iullSW B iHI ill fmW Wm tife - "''" v VOL. XXII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1892. NO. 50 FEMALE CONVICTS. QUITMAN. FOfl EVIEDiCAL EXPERTS. THE MAN WHO LAUGHS. A NEW KIND OF LEATHER. ADVERTISEMENTS. HUSBANDS AKB GIVEN TllE.tf FROM AMONG NEW CALEDONIA CONVICTS. , Boston Courier. French female prisoners nnd convicts are treated with more kindness od the whole than persons of their class in Eng land. Their matrons and wardresses are Augustine nuns, whose rule, though firm, is gentler, more merciful and more stead fastly equitable than that of laywomen could be. The female convicts are al lowed the same' privilege as the men in the matter of earning money and buying things at the canteen; those of them who are young also enjoy a privilege uot granted to fomale convicts in other coun tries th:it of having husbands provided for them by the State only these hus bands must be convicts. Every six months a notice is circulated in the female penitentiaries calling upon all women who feel minded to go out to New Caledonia and be married to make an application to that effect through the Governor. Elderly women are always very prompt in making such applications, but thoy are not entertained. The mat rimonial candidates must be young and exempt from physical infirmities. Girls under long sentences readily catch at this method of escaping from the intolerable tedium of prison life, and the pretty ones are certain to be put on the Governor's list, no matter how frightful may be the crime for which they have been sen tenced. The only moral qualification requisite is to have passed at least two years in tbo penitentiary. The selected candidates have to sign engagements promising to marry convicts and to settle iu New Cale donia for the remainder of their lives. On these conditions the Government transports them, gives them a decent out fit and a ticket of leave when they land at Noumes. Their marriages are ar ranged for them by the Governor of the colony, who has a selection of well-be-. haved convicts for them to choose from; and each girl may consult her own fancy witbiu certain limits, for the proportion of marriageable men to women is about three to one. Of course, if the girl positively declares that none of tbo aspirant bridegrooms submitted to her inspection has met with her approval, the Governor can only shrug his shoulders in the usual French way. It has happened more than once that pretty girls have been wooed by warders, free settlers or time expired soldiers, in stead of by convicts. In such cases the Governor can assent to a marriage only on condition that the female convict's free lover shall place himself in the posi tion of a ticket of leave man and under take never to leave the colony. Love works wonders, and there is no instance on reeord of a man having refused to com ply with these conditions when once he bad fallen in love. A MO I'll UK AT TO YliARS. Murjmlon Herald. D. E. S. Wurlick rcnorts a case of child birth in the South Mountain section of this county, which is the most remark able on record, if wo except the scriptural tory of Sarah Mrs. Wm E. Smith, of Upper Fork township, on Thursday, February 25th, gave birth to a child, a circumstance which would havo created 'cry little comment in the South Moun tains had it not been that the day on which the child was born happened to be Mrs. Smith's seventieth birthday The child was alive and" well formed, and the physicians all say this beats the re cord. Dr Warliok will cet up all the facts connected with the remarkable case and will furnish them to the Medical Journal. The statement made by Dr, Warlick is authentic. We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth and headache, in SlIILOH'S CA TARRH REMEDY. A nasal injector "ce wuh each buttle. Use it it ynu desire health and ewect breath. Trice 50c. Sold by W. M. Coheu. UOW QUITMAN COT ITS NAME A SUN DAY SCHOOL BOY TOLD TUB STORY. Savannah News. Several commercial tourists and other guests were seated on the wide, canny southern verandah of the Leon Hotel yesterday. They were smoking and spiuuing yarns, as is usual in such gath erings. A broad-shouldered, white-haired gentleman, with a jolly face, bit off the end of afresh cigar, and tipped back in his chair. "Boys," he said, "I can tell you a little story, and it is a true one. Several years ago, in a sparseley-settled poftion of the great State of Georgia, there was a little settlement of thrifty farmers. One bright spring afternoon, near the edge of the primeval forest hard by, upon an im mense pine log, was seated a buxom country lassie, with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. She was busily engaged arranging a bouquet of wild flowers. "Now, it so happened that a young artist from Boston was down in the neck of the woods making sketches. When ho saw the pretty country maiden seated upon the log he felt that if he could get that picture upon canvas his name as an artist would become famous. A twig snapped beneath his foot. She turned, saw him, and sprang to her feet as if to run. He advanced rapidly towards her, hat in hand, and introduced himself. They sat down together side by tide on the log. Soon his arm stole around her waist.' 