THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1892. THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4, 1892. ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DOCTOR MILL SITE: KINO NEIGHBORS. ALWAYS WILLIXQ TO IMPART INFOR MATION AND G1YK AIVISt. There was a rap at the back door of a New Auburn home where the writer wa on Wednesday in search of information regarding a matter of public interest, and a very small girl entered with a tin pail. "Marm says," said she, "that she guessed your wash'll look like time when it's took in. It's gettin' all dirt and mud." The woman made no reply but turned her attention to the writer. "And my ma says," continued the little girl with the pail, ''that she'd think you'd want to see your close reel; it's all one sided and your clothes bangs in the dirt." 'Yes, child," said the lady of the house. "And marm says that she wish't me to say to you that there's a blind up in your second story that's flappin', and that your cat's over to our house an' ain't been fed for a week, an' that your boy Joe ain't been to school for more'n ten days, and that if that flour you lent her is the best you've got she don't see how you make any bread that's fit to eat and that she wish't you'd let me have a ball o' butter if it is good. Marm wanted me to say, too, that she thinks the shingles must be leaking water into your upper chamber on the front side." "Seems to me," said the woman with a forced smile, as the child went out) "that I re got the obhgmest neighbors a woman ever had." Lewiston Journal. RICE VERSUS COTTON. We notice the following telegram ad dressed to the cotton growers of the south by Messrs. Dan Talniage's Sods of this city, and think that it is niott timely and full of suggestion: " nerever the culture m cotton is curtailed we suggest the growth of rice, It is adapted to either lowland or upland -as an all round crop, is among the safest nd most profitable of southern crops gross results, 840 to 875 per acre; cost of cultivation, $20 to 835: difference in outcome due tj character of culti vatioo or season, ihe consumption of rioe in this country is increasing an nually per capita and at far greater ratio than production to meet its home demand and were the product increased even ten fold the surplus could be marketed abroad at prices which would leave a handsome margin to planters." It appears to us that there is little use to recommend a reduction of the area heretofore planted in cotton unless at the same time there be some recommendation as to a profitable substitute. There can be no question but what there ought to be less cotton raised, and the fearful and unsatisfactory results of the present year will not be lost if they shall burn into the mind of every planter the wisdom and expediency of a diversity of crops. This lesson is as yet but half learned, and the sooner that it is fully learned, that by so much as one raises at home he is inde pendent of outside extraneous influences. tne better, it may not be possible to guarantee prosperity, but a wise diversity of crops is certainly a guard agains1 adversity, inasmuch as it is rare that there is an all round failure. Many of our planter friends are now having i practical illustration of the folly of put ting all of their eggs into one basket It Would seem to us that rice offered a most profitable outcome, and we believe that euner it or some otner looa product is among the best. Men can do with most scanty habitation, clothing, or even to bacco and whiskey, but eat they roust, and therefore to this extent are depen dent upon those who furnish the food ; supply. A'ce ceriaiuij Wuiiid Seeifl to ifffjie Jjiest solution at the moment, Vi TVbe outturn is far short of J ffl undoubtedly stimulate " and so insure a good --,for the grower. New r nd Commercial List, 5892 e a speedy and positive cure ,-rrh, diphtheria, canker mouth y.neadache, in SHILOH'S CA ,ARRH REMEDY. A nasal injector t ; free with each bottle. Use it if you ' desire health and sweet breath. Price t: 50c Sold by W. M.Cohen. ! ENGLISH ibdiuwdyiiJ li i lor Coughs. Co Ids and Consumption. It btvond aatttloa tht grtititt at all aodtrn !. ', It wlllstopa Cough Inona sight. It Kill check J 1 1 Cold In day. It will pment Croup, relieve' Asthma, and CURE Consumption II taken In; Hi. IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVE ! WHOOPING COUGH j CROUP ! Use It PiomjUr.i IT WILL CURES WHEN EVERT-! rt5w"!