r THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 18yy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world tor Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Uicers, Salt llheum,Fever Soies,Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns.and all skin cruptions.and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Fiico 25 cents per box. For sale by drufrists at Wcldon, Brown &Carraway, Ilalifax,Pr. J A McGwigan, Enfield; W. M. Cohen, Weldon. "What happened four hundred year ago this year?" asked Freddie's teacher, "Don't know," answered Freddie; "I'm only seven years old." MARRYING TITLES. U Is by HEADACHE, . Indiseition, Biliousness, . DYSPEPSIA, And all Stomach Troubles are cured 3? . 3? - 3? - (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) llheumatisiu U cured by P. p. p. Pains and 'aches in the back, shoulders, knees, ankles and wrists aro all attacked and compered by P. P. P. This oreat medicine, by its blond cleansing properties builds up and slreughtens the whole body. Nothing is so efficacious as P. P. p. at this season, and for toning up, invito rating, and as n strengthener and nppc. tizer take P. P. P. It throws off the maluria and puis you in good condition. Abbotts hast Indian torn l'aiut cures all Corns, Warts and Bullions. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist Weldon, N. C. God is disappointed miserable. when men are A Leader. Since its first introduction, Electric Bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among medicinal tonics & alteratives,con taining nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will cure sick headache, indigestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed wiih each bottle or the money will be refund ed. Price only 50c per bottle. Sold by W. M. Cohen, druggist. People who hope are generally people who help. THE FIRST SYMPTOMS OF DEATH. Tired feeling, dull headacho, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, fe verishness, pimples or sores, are all posi tive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must be purified to avoid death. Dr. Acker's English Blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poison. Sold under positive guarantee. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N.C. Kinky HuhImosh hh Well u an Ex- pensive One. If nn American widow or maul chooses to take her millions and lay tneindownon foreign soil in exchnnm. for a title. Hiom ...-,.i -i i.i i... ... objection to her doinn- so. If thin is the free country wind, it claims to he, nny interference with "liberty and the Fi sun oi Happiness" is clearly uncon stitutional. Of course, there is a great . u run. American pirls are not unnigut up in foreign ways, and alli ances of this, sort are almost always inharmonious; but that is or should be so well understood, that it is part of ii e contract and a natural consequence oi such an arrangement. Therefore, if ...j. muy nuus Herself black and blue from the too. too materinl eludings of er jora and master, let her not be reoeiuoiig, but accept stripes as a part of her bargain. As she lias sold herself tor a title, let her title console her in ner trials. Vliile there are, possibly, some happy ana Harmonious relations between American girls and titled foreigners, tho number is verv smnll n ...i . . - ...J buujpicu with those that turn out disastrously n mc woman in trio case. Especially is this true of marriages vv.ui uuea frenchmen and Italians, J no constitution of society in those countries is K0 unlike ours, and tha position of women differs so greatly iiom inatto winch American women are accustomed, that half a lifetime is not too lonpr to learn to adjust oneself iu mien cnanea conditions. in defense of tlm ivrm it ,!.i that those who marry titled foreigners iiavu iivo aoroad long enough to be como acquainted with foreign ways luiuign men. liut tins is scarcely possible unless they have lived in those countries and been a part and parcel of the familv life. and even then it is difficult to learn the undercurrents of a society n ilit. rically opposite to ours in many par- If happiness is the object in life, as it seems to be to many persons, then it should be sought where individual fancy directs. What is the highest happiness to some is the greatest misery to others. Therefore it may be said that if tho American girl finds a title in the bright est day-dreams of her life, let her buy it if she has the money to do so. But having done this, and taken with the title the various peculiarities