'Quit, man !' she said; but, as she did not draw away, he pressed her closer to his manly bosom, and began showering kisses upon her ruby lips, she meanwhile repeating theory, 'Quit, man!' between the smacks. One of the boys from the settlement journeyed that way on his return from hunting, and saw and heard. He quietly retired. That was on Saturday. Next day at Sunday school the boy told the story. From that day every one spoke of the settlement as 'Quitman' settlement, and to-day it is a thriving town, still bearing the name of Quitman. You can find it on any of the maps of Georgia." SALT FCR SORE THROAT. TESTIMONY OP ONE WHO HAS TRIED IT. The Household. In thesedays when diseases of the throat are so universal prevalent, and in so many cases fatal, we feel it our duty to say a word in behalf of a most effectu al, if not positive cure for sore throat. For many years past, indeed we may say for the whole of a life or more than forty years, wo have been subject to a dry, hacking cough, which is not only distress ing to ourselves but to our friends and those with whom wo are brought into business contact. Last fall we were in duced to try what virtue there was in common salt. W e commenced using it three times a day, morning, noon and night. We dissolved a large tablespoonful of pure table salt in half a small tumbleful of water. With this wo gargled the throat most thoroughly just before meal time. The result has been that during the entire winter we were not only free from coughs and colds, but the dry hacking cough, bad entirely disappeared, We attribute these satisfactory results solely to the use of salt gargle, and most cordially recommend a trial of it to those who are subject to diseases of the throat Many persons who have never tried the salt gargle have the impression that it is unpleasant, but after a few days' use no one who loves a Dice, clean mouth and first rate sharpener of the appetite will alaudon it. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75o to free yourself of every symptom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shi loh's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guaruutee on it, ue according and if d es you no good it will cost you nothing Mold by W. M. L'onen. A CHILD BORN WITH A NATURAL HEAD BUT A BODY HAVING THE APl'EAU ANCE OP A DOO. Durham Sun. A child was born in Durham this morning the mother being a colored wo man, and it is exciting the curiosity of some of our physicians. A Sun reporter saw it this morning and it beats anything in the way of a freak of nature he ever beheld. The head was a perfect formation of a human being, with the exception that it had rudimentary ears, no chin from the mouth and the jaws extending backward as in the formation of a dog. It was pro nounced to be eight months old and was born dead. There was a thick head of long black hair extending down the neck to the body. Under the microscope the body showed that it was covered with a hairy fuzz and at the cod spinal coluinu there was a well defined tail one fourth of an inch long. The body was peculiarly shaped, not exactly resembling a human being. There were no arms, but something in the shape of hands or paws, growing from the skin, with no bones. The body, adjoining the legs, was very peculiarly shaped. There were no ankles. The feet projected from the knee joint. The formation and appearance of the body was a very peculiar one and the physicians who saw it expressed various pinions, yet all agreed they never saw anything like it before. The body was photographed and then placed in alcohol for preservation. GHOST Oil CKAXKt HOW HE MANAGED TO GET A DRINK WHEN THIRSTY. The following amusing incident came under my uotiee while staying in a neigh boring county, says a writer in the Irish Times. A thirsty youth, whose name 1 will not disclose, took advantage of the following expedieut to obtain the means of procuring liquor when all other means had failed. He became possessed of some uminous paint, with which he covered over his face and hands, and sallied forth in the dead of the night to the house of a neighbor, whose son (also a thirsty youth) had died recently. Arrived at the house, he placed his face and hands clos to the window, and speaking in