THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 21. 1892. THE ROANOKE Nl , vVi THURSDAY Al'UliV21, 18!2. t'OUXTY DKMOl'H VTIC coxvr.x TIOS. At a iiioctimr of the Executive com mittee of the Democratic! party hold iu Halifax, on the l!iih inst., it was ordered that Thursday, the 112th day ot Jlny, 1832, bo appointed as tie ilito of the Township, and Monday, the. Kith day of sail month. -A 1"-' o'clock. M. be appoinicd as the date and time lot holding tho county ciinvcmiuu for the purpose of sci.viiui; delegates to the State and CN'tiivssi m:d conventions and nomi nating cand'da'es fir the comity office.-'. Now, by virtue of the authority vested iu me as charmaii of said committee, I here by call said coiiiciiu jus for the dates above named. The Democrats of the county are here by notified and rci)uc.-ted to meet at their respective polling places iu the township of their residence on the date above named for holding tho Township conventions for the purpose of selecting delegates to the said county convention. Halifax county is entitled to seventeen delegates iu the State and fifty delegates in the Congressional convention. I. K. Green, Chair. Dem. Coin., Halifax Co. The several tovfnshif s are entitled to delegates in the county convention as follows : Brinkleyville 7. Butterwood 4. Conoconara 4. Enfield 13. Faucetts 8. Halifax 7. Littleton 8. Palmyra 13. Koseneath 7. Scotland Neck 14. Weldon 14. Total 9D. In publishing the names of the coun ty Eexecutive commitee last week the name of E. L. Travis, member of the committee for Halifax township, was in advertently omitted. Eds. News. CLEVELAND'S SlliEXGTH. Some of the papers anxious for the nomination of Mr. Cleveland are claiming that he already has 737 of the 0 00 dele gates composing tho national convention and that therefore his nomination is as sured without the consent of New York We have not the means at hand now to verify this claim, but admitting it to be true, it is very great evidence that his noin ination is equivalent to an election? We think not, for the reason that many of the jjfitcs which it is now claimed will vote v'for Mr. Cleveland in the convention will not vote for him at the polls. But here is the table prepared by tho enthusiastic friends of the ex President: Ail New Englaud, solid for Clevo land, Pennsylvania, solid for Cleveland, New Jersey, solid for Cleveland, Ohio, safe for Cleveland, Indiana, solid for Cleveland, Illinois, solid for Cleveland, Michigan, solid Cleveland, Wisconsin, red hot for Cleveland, Minnesota, all for Cleveland, 78 G4 20 40 30 48 28 24 18 G 34 North Dakota, strong for Cleveland, Missou, solid for Cleveland, Nebraska, all for Cleveland, 10 va, for Cleveland and Boies, 2G 20 26 24 30 24 175 Kansas, sure for Cleveland, Kentucky, shouting for Cleveland, Tennessee, Cleveland all the time, Texas, all for Cleveland, Pacific coast, solid for Cleveland, More than half of all others, proba bly, Cleveland's total strength to day, 737 Total number of delegates, 900 Now, all these States have not in structed their delegates to vote for Mr. Cleveland's nomination but have simply endorsed him, while leaving their delega tions unbounded by strict instructions. But let that pass and count them all for him, how many Democratic electoral votes do these States represent? We will take them in the order named above. All of New England with 38 electoral votes pves only six to the Democracy, tho others of theso States including Mas fwdhnspttH nd Rhode Island voting stendily for the Republican nominee for President. Pennsylvania's electoral vote has been given to the Republican nomi nee at every election; Ohio is always Re publican in presidential elections; Indiana has always been Republican except when it cast its vote for Tilden in 187C and Cleve. land in 1884; Illinois always Republican; Michigan always Republican; Wisconsin always Republican; Minnesota always Republican; North Dakota always Re publican in State elections. It has never voted for President. Nebraska, always Republican; Iowa always Republican; Kansas always Republican; the Pacific slopeCalifornia, Colorado