HIE IvOANOKE NEWS, TIIUHSDAY DECEMBER -U IS.U in 4. 0" ; u ... u I r j-s "'i'.,' 't ? i:' I' c; ii if. : I l'l ' ' ' : riTer,will ,n ff'-i i .2' if NEW ADV EKTlSr'M ENTS. ATLASTIC 1ST HI W. &W. R. R. BRANCHES Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOISrt SOl'TII. No 41, daily ex Sun Dated June 7th, ir-1'1. ! fnt mail Daily I Daily. Lenvs Welilou UlUi-v I ,i4:tP II Arlloeky -Mount..., 1 io " Ar Tiivboro ...!..7.T. -SIS'" ....'.".'. Leave Tiirboro, 12 "sam limi Arrive Wilson. . 2 1 p m 7 00 Leave Wilson " Arrive Selmu j s :ai " Arrive KuycUi-villi-, -i:tn " ..... I.Liive(ioiill,ri) i,i " 7 10 " I.vave VVmsini -1 H " l.t'Rve Jlat'iiolin ., . , I -j- " s 10 " Arrive Wilniingtou 0 ui " j ;,5 " H2'iiim , I 7 ii. " S10 " VU " 9 ! 11 W KA INS (JOINt; NORTH No II, ! duily. No 7S duily No -I" daily ex htimlny l.cuvi' H il.iniipti-ii liX'n lai.'n Leave Mnliolia j 2 05 " 1 0 ;",7 LeHve Wur-iiw II 11 Arrive liolil.-linni IS'.:, ju.-, Leave l iiii'tirvilUt 1 I "4 in I i t "l p 111 I 10 " I s s:i 1 7 ft) " Arrivu .-eliiiii 11 IN" . '. Arrivo Wilson j Ulu" I.iava Wilson s i2,ipM '' Airivo lioi'ky Mount I m hm " Arrive 'lurliru'o )li:o iln " LeavoTurlvori 1 1? . .sa m j Arrivo Weldou .Mm Jo.pm l'n'oV"" ItKily e.('e't "miiicIiiv. Train on Sentlninl Seek Kriincli Road leave Welilou at 4. 0 p. in. HaiitHs I 32, arrive Scotland Neck at ." T. p.in.Hreeiiville b p. ni Kinston 8u0p.ni. Keluriiins; leaven K inMon 7 no, a in (ireenvillo S 10a in. AniviPR at llalit'ux 1100 a. n.,YVldon 112 ia. m daily exceptSnndaT. ' Local freight train loaves Welilou at 7 on a m arriving nl .Scotland Neck 10 o: a. m , Ureeuville .S 00 p. m.. Kiintou o io p. in. Ueturniiii;. leaves Kinston at Si 0. a. ni. arriving at Creenville In jo noon. Sc. timid Neck a 40. p. in. rt eldon v, p m Train leaves Turlioro N. V., via Albemarle and Raleigh K. K. Daily except Sundiiv 4 40 n, in , Sunday :i iki p. in., arrive Williuniston N. C. 7 18 p. iu 4 20p. in. riytniuith 8 ,;op, m jo p. m, KeiurniiiK leaves riyinoitth daily except Sundav (1 20 a, m.. Sunday 0 Oil a. in. Willianiston. N. v'., 7 48 a. ra. Sis a. m. arrive Tarboro 10 05 a in 11 20 a. m. Train on Midland X. C. Hranch leaves (lolds born N. :., daily except .-uimIkv 7 00 n. m , arrive Smilbtield, X. ('., :.o a. in. 'l;eturuini leaves Smilhlield, X. C 0 Oil a. m., arrive Goldsboro, X C, 10 m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at:i 01) p. in., arrives lit Nashville 3 40 p ni., .spring Hope M5 p. in. Hemming leaves fcprins Hope M on a. m., Nahville 10 :L' a. m., ar Hocky Mount 11 1" a, in. dailv except Sundav. Train on Clinton Hranch loaves Warsaw tor Clinton, daily except Sunday attiuo p. ni. and 11 I'm. m. Uo'.urniinr leave Clinton at ,s 20 a m and :! in p. in., connecting at Warsaw with New 4 ', 41. j:: uinl 7X. Southbound train on Wilson and Kavetteville Branch is No. si. Northbound is 50. baily ex cept Sunday. Train No." J7 South will onlv stop at Rocky Mnimt, Wilson (ioldsboroand Maunolia. Train No, 7 makes close connection nt Weldon for nil points North daily. All rail via Richmond and duily except Sundav via llav Line, also al Rocky Mount daily with Norfolk" and Carolina Railroad for Norfolk and all points North via Norfolk. Trains makes close connection for all poiut North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washiiciuu and have Pullman Palace sSleeperi attached. J. K.KKNLY. J. F. DIVINE, sup't Trans (icnerul sup't T. M. LMEKSON, cieuT Rassenijer Ajent. A TLAXTIC COAST LINK, PETEKSnURG .f WELDUX R. R- Condensed Schedule. ti:a:ns uoini; .suL'tii. Dated May ."rd, No. 27 Dailv. Dailv. I. f.iNo rt-tei-sliing. Leave Stony Cieek, Leave Jarratts, Leave Hellield, Arrive Weldon, 10. In am 15 p ni lii.'oam l.l-ipin 11.1! am 1 LIlii am j 4.4!) p ni 1"J- HI pin fi.i'! ) in TILUSS i.OIX(. NuK'i'l No. 11 Dailv. No. ?8 Dailv. Leave Weldon, Le liellitld, Le Jarratts, Le Stony Creek, Arrive Petersburg, 5.111 a.m. ".4."i a.m. O lio a m. (l.lfl a.m. fi..")l a-m. '! 