THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1892. 2 by reni i set! V011 i M BE THE ROANOKE NEWS. BY HALL & SLEDG13. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. BATES OK SUItSCKII'TION IN ADVANCE. One Year (by Mail), Tostage Paid $1.50. Six Months 75. A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests ofllalifax and sur rounding counties. B Advertising rates reasonable and famished on application. THURSDAY MARCH 31,1892. Pay Your Taxes. Tux Collector laucock requests us to aunounco that town taxes are due and that the law re quires him to advertise property for sale in collection of taxes not paid by tho first f April. Pay your taxes uud save costs. Agricultural Statistics The State Commissioner of Agriculture says e finds the agricultural statistics gathered by the tax list takers to be so extremely incomplete and inaccurate that they will bo of little or no vuluo. He has taken egal steps to force the tax list takers to make the proper reports this year. Protracted Meeting. A protract ed meeting will begin at the Methodist church in this place on Sunday next and will continue as long as interest is mani- iestea. it win m conauciea vy me pas- would work together tor the common tor, the Rev. J. A. Green, who will prob- good, its strides to prosperity would bo Improvements. Mr. C. L. Clark has purchased a lot at tho corner of Ma ple and Fourth streets and will iu a short time begin the erection of a handsome residence. Mr. Clark is one of our live young business men and has already achieved a degree of success of which older men might feel proud. , Mr: P. N. Stainbaek has purchased a lot on the corner of M ulberry and Third streets, adjoining the Methodist parson age, and is hauling timber for tho erection of a dwelling house, The western end of Third street is re ceiving tho attention of the town author ities and when they finish with it it will be in excellent condition. The town still moves forward in spite of. the dull times and the short crops' and low prices of last year. If all our people Dr. D. A. Long. The Daily Ameri can of Nashville, Term., of a receut date Bays: "Dr. Daniel A, Long, President of Antioch College, Yellow Springs, 0., was tho guest of his cousin, Mrs. A. B. Beech two days ihu past week. Tho Dr. is a native of North Carolina and is the only Confederate who is the President of a College north of the Ohio river. He was at Vandeibilt University on Wednes day, as the guest of Dr. W. F. 'fillet, and addressed tho students in the theo logical department from 12 to 1 p. in. Friday he visited the Howard Academy at this place, and at the request of President Bostick, addressed the faculty and students. The Doctor was charmed with Maury county, this his first visit, and was especially interested in cverthing il Is your umbrella keeping Lent? THE Easter bonnet is being built. Tub gurdeuH are very backward this season. In cbso of too tuuclw. money start newspaper. Ik Weldon is ever to be anything hustle is the word. The new star in tho heavens is the leap-year lover's planet. Tire cry of free wool comes with cheer ing sound to tho buld headed. TALK about spring bonnets now mak eth the husband's purse to blanch. A large saw mill has been established at Palmyra, by J. C. Wynn & Bros. Thirty convicts were sent to Caledo nia farms from the penitentiary last week. Let us all work for Weldon and make it what it ought to be, the biggest town in the State. Ladies, if you would walk the latest walk, assume what is called the "drum major strut." The Roanoke News is nil printed at hbmo, and excellent reading will be found on what arc termed the 'inside" pages. The first shad was caught in Roanoke river at this place on Thursday last and a second was takon Friday, Rock are later. As all fool's day is rapidly approach ing, it is fair to expect that the fool killer will have more to do Shan he can accom plish. Not only tho landlords say let us plant less cotton but there are many of their tenants who absolutely rofuse to plant any at all. The crop of spring chickens will cer tainly be largo as tie fanners' wive are making eggs a little scarce by setting all the old clucking hens. Easter will fall on tho 17th of April this year. Tho week preceding is known as Holy week in the Episcopal chu ch and