VOI,. XXII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1892. NO. 46 BACK FROM HADES. THOSE MOSQUITOES. THAT "SLATE." 'SICNS IN THE HEAVENS. ENS1BLE COTTON TALK. ADVERTISEMENTS. n THE STARTLING EXPERIENCE OF A WEST VIRGINIA YOUTH. Rev. John T. Johnson, the celebrated mountain evangelist, who has been travel ing in West Virginia for nearly forty yeiir, states that during a revival at Round Bottom, Monongoliu county, lnt Sunday, a young man of that place who had been ill with consumption for Bouie time died, descended into hell, returned to life in an hour and after describing his trip embraced religion and again' died happily in the full belief of his future salvation. After stating that the young man, who was one of tho most intelligent in the county, a skeptic, Mr. Johuson said : "Ho was apparently lying at tho point of death. Rev. Mr. O'Daniels and myself were called upon to endeavor to bring biui to Christ. While Mr. O'Daniels was talking to him, holding him by the hand, he seemingly expired aud. was pronounced dead by all in the room. He remained in this condition for some time, when ho suddeuly began breathing heavily and then struggling as though with some1 tnigb'y monster. lie seemed endowed with supernatural strength, and it required the utmost exertions of several powerful men to keep him on, the bed. "Tlie struggle continued for an hour, when he calmed down, and, regaining his senses, requested me to sing and pray with him. After thoso exercises ho told us that when he became insensible to earth he found himself at the brink of yawuiug black chasm; lurid fires seemed to be burning at a great distance down and shrieks of the most unearthly kind greeted his ears. "After remaining quiet for a shot time he felt a thread by his hand; he grasped it, and had hardly done so when a mighty wind struck his body, almost tearing his limbs out of their socket, and dashing him down into the mouth of the pit, ' where he swayed from sido to side cling ing to the thread, which alone kept him from falling into the flames below. He knew that should the thread break or he lose his grasp he was doomed forever, tad he thought to himself: "I have been a skeptic and God Almighty is showing me that there is a hell of dark ness and fire to which unbelievers are exposed, and he grasped the thread the tighter. "After what seemed to him an intermi nable time, the wind ceased and he knew nothing until he requested the ministers to pray with him. "Shortly after his return to Hfe, Mr. Johnson says, he made his peace with God, aud after giving full directions re garding his burial, bidding his friends good bye and requesting Mr. O'Daniels when he officiated at his funeral to relate his remarkable experience for the benefit of others, died peacefully in his Saviour's arms." ' That Messrs. Johnson, O'Daniels and U the others who witnessed this strange ffair believe actually in its supernatural less is unquestioned. ' "They arc all persons whose veracity is beyond question, and cveu the physicians assert tho young aan was actually dead. The relating of iesHory at tho funeral caused consider able eicitemeut, and poople'are flocking w tne churches throughout this vicinity, meetings being hold day and night since Thursday, the day upon which the young to&n was buried.. ' It is said that the final request of the joung man was that a report of his ex perience b published broadcast, bo that 8"en might know vthere was a hell. Baltimore Herald. Don't waste time, money and ', health trying every new inodicine you may see advertised in the papers. If the cause 'jonr trouble is in the blood, liver, Woojseh, or kidneys, take Ayer's Sarsa panlU at once, and be sur of a cure. lm no other. 1 ron DYSPEPSIA, "NilffWtfOT, mi Stomach dtaorderi, DM MlOWJ'l IROll BITTKRIS. . u Mln ben it, si boto.. (tenuis ban ""w-maxk sod eroawd red lints on wrap. NO MOSQUITOES IN FLORIDA BUT YEL LOW JACKETS WERE QUITE PLENTI FUL. Congressman Dougherty, of Florida, is a firm believer in the superior attractions of his State, us the following truo story will testify : On oiio occasion a Massachusetts man was his guest and tho congressman took him around showing htm the charms nature had so lavishly beitowed upon the favored sction. "See," said Colonel Dougherty raptu rously "tho beautiful flowers, the luscious fruits, the soft blue sky the birds of brilliaut plumage, the gentle undulations of the laud " "0, yes, I see 1". replied the practical Yankee, slapping his face and hands, "I see; but these infernal mosquitoes ruin the prospect." "Why, my dear sir," expostulated Dough tery, "there are no mosquitoes here. You are totally mistaken. You only think so." Tho visitor wouldn't be persuaded, however, and after an argument, emphif sized by slaps, lie accepted a bet of $50 from his host that he (tho host would take off all his clothes and lie on his face in the sand for ten minutes and not be disturbed by