and Oregon sjJvcs twelve electoral votes. These votes have always been given to the Re nul.licfin nartv except that California I I voted for Hancock iu 1SS0 and in 1808 Oregon Voted for Seymour. The number of Democratic electoral votes given by States in the above table is sixty-seven. They are Connecticut II, New Jersey !, Missouri 16. Kentucky 13, Tennessee 1'.', Texas 13. The nuni ber of votes in the electoral college is 44 1 necessary to a choice 223. Of tho " '.' elictural votes iiooessarv. therefore, to the election of a Democratic President the States mentioned in the above table which give Mr. Cleveland 737 votes iu the National convention only furnish sixty-seven. It is true that States whose electoral votes go to the Republican nomiuee have as much weight and iufluence in the con ventions which select the Democratic nominees as those States which vote with the Democracy, but it is equally true that hopelessly Republican States should not attempt by mere force of numbers to uominate a candidate who is not popular and may not be able to hold nil the Dem ocratic States in lino. Mr. Cleveland is a great man, he made a great President, and would again be a great Chief hxetu tive, but what is needed is a candidate who can be elected. Mr. Cleveland with all his greatness can be of no avail unless he can hold the Demooratio States and win a few Republican States. Hisfiiends aim that he can do this, but they do not and cannot prove it. He did not do it in lS88;he made no impression in Rhode Island last week, although his friends had prepared to utter many prophecies had that State gone Demo cratic. A careful study of tho election statistics ought to convince any one that it is useless to hope that the Democracy will make heavy inroads into Republican strongholds. It would be much wiser to hold to what we have and get what else we can than to run any danger of losing the substance while trying to get the shadow. Whoever may be nominated must carry all the Democratic States. Mr. Cleveland has not thus far shown that he can do this, his strength iu the convention yet appearing chiefly in Repub lican States. We believe all these facts make Mr. Cleveland a weak candidate. We believe Mr. Hill is the strongest man to nominate, and we believe he will be elected if nominated. He has every requisite of success, Nominate him and he will hold the Democratic States while making inroads into Republican strong holds. For time passed the county and sub alliances of Georgia have been en dorsing the people's party movement under direction of leading alliance men who are also Third party leaders. This is in direct conflict with the constitution of the all iance which prohibits anything like political action, and recognizing this the State Executive Committee has unanimously passed a resolution demand- in;' that all alliances which have taken such action rescind it promptly or sut render their charters, ihe alliance is not partisan, it says in its constitution that tho members will not be interfered with in the exercise of their political opinions J Ins means that a man can be a nood alliani-eman and still disagree with his brethren mi important question. The sub-treasury n not a tot ol what email tutes a good allianceuinn, neither is th land loan i-chcine, the St. Louis platform, or various other measures which are ad vocated by members of the order. Mem have a rij:ht to differ upon any ques;ion of means, all are or ouj:lu to be actuated by the same pnrp se Is IT NnT time fol lie Dls-lriet coin mittee t'i meet and pi i it t a time and place for holding ihe IVmocraiio Gun cressionm ri.nvriitimi ol tins ai-tuct. or will there b-- nvi-ini-.n until later? Iluw' This. We offer One Hundred Dollais Reward for any ease of Catarrh that ''annul be cured by taking Hall's t'atarrh Cure. F. J. Ciienky & Co, Props., Toledo, Ohio. ' We, the iindeasioned. have known F, J. Cheney tor the last 15 yciirs and bi lieve him perfectly honorable in all husi ncss transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation Minde by their firm. West and Iruax, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan and Marvin, whole sale dru'L'ists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c, per bottle. Sold by all druggists 4 14 lm. If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Mil l WATCH US. TWO IMI'RDVKViEN'T.S LIMN AN ANCIENT Vt'ONDEIl Ob' MECHANISM. One of the most ingenious and inex pensive novelties ot t lit: day is a gun metal watch, keyless, and showing upon its face, through small apertures, the day, date, month and stale of the union. The watch requires only to be wound in the usual way, aud when tin; hour of twelve o'clock midnight arrives, with a slight click the day and date change in a magic, although automatic, maimer. The little golden moon also passes uuaided slowly through the quarters until the man in the uiooii appeals with full visage, after which ie gradually diappears until the tip of his evebrow is only visible, .showing that tneoruisanoiutovamsn iron, ue ,ace . I I 1 . 1 . . a1. 1 of the watch until su-h a tune as shall be necessary for it to appear as a new moon, A foreign watchmaker has patented a ' runs down, the word "wind" will appear at an opening in me ilia NEW AD V ERTISEMENTS. Dyspepsia Few people liavo snftered moro severely from dyspepsia than Mr. E. A. McMahon, a well known grocer of Staunton, Va. He says: " Before. 1878 1 was In excellent health, weigh- lug over 200 rounds. In that year an ailment H.,vnli.r,nl I., In nniilii .lvnnnlr mill soon I was reduced to 1C2 pounds, suffering burning Intense , sensations in the stomach, palpitation of tho heart, nausea, and Indigestion. could not slecji, lost all heart In my work, had fits of melancholia, and for days at a tinio I would liavo welcomed death. I became morose, sullen and Irritable, and for eight years lifo was a burden. I tried many physicians and many remedies. One day a workman employed by mo suggested that I take f ft nood's Sarsapa- V1 lit Tfl 11 11 IT riHa. ouiioinig 5 sia. I did so, and before taking tho whola ot a bottle I began to feel like a new man. The terrible pains to which I had been subjected, ceased, the palpitation of tho heart subsided, my stomach becamo easier, nausea disap peared, and my entire system began to tone up. un returning strength came activity of mind and body. Beforo the fifth bottle was taken Years I had regained my former weight and natural condition. I am today well and I ascribe it to taking Hood's Sarsaparllla." N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsa- parilla do not be Induced to buy any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. gl;alifor83. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mail. 100 Doses One Dollar OTICE In pursuance of an order of the Superior court ot Halilax countv made in thespeeia proceeding wherein Willie Undine Hui'ieh imd others arc delenilants 1 will on .May llrd, lHIIiJ sell at the court housein Ilaliiiix to the highest milder at public miction the following real estate lvinjs in Halifax county, to-wit: the lots or parcels of land illotted to hlms fort, Elizabeth rort I'riscilhi Fort, and Milliard Eort bv th commissioners apni noted to divide the land of Hix Fort, deceased, all of which is fully described in the eomplaint-the lot assign- ed to Milliard Fort containing 60 acres, the lot assigned to Priscilla Fort, containing fit) acres, the lot assigned to Elizabeth A. Fort, containing HO acres, the assigned to rn so many y;ars anil having great confi EliasFort containing lHacres; nlso two deuce m your integrity. small tracts of land conveyed on the 17ih of January, 1873 by John'K. Branch and to E. T- Branch, one lot containing 2SJ and theother 18 acres, upon the followingtenns.- One-fourth of the purchase money to be paid mi the day of sale, the residue in two equal installments atone and two years after the day of sale the purchaser or pur- chasers to give bond for tbe deferred in- stallments earrving eight per cent, interest from the dav of sale. The said land will be sold in parcels to suit purchasers. This March IlUth, 18!)