-THINS ELSE; jffZTULS. "You! fean't nllord to; h. lthnut It "I Si 25c. bottle may cava $100 In Doctor's bills S 5-ffliy lire their live. ASK VOIR DRUG-J GIST FOR IT. IT TASTES COO D.j Fur sUle by W. M. COHEN, Weldon, X. C. aprta ly oooooooooo Vlocnrocontip;it Ion purinf; the hour. " Oelsshould bo avoided j It weakens t heir power of motion. A gentle aperient Q effect is only required. Tutt's Tlnjrw O Liver Pills are prepared with spoclal jtj. views to the permanent cure of Vf COSTIVENESS and HEADACHE. Q They aro mild and remain In tho ays- Q v tern until they net ou tho liver, causa Oa natural flow of bile and their tonio properties Impart power to the, bow- els to remove unhealthy acctimula- Otions. Good appetite and t'.lsrcstton a result from tho use of these Utile pills. Price, 25c. Office, 39 Park Place, S". Y. OOOOOOOOOO feb 4 ly . s k AlM Why do you wear the Patent Sole Shoe? Because it exclude dust and water, and wean better than others. WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CEN?eEVH THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET It It s seamless hoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt ttae feet; made of the best flue calf, stylish and easy, and becnut we make wore ehoee of this gran tnan any otner manufacturer, it e quail nana sewed iboei eotttnr f mm 4.u) to sAiu. tC OOGeuniue lland-sened, the finest eslf shoe ever offered fur $S.U) equal! tnuch Imported shoes which coit from as.oito $12.iM. tA 00 Haml-Sewnl Welt Shoe, fine calf, stylish, comfortable and durable. Tbe best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from fte.OU to ftv.Ki. CO 30 Police Short Farmers, Railroad Men wa ana leiicnarriersaii weartnem: Hue call, seamless, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exteu aion edre. One Dalr will wear a vear. CO "0 fine ealfi no better shoe ever offered at waii this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. fi it5 end 8-i.00 Workiniinan'a shoe wssie are very strong and durable. Those who save given them a trial will wear no other make. nnl Si. 00 and 81.75 school shoes are BUJO worn bytheboyseverywbere; theyseU on their merits, as tbe Increasing sales sbow. I ariiAC 83,00 Hnnd-aenril shoe, best saauw 1 J Dongoia, verystyllsh; equals frenca ImDorted shoes enstlnff from 4.uu to M.UL tallies' J. 30, J.OO nnd 81.73 shoe for ssissesaretneDessnneuongoia. Htyusn and durable. Caatloa. ee that IV. L. Douglas' name and pries an suampea ou un uonum 01 esc a snoe. tsy TARE KO rBSTITUTE. Insist on local advertised dealers supplying you. W. l DOI ULAS, llrocktaa, Maaa. Sold by W. B. 1ILLERY, Weldon, N. C. 1892. ZlTHE: NEW YORK 1892. WEEKLY HERALD AT ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Is the best and cheapest family paper in tbe I, sited states. NOW IS THE TIME TO PI BSCRIBK. SOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCBIBB. With the most perfect news jiathering machinery, and with correspondent in every section of the habitable slol-r, the Weekly Herald is enabled to lay be- lore its readers tne latest intelligence and most entertaining news from every city and country in the world. The reputation for freedom and indo pendence which it has acquired during tne many yeara ot its prosperous carver will be naintained during the year of Its specialties for 1 852 wiii be Original articles on practical farming and Gardening. Serials and short Horics by the bet authors. Woman's work and woman's leisure. Gems of literature and art Oripjnal flashes of wit and humor. Progress in Science. News for veterans and information on all subjects. The stamp of Purity and Truth in Ideas, Stories and News will be strictly maintained. Address: JAMES GORDON BENNETT. N. Y. HERALD, New York City. Do not fail to subscribe for tht New York Weekly Herald. Only one dollar year. 11 CO 1 CO o C2 5 CO 5 in CO 11 CC3 a CO .CO o CO FOR FOR FOR FOR 0 00 0 SALE. SALE. SALE. SALE Convenient to the Canal of the Roa noke Navigation and Water Power Company. Now is the time for Profitable Investment. The great canal of the Roanoke Navigation and Water Power com pany has been completed and ready to supply 2,500 horse powerto mills, factories and every kind of machin ery. From this canal to the river is 45 feet fall. The climate of this country is good, and the health of the community is good--in fact equal to any locality in North Carolina. The sites offered for sale are the best sites on the Canal, close to the canal and water can be placed on them at very little expense. These sites are in the corporate limits of the town, at the termination of 2nd street. We need just now a PAPER MILL, PLAINING- MILL, COTTON FACTORY, KNITTING MILL, and all these enterprises would pay handsomely. Material to supply all these industries is in easy reach ana can be had cheap. Labor is the very cheapest in the South, and can be had in sufficient quantities. Weldon is situated at the junction of two great trunk lines of railway the Atlantic Coast Line and Sea board Air-Line. It is within two hours of Norfolk, two hours of Rich mond, seven of Washington, fourteen of New York and five of Wilming ton. It is situated in the midst of a fertile country, adapted to Agricul ture in all its Branches and tliA sur rounding country abounds in every kind of wood for manufacturing pur poses. Persons desiring to engage in any branch of manufacturing should ap ply to the undersigned at once, as he is in a position to sell on REASON ABLE TERMS. J. T. EVANS, Weldon, K C. 't .