the mosquitoes, nor show the slightest sign of discomfort. Tho congressman peeled down to the skin, prostrated himself, and the visitor stood over hiuw holding a watch with oue hand aud fighting tho pests with the other. For five, six, seven minutes Doughterty lay there, covered with mosquitoeJ, but betrayiug not the slightest emotion. The visitor by this time thought he was going to lose his fifty, and with great sagacity took a sunglass from his pocket and focused tho rays on the congressman's back. For a quarter of a minute Dough terty lever flinched, then he began to squirm. Tho Yankee kept perfectly still. In three quarters of. . a minute Doughtery was contorting like a man in agony, and stretching back one baud appeatiugly to the visitor, he called out 'Say, Boston, if you'd let me kill that dura yellow jacket I'll go you 350 more on the mosquitoes. Washington Critic. THUY MET AT LAST. ANB HE APPROVED OF THE STYLE IN WHICH THE YANKEE WAS GOT UP. He sat on the curbstone, the fractions part of a man. Both arms were absent one leg was gone and a dark cicatrice over the left cheekbone indicated that h had met trouble face to face, A Grand Armv suit and the bronzo button of the order indicated sufficiently where the difficulty had been encountered. Came that way a tall, soldierly man, he Was dark and with moustache and hair streak ed with gray. He had the swinging stride of the soldier which, once acquired, never leaves the possessor unless he uses crutch. , ," The tall man glanced hastily at the veteran, then stopping, he turned and taking a rull i'roui his pocket, removed tho inside bill, cast it into the tin cup before the veteran and strode o. There was a struggle in an old soldier's heart hi twecn desire and honesty. Honesty triumphed, aud the battered man hailed his benefactor. "Hey there! Hain't you made a mis take, stranger?" "Not that I know of. Why?" "That was a ten you gave me." "Well, what of that?" "I thought uiebbe you'd made a mis take meant a one dollar note, p'r'aps." "No," said the tall man. "It's tight. I fought on the other side , and you're the first cussed Yankee I've seen lately trimmed exactly to suit my notion -Chicago Herald. All scalp and skin diseases, dandruff, falling uf the hair, tray or faded hair, may be cured by using that nature's tine remedy, Hall uatr tfenewer. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER PAYS ITU RESPECTS TO MADAME RUMOR. Madame Rumor has been tattling pretty freely of late, and gives out some rather siguiGeant statements, and which we were iorlutiato enough to catch on the ' fly." Among them she says that the rail roads have decided on their man for Governor that the political bosses huvo acquiesced in the selection and have joined in and made up the "slate" for the State ticket, which they claim will win. 1 he man for Governor is a onr way from being an .Allianceman or a mend to their principles, but that little matter cau bo adjusted very easily, aud mis ia me way it is 10 ne Uuue: ine nominees for Secretary of Stale, Lieu- teuaut tjrovernor and lreasurer are to come from the Alliance and each of these, the Madame says, has also been selected. But the Madame also irives out an ugly, very ugly little i matter in connection witn. tne programme. It is to the effect that the man who has been fixed upon for Treasurer (one of the leading Alliancemen of tho State) is to be boomed and puffed until the day be fore the State Convention meets and then he is to be dropped and the present in cumbent is to be nominated. If there be any truth in this, we feel assured that the present incumbent has had nothing to do with,it. And if this programme is to be attempted, there can be but one pur pose iu it and that is to keep the Alliance from bringing this man prominently for ward as a candidate for the nomination for Governor, and it is to keep au Al lianceman from becoming Governor of the State. When a child we sometimes had to take quinine and to conceal the stuff it was wrapped in roasted apple or some thing to rob it of its terror to us, but try as they might to hide it we knew it was there all the same. Will the Alliance be called on in 1S92 to take a dose of politi cal quinine? And will the railroad and politioal doctors fool us by wrapping . it up in an Alliance coating? Not much. And are the Alliance people of North Carolina such a set of fools that they will not only allow but actually aid in slaughtering one of their members that their enemies may carry out their plans? Not much! We may have occasion to refer to this matter again. Meantime we admonish the brotherhood to keep their eyes and ears open. KHHT BRINGS BEAUTY. A SOUTHERN AVOMAN S ADVICE TO HER SISTERS. "Rest a plenty, dear," is the Southern woman's advice in cases of trouble or illness and there is more reason and sense in the prescription than in the united wisdom of ail the doctors in America. Half the ills of feminine flesh