1" p.m. : 15. .VJ p.m. ; 4 (1! p. HI. t.:i:ip m. .". lip tn All trains run solid Weldon toVas!iiuj ton. E. T. D. SIYF.l.'S, T. M. EMLI.'SON", Ceu'l StipciiutPiiilciit. Oen.rassengerai:! TO THE l'ATROXS OF TIIF ALBKMAELE STEAM NAVIGATION CO nillP.tt TIMF Hetween NfiHKOLIC and fviwa I I I f La KASTl-KN N. I AI.OLIN o On and after Monday, December 17th, and sutil further notice, the Steamei CHOWAN, CnptHin Withy, will LEA VE FKANKLIN on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays for LDENTON, PLY MOUTH and Ail intermediate points on arriTal of mail train from Portsmouth, say 10-15 A. M. RETURNING Hie "Chowan" will reach Franklin on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 9:15 A. M., in time to connect with Fast Mail train from Raleigh to Portsmoutn and with Express train for the South. Passengers, by this arrangement, taking 0,,ki.im n,nBn af a' f J. W REACH NORFOLK by 1.1 oclock A. M., I ' , iy -f"r t Btj and thus have the entire day for the trans --.' . ttiiuii ui ouniucan in LiiiiLeirv. : A fJ (lU'R THIS WOITTR V TRIAL ; Kpelfully, J. H. BO GIRT Fraaklin Y., Dec. 15 18P8. SufV CARRIERS' ADDRESS. A merry Cliristinas! Toymi I'rieiul, A Hiipiy New Year! may you spend And while you lip your lijjlit epilog, Or revel in yoar punch or iirog, Or eiit your turkey, celery-d reused, And wonder wliic.h of all is lnst. I.t tne aay it wonl in season Which shall have both rhyme and reason. Anion"; the things this year has hovn Is the shortest crops was ever known, Combined with price so low anil dull. It makes us c.lad our barns ain't full; liut this don't hurt us half as bad, Nor make us leal one half so sad As to see how savrral of our States Have voted lor war-tariff rates On everything we buy to wear; lis most enouoli to make us swear, lint then: we'll niamific to pull through As I believe we always do If we'll only kocp up licait And strive always todo our part, l-'or every cloud looks bright one way And every don w ill have his day. Now soon we'll see the mighty pour Of rushing waters dashing o'er The new-made bed of the great canal And hear them as they fall; And then to sev thestrono new mill, Which soon will he no lnnirrr still, And the elevator, of brick and slating It really is elevating. All these aresignsol wealth to come Which will build up many a home And bring to us industrious folks In spite of "pull backs" "drones anil "croaks'1 And listen a moment, between mo and you, We'll elect Mr. Hill in ninety-two. So brace your spirksmy worthy triend And bold up bravely to the end. Now if you'll do as you certainly ought to, When you've read my piece jott'll give me u iiiiartcr. Hiifkllcii's Arnica save. The Best alvc in the world lor Cuts, Bruises, Soros, ('leers, Salt Ulieuin, Fever Soies.Tettor, Chapped hands, Chilblains Conis.and all skin emptioiiSjUnd positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to irive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, l'rice 25 cents per box. Forsale by druj;t:ists at Weldon, Brown &Carraway, Halifax, Dr. J A McGwijran, Untie.!; W. M. Cohen, Weldon. The naughty boy pets his Christina box on the ear. "l)ick Skinner w.ys marriage is a fail ure." "A failure? I thought he married a fortune?'' "Yts but the girl that went with it tuspended payment." .pcciiiien Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Casscl. Wis, was troubled with Neuralgia and Ilhcuma tism, his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was iffecttd to an alarming-degree, appetite fell away, and lie was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three but tit a of Kiel-trie Bitters cured him. Kdward Shepherd. Ilarrishurg, III, had a running sure on his leg of eight years' standing. I sed three bullies of Klcctric Bitters and seven boxes of Buck leu's Arnica Salve, and bis leg is sound am! well. John Speaker. Catawba. ( thin, had five large revcr sores on his icl'. doctors said be was incurable. One hot tie Klcctric 1 tit 1 1 is ami one b,.x Bucklen's Atnica Salve curt d him entirely. Sold at W. M. Cohen's linio.