ladylike! Why, you astonish me!" "It is true, nevertheless. When I saw her she was not at all ladylike, for from the waist up she was dressed like a gentleman." tSTNEAR THE COURT HOUSE."! Baggage taken from and to the railroad station. NICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOB -- LADIES. KATES $2.00 A DAY. Special arrangements for hord by he week or month. R. G. REID, Proprietor. mar 20 tf. The 1 lest Advertising Medium. 1236 an I Leave Warsaw Arrive Goldsbore.... lis Leave Fayetteville Arrive Selma Inlvm Wll.nn Leave Wilson sua Arrive Rocky Mount Arrive Tarboro t ma Ta rhnrn Arrive Weldoa I 5 05' Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon at 4 0 p. m. Halifax 4 IS, arrive Scotland Neck at 5 15 p, in. Greenville Sf2p. m Kinatoa 1 00p.m. Returnini leaves Kington 7 00, a. m. Greenville 1 10a m. Arriving at Halifax 1100, a. ra., Weldon 1115a i dailyexceptSunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon at 7 00a. n. arriving at Scotland Neck 10 Oil a. ra , GreenviU 1 00 p. m.. Kinnton 5 10 p. m. Returning, leaves Kinitoa at 1 00, a. m arriving at Greenville 10 60 neon, ticoliana necs i , p. ui. nuuu u to p Train leave Tarboro N. C, via Albemarle ana Raleigh R. R. Daily except Sunday 4 40 p, .. fcunday 8 00 p. m., arrive Williamson N. C. 7 U p m., 4 lOp. ra. riymomn a wip.m., ntv p. m. Returning leaves Plymouth dally except Sunday H a. m. Sunday 9 00 a. m. Willlamston, N. C, 7 40 a. m. vos a. m. arrive laruuru ik. h, I 11 to a. . Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golda- boro N.C.. dailyecept Sunday 7 00 a. m., arrive M i I VI . n. Plll.ft(n IMVM Kuilthlleld, N. C, 1 00 a. m., arrive Goldsboro, M L, vf...t 111. Tl- 1 T nb ITRin Oil IMhI.tiuw Dnui-u iwrcn nuvi. ' ifnmit ii(t(W. m nrl-tvps At Nashville 8 40 Ik m., Hprinjf Hope 4 is p. m. Ketunuiif H iV Oft. u Jll U,.n lilftft a tn Nuahvillf 1(1 ar Rocky Mount 11 IS a, m. dftily except Sunday i rum uii iiiibuii iiiiuh iww 'rot F0B25TEARS Clintoi, dally eicept Sunday at 6 00 p. m. an 11 lf a. in Returning leave Clinton at S 10 a m and 3 10 p. m., connecting at Warsaw with No. 4U,4l,v-aau tn. Daily ex- t. 4I,-aou tn. Southbound train on Wllaon and FayettevlU ra Train No. 27 Suth will I Branch is No. 61. cept Sunday Northbound is 60. only itop at Rocky i i, Ma) . 11,11 lllonnll. I MOUIH. 1111U UlllUWii'iBuu nniiviwi Train No. 7S maxes Close connecuon v neiaoav iorau points isortn aany. jiumu ti ivu;uiuww LAND bALJii. L i,QRrfimilarlv visited its subscri- XU virf 1 bers, giving weekly the MOT Mil (KIUllB ViVl UI UJ n ll T .v..wm. and daily except Sunday via Bay Line, alio at Railroad Norfolk. ifrmnt dallv with Verfo k and Carolina) Railroad for Norfolk and all points North vlay LIPPMAN IDOI.. Proprietor, DrHijIili. Llaaaiaa'l Hock, SAVANNAH, BA. For Salebjr W. M. COHEN. apr23 Ij -Aa4 . Scientific American R Annnnv for .ftf TRADE l""J,J COPVRIOHTS, eto. For Information ard freo Handbook write to MUNN CO., M BROADWAT, Nxw VoBK. Oldeaf buiau for securin patent! I n Artk Bvery patent " br " V?f2L in thi ibe publlo by a notice given free of charge in tne f'tirntiftf mntn Uriiest circulation of any selentiBe paper la i the worfd. Splendidly Illustrated. No man should be without It. Weekly. J.O O a yeari ll.Ml m months. Address MUNJi A CU., Pdulisukhs, 361 Broadway. Now Yorx. -VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE IN HALIFAX COUNTY, N. C.: ASE FARM CONTAING 534 ACRES 8 horse crop cleared, good pasture, never failinz stream, apple and peach or chard, cood dwelling end necessary ot- honses. KICK (12,000. NE TRACT OF 200 ACREB, out horse croo cleared, most of the other in fine growth of pinee; good dwelling and out house. PKICE $1,000. THE NEW YORK WORLD 1 i "I V . , 1 . II J.J . ueciafe, 1 lioVvr uiouunu Mrs. Ijiucolnpark, after her dinner was over. "Never thought of what?" asked Mr. L. "Why, I placed Col. Jones and Mrf, Parkerton next each other at dinner and, now I think of it, he was her first bus-band!' CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY.,Miiln.n nnncHnn far all tmfata North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run s"lid between Wilmington an Washington and have Pullman Palace Sleepers) ; Snp't Trans General 8u'l. T. M. EMERSON, Uen'l Passenger Agent. TLANTIC COAST LINE. PETERSBURG & WELDON R. R Ceudensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 3rd, 1891. No. 23 Daily. No. 27 Daily. 