THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 31. 1892. I i I a h i i n Uucklen'i Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever goies.Tctter, Chapped hands, Chilblains fjorns.and all skin cruptions,and positive ly cures Pilns, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or poney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. for sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown jCarraway, Halifax, Dr. J A McGwigan, Enfield; W. M. Cohen, Weldoo. , A well fitted shoe is faithful to the HEADACHE, Indigestion, Biliousness, DYSPEPSIA, . I And all Stomach Troubles arc cured by I T i -r -i (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) Rheumntism is cured by P. P. P. Pains and aches in the back, shoulder, knees, ankles and wrists are all attacked and conquered by P. P. P. This great medicine, by its blood cleaning properties builds up and strunghtens the whole body. Nothing is so efficacious as P. P, P. at this season, and fur toning up, invigo rating, and us a strengthens ami uppu tiier take P. P. P, It throws off the malaria and puts you in good condition Abbott's East Indian Cora Paint cures til Corns, Warts und Bunions. For sale by V. M. Cohen, Druggist, Wldon, N. C. Hymen's torch is always lit with a natch. Associate Justice Davis, of N. C. Bu. prrme Court, Says: Dear Miss Tillinghast: Yours of the 12th is received, and L cheerfully answer by saying that I have been much bene fited by the use of the Electropoise. I Differed from a severe and long-continued attack of the Grippe, followed by Rheu matism in the neck and shoulders. I commenced the use of the Electropoise in October last, aud my rheumatic pains ceased immediately, aod I think my health and feelings have been much improved by its use. Very truly yours, . (Signed) Jos. J. Davis. LouUburg, N. C, Jan. 15, 181)2. A nervous affection eve of proposal. -A man on the WE CAM AXD DO Guarantee Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir, for it has been fully demonstrated to the people of this country that it is superior to all other preparations fur blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poison ing, Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds up the constitution For sale by W. Al. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. 0. There is one other thing besides the pea that is mightier than the sword, and that is the corkscrew. CANT SLEEP NIGHTS ' Is the complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc Did you ever try Dr. Acker's En glish Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles. Sold on f positive guarantee at 25c. and 50c. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. C. A coal dealer can never be a musici an. Be can never learn to run the stab accurately. It Should Be lu livery House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay Street. Sharps- burg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. Kings JSew Discovery lor Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, that it cured bii wife who was threatened with Pneu monia after' au attack of La Grippe when wrious other remedies and several physi cians had done her no good. Robert Barker, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Eiscovery has done Lim Dare good than anything he bas ever used for Luor Trouble: Nothing like it Try it. Free trial botiles at W. M. Cohen's drugstore. Large bottles, 50d. md$1.00. The judue charges the iury the law yer charges his client. The man who can sif.n a large check to writes that are universally respected. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known d so popular as to need no special men lion. All who have used Electric Bitters ng me game soug of praise. A purer fedicine does not exist and it is euaran tod to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all disease of the Liver tail K'A affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria froan the system and event as well as cure all Malarial fevers For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitter. Entire Hisfaction guaranteed, or money refuud- I w- Price 50u. and ?l 00 per bottle at " i. ixmen i drugstore. Prospective purchaser "Is this mu'e st?" Owner "No, nut entirely his iad legs are loose." . Doea Protection Protect! Certainly, in one instance, it does Hood's Barsaparilla is the great protection agaiust 'lie dangers of impure blood, and it wilt ute or prevent all disetws of ttiis class. has well won its name of the best blood purifier by its many remarkable cures. The hiirhoiir. nrtiu liaa VkAan vnn v " 1 s Pillu for tli.