services will bo held every day. A portrait of Judge Daniel will be presented to. the Supreme court during the present term. He was the father of our townsman Judge W. A Daniel. The Atlantio Coast Line will sell round " trip tickets from this plaoe to Atlanta for 815 Tickets will be on sale from May 3rd to (5th inclusive, good until May 17ih, the occasion being the session of the Southern Baptist convention. In the Supreme court last week the case of State against Jordan, from North ampton, was taken up by consent and argued by the Attorney General for the State and T. W. Mason for the defendant. "For a long time I suffered with stom ach and liver troubles, and could find no relief until I began to use Ayer's Pills. I took them regularly for a few months, and my health was completely restored." D. W. Baine, New Berno, N. C. Every man, woman and child ought to help iho Roanoke News build up the town. It is to their interest to do it, and it ought to be their pleasure. Hands all round for tht prosperity of the town. There is no use in waiting, begin right now. We have already waited too long. Situation Wanted. A graduate of j a first class Commercial College desires a situation as book keeper or clerk. Ex perience iu both single and double entry. Best reference. Apply at this office for further particulars. U. S. Commissioner's Court. On last Monday, Deputy Marshal Christie , brought J. H. Wood before U. S Com missioner H. B. Harrell for a hearing, on a charge of violating the Internafrevenue law, but on aceouni of the absence of some : important witnesses the case was contin ued until next M outlay, April 4th ; Hall's Hair Renewer enjoys a world wide reputation .tor restoring the hair to bald heads and changing gray hair to the original colon of youth. ably be assisted by the Revs. Messrs. T. J. Dailey, of Garysburg, and R. P. Troy, of Littleton. T . Republican Politics. Tho Re- longer and more rapid. A Serious Affair at the Peni tentiary FARMS.-rOn Friday at tho penitentiary farms near here a very publican county convention 'will n,cet serious affray took place which may result nt Halifax on April 5th for the purposo iacailJ 10 000 01 1,10 Partu;8- A DUUluiBr of electing four delegates and four alter- ot convlcts wuro at worK unaor pw- nates to attend tho Congressional and ion ot the guards when ono ot tnem a State conventions. Tho primary meeting white man, became very slow and was of this township will bo held at Tilgh- with a brush by one of tho guards man's X Roads to morrow. A conven- i;ralte- iD0 lW0 men u,cn tion to make nominations will bo held clinched in a fight and Drake succeeded ..' .1 !. 3 J jajer in getting me convici uown uuu was Betting the best of the fight. 1 he convict Hanqing Postponed. The negroes promi8ea t0 behave himself if let alone Dred Francis and Jack Jordan, convicted an(j j)raij0 thcn relea8C(l him. No sooner at January term of Northampton court, jja(j tne C0Dvict regained his feet than he were sentenced to he hanged on April 5th. ge;ZtJ(i an axe nenr by and struck Drake An appeal was taken to the Supreme on tno head with it, the blade cutting court which vacated the judgment. That j,is skull and making a wound about two court has not yet 'rendered its decision ;DCle8 ion(r. As the convict inflated tho and when it does, should the judgment of blow Mr. J. T. Briggs, another gudrd, i,it lf.i .. . ,JT - . U - ttin Sonar or noiirt be affirmed, the Gov- who was a miio oisiance on, ... r ernor will have to appoint a day for the execution. Smart Pullets. We stated last week that Mr. T..A. Clark had a pullet which had performed the remarkable feat of lajing an eggat the early age of five months. Mrs. J. T. Evans uftcrvard showed us two eggs laid by . pullets of equally tender age; and now a postal card from Mrs. R. J. Lowis, of Littleton, says she has hx hens each of which laid when they were four months old. They are now five months old and are sitting. Hali fax county beats the world anyhow. Broom Corn. In view of the low price of cotton and iu casting about for other crops the cultivation of broom corn should not bo overlooked. An exchange s.tys it is estimated that an acre of land in broom corn will make 1,000 pounds at twi oiit-nntra ttitt unniim nu. he saw and heard, as this county was the sidc3 ,hirly