- THOS. N. HILL, 4-7-4t Commissioner. GROCERIES ! Confectioneries. CIGARS and TOBACCO. "F?. R pTTT.T'pnX ,T" Y i Weldou, N. C. Fresh bread nnrl cakes shipped to any point, uroers oy man promptly nilea. MY B A E is in the rear end of the same building. THREE DOORS from BROWN'S COR NER Main street, Weldon, N. C. oct 1 ly. HIST. ADVERTISEMENTS. mmm ONU ENJOYS Both tbe met10(J &n& wiien Svrur) of Fiirs is taken: it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta Kelly yel. Vm??7 u 1116 amjt, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispel, colds, head aclea U(l feVers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the remedy ot its kind ever pro- ntmrnma in rha rnmnnn nrnmnt. in ;tg &ctoQ aud tnjly beneficiai n jte effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most twpular remedy known byrup ot Jngs is tor sale in cue and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wisne3 to try it. Do not accept any ..... ' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAi IOVISVIUI, i mar 26 ly SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. IOVISVIUI, Kt. HEW tORK, H.l. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified ase ecutor upon the estate of the late John A McGwigan, deceased, hereby gives notice to his creditors to present their, claims ngainst said estate to hint at Enfield, N. C on or hci'ore the first day of April 1893, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are no tified to settle at once and save cost of suit C. E. McGWIGAN, Executor of Jno. A. McGwigan, dC. Enfield, N. C, Mar. 14, 1892. 3-17-61 READ EsREAD ! LIQUID ENAMEL PINT. HAS BEEN IXTIIEMARKET22 YEARS. MIXED READY FOR USE. AXlr OXE CAX APPLY IT. Wilson, N. C, Sept. 8, 1878. Mr. C. P. Knight, Iinltimore, Md.; Tloar Sir: In reply tnyonr letter as to the merits of the Liquid Enamel Paint, it i'.fl"n,s !"? V" to say it has given en tin? satisfaction, so much so it has conver- ' ule Pa'ler "!nl aPl'"eu. ln cl ihc PPsition to it was so in ense when ' J ' . ""' y uii;iib icuu mm uu il.tu i imiu uu.c nuunu loursiniiy, K. COTTEN. A U M.STKUMi, UATUK C'U., WHOLESALE MILLINERS, Baltimore, Md., 1834. Mr. C P. Knight, Sole Agent, N. J. E. . , . Fmnt t0 l"": Dear Sir. In January 1878. onr store was painted with the Liquid Enamel Paint made by the New Jersey Enamel Paint Company. e used tints that generally show the effects of exposure, but the paint has retained its color, gloss and freshness. We shall take pleasure in using it in the future. Yours truly, ARMSTRONG, CATOU&CO. Chapel Hill. N. C, Jan. 9, m Mr CP. Knight, Baltimore: Penr Sir: 1 takepleiisurt in statimrthat I have used, ith iniwh s tlsfnrtiiui, your Liiiuid Kna- mel Point rin our dwelling house in this town, and en n emiliilentiy rec mmen" it to all who would like to use a beautiful and (lurab'e paint ior.anv urpo-o. er- respertninv, . B. MAKT1N. John Robinson, J. A. Leak, PresiiU'iit Treas. John T. Patrick, Secretary. DIXIE AGRICl'LTt'KAt.&MECHANICALFAIR ASSOCIATION. Wadefboro, N. C. Nov. 81, 1879. Certificato of merit awarded tn C. P. Knl(tht, Baltimore, for beet nreriared Paint, beine tha New Jercy Knamel Paint, exhibited at the Dixie Fair oi November, istk. Petersburg, Va., Dec. 16, 1889. Mr. C. P. Knight, Baltimore ! Dear Sir: We have used the Liquid Enamel Paint made hv the New Jersev Enamel Paint Co.. whb h I purchased through you, and we found it nut e iihs in every pnrtieninr, anu njustlyne serves all (but is claimed for it as to beauty, dur abt'ily and economy. Yours, etc., LEROY ROPER & SON. Woodsworth, N. C. Oct. 13, 1877. C. P. Knight, Esq.: The Paint. I.tnuld Enamel, rearhedme nrnmnt , tion to both myself and piiintcr. I regard it as ,he ,st n,t, HBto qunlity and economy aud I iv i win siaie mam nas given enure satisiai I can unlu titatiiiKiy ( iniiuiuunu It as mien. Very respectfully, K. H. HEAD. Baltimore, Dec. 18, 1889. C. P. Knight, Eq., Baltimore It gives us great pleasure to certify to the good qualities of your Liquid Knamel Paint, made bv the New Jersey Enamel Paint Co. After using Induced to try your paint by those who Lad used it. We have now been ustne it some six or seven years, both for inside and outside work, and it gives enure satisiaction. Yours respectfully, DEFORD & CO, C. P. KNIGHT, SOLE GENERAL AGENT, No. 102 Sonth St., one door South Lombard St: BALTIMORE, MD. (Sample Cards furnished by mail gratis.) sep-ii-Sm. N K W ADVERTISEMENTS. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving . healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Cantorta Ig an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of IU good effect upon their children." Da. a. C. OsaooD, Lowell, Hobs. " Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day la not for distant when mothers will consider tho real interest of their children, and use Castoria In stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending 'them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kincdelok, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, TT Hurray Street, Mew York City. GO CM OO 'Si. ,-.-. . .'Tvr:n'A."-VW-. 5g?.8wgO u.S - f'C GO C3 CO JE3 13 CO O S i i-o i" " i - - JZl. O -MAXUFACTUHID BY- The Wilcox & Gibbs Gnano Co. ' CHARLESTON, S. C, j U - S 1 1 rt a"TJU ftr if jan 21 4m (Tnff W 0 X who hnva Head nohc. Pack VS. m &vUu. .-.'euruiKiiis.Hi-anty, I'rol'use and III ll IV ChIiiOiI Menstruiilloiis. Iiisordt'ni.Hnd MalUll Displncements ol lhe Womb and Sex ual Orders, Barrenness, I.euehorroea, etc , should send for WOMAN'S BOOK OF LIFE, (sealed) free with particular!) fir home cure. NO CI HE KO PAY. Scientific Qimlillcations, Ex perience, Careful Diagnosis and Honest Repre sentations are secrets of our success. Aodress, C. W. PARKER, M. !., 840 N. Cherry, Nashville, Tenn. Who are WE AX, SIOTOTO.tlBttlTATXB who in fully and ignora' relmve trilled swav their vigor of BODY UIHB and MANHOOD, causing terrible drains upon the wells of life; Headache, Backa he, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness of Memory. Pimples upon the face, and nil the effects leading to early decay, Co1 sumption or Insanity, Bend for BOOK OF LIFE, (sealed' free with particulars of h home cure. HoCuiHoPay. DI 0 W. FABZII, 840 N. Cherry, Nashville, Teun. S S . 5 3 ? 3 " ? " - " c ' " -. Izi a n r g 3'B5iJ ilTS . c 'i '? I s 2 -1 1 v.' j '1 -, J :;-in;a; e .s a mmm A z , ; i .- -1 i s - - - j 1 1, u a . 5 " " 5 isSiit"N?iyy! 3 ,vsiKih im "W! Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ancnm, If, D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment have spoken highly ot their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we ore free to confess that the merits ot Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Vmitxd Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allim C. Surra, Prut., SrS''2a f - r - c -L'-t-j Sg '.B -c'r,-u v. - - sn - .u m .5 ? i 11 f e o o h ti r i c o M a - S ! u l. oj o 32; HOTEL Half hour's drive from Littleton, N. C. on li. & ti. R. R. Now opened for WINTER BOARDERS. We have leased this place for a term of years anil have thoroughly repnirtd tuid newly furnished it. Those looking for a quiet home like place to test and recuperate can find it here. Persons that are sick can find a PANA CEA lor all troubles airising from lil.OOD or STOMACH derangements, for INDI GESTION in all its stages. MALARIA SCROFULA and lots of other diseases PANACEA WATER has no equal. Those wishing to come write us at Panacea Springs, and we will meet them at the depot ru Littleton. TERMS; lr Wk . ir .M,mlh 810 00 830 00 A. J- JOXES, Proprietor. 12-17-3IH. DKFORMITIKS Cross Eyes, Hair lip. Curvature of Ihe Spine Club Feet, Hip Joint Disease, and nil deformities of the Hands, Anns, Legs, and Feet, radically cured. DISFIGUKKMKNTS. Superfluous Hair, Wine Ma ks, Moles, cte , pain lessly and perfectly removed, t-end for valuable treatise on the above. Address, C. W PARKER, M. I.)., 840 N. Cherry, Nashville, Tenn. B"0 WEHSWH men and women sutler. J r fingfrom any form of rHRONic rl'DlSEASEcan secure a valuable work on their iitllii'tion (sealed) free, and leam how they can be cured at home, by writing nn PARKER A CO , 340 North Cherry Street, Nashi -ill, Tenn. Better write to day, delays are dan- -ger us. Please state your trouble and how loni afflicted. ?s mM k Is &,mi mm xii

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