-ir easy yet efficient ioo. Soil by all druggist. Price 25 ' fcw per box. UNCLE HAM'S BIG GUNS. Facta About Tboir C liber, Weight and Rang-o. Amerlcmi Klilpn of War Armed with HiiB Cniinnn Which Fir Projoctllo Weighing Ono Tlirnmm.d round Ten Mile. The following facts concerning the power and capabilities of some of the main and secondary battery guns car ried aboard war ships of the United States readers may find of interest: The main battery guns have for a max imum caliber at present thirteen inches. These puns arc sixty-seven-ton breech loading riHoa. The minimum caliber now allowed in the main batteries of high-powered ordnance guns la the four-inch rapid-fire piece. The various calibers include the thirteen-inch, twelve-inch, ten-inch, eight-inch, six inch, five-inch and four-inch. The sec ondary batteries include tho six pounder, three-pounder and one pounder rapid-lire guns, tho forty-Bevcn-millimetcr and thirty-seven-milli-mcter revolving cannon and tho Gat ling gun. Recently, however, tho navy department has confined tho guns of the secondary battery to the six poundcr and long one-pounder rapid fire pieces, the thir'ty-scven-millimeter revolving cannon and tho Qatling gun. The majority of main-battery guns in service to-day are of the six-inch caliber. The building up of tho ord nance of the United States navy may bo said to have begun with the six-inch guns. Just now, however, there ap pears to be a tendency to make the four-inch guns preponderate in num bers, the Dashiel rapid-fire breech mechanism making this caliber gun an ideal weapon for tho smaller class of unnrmorcd ships. No guns of the thirteen-inch caliber have as yet been fabricated. This type of gun will not bo demanded until the new battleships Indiana, Massachu setts and Oregon, now building, are ready for service. Each of these bat tle ships will have four thirteen-inch guns. In limiting the main-battery guns to the thirteen-inch caliber, the navy department has adopted the plan now in vogue in the British navy. Un til recently the British admiralty was ordering sixteen-inch 110-ton guns. The; maximum caliber gun now building for use in the British navy is tho 13.5-inch 07-ton gun. A few 110-ton guns are afloat to-day aboard British warships,' but when the life of these pieces is ex hausted they will In all probability be replaced by G7-ton guns. The heaviest caliber guns so far com pleted for the United States navy are the twelve-inch weapons, of which two arc finished. They nro both designed for service abourd the coast-defenso battle ship Monterey. The twelve-inch guns weigh about fifty-one tons, tire a projectile weighing one thousand pounds to a distance of about ten miles, the powder charge weighing five hun dred pounds. The twclve-iuch projec tile should be able to pierce eighteen inches of steel armor at point-blank range. The twelve-inch gun is worked either by hydraulic or pneumatic pow er, all tho elevating, training and load ing being under the control of levers. The United States navy has to date four ten-inch guns mounted aboard ship. They are carried by the double- turreted monitor Miantonomoh, two ten-inch guns being in each of her tur rets. This gun has a weight of about thirty tons. The projectile fired weighs about five hundred pounds and is pro pelled by a powder charge weighing about two hundred and thirty pounds. The estimated range is about eight miles. The eight-inch gnn is in service aboard five warships of the navy and will be placed aboard a number of the new warships as the vessels put in their appearance. This gun fires a shot weighing about two hundred and ten pounds, with a powder charge of about ninety pounds. The range is about seven miles. The six-ineh gun weighs very close to five tons. The projectile weighs one hundred pounds and the powder charge about forty-five pounds. ' The range is close to five miles. The five-inch gun weighs about forty hundred weight, and the four-inch gun about twentv -six hundred-weight The projectile of the latter weighs thirty three pounds, and the range is over three miles. Worshiping; Bottles in Bnrmah. A eood storv is told by the Modern Church. An eminent lady missionary in Burmah recently gave Dr. A. J. Gordon an instructive but somewhat startling chanter from her experience. In one of her tours she said uie came upon a vil lage where cholera was raging. Having with her a Quantity of a famous pain killer she went from house to house niin t.tering the remedy to the invalids and loft a number of bottles to be used after she had gone. Returning to the village some months later the m'.ssion- arv was met bv the head man of the community, who cheered and delimited her by this intelligence: "Teacher, w have come over U voui iuui tiiC THCC cine did us so much cood that we have accepted your God." Overjoyed nt this news she was conducted to