and spirit may be lai 1 at the door of strain and overfatigue, and au afternoon of perfect repose will often ward off a week's illness. By repose I don't mean sitting iu an easy chair with a book tr some work to be interrupted and made to jump up half a dozen times, with hands and brain just as active at if you were about your business. No; lie prone on a comfurrsble sofa cr bed, with corset and boots removed and a light wrap thrown over you; have the room -a bit darkened, and think about the pleasant things you can conjure up. Follow the example of the lower animals. They realize that Test and warmth are the very best medicines. Rest every now and then, even if there is nothing absolutely wrong with you It will make you lovely, and to a real womanly woman beauty, or at least at tractiveness, is as well worth working for as anything on earth. New York Press To the question, "which u your favor ite poem? there may be a great -variety of answers; but when asked, which is vour favorite blood purifier? there can be o mnlr rpr' ftarsunnrill. Vm- I iir I jr v ciu a y .. ... 1 . vause it is the purest, Bafest, aud to i economical. LIEUT. TOTTKJf FIGURES THAT THE SAVIOUR'S ADVENT IS IMMINENT AT ANT MOMENT. Lieutenant Totten, United States army, in an interview to-day regarding tho conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, had this to say in addition to what he said in a previous interview, says tt New Haven (Connecticut) dispatch to the New York Sun : "It is a rare occurrence instead of a frequent one. It always coincides with notable events. These planets are for signs and seasons They never fail to make them. Some twenty-one conjunc tions have occurred since Luther's time. I will refer only to flic last. On July 20 and 21, 1859, there was a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus which closely 111.1 T . 1 . seiuoieu tne coming one. JNow, tins conjunction followed the regular law and preceded historic events of the utmost moment. They give warniug to the watchers exactly as the conjunction which preceded the nativity by several years warned tho Maui of coming events. The conjunction of 1859, of course, preceded the year 1860. Let us see what occurred in 18(K) and. thereabouts. It is perhaps needless to mention the civil war, an unparralleled strife. But the world was in the throes of war at the same time for all the world has hitherto revolved about Rome. It was in 18G0 that Victor Emanuel led the insurrection in the Papal States, on September 8th The Sardinians entered on September 11th, defeated the Papal troops ut Castel Fidardo ou September 18th, taking Arcona on September 17-2l)th. Vivtor Emanuel took command of the army, aud entered the kingdom of Naples on Goto ber 15th. Garibaldi defeated the Nea politans at Volturno, and greated Victor Emanuel as King of Italy on October 26th. He entered Naples ' as King on November 7th. This was as short as the Franco-Prussian war. In the far East were likewise significant iu religion The massacre of the Christians by the Druses was May 26th to July 1st. The Mohammedans massacred the Christians at Damascus, 3,300 slain, on July 9th the english and French governments iu terfered in August; 4,00M French soldiers landed at Beyrout on August 22 J; Lord Duffdrin, the British Commissioner in Syria, arrived in Damascus on Septem ber tJth. Note now that these September dates, both iu Mohammedanism aud Italy both struck together. Note however, a more siirniffeant fact : From the Mohammedian capture of Jerusalem A. D. G37, to the Syrian massacre, fol lowed by Eurapeau intervention, aud to Victor Emanuel s success in the western hierarchy, are exactly 1,260 lunar years The next seven yeats were loaded with religious dates of vital diplomatic import ana ended witn the l&sotn solar year from Justinian. All know the events o! the succeeding years, for the decade closed in 1870, or 1,260 years from the celebrated decree of the Emperor Pochas aud the temporal power of tho Pope was at least for a little season, over. "Take agaiu one more . illustration brief one 1 have no time for more. believe tho advent season actually date from 1323. years from 0 Israel's captivity. I use Isu! iu duiiiiviiwa from that of Jadah Their times of punii-huieut were over, Since 1823 the watchers are counting one generation of threescore years y.od ten to at. lei 'Lite lunar bi-giuuiug of the climax, be that what itmiiy. Now Miller's day comes iu uavtixu. iitturiaua will never forget those days of excit,m'nt. Venus aud Saturn came into uoujuuetion in the same field of the telescope on December 19, 1 15, and marked another of those eioncidences which never fail." "When do you expect the end of the world, Lieutenant?" . ' "My answer to that is, 'the world endureth forever.' I have never yni my mind to work to solve so outrageous a problem. The eud of the age is different thins. Mv behei is tnat it ends witn i the generation now living. Tho Sauour s I advent is imminent at auy minute. 