-loiv. ; Shi Hairy, tell me why do you think 1 you love me Io distraction? He Oh, J I know 1 do, becan-e I feel toward you i j Ust as I always do when I get acijiJaitit ; ed with a new girl. ACKr.ics i:x,i i-ii pji.i.s Aru a. live, efl'cctive and lire. For sick headache, disor'leinl .-tninacli. !o.-s of a). etiie, bad ci inplcjiion and hillinu.-nes.-, they have i.et.r bcui iiiialtd, lillur iu America or abroad. Fcr sale at W. M. (.'ohcii's drugstore, WflueU. N. C. f!.i"iping Wniniiti i 'intent on Sinn-let) On" half of the world doe.-n't ktow how i he tub. r lia'.f lius. Ncighbir, i tartly ) Well, that isn't vour fault. Now Try 'I Ills. j It will cost you nothing and will surely j do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any lioiible with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for ; Colisutnpli n, Coughs and Colds is guar antied to give relict, or money will Lo paid buck. Sutliiers fioui La Grippe j tound it just the thing and under its uso -had a spM.ly and pel feet recovery. Try i a sample In tile at mir expense and learn ! for ji.iiiself just how good a "liing it is. I Tii.ii buitles tree nt W. M. Cohen's diug store. I dirge sizuSOo. and SI. HI), He (buurly) l'.-haw! All women are aiike. Shu Then why in the world do jou spend o nuuh lime trying to find the one you snt to marrj? PO NOT WIJI'I'I'.K ANY I.ONCiKR. Knowing that a cough can be cheeked in a day, and the first stag, s of consump tion broken in a week, we hereby guar antee Lr. Acker's English Cough Kerne dy, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, and do not tint! our statement correct. For fal by W, M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. When a man ia looking for a wife he wants an ange, but when he joes to housekeeping he sometimes says ugly things because he didn't get a cook, ''You told me to epell it again," whim pered the boy. And the teacher was so mixed up the had to dismiss the class. NKW ADV The Surest Remedy For indigestion, costiveness, find sick-headache is Ayer'3 Pills. The harsh, drastic purgatives, once deemed indispensable to a "thorough cleaning out" of the system, have given place to milder and more- skilfully-prepared laxatives. Foremost among these are Ayer's Pills. Being composed of the essential principles of the most effective cathartics, without calomel or any other injurious drug, no ill effects ever follow their use. For this reason, these Pills r.ro everywhere recommended as the best family medicine. Their sugar-coating makes them easy to take, and preserves their medicinal strength in rny climate and for an indefinite length of time. " I was a sufferer, for years, from c dyspepsia and liver troiihles, and f iuiul no permanent relief until I commenced takllijs Ayer's Pills, They have effected A complete eure."-('.. V. Moouey. Walla W alla, W. T. "1 Has master of a sailing vessel for a manlier "f years, and never failed to pro vide a pood supply of Ayer's l'ills. for the use of luith officers and men. They are a safe and reliable cathartic, and nlwajs l;i'.c satisfaction."-II. Kobmuin, is E. Tear! st., Kair Haven, Conn. Bilious " Purine several month past I lave i-een subject to attacks of bad headache, without bcini; able to remove the trouble by medical treatment. In looking throncli Ayer's Al man."..' 