the house of her informant, who, opening a room, showed her the pain-killer bottles, sol emnly nrranged in a row upon the shell, and before them the whole company Immediately prostrated themselves In worship. A Handy Way to Send Money. There is one detail in connection with ihi German rxst office that forces itself nn f w nrimlration of the foreigners. If vou desire to send money, you hand in the sum at the post office, with a post card costing five cents, which you ad dress to your correspondent with de tails of the sum sent, and receive a re ceipt iu exchange. But you need write no letter, send no postal order or re ceipt, nor trouble your correspondent to go to the post eflice; tne posimau up livers io your ciTirap"" -hnnK or office vour postcard, and in re turn for half of it hands him at once in cash the sum of money sent fl:l TS I li IT f I Stores, Dwellings and other buildings insured in the against loss by fire. Rates Low. Rates Low. Low rates in the HORSE POWER 0 IveTo St. Vitus Dance Cured. Vlll Bah Andreas, CaL Co., CM., Feb. 1383. My buy, 13 years old, waa o alleoted by St. Vitus Dance that be onuM not go to echool tur i years. Two bottles of f astor Koenig's Nerve Toaic restored his hualta, aud be is now at tending school again. MICHAEL O'CONKttL. A Very Bail Case East Nkwhabkkt, Md., ilnxth 8. 1891, Mt daughter had eilopy to aevoro that aba ftould have 6 or 7 tilt every 'U buurs. Iniine-Jiab-iy alter usiug Fcnor Koer.ig's Norve Toaic the spawns decreased in nuDiber, aud is less clma two weeks from taking ILo ilret viooe they entirely oeased. Before using this medleinc nor nuud was vorr wuiii. bat uow and mem ory ore fully nwtored, and sbe is entirely ourod M uui uu by uta use or tuis groat remeay. FREE" A Valuable Hook Merroni DlKaiu Hut rreu to any .a'lresa aud poor p.Ueuts can alto obtau) Ui. medicine free of chirr o. a.mui hu Imwhi nninuwd brthe Reverend Puinr Koenif. ff Tort W.yoe. Ind.. sirca LbA aai Uaow prepared UDderhlsdlrMtluii hi tho KOENIG MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold by DroKa-ists at ill per liotUa. O tar S J T.iUe L75. 0 BotUes tor SO. . aug 20 ly This - Space - be longs to the fin H Q.UUU- mm m -Eaeket STORE, H. C.Spiers, llaiicr NEW AD VERTISEENTS. LOSSES -:- BY -:- FIRE LOSSES -:- BY -:- FIRE o -mmmmmmnnxmniDamnim GINS A SPECIALTY. -mrammmmmmrarammmramrammmMmmrammmmra- Standard Companies given on STEAM, WATER and GINS. For further Particulars Apply to II -STOP AT- CLEAN ROOMS. SPLENDID TABLE vOLITE SERVANTS. Fare alwaja the best "the market can af ford. I SERVICE NEAT AND PROMPT. o SENEAR THE COURT HOUSE.-! Baggagr aken from and to the railroad station. NICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOB LADIES. RATES $2.00 A DAY. Special arrangements for hnard by the week or month. R. G. REID, Proprietor. j mar 20 if. Son 111 -:- PROMPTLY - -:- PROMPTLY - - rammmmmmmmmmmnim- ROANOKE II' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. O.BUBTON, JR., - EWD. L. TRAVIS. BUETON AND TRAVIS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the counties of Halifax and Northampton, and in the Supreme and Federal courts- Claims collected in all part of North Carolina. ang!41jr.. JAMES M. KFLLIN, WALTER I. DAIII1I, M ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wkldok, N. C. Practice In thecourts of Halifax andKorthamp tonaudin tueSupremeaud Kedeml courts. Col lections made in ail parts of North Carolina. Branch ouice at Halifax. N. C, open eyery If en day. jan 7 ly ijiHOMaS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N.C. Practices in Ballfsx and adjoining counties ud Federal and aunreme courts. so, n tr D R. E. L. HUNTER, SURGEON t22ik DENTIST. T-Lf Can be found at his office in Enfield. Pure Nitronn Oxide Gas for the Painless Extracting of Teeth always on hand, feb 27 ly.: T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. Littleton, N. C. . Tetu Extracted without pain. 4 30-tiui. '3 ,!"A5AEESlS"glves)netant i ElBrclk-f ami Man infallible J Cirefcrl'iles. Priel.By tl Naa Ti...rMi.mciil Knmnh4l tuxi(4ui,Xttw xocn uty. U9MSMCI U.M.WUOLLar.U.U. rAliouiA.Ua. OcelM'iTTiulsbaiiSt. best companies : - PAID. : - PAID. Rates Low. Rates Low. OFFICE. L IQUORS AND GKOCEMES. I have a oomple stock of Family Gso- cerici of all Linda which I will sellehoap for Cash. I hare also on hand and am constant ly receiving a largo variety of LIQUORS. Such as whisky, brandy, wine, bC ale, porter, carbonated waters, 4c. Call and see me on Washington Ave nue at the H$old stand of R. W, Daniel. W. D. SMITH, oct 18 ly Souih Sycamore at., Petersburg, Va. 0) 0 Eh IS CO El 0 -r3?s " J. .Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranu-d 8atisfaftrr. CH fM.JiS M. AVALS He Oct 11 ij. row