and eccen tricities of the foreign nobleman, let her seek consolation in the fact that she has got what she paid for. and should take tho consequences "like a little man." N. Y. Ledger. n HE PROTESTED. No soul can ever be happy untilklinds out that it has no sin. No other Sarsaparilla has the merit by which Hood's Sarsaparilla has won such a hrm hold upon the confidence of the people. No other combines the economy and strength which make "100 Doses One Dollar" true only of Hood's Sarsaparilla. No other possesses the combination proportion, and process which make Hood 8 Sarsaparilla peculiar to itself. Hood's Pills cure Sick Headache. Backsliding seldom happens in time of trial or adversity. Hillsboro, N. C, June 25, 1800 i nave used tho Jidectropoiso u my family for over a vear and am thorough. ,ly convinced it is the surost cure for any disease that is curable, and it it is better tor women than anvthinar else. I ma it for every ailment and it has always given reuet an once. L can recommend it to any one that is sick. Very re.-pectfully, Mrs. JOHN KIRKLAND. Unbelief never tries to pull anybody out ot the cinch. OUR VERV BEST PEOPLE Confirm our statement when we say that Dr. Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepa rations for the Throat and Lungs. In "Whooping Cough and Croup, it is magic and relieves at once. ' We offer you a sample bottle . free. Remember, this Remedy is sold on a positive guarantee. For sale by W. AJ. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N.C. A good way to lcuru to talk is to first learn to listen. The most beautiful thing on earth or in Heaven is love. A Tenderfoot That Had No Idea of Dying. The Imd man of the town had been bulldozing all the customers in the Gray Gulch saloon, and finallv he rolld across tho room and resting both hands on the counter he fixed his terrible eye on the tenderfoot who had just arrived that day to fill the position of drink dis penser in waiting to tho sovereign peo ple. "ay, young feller," he growled, "do yer want ter die?" "I beg your pardon?" said the young man, with the manners of a Deltnoni co bar-ister. "You don't hav ter," snarled the rough, still holding on to the counter. I don t do the pard'nin'; I does the killin. What I want to know is, do you want ter die?" "No, I don't, nnd I won't either," snapped the young fellow, sticking a '44 revolver into the questioner's face. unless you can pun a gun with your teem, lor ir yon move your hands off that counter before I say you can I'll fill you so full of lead that the coroner will think he has struck a f! posit that will boom the town out of figui. nee The bad man held on l.n tlm nmit till the tenderfoot made every customer in ine place come forward and kick him awhile for luck, then he bounced him out and resumed business. Detroit Free Press. NEW ADVERTISEENTS. I I I 1 n Stores, Dwellings and other buildings insured in the best companies against loss by fire. ROSSES -:- BY -:- FIRE -:- PROMPTLY -:- PAID. LOSSES -:- BY -:- FIRE -:- PROMPTLY : PAID. Rates Low. Rates Low. -o Rates Low. Rates Low. -mmmmmtumnfjamaimnsm Q mmmnimmmmmmmmmm- GINS A SPECIALTY. ramtnaiminmrarainmaimmOniaia'inmir ainaimmtn (' Low rates in the Standard Companies riven on STEAM. WATEP and HORSE POWER GINS. For further Particulars Apply to Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised dn.ggi.-t to sell yuu Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, up on this condition. If you are afflicted with La Grippe and will use this remedy according to directions, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We make this offer because of tho wonderful success of Dr. King's New Discovery during last season's epi domie. Hnve heard of no case in which it tailed. Try it. Trial bottles five ut W. M. Cohen's drugstore. Large size 50c. und $1. A Diamond Kxpert'a Story. There is a man on one of the down-' town thoroughfares whose business it is to examine diamonds and precious stones for people who buy the same and who are not etmd ludo-es of tho vain, nf stones. This is what he told a man who was waiting: "What a distrustful world this is. Now. when a man hiiva n din. uiond or a stone I do not blame him for wanting to know the opinion of nn ex pert 011 the Same. lint, if a tvnnn 1 makes me a present I would not like nun to Know tliat 1 had no confidence in his honesty. But that is what is an. - t o- Ing on in certain circles just now. You nave no idea how many persons come in here to cet inv oninion on diamonds and stones which, they