sepulchral tones, soon woke the inmates of the house, who, on look ing towards the window, became terror stricken at the sight of such an unearth ly apparition. The supposed ghost, as suming the voice of the deceased boy, ex claimed: "I am the ghost of your dead son' and can never enter the kiugdom of heaven without obtaining $10, which I owed to a person before my death. My ghost shall haunt and disturb you for fifty years from, this night if such amount is not placed at midnight on tomrrrnw m;rht under the stone you will see in the tort back of this house." Needless to say the required sum was soon f-irthcoming and as speedily disap peared. It enabled the trftky ghost to continue his debauchery for a further period, while bis foolish neigbor was very thankful at haviug so easily got rid of such an unwelcome visitor. COULDN'T BE KBIT OUT. Shortly after Gen. Jackson's dath a traveler on horseback passed the Hermi tage, and seeing an old negro, one of Gen. Jackson's slaves, at work there, re marked : "Well, uncle, the old General has left us." "Yes, boss, he done gone," was the re pty. "Do you think he has gone to heaven, uncle?" asked the traveler. "Dun no 'bout dat, bos-," was tho re ply; "but ef he say he gwine dar all hell can't keep him out." BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. HE SCATTERS SUNSHINE EVERYWHERE AND MAKES MEN BETTER. St, Louis Republican. The man whose ha! ha! reaches from one side of the street to the other may he the follow who scolded his wifo and spanked the baby before he got breakfast, but his laughter is only the crackle of thorns under the pot. Tho man who spreads his laughter through his life before a late breakfast, when he misses tho train, when his wife goes visiting and he has to eat a cold supper; the man who can laugh when he finds a button off his shirt, when the furnace fire goes out in the night and both of the twius come down with the measles at the same time he's the fellow that's needed. He never tells his neighbor to havo faith. Some how he puts faith into him. fie delivers no homilies; tho sight of his beaming face, the sound of his happy voice, and the sight of blessed daily life carry convictions that words havo no power to give. Tho blues flee before him as the fog before tho west wind; he comes into his own homo like a flood of sunshine over a meadow of blooming buttercups, and his wife and children blossom iu his presence like June roses. His home is redolent with sympathy and hve. The neigborhood is better for his life and sombody will learn of him that laughter is better than tears. Tho world needs this man. Why are there so few of them? Can he be created? Ci;n he be evolved? Why is he not in every house, turning rain into shine and winter into summer all round tho year until lifo is a perpetual season of joy. A SHIP WITH USS. AN ARRANGEMENT TO PREVENT ROLLING AND PITCHING OP SELS. THE VES- A novel method of overcoming the rolling and pitchings of ocean steamships is described in a recent issue of the Sci entific American. From a cross section of a vessel there are provided fins project ed on each side both forward and aft, in a horizontal direction below the water level. The fins are governed by steam motor, which has connected with it an equilibrium valve so that as the vessel moves through the water the fins are au tomatically feathered, the blades of those on the descending side of the ship point ing in a slanting direction upward, while those on the ascending side point down ward. The effect of the blades on the water, is, it is said, to overcome a larger part of the rolling and pitching of the vessel. ! U WHY BILL NYE DID NOT ATTEND THIS MEETING REGULARLY. From Bill Nye's Last Letter. Farmers' Alliances are not always sue cessful in subverting established political methods, because it is difficult for us to meet often enough todiscuss and consid er questions of moment to us. I am member of the Ashfield (Mass) Fa mers' Club. So is Mr. Curtis. And yet I hive not been able to attend for over a year. My farm is situated in uuiicoiii!e county, N. C. It U nn nhliqur farm, with a lender on the lower eUge to keep the potatoes from falling into George Vaoderbilt's farm, which Is below mine on the French Broad river. Alter a hard day's work on this upright farm I am too wornout to attend a meeting of the Alliance or even of oi'r own c'ub. Oh, What a CougU. Will you heed the warning. Th signal perhaps of tho sure approach of that mi're terrible disease Cousumpiiou Ask yourselves if you can, afford for the sake of saving 50c., to ruu the risk and do not nothing fur it. We kuow from experience that Shiloh's Cure wi cure your cough. It never fails. Tli extilaios why more than a Million Uot ties were sold the