1 IP ANOTHER BIG CROP IS MADE COTTON WILL SELL AT FIVE CENTS IN NEW YORK. A prominent cotton factor of Savan- ah talks thus plainly about the cotton situation: "An increase of 500,000 bales last year nnd a decrease of 2 cents in price, another increase of 1,000,000 bulcs this year and another decrease of 2 cents in the price. An increase of 1,500,000 in the supply and a decrease of 4 ctuls in the price in two years. "Following the conclusion, if there is a t-imilnr increase in the crop next year cotton will sell at 5 cents in New York. t will not need an increase of the crp to do that even. If the crop is as larue this year, and another year's surplus is added to this year's surplus, cotton will sell at 5 cents anyway. Wt have raised more cotton than the world can consume. There is another thing. Tho continent raised a small food crop last year aud all their money is going for grain. Con sequently the people of Europe are buy ing less cotton goods and the market is dull." "What should the farmers plant next year?" the question was asked. "Plant anything," was then ply. "Bet ter plant nothing at all than to raise cot ton at 6 cents and sell it for 5." The idea that the crop must be cut down is generally prevalent. This . is likely to be accomplished in another way than by resolutions passed at farmers' conventions and Alliance meetings. Oa account of the low prices and the bad condition of the farmers generally, the fertilizer men are cutting down their sales from 25 to 50 per cent, under last year's sales. The merchant who purchased 100 tons last year on credit will do well to get 50 or 60 tons on the same conditions this year The merchants, too, are cut ting their credit accounts in the same ratio. The colored farmer has gone to the wall with a vengeance. On account of the good crops and fair prices of the previous years, every negro who could buy an old mule on time and get some body to run him went to raising cotton on his own hook and the white farmers were not able to get labor. The majority of them have failed to pay their bills, and the merchants and land owners have been the sufferers. This year the negro farmer will find it hard to get cither land or credit. These things should mako soma reduction of the crop. The proba bility is, though, that this year's crop will be large enough, together with the surplus from last year's crop, to keep the piiceduwn. NEW K VILRUAI) SIGNAL. ELECTRO-MECHANICAL DEVICE THAT ... GIVES WARNING IN THE CAB. The efforts of inventors are beiog con tinually directed -toward methods of preventing accidents, and the most reeent of devices for this purpose is one patented by a New York man, the object being to display a signal aud sound an alarm io the cab wheuaver the engine passes signal set to danger. The appnratus rouire no electrical connection between the engine and the track, in that respect being comparatively unique. Couneuted with the regular switches and signals is a sm ill wheel which rests just inside of the rail. . Whea the s'ynal is at dauger, this ivh.tl uomesiu contact with amechuuUm connected with the cab of the engine, aud a rod operating in a cylinder is pushed upward by running over the wheel. An electric circuit U thus completed by means of this moving piston, a bell is rung aud visible signal appears in the cab before the eyes of the engineer. " By a special device, the bell can be made to riou for Nome time, so : that t'i engineer has ample warniug of the danger ahead. VVebrt;, because the Patent Sole Suoe is th j only one made that excludes water, dust and dirt. mm s si n h called the "Father of Diseases." It is fiiuaetl by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, EAD BREATH, Etc, To treat constipation successfully fcOr- ypjp, 2 It ia a mild laxative and -a tonic to the digestive organs. By tak. iiig Simmons Liver Regulator you. promote digestion, Lring ou a reg ular ha! lit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "Yiy M'ife was orcly distressed with Constipa ti'.n and cou.t-hin,;, followcl with Moriing Piles. After lour montlis. ie of Sitrin;ons l.ivur kvulalur bo it alincst entirely relieved, gaining strewf-h it,( ilesli." V. V: Lektok, Delaware, Oliu. . Take only the ticntiitw, V.'hieh Lai en tlic Wrapper the re.l i'Jy 1 rad. ..mark and Signature of ,r. u. r ' n i . . . . .... jsesi Everybody invited to pay us a vit at once. Our stock of DtfESS qOODS in Bedford Cords, Broadclothes, Cashmeres Plaids and all the Novelties of the season are ready for inspection. MATCH. We have the best stock of OL O THIN G FOR MEN, BOY'S AND CHILDREN In town. GOOD FITS nnd STYLISH MAKES. Big Assortments of SHOES . i all grades. Latest Kew lor' f HAT GENT'S FURNISHINGS. ? goods and anything you will ni V Ws will sell goods as cheap and givt you as good values as anyone in town. Respectfully, HART & ALLEN. 3-12-tf. 4