THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1891. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 .pfcw h,.;E3nr csor? CWo u' in DO 0 fir THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY DECEMBER 3, 1891. "I bought a new dress to-day," ob served Mis. Jones to her husband, as they sat at supper. "It is a lnvoly piece of moire antique." "Maria," said Mr. Junes sternly, "I thought I told yuu several times you need not buy any more on tick." Then they stared at each other in a wondering dazed way. WITHOUT LIFE OR FIRE. Mr. S. K. Canmehael a prominent cit izen of Henrietta, Texas, writes: "I wish to tell you what Swift's Specific has done for my wife. Several years ao there appeared a splotch on the corner of her doso which gradually increased iu size and became quite painful; on washing her face it would frequently bleed. The doc tors called it cancer, and advised that it be removed by the knife or burn ing, stating that it would never do to neglect it. My wife refused to have it cut or burned, but at the same time it continued to grow woise. After a time he commenced taking S. S. S., which effected an entire cure. She used a half dozen small sized bottles. We both think there is no medicine in the world that will equal Swift' Specific and we would like for all sufferers to know the benefit she has received from it." S. S. S. cures blood diseases of this character by forcing out the poisonous germs and the poison also. Our treatise on the blood and skin will be mailed free to all applicants. The Swift Specific Co., Atlauta, Ga. "Did you go to the seashore resort this summer?" "No, we really could not af ford it this season. We bought an Eug lish lord for Fanny, and, as we have sev eral younger daughters rapidly approach ing a marriageable age, we felt compelled to economize. These lords come high, but the girls will have 'cm." Office of S. Cherry, 51 Drayton street, Savannah, Ga., December 1G, '91 Messrs. Lippman Pros., Savannah, Ga.: Dear Sirs I would like to add my testimony to the almost miraculous effect of P. P, P. in th- han, a woman liw, . n mr place; si e had a constant cough, s.ue liiroui, debility, etc., and was emaciated to a degree that she was unable to get out unaided, being given up by physicians; she had taken the ruinous so-called Blood Medicines without the effect, until being put under the P. P. P., she immediately began to improve and is now in as good health as ever in her life. You can refer to me at any time as to the effects of P. P. P., in the foregoing case. Yours truly, Samuel Cherry. A MARSHAL SAVED LIFE AND HAIR. Monticello, Fla., Jan. 21, 1890. For the last eight years I have been in bad health, suffering with Malaria, Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Dropsy. My diges tion was bad, and my hair all eanie out in fact I was nearly a wreck. I had tak en kidney and blood medicines, which did me no good When I began taking P. P. P., about three months ago, I was as weak as a child. I have only taken four bottles, small size, and to day I am a well man ami my hairhas"come again " I cannot recommend P. P. P. too highly. W. F. Ware, Marshal, Monticello, Fla. F. C. Owens, witness. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon.N.C. Husband (at half past one o'clock a. m.) "Don't say a word? I know i-s awful late, but I've had a hard tug of it." Wife "Yes, you look as if you'd had a hard tug of it. How many schooners did you tow in to-night?" CONSUMPTION CUHED. An old physician, retired from prac. tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy f r the speedy and permanent cure of Consump tion, Brouihitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous De bility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative pow. era in thousand of eases, has felt it his uuiy 10 make it known to his suffaio - - w miu ouiii ku foilstva Anrti'tta,! k i I dnsi, tn ,Bliv I ' .....: T :m ... ira'f, i win wuu iree in cnarge, to an wiio desire it this recipe, in German, French or English wun mil directions lor preparing and using, oeni oy mai by address n w ih ;:. ... ' ,"r . Noyes, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N Y- npr 30 ly. Men are most likely to rave about a woman'a hair when it is found in the butter. "At last, I can eat a good square meal Without its distressing met" was the grateful exclamation of one whoso appe ' tlte had been reatnrarl k ik .... r i i s :: .; 3 uoa Vl. aJLT ...l,,ter years of dyspeptio mis- err. A teasnonnful nf ih;. T,n v.r. oh meal sharpens the appetite, J EfJGLlSH HI3P mm for Coughs. Colds and Consumption. Is beyond S It will stop a Cough In one night. It willciiecu; !aColdlnad.iy. It will prveat Croap, rclhvc; Asthma, and CURE Consumption II taken t.i; :time. IF THE LITTLE 0S IUVE ; I WHOOPING COUGH i Use it Promptly i IT WILL CURE! WHEN EVERY-' THING ELSE! FAILS. "You: can't afford to J : ' PO wiinr.iu it. a zsc. Do'tie mar save si 00 In Doctor s bills! 5 mar Se their lives. ASK YOUH DRUG- GIST Foil IT. IT TASTES GOOD. For Sale l.y W M.COHKX.WeliUni, X. I', uprl.l ly H. G. JONES, Contractor and . Builder, WELDOF, IN". C. For all kinds of brick and wood build ings, designs, plans, sjieeifu-ations and estimates carefully made on short notice. jtegrl'KK'Ks very Low. lo i-:im. Is Wit 2iaiS9S ill. M VNl KACTrilKO BY THE CARDWEl'. MACHINE CO., RICHMOND, VA, oet-l.'.-rit. READ SPREAD ! LIQUID ENAMEL PINT. HAS BEEN' IX THE MAKKET'J'2 YEA US. MIXED READY FOR USE. A XV OXE CAX A I'PLY IT, Wilson, N. C, Prpt. 8, 1876. Mr. C. P. Kuinht, Baltimore, Md.: Dfar Sir.- In reply tnyonr Irttor as to the merits of the Liquid Enamel Paint, it anorns me pleasure to uny it hnspven en tire sntisfaction, so nnieh so it has conver ted the painter that applied it. In fact the onnoitinn to it was s int.-nco -1in I was about to buy, I should have likelv bought lead and oil had I not have knowi you so many years and having great confi deuce in your integrity. Yours truly, li. It. COTTEN. ARMSTRONG, CATOR A CO., WHOLESALE M ILLINEKS, Baltimore, Md., 18P4. Mr. C P. Knight, Sole Agent, X. J. E Paint Co , Baltimore: Dear Sir. In January onr store was painted with the Liquid Enamel Paint made by the New Jersey Enamel Paint Company. We used tints that generally show the effects of exposure, but the paint has retained its color, gloss and freshness. We shall take pleasure in nsing it in the future. Yours trulv. ARMSTRONG, CATOK & CO. rimpel Hill. N. C, Jan. 5, 18R4 Mr. C. P. Knight, Baltimore: Dear Sir: 1 takeplonsurein Mating that I haT unert. with much a tUrnrtiiiu, ronr Liquid Kna mel I'aint on our dwelling huuie In this town, and ran eonfldmtly reemmen'' it to all who would like to use a beautiml and dnnble paint for any purpo-e. Verv rcjnprtmlly, t. B.MARTIN. John Robimson, j. a. I,eh Prenideiit. ' fieaa ' John T. Patrick, Secretary DIXIE AGKICl'LTI'n A'.A MFrHANICAL FAIR ASSOCIATION. Wadehnm, N. c , Nov. II. 1879. Certiflcate of merit awarded to 0. P. Knlirht, RnltlmnrH. fur hl'lt lruruirri Paint hAtnnn.. V.J Jrnay Knamel Paint, exhibited at' the Dixie