bushe,s of and fou tong adopted home of many of his relatives at of nav Two good workiDgg wiU milke an early period in the history of this the crop) tbin it out) leavin from ,,uee State President Long a grandson of to f'our Htalk8 in ,he hi and w Col. John R. Stockard, of North Caroli- .. ' ' h na. Col. Stockard was in tho war of uu 1812, and was a man of great promi- Tho fir8t cubing should take place nence, having been elected seventeen about July 10, and tho second about times in succession to represent his county November 1st. The seed is fino for feed- in tho Legislature of North Carolina. of the honorable Colonel, and Mt. Pious- tho hliy 8UPcn.or to .the Prdirie hJ' ant was charmed with his presence, There are parties willing io guarantee and regretted not being successful in tho purchaso of 500 tons of broom corn retaining him severs! days longer. will enter into a bond, if necessary NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. re ) . jai 1' WILL CURE PILES " I have long kwvwn its vlu in blwd ing pitta. It ii tht princt of rmdM in all form of hmonhoid.M Df. A M. COLLINS, Ctmsron, Mo. CATARRH " Hav bttn a constant tuffartr for yairi from tavr coldt in haad and tnroat. Triad mqit ovary known remedy, Tond'a Extract nlioved ma wonderfully, and hat affected a I moat .a red'cal cure" FREDERIC E. FINCK, New York .City. SORE EYES " It tcti likt mtgic in ophthalmit. I likt It is much tor tort ty." Rtv. M. JAMESON. LAMENESS ' I itronly recommend Pond'i Ettraot for lameneit, and uc it constantly. M MICHAEL DONOVAN, N. V, Athlttl Club. SORENESS "Mid It'gt aatlng tort en my inkl, which hid tittn to thi bom, Far mm monthi I dootorid to no purpoit. Triod bottlt of Tond't Eitfict, ind tit cu'id immodiitoly." MINNIE VANATTA, Lsckloon, Fit. BRUISES delivered at depot, agreeing to pay there- shot the convict with a rille, the ball entering his left breast and going entirely through the body, passing within about an inch of his heart, i tie convict at mis writing is in a very critical condition, while Dr,ake is up and walking about apparently not Boating. Since the canal has been full of water many of our young men have developed a taste for boating, and have dangerously injured. put in several row boats. Others will also The convict's name is II arriss and he be built. There aresomo good oarsmen was sentenced to the Penitentiary from , , . 1 a,, flt New Hanover county for stealing $500 here and others will soon learn. Tho fleet . m r'n nnmnanv rTfi I i 1 1 1 1 r i .ii. o.ianauuuuu uvuihui. . . . I 1 I -il . C I ' ougnt to nave a commoaore anu omer oui- jg Offorejj,n blood. lioal clubs ought also to bo organ- cers. ized. The material is here. Among the boats is a handsome one made of paper. We nominate Walter Wiggins for coin- modoroand his boat "lhe Habbath as flagship of the squadron. 'Episcopal Visitations. The lit. Rev. Bishop Lyman will make visitations to various places in this locality during tho mouth of Apiil, a follows : April Hrd, Sunday, Scotland Neck. April 5th, Tuesday, Enfield. April 6th, Wednesday, Jiingwood. April 8th, Friday, Halifax. April 8th, Friday p. in. Weldon. April 10th. Sunday, Jackson. April 12, Tuesday, Gaston. April 13th, Wednesday, Littl-Jton. The Meeting at Scotland Neck Saturday. On Saturday a meeting was held iu Scotland Neck which was at tended by people from nearly all the ad joining townships. Tho purpose of the meeting' was to determine what action,f any, should be taken in reg.ird to the St. Louis platform., Thero were about two hundred white men and twenty five ue groes present. Mr. J. A. White was made ehairmuu and stated tho object of Dr. Long married a daughter of tho iu nmintir nnrl a sister of D.Bell. Esq., of Enfield, and for ?8 Per ton Caah whlch ,n8urc8 88 Mrs. D. E. Stainbaek, of this place. ready salo as cotton. Fivo hundred acres will produce that Work for Your Town. We heard . . , ., amount, one ton per acre, ana the expense a gentleman say some dayB ago that he 0f preparation for market is much less had come into town tor the hrst time in thau cotton, and if cured well and hand- several months by way of Main street led well it classes No. 1. The seed can and was struck with the . improvements e F,cur.ea or Per uusne, ana 006 , . ,, , . , , I bushel will plant six acres, that