j THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, ISM. ADVERTISEMENTS. FACTS ABOUT BANANAS. AY HERE THE LUSCIOUS FRUIT COMES FROM. NEW ADVERTISEENT8. II! f'i 11 IS TO WOT LIPPMAN BROS.. Pronrla'ors. Onanists. Llppman'i Block. SAVANNAH, GA. For Sale by W. M. COHEN. apr23 ly LAND SALE. VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE IK HAUFAX COUNTY, N. C: r NE FARM CONTAING 5M ACRES fi horse crop cleared, good pasture, never failing stream, apple and peach or chard, good dwelling and necessary out houses. PHI CIS $2,000. ONE TRACT OF 200 ACRES, ONE horse crop cleared, most of the other n fine growth of pines; good dwelling and out houses. Pit ICR $1,000. ANE TRACT OF 83 ACRES, ONE horse crop cleared, the balancre iu heavy growth of original pine. PKICK $400.00. AXE TRACT OF 314 ACRES, TWO bnrse crop cle ircd, the balance iu fine Rrowth of oak and pine. I'Uick 91.000. ane tract of -hi acres, 3 horse crop cleared; good dwelling an! nil Beeessary out houses. KICK fti.OOO. 0 NE TRACT OF (WO ACRES, FIVE horse crop cleared: srood dwelling am) oit-honseg. I'ltlCH $2,r(M). These farms are conveuignt to churches, 'I healthy locality, and a short distance from Halifax and Enfield. Partiea wishing J buy and want to fcXAMlXK :-: TIIKSK-.-IAXDS W11 call on MR. THOMAS OUSRY, Hen don, N. C, or MR. T. C. BURGESS, h lives near Halifax, who will takeplcas Drin showing them to purchasers. Any or all of these lands will bt ' RENTED ON REASONABLE TERMS IFOiR, 1890. B-F.QARY, ?ldoa, N. C. There is one foreign product that is not affected by the iMcKinly bill and tariff reforms of both political parties are con tent to leave it ou the free list. It is the banana, and more of this luscious f ruit is consumed in the United States than in any country iu the world. Waehiugton ians arc great lovers of bananas and it is said that more of them are sold iu Wash ington thau in New York. Bananas come mostly from Baracoa, a small seaport town in Cuba, which claims the die. tinction of being the center of the large fruit trade with the Uniud States. They also come from Aspinwall, Jamaica, and other tropical cities. Twenty years ago bananas were very little known in this country. The first big cargo that came to the United States landed at New York in .March, 1S70, and previous to that time the bananas which found their way into our markets catuo along with other fruit. But the demand became so great that it was determined to send over a ship laden exclusively with bananas. The first ship ment, while yielding a fair profit, was disastrous. Over 50 per cent, lotted on the long journey. The growers began to look about for a better way to trans port the fruit, as it was evident that if the business was expected to pay a shorter journey was absolutely necessary. A Spaniard took the initiativeand chartered a fast American merchant vessel, which he loaded with bananas and dispatched to New York. When it came to be un loaded it was found that not more than 5 per cent, of the fruit had spoiled. This was the beginning of a big business. More and faster ships were secured and farmers in the tropics and capitalists in thif . untry turned their attention and mono,, to the systematic culture of the banaua. There are two varitics shipped to this country. The long yellow plaintain and the short red stumpy species. The former, however, is by far the more popular, for in addition to being cheaper, it is easier to raise and ripens much sooner thau the other. Bananas are shipped all the year round, but are at their best during the early spriug, and from March to June may be said to be thu season for the best fruit. One of the peculiar facts about the banana is that but one buach grows on a tree. The fruit is cut when green and then the trees are cut down to the ground. They sprout almost immediately, and in a short time bear again. All of the bananas which come to this country are shipped in a green state. They are transported from the farms to the coast on the backs of little pack donkeys. One donkey can carry from one to six bunches, according to the size of the bunches and the dis tance it has to travel. Washington Star. THE OKANGE. The value of oranges as an article of food is well known. l,I buy them by the box," say a mother, "aud iet my child ren eat them constantly in lieu of ctndy or other prized children's dainties. I con sider that I save money by it." At some of the inebriate asylums oranges have proved an efficient substitute for alcohol, patients sucking the juiee of them abun dantly every time the thirst for liquor comes npou them. This fiut is so well recognized that often at tempjrancs cof fee stauds piles of luscious orange are also kept. And now another benefit is alleged for them. Some famous French beauties of firmer days, it is asserted, secure! ail preserved their marvelous oomplexions by a freu diet of oranges. On ! in particular lived uliiio.