past year. It relieve! croup and whooping cough at once Mothers, do not be without it. For lamn hnMc, side or chest use Shiloh IVrous Plaster. Sold by W. M. Coheu, Druggist. IT WILL BE SOMETHING LIKE TANNED TRIPE. James W. Deekcri, a Newarkir, has discovered a new kind of fancy leather. It is obtained by tanning tho stomachs of animals, the same material from which tripe is prepared. Tripe is not tripe un til it is prepared for food. What it should be called when considered as material for leather is still an open ques ion. It makes handsome leather for pneketbnoks, bags aod fancy articles, and can be dyed in any color. Only the inner membrane is used. The heavy inteirumout is split off, leaving a moderately thin and coarse fibred leather as soft as chamois. There is a great variety of grain and pattern in the same piece of the leather, and much of it too plain to admit of us ing it in large articles with the best effect but excelleut results can be obtained by matching opposite spots of the skin, if skin it can be called. The part known as the "honey-comb" makes a particularly rich appearance when dyed and polished. t is much more effective th:n alligator or lizard skin, and much softer and more easily worked into irregular fiirms. An er part has the appearance of being cov ered with jet beads when dyed black and polished. Any part of the material will keep people guessing what it is mad i from, and that is a part of the pleasure .f owning any novelty. The inventor or discover er of'tliis new leather says that he can get from twelve to fifteen feet from an ani mal. TREATING ERYSIPELAS. GERMAN DOCTOR CURES IT SPIRITS OP TURPENTINE. WITJI N. Y. Herald. In the opinion of Mr. Winkler, of Bremen, the best means of treating cry- lipelas is to paint the skin with spirits of turpentine. He has been convinced by the twenty-two cases in which he has used it that this treatment gives imme diate relief and rapid recovery. The diseased surfaco must be rubbed with a brush or a lump of cotton soaked in rectified spirits of turpentine. This process should be repeated four or five times a day, and the rubbing should al ways be made in the same direction, that is to Bay, from the healthy to the diseased surface to avoid spreading the contagious germs. The first few applications produce an itching and burning sensation, which gradually diminishes, and in a short time fie patients cease to feel the disagreeable t snsion that is so characteristic of erysip elas, VIRTUE IN SKIMMED MILK Lovis Herbert, of Camden, N. J., has lived for upward of four years on a diet of skimmed milk only. Five years ago he was taken with a disease of the kid neys, and the doctors gave him but a week to live, but as a last resort reoommended skimmed milk. He at once abjured all other meat and diink. He began to amend immediately ami soon grew strong and stout. He died recently, but not from his old couipiutul. -i UX.1.1-L.U l. ! CONSUMPTION CUltED. An old physician, retired from prac lice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the 'formula if a simple vegetable remedy for the opuwly and permanent cure of Consulta tion, Brouchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and ail throat and Lung Affections, also positive and radical cure for Nervous D bility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its woaderful curative pow in thousand of cases, has f'oit it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire this recipe, in German, Freuch r English with full directions for preparing and uing. Sent by mail by addressing, with tamp. m-ning this paper W. A Noyca, 6-0 -rowers block, Uot htsur, M Y. apr 30 ly. Is called the "Father of Diseases." It is caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully It is a mild laxative and a tonic to the digestive organs. By tak. ing Simmons Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wife was sorely distrersed with Constipa tion and coughing, followed with Weeding Piles. After four months use of Simmons Liver Regulator she is almost entirely relieved, gaining strength, and flesh." W. 11. Luepek, Delaware, Ohio.. Take only the Ge.nwim-,. Which has on the Wrapper the red j TraJi. mark and Signature of Art nil iiiiB Everybody invited to pay us a 7hrii t& once. Our stock of DifEss qooos 9 in Bedford Cords, Broadclothes, Cashmeres Plaids and all the Novelties of the season n ready for inspection. MATCH. We have the best stock of CL OTHING FOR MEN, BOY'S AND CHILDREN In town. ' 000 FITS anil STYLISH MARKS. Big Assortments of SHOESc, in all grades. Lat est Ne J: HAT GENT'S FURNISHINGS, goads and anything you w iff V W will sell goods as cheap and gi'. you as good values as anyone in town. Respectfully, HART & ALLEN. I 3-12-tf. J it