had been made in that part ot the 1 town. Others also notice the substantial He Had Been There. That was growth of the town. All Weldon needs an editor of varied experience versed in to be mado a great business place is for its all the 'Tubs" and vicissitudes of the citizens to work together to that end. profession who wrote the following with Wonders can be accomplished in that a "heart that knoweth its own bitterness:" way, but if there are divisions and dissen-1 Most editors are well acquainted with feions there can be no prosperity. Scrip-1 the man who takes more papers than he ture says that a house divided against I reads, and consequently has no use for itself cannot stand, and tho same is true his local paper. He takes a paper pub- of towns and communities. Our people I hshed in Portland, Maine. It contains should work together to advance the all the news about the "Smuggler s Last town and the common good and each Cruise," "Tho Adventures of Moose, individual will be proportionately benefit, the Bandit King," etc., and while he is We hope our people will see tho impor- storing his mind with such information ,,,n!i. r,,,J. .nJ ant.DiH.nrrl I his wife reads back-number almanacs. . , rn, ,u j I But let him get into trouble: he rushes mgly. They cannot expect the good I , b . , , , . . , OJ J r o I fn rlio Infil minor In hnln him mil. nnil "Pond'i Extfict hn Win uud with mifkid bmotlt by our irrmitoi in miny cues of bruiioo. ind hag .Iwivi provod v.ry bonoficiil " LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR, Niw York City. SPRAINS " I hivf boon proicribinj Pond'i E Irict, ind lind It viluibli romtdy in (train ind iffoctloni of liki chu-ctr."-W. P. BURDICK, M.0. BURNS things of life to come to them without to the local paper to help him out, and wants it bad. If his baby or wife dies exertion on their part. If they will he wauts a column obituary, yet he cannot examine iqto tho cause of the progress help his local paper out by subscribing. ,,rl ,nonorit nf on town ihr.v will finrl This is also the same man who wants a .hutitis owin, to the fact that, the J0Ur W , " I .. i i io nil up, you kuow. ..itiv.ina rtf rnnt rntvn wni-lr tnirothpr flnd I r "Hid my loft hind iivoroly butnid, . ind loit tho uto of it eomplotily. Sicurid nliif by uio of Pond'i Etriet Intwilva houri." Mn. A. SHERMAN, ' Niw Vork City. . HEMORRHAGES "Am troublid with himorrhign from lungi, ind lind Pond'i Extrict tho only romidy thit will onntrol thim," , GEORGE W. WARNER, Scrtntofl, Pi. INFLAMMATIONS ' I hivo uud Pond'i Eitriet In Clio of longittnding intorml inflimmition, ondobtunidriiiif withintfow houn." JAMES E. REA0E, Philidolphi. and should be always kept on hand for em ergencies. " Long oxporioneo hn tiught my fim ily to ngitd Pond'i Extrict on of th ibioluto niconitioi of hounkop- i Ing." ANDREW D. WHITE, Prtit. dontCornill Univanity. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. See Landscape Trade-mark on Buff Wrapper. MADE ONLY BY POND'S EXTRACT CO. New York and London. present a united front on all questions involviD" the benefit ot the community. Iu any undertaking some aro bound to be benefited more than others, but all will i ho meeting to be to endorse tho St. Louis platform. It was requested that the call get aimiu a.ivajituge and it is therefore under whioh the meeting wa held bo tho duty ut all to help forward every Tim rnri'tarv read the call nub. thing that tends to the building up of .. , ', . ., -IT. ..ii Weldou. It is a duly they owe the isliea in inn rrogrcwivc xurmer ur u . . - . - . . , .. J ... comuiuniiv. iheinselves and their chu I. . L. .......J ... ....rl 1. I who lavureu o liim-t uu u.m . dren Mr. W. H. Shields, president ot the Uoanokb News intends to do its - i i t i n; .l .1,... V. I l t'..H.. :.. .1.:.. i i i... l.:.. aii:... on ( tnnnda , ki uuderuikinsf and it willsuceeed Opposes the br. Louu r latfoum. j , . , 'i donbt tha cit;. wi,i cive it ft The Scotland Neck Alliance is composed they had no sympathy witn tne intra he-fpirJg httD(i and joia ffith U. Will they no on. in Mi State, party movement. dl.:t? a'e believe thev will. If they u.av.... , , ., ' . .., .... hn it takflH no stock in the Third Darty or apt. yv . n. jvihiwu . m, auu wlH Dot ffft WUI M Ina Dall e a.ooe io nvthin.nertaininLrto