confide to us, wqre presented to them by friends. It is not complimentary to one's friends. Perhaps they get around the situation by thinking that their friends duped. But that is hartflv mentary either. However, if' it was not for such people my business would he idle." Chicato Tribune. The Xmv WiiIIit. "Thiscoff ee Is SO noor T enn't drink It." "JlIRt RllUt VcHir even, nut If nut. nt sight, nnd don't say anything about it," whs i.n ronly of th npw wnitor, who was something of a humorist. The guest did not make any reply, but when ho came to pay lie handed over to the proprietor of the establish ment a solitary cent. "Vhere is the rest of the money?" "Just shut your eyes, put it out of sight, and don't say a word about it. That's what your new waiter said when I told him the coffee was weak." The new waiter tendered his resigna tion. Texas Sifting. nt'uiincnata us the Horn, ia IK Mahs, Plymouth Co., Ia May, IfcnO. 1 euilered (rom temporary slocplossneus from ovorwoik for two yearn, f.ir n lth l mI i Konnin'8 Norve Tonic, and can recommend same r.o mo uuhi, muiuoiue ior uiuiJiar troublus. i 130KNHOKST. Chanci, Tonii., October, 18W. Owing to a runaway about a your aw, my Bon iib ilnowu from a uayoii una avoroly 'hurt :ilxmt tb.i b'lid. For many days be v. a a i.,iti'-ely J 8i.in bliijuiili a id milUK.aucl needed continual v iiu liing. At this Jmo 1 learned u( Piidlor Una m;i'' Nerv.) Tonic and at onoe orderxd a boule. .Uiorl bad fclwn bim the lecond dose bo lull iinf- a qniet Hl.tep nnd ceasid rnvinr.. iho next luyiio was much butter, and wln.u be bod ued ' th.i onntnnW of tbo bottle be v as en ivcly re. Hiured aiid is ao itill. FKEi) DKKSK w K3. , UVUUMI1 llUlUJ, THE ROANOKE R' OFFICE. FREE A Valuable Vok an Nervoui Dlwaaoi atut froo to any iduresa nd lKMr puecu can alio obtain tllU lUedlcbM fl-OA rif ihiu.B '111 I Mm.hu hu. n M.... . 1 Tl i Pantor Knomg. of fort Worn,,, tod. ir.oe icjfc and IsnowDceparedsiiderhladlracUoa by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold br Drniarlsfii at SI por Bottle. 6 tot C3 lAriceSlie,L.75. O IlolUoa for S9. aug 20 ly CLEAN ROOMS. SPLENDID TABLE This - Space - be longs to the You Have Notloed It Yourself. "There is one thing-1 never could un derstand," said Mrs.Cumso between tho numbers of a concert programme. "What Is that?" asked her husband. "That you always have to encore a singer to get a eonjf you can enjoy." J uUo. don Racket STORE, II. t Spiers, wOLITE SERTAKTS. Fare always tho best "the markets can af ford. SERVICE NEAT AND PROMT. J6TNEAR THE COURT HOUSE. - BB8g' Uken from and to the railrnrtd stntinn NICE ACCOH1IODATIONS FOR -:- ItAlES $2.00 A DAY. Special arrangements for hoTd by th week or month. R. G. REID, Proprietor. mar 20 tf. , PJiOFESSJOXAL CARDS. E. O. BURTON, JE., O EWD. L. TRAVIS. BURTON AND.TRAVIS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. 1 Practice in the counties of Halifax ind Northampton, and in the Supreme ind Federal courts. Claims collected ir all parts of North Carolina, aug 14 ly. JAMKH 11. Ml'LLEN, "Vjf U L L X h A ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. Practice In thecourtsof Halifax andNortliamn ton and in ihaKimmm... , r 1 . .-.vurvu,.uurcuciiin;uuilB, lyUi- lectloiiB made In allpartsof North Carolina Branch ofnee at Halifax, N. C, open every Hon r, . WWE I. DA JCIIL S 1 N I I L, L IQUORS AND GROCERIES. I have a comple stock of Family 6to cerici of all kinds wLich I will sell ehssf for Cash. I hare also on hand and am constant ly receiving a large variety of LIQUORS. Such as whisky, brandy, wine, beer, ale, porter, carbonated waters, &o. 'JHOMAB N. U 1 L L, Attorney at law, HALIFAX, N. C. :Practlce in Halifax and adjoining eountlet aid Federal and Supreme court. aug. 31 tr L. HUNTER, Call and see me on Washington nue at the lipoid stand of R. Ww octl81y mm . - r oouih ycamoe St., Petersburg, SURGEON rmM& DENTIST. Can be found at Lis office in Enfield. Tnre Nitrons Oxide Gas for the Painless Extracting of Teeth always on hand, feb 27 ly. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. Littleton, N. C. Tsetn Extracted without pain. 4 30 6ui. ill I "AltAKt:SIS"Bh-efllntnnt Irclief anil la an infallible ('Hrfiforl'llci. Price $1. By . ; .I Wmwivin. Book of . - v-Sf fa 8 H tfUian i-nt PR wKwiwtMnb 1!. ji.ivdi ),LKV.k U AUauta, Wu. Otiice V Ailaoali hi i .ur u in j si m T.. . - - ' -- ra,i ,f'- Lowest ensh prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHARLES fil. WALSH, oct lily. I

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