0 NI TRACT OF 8 ACRES, ONE horse crop cleared, the balapee in heavy growth of original pine. PRICE $400.00. NE TRACT OF 814 ACRES, TWO horse crop cleared, the balance in fine growth of ok and pine. PRICE $1,000. 0 NE TRACT OF 43s) ACRES, 3 HORSE crop cleared; good dwelling and all necessary out-houses. PRICE $2,000. 0 0 THE FIRST SYMPTOMS OK DEATH. Tired feelin?;, dull headache, pains in various parts of the boJj(, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appe'ite, fev erishnws, pimples or sores, are all posi tive evidence of poiaoneiA blood. No matter how it became poisoned 'l l""t be puriSd (o avoid death. 1'r. Acker's English Blood Elixir ha nevVr faiJessl to remove surofulmis or Kjphiiirie poise1'- ouiii under positive guarantee, i Forwlebr W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. 1 it has done it U uk favor and and no consideration. Thill ! nr-imt history to be forgotten Tt. lnnks onlv to the future to the work to be done. Our hopes and fears, our joys and sorrows are belore us not one behind. In THE WORLD'S work for 1891 every American citiien is vitally interes ted, and not one no matter what his politics may be can anord to be witnoui its woekly edition, which has not an equal on earth as a newspaper, Niue men out of ten know this to be true Kvery tenth man should send to day for a specimen copy, that the knowledge may be universal. Subscribe at once. Throe months costs .,tir s nmita. and bv evi-rv week's delay ""j - .-. - . ' .1 .1.' you miss someUum; wortn more man me subscription piiee for the year whl h is onlv one d-llar. Address THE WOULD, New York. N E TRACT OF 850 ACRES, FIVE horse crop cleared; good dwelling and ont-honsee. PRICE $2,500. These farms are convenient to chnrchee, in a healthy locality, and a ihort distance from Halifax and Enfield. Parties wiihing to buy and want to EXAMINE :-: THESE-: -LANDS Will call on MR. THOMAS OUSBY, Hea demon, N. C, or MR. T- C. BURGESS, who lives near Halifax, who will takepleaa- are in showing them to purchasers. Any or all of these lands will be - IRISTTIEJD NATIONAL, STATE & COUNTY. rhirine that time it has built up an enviable reputation for fairness by fairness, in all things and by QIVItJQ THE Tte subscription list is growing but it must grow faster, and no pains will be spared to accomplish this re sult. . Pages48 Oohmns-A Week. PRICE $150 A Year In Advance. Leave IVtfrshnrg, 10.10 am 3.45 pm Leave Stony Creek, 10.53 am 4.18 p B Leave Jarratts, 11.11am Leave Beltield, 11.30 am 4 49pm Arrive Weldon, 1210 pm 5 23 pr TRAINS GOING NORTH. All trains rim solid Weldon to Washing ton. E. T. P. MYERS, T. M. EMERSON, i Gei'l Superintendent. Gen. Passenger agfc TO THE PATRONS ' THI ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIGATION CO ON REASONABLE TERMS IFOIR. 1890. B.FQARY, aaSOtt. VTeldei, N. C. Address: Weldon, N. C. -inrl TIMC Between NORFOLK a4 QUICK llMC EASTKkNN. CAROUH Mnndav. December 17tk. and wntil further notice,, the Steam , CHOWAN, Captain Withy, will LEAE KAJNM.1K m ionuja, nesdays and Fridays for EDENTON, PLT- MOUTH and Ail in termeamio puu arrival of mail train from Portsmouth, aay 10.15 A. M. . .. . , 1 RETURNING the "Chowan" wiu reach Franklin on Tuesdays, Thursday! and Saturdays at 9 15 A. M., in time to connect with l'ast Man train rroui awis. to Portsmoutn ani with Express, train f the South. ' 1 ' cUQnn Vi f Viia arrvnirement, tokrosr . .i the Steamer Chowan at a y point on tk river, will r""' REACH NORFOLK by 11 oclock A. M., i mid thus have the entire day for the tin action of business in that city., GIVETIHSMOUTBA TRIAL. Rwpeetfully, J.H.BOGRRT Franklin V., Dec. 15 1888. Bop.' No. 14 No. 78 Daily. Daily. Leave Weldon, 5.10 a m. 3.15 p.m. LeBelfield, 5.45 a.m. 3.52p.m. LeJarratte, 6.00 am. 4 09 p.m. LeMony Creek, 6 19 a.m. 4.33 p.m. Arrive Petersburg, 6.51a.m. 5.12p.m. , I i ; i

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