it. At its last he had no doubt other Democrats also the extent of our strength and ability. meeting it passed a resolution to this d been misinformed , as to the object ot of olutmnta for catarrh effect which its secretary, Mr. W. V. . . . ,j ffithdraw After an that contain Mercury, as mercury wil Shields, was instructed to send to this quent Hppeai t0 U to stand by the surely destroy the sense of smell paper for publication. It reads as fol'ows : Democratic party he left followed by completely derange the whole sy, Resolved A1i:nn o.. j t, anAiraa tKa ui.linn ilt the St. L mis Convention THE SKILL ANU KNOWLEDGE Essential to the production of the most perfect and , popular laxative remedy known, have euabled the California Fig Syrup Co , to achieve a great success in the reputation of its remedy, Syrup of Figs, m it is conceded to be the uuiversal laxaiive. For sale by all druggists. Red shoes threaten a long suffering public uguiu the coming season.- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. and BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS, As a family medicine these pills ar un rivalled. As an Anti-Dyspeptic Pill they hat SIMPLE IN CONSTRUCTION. ' PERMANENT IN DURATION. EASILY APPLIED. ITS SKILL FUL USE QUICKLY LEARNED. The Electropoise is an instrument for tht . Cure of Disease without Medicine. TUST-n nn tiRwthonrip of the cause and cure of disease, itdealiwith theelectrloul and mag-' netlc condition of the body and tne gtuea aur- roundim it in the atmosphere, conttollini the conditions at will. is simply impaired vitality, 'lhe wectropoia constantly adds to the vitality and only assists. I nature's way, to throw oil the trouble. A 40 page dook, aescriDiiiK irciumeut inu tainluRtestimonials from all section, and for the A 40 pager, ftininfftestii cure of all diseases, mailed free ou application. Address: ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO., Stood the test of 75 years, and maintained Washington, D. C. Charleston, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. . . . , I i n . a th; irhitB. when entering H through the mucous .i,0:r mnntntinn. noviaiy . That the Scotland aecK nuanj iu ..y , . .-.,,, no,.r ha " rI " . i' ..J ,,r,.u T.illinlnpd. lit 10696 U. u ""viu. rrijiwrv Uh'.lil I.A 7 K ih fifJtraijiSI -.-r-n-r-s-m nuu iuo uvji. - , . . . i " .. i i i r I I i ; r-i i n i . i r .... i Haul arnanr nn Tir,'M..rii)i.iiiiin ir iiu rtMtm.u- I I -J-1 ' - thirty we are in.ora.ea iweiva or ,ur " , . r . r and L1VEK, the8torebo08einEnfleld were minors ana some ouue omers , -- w Daily Mail Route Wanted. mail route from this place to llomola man stated afterward that the meetio and Aurelian Springs was increased about v;as not intended for a Third party move I 1 i a. ...... I a year ago from a semi to a tri-weekly, leaving here on the moriings of Tuwd iys, Thursdays and Saturdays. The businea and mail matter has increased to They will relieve Colic, Sick Head- at the corner of Whitaker and Railroad hV Acid Stomach, and all the evils at- streets to hightst bidder for cash on th Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & tendant upon digestion. They are the 15th day of April 1892, the stock of goods, Co., Toledo, O, contains no mercury, and ch t a'nd best remedy offered f0I wares and merchandise of every kind and . PH.. iL . 1 .-.I 1 : i 1 nn in in to u 10 inu irouu vuu uuu uuoai- moinnii imm miridNiiv. 1 - c- - .... .... 1 - . . ..... . . The ,r; 1, " .v,.f m WWtP thn rhair. rtW derive from them. Hall's Catarrh ache, Acid Stomach, and all the evils at- streetsto highest bidder tor casn on ni I . ' . '.. 1 .v ..l VUCHUCOi 1 meat and that the secretary had read the u - , in all it8 form, For Bale by wrong call. ' ue uioou a uu m COHEN. System. IU uuyill liann wnim vuid 1 t u is tasen . wemon, in. v. busiiiew A YOUTHFUL MARRIAGE Jacob be sure you get the genuine. It is taken such an Fi.che, the seventeen-year-old son of a internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by E .. . j 1.. hi. ..n.i t,... fP;..V,n,on.l viieoey iv vo. extent 10 tne looaiitus uujiouuou uu mm 1 prominem ueurew lueiuimuiui .nv.uu.u- route that the people are very anxious to Va.. and Miss Daisy llothschild, a very innreasa the servioe to a duly miil, and Lrettv cirl of sixteen, eluded the