Kalr PetemburK, Va , leo. IS, 1SS9. Mr.C. P. Knlfht. Baltimore! Pear Sir We have used the MqnM Fnamvl Paint mada by the N w Jersey Knanifl Palm c,,., which I punhaed throuirh vnu.aud fun ml It first clans In every irtieiilr. ami it l.,..iy h,.. wrvm nu i ti til in ciHimCU fur H HI to tKMIlly, OUT abl'itv anilrn'onurnv "Ur" . LKK0Y HOPE W. Woodsworth.N.COct. W, 1S7" C. P. Knight, Esq : The Paint. Liquid Enamel, reached me prompt. My. I will state Wut has KiVeif; :L . MIla pmier. i nwmi it n het'ont n use as to quality and economy a, I can uiihesitatlnitly r commend It as soch Very respectfully, K. II HEAD. Baltimore, Dee. IS, 1889. C. P. Knight, Esq., Baltimore : It gives us great pleasure to certify to the good qualities of your Liquid Enamel Paint, made by the New Jersey Enamel Paint Co. After using me urn myie puini nir a number or years, w were Induced to try your paint by those who had nsed It. We have now been ustng it some six or seven years, both for Inside and outside work, and It gires entire satisfaction. Yours respectfully, Tllt'LVitJ l i.t.t vurunu O.VI. C. P. KNIGHT, somgkneral agent. BOM G KNEKAL AGENT, No.l02 8oth8t.,on.door8.-MthLmbardSt: BALTIMORE, MD. (Sample Cards furnished by mail gratis.) mm FDR Uli in LADIES ,5a A J I u POLICE y K S3 SHOE CENLEM EN The BEST SHOE In the World for the Monoy. ;KTI.KMEX and l.ADIIr'.S. save yous dollars by weariim W. L. DoukIbk sh(es. They nice tbe wauts of all claast'S, and are the must ecminmlea fmitwcar ever offfml fr the mnnev. lteware o dealers who offer other makes as helni; Just as pootl anu ue sure yti nave l.. ixiiikiua ttnoes, wui name and price stunt ped ou bot torn. W. L. lJoutf lai tirucjtiim, iax. irTAKE NO SUBSTITUTE, jn Insist os lov. 1 aivurUscd deiik-rs supply lag you. ; For Sale by C. lv MeUWIGAN, Knfleld, N. C. W. IV TILI.KRY, Weldou, X. C. oct 2 m. USTOTICIE. By virtue of a decree rendered at May tcrinol'l'-'lil ofSuptrior ciiurt of Halifax county in tlie ense nf K. K. Kilpatrick, adniiinstnitor ol'Willie A rrtiittcni. dct'd, auninst the heir at law of said Willie Ar rintjtou herein on the" day of December 1KH at U' o'clock in., 1 will seil at the court house door at Halifax in Halifax c mnly at public auction to tin highest bid bidder one tract id' landordercd tobesold l y sai I decree, which lands ure situtitcdin saiil county in Kaucett township and described as follows, one tract "ill acres more or less itdjoimm: the lands of Mrs. V. M. Lewis, the Haul;- Neville land, rnd others. One other ttuct beloiit:n! to Neville and Ar rinpum, know n as the Haniy Neville tract, containio-j rne hnndre! ten acres ami ad joiniin: the lands of Jnines Warren heirs, the l'ol. i land and others. I'enns of Sale One-third cash balance in (i and 1 J months. K. E. KILPATliICK, ll-;"-td. Adiiiinistratnr. (SUCCESSOR TO R. .T. NKF.LY & CO ,) AVIIOLKSALi: & ki:tail Dealer In MOULDINGS BALCSTEKS, BRACKETS, ETC. TTT-I-K E :- D-O-O-K-Q 'V I x n 0 W -:- .- C R E K N'O Paints, Oils, Varnish, And liuildcrs' Hardware. Sheathing Tapers, White Pine, Walnut and Poplar Lumber. Stair Rail and Turns Worked Ready to Hunt;! Cor. Water and ljueensts., Portsmouth, Va. jy IB jun 1. 4'VARRENTON', N. C. JfWHE WARRKXTON STATE COL- ORLI) XtiK.M ALSCHOOL vfill begin its first session in the SHILOU INSTI TUTE buildings Monday Oct. C, 1301. This School was formerly located at Franklintou, X. C, hut removed by au act of the last Legislature to Warrenton. N. C. No hci'.tliier lucatii'ii can be found iu the State. The will lie provided with ubleaml expi-rieneed teachers. Iu or i. r that ail w ho desire an education may av. til thcnisi Iv.