-t entirely up. )ii the fruit. A dozen each at br-akfist and luncheon made up these repass; at dinner a doz.Mi more with a crust of bread ami one glass of Burgundy. Doubt I -rs an orange fad is thrcatoi ing, f't.rtho pursuit of a com plexion is a very abs rbing one to woim n. Happy llooi-ler-i. Win. Tiniinons, Postmaster at Ida ville, Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters hus done more for me than all other uiedi ciues combined, for that bad feeling aris ing from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Ix-slie, firmer and stockman, of same place, says: 'Find ftlectrio Bitters to be t lie best Kidney and Liver medi cine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, Rays: Klectric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't euro whether lie lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt like he bad a new lease on life. Only 50c. a bottle, at It'. M. Cohen's drug store. What a young man who has a best girl wants is to bold Lis own. Stores, Dwellings and other buildings insured in the best companies against loss by fire. Rates Low. Rates Low. Low rates in the Standard Companies given on STEAM, HORSE POWER A NATURAL REMEDY FOB Epileptic Fits, Falling: Sickness, Ilystcr icn, St. Vitus Dance, Nervousness, Hypochondria, Melancholia, In cbrlty, Sleeplessness, Diz ziness, Brain and Spi nal Weakness. This medicine has direct action upon tlx ne.rve ccutois, allaying; all Irritabili ties, and Increasing the How and power of ncrva fluid. It is perfectly harmless "H leavps no unpleasant effects, fll". A Viiluuhlc Hook on Nervom LULL lieahei atmt tree to any addrei f Iff f nd ixwr patitMiia ran aln obtiiu I II la Li thli medlcliia A m of cliarKO. Hill remedy taw lwenpriiared by the Hvreni Pan tor KneDix. ut Fort Wayne, lad. aieca UfiAanC In now vrepara j uudurhia dlrocUoi. bj Uio KOENIG MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold by DruKTi'U ut 91 per Ilotlia. 6 tut Sj rurrco Site, 1.75. OUoUloafor9. air' 20 ly CM AS. OCKADK 1 f II.I.KK MTAI II, JlAKIU.K If OKK. SO UTI1 S YCA MO HE i TliL El, VETRRSRITKO.VA. Monuments, IIcadstonoR, Tombs,) Tablets, An. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. te?A beautiful calcudar for 18SSI sent to any address on receipt of stump for pottage. fCII.VltLKS &. YAL3II. otll lj. I I ( I -:- BY -:- FIRE LOSSES -:- BY -:- FIRE - o -mmmmiummrrmmmmuim -raairaramramrarararararamQaimmiiimmmminraaicnaicn- GINS. For further Particulars Apply to i -STOP AT- -:- Dote CLEAN ROOMS. SPLENDID TABLEf DOLITE SERVANTS "Fare always the best "the markets can af- lord. SERVICE NEAT AND ' PROMPT. VSTNEAR THE COURT IIOUSE.-! H;ii.'iif iiken from and to the railroad station. NICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOB -- LADIES. IfAIKS $2.00 A DAY, t Special arranReineuts for hoard by tbt week or month. R. G. REID, Proprietor. mar 20 tf. Sou PROMPTLY - Q mmnimmmmmmmmmmm- -: ike m PROFESSION A L CA UDS. K. O.ULKTON, JR., O EWI). L. TKAVIS. EUETON AND TRAVIS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Practice iu the counties of Halifax and Northampton, and iu the Supreme und Federal courts. Claims collected iu all parts of North Carolina, aug 14 ly. JAMhfe M. UI'LLLN, WAl.TkK K. liAMKL JJULLIti di UAMIKL, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, Wei.don, N. C. Practice In theeourtsof Halifax MidNorthamp ton and iu tlie Supreme and Federal courts. uu lections made in all nana of North Carolina. Branch ottiee at Halifax, N. C, open every Mon-uJr- Jan 7 ly fJHOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. JlPractlcea in Halifax and adju.ulug comities aud Federal and Supreme cotirU. aiiK. 2H t D K. K. L. 11UNTK1!, KUKGKON DENTIST. Can be found at hi off ce in Enfield. Pure Nitron Oxi le Tas for the Painlur Extracting of Teeth nlwayieu hand, feh 07 1 v. T. W. HAPJ IS, D. D. S. a LlTTLBTON, N. C. Teetn K.vtracted without pain. 4 30 frn. "ASAKrsiS"(rlTflinpfnr,t relief nod la an mlulliblo Orf forl'IlM, IVU-pJI. Hy lMi:iri.'itMpiniiil. Smnnli1 iijioi' f,iu lout uty. j M n an1Thlk(iyHaNta fit.. '-uicu ikiiu. .HQ. i: i'.'jf i X iL liciiianiirnt rmfc.it. iMjmimmmmmat B.M.WOOl .I.BY.M.I). tu AUatula,. oiica WluMiutU tit. I NHW I.' I.. G lav p :- PAID. Rates Low. Rates Low. H SLi- rL-T - M L ,'IQUOltS AND GROCERIES I have a comple stock of Family Gro ceries of all kinds which I will sell cheap for Cash. I have also on hand and am constant ly receiving a large variety ol LIQUORS. Such as whisky, brandy, wico, Leer, ale, porter, carbonated waters, &c. Call and 6eo me on Washington Ave nue at the rold tand of R. W. Daniel. W. D. SM1TII. f.et IS ly This - Space - be longs to the STORE. H. WHS, Manager