vigilance The martins made their appearance P. Beckwith & Co., Wholesale agents, Petersburg, Va. my 28-ly. description conveyed by Mrs. Mary Levy, wife of Isaac Levy, a free trader, to James H. Parker, as trustee, by deed in trust dated 20th January 1892 and duly regis tered in the register of deed office of Hali fax county, The stock of goods will btt sold in bulk this 22nd of March, 1892. J. H. PARKER, trustee, mar 24 tdi. to that end a petition miuwrouily signed Lf their parents and ran off to Washing- here on the 29th. They came last year will soon be Bent to Washington. Kep- U,n( where after several attempts, they 0n April l to tho people a mash needed iacrcasa m their mail service. resentative Cheatham usually does all he auoceeded io having the nuptial knot tied. cao for tho district nod we hopo he will The bridal couple then went on to Bala cive this matter his attention and socure more, where the child wife has an aunt 0 ... .1 m,t1. Mrs. Curno roiuuuuuiiuer. ims "uy was shucked and then utterly dumbfound ed when she learned that the ceremony hid not been performed in accordance with the Jewish lites. Inasmuch as she coul d not untie the knot, she decided it t.11 have it relied bv a Jowish rabbi Hha inmmdiatelv summoned Uev. Dr. Jizoldt, who agreed with her views aim twrr'.,rinttil another ceremony. The groom then notified his tat ier, who is well-to-do, thiit he was married and asking whether h would be received The old folks had nn nhinction to the marriae of the pair, who had been in love with each other for lmthad insisted upon the n iwmp, .. v, post rioiiement ot the ceretuooy vent ', . .' ' ThnhridfiisadaU'ihterof Mr I lt 'th nhild who at oneti im rei d in "'o nl-md Nr-ok, and ia hermit a aativ tut this 0 mn ty. She is tttilt remembered pleasantly in tho Scotland feck section. N B W Ai) V Ii KT 18 K M tN J'8 Gin Houss and Grist Mill Burn ed On Tuesday afternoon of last week the gin house and grist mill of Mrs. J. F. Garner who lives about three miles from ,wo was completely destroydd by fire. It was a steam gtu and was at wix the'grioding ooru, wheu the roof was ig uited by a spark and the fire oould not I e extinguished. Besides the building there were eonsumed five or six barrels ot corn, twenty-five bushels of peas, three or four hundred bushels of cotton seed, mill and gin. The engine ww not injured. The loss is estimated at from seven to eight hundred dollars upon whiuh there was no inaurauod. Mrs. Gamer is already mak ina arrangements to replace tho grist mill. POUDER Yi 3 NOTICE. Tnos. F. Maouirb I vs. Wm. Hines. J ATTAC'HMISaT AND . . SUMMONS-. 'J! for me Absolutely Pure. . A cream of tartr baking powder. Hiirhwt of all in leavening strength. Lutfit U. S. Qmrnmt. Food frporl, JIoyat Baking Powdbr Co., 106 Wall St , N. Y. S. r.. Dae. . iR .. . T .....I, 1 r. ,.,l.l In 11 ulio re nuffer-,.m ... Ari!iiirHekuuwnBt howl I good yourreni'.y i. My sonini-d it one yrar, nd i now the ioitrst child 1 have. Wuhl I many thanks, I remain yours. r Tk TM?. 1. 1S01 1 1. . V.A AnM hnd UDelis kiliCQ 1 1 I commenced bkiuj 3 "'r "'r"? i'! "JT-lh!l I I ago. " i,.... ni,.. 1. . T.n. iSns. I mrmniiN! fcumr' of two case ol Htn,l I where the patient had given up u nope, ini I wer cured by uu rtmeny. Treasurer Aaieriuin ubliahing House. rn rryOTT mir rrmedy CUVE the I irHl i'AKV. 'llnit votl mn try It, I IvUhant , wm " I HkUU Frre. All rliarf 7'" 7'"S" '. " 1 n. ftT t'nki.tjniL-e am uuiiv. v., .v Hall Llumical Gfo WEST PHILADELPHIA, IA. $7.13 bv account warra- tachmeut returnable before-' a justice of the peace for Ha at the office ol w. t. spruyi town of Littleton, in rv 14th dav of March f the defendant is rttJiu answer the compliant. f Febrnary,1892.V THOa. P. it 2-18-Bw. I - DWlNlSTMTOB'St, The nndersiKned having th? qoalified as administrator npotrti of Win. H ISohhitt, deceased, beK,f clerk of the rinperior court of Halifax ty, N. C , notica is hereby given to all 4 lies having claims against "id- eitate v. , present the same io me on or oeiore tne im dav of March, 1893. or this norte will be pleaded in bar ot said claims, roranna ih debttl to said rstat are reu.tiested o et tie at once. . . Admr. of Wm. IT. Jlibitt, rtee'd. Littleton, N. C,Feb. 25, 1893.. , 3-S-6iri. ,

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