-s ofthis opportunity, hoard and Imlgini! may be secured within the buildincs forJ.VTj per month. Tuition iree to ail residents of the State. For further information address REV. J. A. WH1TTED, A. M. Prin., 9-10-tf. Warreuton, N. C. DEALER IX PURELIQUORS.WINE.BEERf, CIGARS, AND TOBACCO. i Littleton, N. C. Main St. near depot. Agent for BAUERXSCHMIDT EXPOKT BEER, NATIVE WISES AND P.RASDIES, PRIVATE STOCK, GIBSON'S XXXX.CLOVERCLUB, OLD VA. RYE, AND WTHITE JESSA MINE WHIS KIES. ICE ICE SHIPPED PER RAIL OR SOLD BY THE POUND OR BARREL AT MY ICE HOUSE. jy 2 3m. l. oaycLAS Job E. iek final Ikt J. W. Thornton. And now I hear store with comments of pleased witness to successful efforts to present the best goods iui icctst iiiuiicy . I 1 ll traae rapicuy revolving 1 give mem a still swifter wnin oy power 01 prices. As I have just returned from New goods very cheap and some of them affords me great tne puoiic tne BENEFIT OE THE My time is a little short as the wants this 'ad." in particulars of my ate a lew prices. 4iIS s BOYS CLOIIIIii Merit wins. The satisfaction of first consideration, therefore only -mi i j n i -s i i reaouna to creait 01 tnis department are offered. Ev ery garment sold must be a lasting advertisement. To fit Boys 4 to 12 years of nge at $1.25 Cheap nt Two dollars and n half, very much better goods and made up iu good style at $2.50! worth $3.50 All wool suits, knee pants, at $4.00. worth $5.50. The all knee pants, two pieces. Overcoats all latest styles with capes. Call and see them. Youth's Clothing. All I can say is to call and look at them. Suits from $3.50 to most any price. Also a nice line of ovcicouts at lowest prices. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. You can get most anything you want in fancy shirtsfrom50 cents to $3. 50. White shiru uulaundered at 50 cents, worth 75 cents. My 75 cent shirt is worth $1.00. Also a good line of gents underwear. Scarfs and ties, collars and cuffs, &c. ''''sTiJMiBMBBMBBMsBswwsB J Baereiner and fine o nana. I pay the highest cash prices for peanuts in any quantity and at any depot. a y cotton and am always anxious to buy it. Again thanking my friends and the public for th Kma and liberal patronage and begging a continuance or the same. Yours very truly, 10-8-3m- the busy hum of traffic through xxuu iiuw wim 1 T 11 pleasure to give my customers and this week's issue, I can't give full goods and" prices, but will enumer ElTFIBILiD, iT. C. ISAAC LEyY, ENPTJELD, 0. 1U(J customers bearing iiit; WlieeiS oft I ui York and bought for spot cash it SAME. "Roanoke New nii8f.nmvra ie j kj xu my such garments a . LADIES DRESS GOODS. I am sorry to say my time is so short that I can't give a full discription of mj lurge assortment I have, but will do so in niy next all Isw styles and low prices. Also a full line of notions, Indies, Misses' and bovs' hose. HATS,CJPS. I am jnst receiving a full line of grot and boys' hats and caps. Also a Romplete line of ladies' trimmed and' tin trimmed hats made by one of the best millioners in New York, atlow prices. Call and see them. All latest sty Its. SHOES,, As for ladies, gents Misses and child ren's shoes. I hardly know where to com mence, lint all I can sav just now is, cultt and ace them. The juices ure as low the lowest. GgOCEglES. A complete line of groceries on hand at all times. Crockery, glassware, wood and wellow- ware, eie.

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