1 read the statements of 1 ersons cured of similar attacks by the use of Avcr's Cathartic Tills, and was Induced to i;,'.e them a trial. They have bcnctitcil me miii'li that 1 eonsiiler it my duty to mention my case to you for the benefit of other s." Mrs. Mary'duyimmil, l'lmt Village, l'ail Kivcr, Mass. "1 have nmv i:s".l Avcr's Tills in n-v fami ly for seven or ci-lit years. V.'Inmic .-r 1 have an attack of headache, towhi. li 1 cm very subject, 1 i.ike a dose of Ay, r' i Tills and am always promptly relieve 1. I find tlieiii equally bcncli.-i;il in eohls ; mei, in my fatmlv, thev are use. I for bilious complaints and other disturbances with such ;,moi effect that we rarely, if ever, have to call in a phy- sieian." H. Vmtllieine, Hotel Vo;;l',ic:ne, Saratoga Springs, X. V- 1 ii Pi ::! l y J, C. AY:3 & GO, Lowell, Mass. -if- TrAKHtilHirs KXlliACi, XALL'S TRIl'LE. VIOI.MT WATl'lK, wonnwiutTii's Ki.diunA va- TKK, AMI saciikt rnvvi);:!:. ACmiACY! .Fil J. Mag Li.oioi riejared I A Lai':;.' I I'lii'its. j Sock jV I l'ute II lite Lead & I.ibseeu oil. LANDIiKTH'S 111 .-ell 1 amis at U liAKDK.N I virv mi. all margin. iSEHl. Cover Your BuildinGs with N. A. HALDE RMAN & GO'S. IRON iOUTll, BR ADHD, OR CORUUGATKD. JWrCorr.jiondenco solicited "(uS Jan 1 It H .1 WATCHMAKER Littleton, Makes aspecialty of .repairinp; lino. WATClli' CLOCKS. Fittin ng spectacles and WviW eye glasses. ISf-Cash paid for old gold and silver. -ILT' X KllTlSKMKNTS. In KS. Iy the advice of a friend, I heenn the iis.-oi Ayer's Tills as a ivim-ily for Oil miisiiess. eoiitllpatioii.hii.'li levers. ami eoliU They served me tietter than anything I had previously tried, ami I have used them ill attacks of that sort ever shiee." II. W. lli'isli, .liiil.sonia. Ark. l-'or years I have heen snlijcrt to consti pation and nervous headache, ranseil ley dcranuciiient of the liver. After taking vari ous remedies, I have heeonie convinced that Avcr's Pills aru the best. They have never failed to relieve my Attacks iu a short time; and 1 am sure my system r -tains its tone Ion -er alter the use of these Tills. Ih, in Ins been Hie case with any other niedleiti" I have ever tried."-II. S. Sledge, Weimar, Texas. "Tor a loin; time I was a sufferer from stomach, liver, and kidney troubles, experi ciiciiik much difficulty in digestion, with severe pains in the lumbar regions and oilier parts of the body. Having tried a variety of remedies, including u ai m Laths, with -nly temporary relief, about three months ago I began the use of Ayer's Tills, and already n, y health is so much improved that I gladly testify to the superior merits of tins medicine." Manuel Jorge Tereira, Oporto, T irtugal. " I have used Ayer's Tills for the past thirty years and consider them an invalualilfi family medicine. 1 Know of no belter rem edy for liver troubles, and have always found Hi. tii a prompt cure for dyspepsia." James (,M::nn, '.".i Middle st., Hartford, Conn. Sold fcj all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. iNew Line ot STATIONER YV: Ju.st lieeeivcil l.'iD Linen writ in" Tablets, which I'll ,ell ut a ,-mall 1MJOI IT. ',"flt I A I i o ' : la i $ " 0 (B fk Send all orders to J. NOII IT.EET HAHRISS, .". 1 Panacea Sprinirn, X. C. 1, - IT. aWBIWWWMWWMHMWMBMM Al' 1 -'!.''.'.-' . ' : Wholesale and Retail ''.y-Daalcr acd Gcncul ami JEWELER, North Carolina, A nice line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, A AD JEWELRY, Always on "hand for MleCIlKAl'. t Watches sent me by ma il will be carefully rer.ilired land promptly returrjied. - l "'is jORQLE I NKW A D V 1 Aorss of 1 I J Farm Land adopted to the cultiva tion COTTOfl, VE(EYIBLES JflD ILL KlfDS Of THUCK. Within one mi3 limits of AT V T h 75 ACEES 4 Qood PJouse A Stream of water runs through the land. In good state of cultivation. Apply to Real illlTISEM KNTS. A J I U 11 Valuable 125 OI T0BA CG0, QRASS, e of the corporate y u is , CLE ABED. j? OujqousES. Estate Agent, Weldon, N. 0. J 7t

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