n VOL. XXIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1892. NO. 10 '1 LWVf THE NOMINEES. SKETCHES Of Till: liKMOi'K.VTIC STATE TICK K T. We puVMi lu'l.iw a sketch of the Demurutie iii'iiiiii 'o tar State Auditor. He is u member of the I'ress piuij; mid has done Kpleudid service for Peiuoetaiy. It. M. KIIRM.VN FOB AUMTHtt. The convention did a wise and riice f'ul thiii in the nomination of Mr. Fur rum! fur auditor u wise thins; in (hat it was n distinct recoiiitinn nf (ho services of the Democratic press of North Caro lina, and a graceful tiling in that it en dorse! and promote! a rentleinan dis- tiuj;uWlie.l in an unu-ual decree by lorifr. faithful and uus"'iuli ilivotiou to (he Democratic party. There are hut few men in the State of more personal popularity than .Mr. i urmau. lu the western part of the State his nomination will be peeu liarly gratifying. For nearly a quarter of a century he has (riven his voice and pen to the support of every man and measure, calculated to promote the devel opment of that region. His public spirit was nut bounded by county or scctioua lines but extended to every locality and interest in the State; and he is happy in having lived long enough to see his fellow citizens iu the enjoyment of a prosperity to which he has so effectually contrihu ted, and to receive that rewa. J which i generous people will always bestow upon laithlul and (ieservmg servants. 11c is esnecia v miahhed bv his natural Intents 11 and familiarity with our State policy for tho duties of the olhce to which ho has been nominated. Robert M. Furmau was born at Louis- burg in 1840, and is therefore now 4G Tears old. He was educated in the home schools of his native town, He ear! y in life wus employed in business at Norfolk V a., uud at the universal call to arms entered the army, He was a lieutenant in the Junior Reserves. When little more than 17 years of age, and in the latter years of the war when service meant action, did severe laborious, brave and dangerous duty, enduring hardships of the inarch, the privations of tho camp . and the perils of tho battlefield. His tastes led him to journalism, and he es . tablishcd a Democratic paper at Louis burg, He came to Raleigh in 1870 and was engaged for years a3 reporter for th Raleigh Sentinel acquiring experience. enlarging his political information, ami maturing his judgment. In 1872, he becamo the owucr of tho Asheville Citizen ! and thus to the Citizen was du-3 the pow- er gained for tho Democratic party Western North Carolina, and the knowl edge impressed upon the whole party the weight and value of that section. i 187C he was elected iccroiary of tb Senate. His first term determined his i value (o that body; aud never after has V )in been trnnhled bv the inxieties of a cessor has been a foregone couclut-ion, 'I an incomparable officer, a courteous gen- tleman,awell informed etatesm;in, an adroit politician, the Senate has always in advance, reeoguiz 'd his services as in dispensable. He is now the editor of tho Democrat, the weekly paper he pub lishes at Ashoviile. Aberdceu, 0., July 31. 1801. Mesirs. Lippmau Brothers: SaVKlJiiali. Ga. Dear Sirs: I bought a botile of jour p. P. P. at Hot S.'iiogs, Avk., and it has dono me more good than hr'e months' trcatm-nt at the Hot Springs. Have you no agents in this part of the country, or let me know how much it will cost to get two or six bottles from your city by express. Respectfully yours, Jas. M. N ewton, Aberdeen, Brown county, O. Abbotts Knit Tn.linn (Virn Paint cures all Corns, Wurtsfond Bunions. FotM-a l aria, Livor Trou- DJ-y,u..- Inaiiresticn.usa POSTAL REGULATIONS. I'olSTH Full TIIK ft 111, in lilM.A'i ISO TO I.KTTF.HS, I.nCK HONRS, KIT, A new code istuHiees has oslniastcr lie One of tin of ivgtila'i'Mis coiiecniing veccully h.-en issued by ni l il Waoainaker. ; rules reads as follows: Wlu il a !e:tiT h i- bicn leposited iu a postulli-'e f.ir mailing the writer tuny, upon identifying the same to the satisfac tion of the postmaster, withdraw it from the postchVe, but if the stamp thereon has been camv.lVd it cinii.it be remailed without the lirei-nvmcnt of postage anew thereon " Aunt her regulation is: "A postofliec box rented by a society or association is not available for the use of individual ui'.-iiihcrs of such society or association, except the officers thereof when addressed iu their official capacity." And another, which is this : "In the event that the holder of a lock box forgets to bring his kev the Postmaster should, unou aimliea- tion, deliver his mail to him; but such mail must not bo delivered by the post master to any one other than the hoMcr of the box, excerit upon bis written order." The value of the above rule will be readily appreciated when it is considered that it was made with the intention of preventing employees, discharged without the cognizance of the d. i.armeut, from obtaining possession of iuiiu.rlatit matter A rule regarding the lux laws is in portant. A landlord cannot have bis tenant's letters placed in bis postoffieo box fir delivery. The use of a box in a postuffice is confined to "one family, firm or corporation." Another of (he new rules will effec(ual ly prevent a man or his friends for him doing any incidental or impromptu ad vertising via the medium of Brother John Wanamaker's portfolio. ''.Mail matter," says the rule, "upon which an indefinite address is written or printed, such as 'The Leading Vegetable Dealer,' or 'Any Intelligent Fanner,1 is not deliverable." The lover and clandestinely inclined correspondent is also headed off in the following sententious manner : "Letters addressed to 'A. B.,' or other initials or fictitious names, in care of a letter cairier at a freo delivery office, are not deliverable and should be treated as improperly addressed mail matter." POMIX OX THE N. C. COAST. iVeto Bern Journal. On tho "banks" which begin at Beau fort inlet, four or five miles from either Beaufort or Morchead and extend to Ocracoke inlet, there are about 2,000 ponies. There are three places where they are regularly pcnunl. Uue is near Cape Lookout, twelve miles from Beau fort; the next twenty miles from Beau fort, and Cedar Banks pen is thirty miles away. There is a diversity of opinion as to how and when these droves of po nies were first established on tho banks. That they werj not there in 1737 is shown by the fuel that Dr. Bricknall's book on natural history, published at that time, which yave description and pictures of every kind of animal fouud in the State, does not contain any allusion to them. Tho prevaleut opinion is that they r.ro descendants of horses which escaped from shipwioeks aud degenerated in succeeding generations into ponies, from lack of care, ll'a have a speedy aud positive cure for catarrh, diphtheiia, canker moutu and headache, in SHILOH S CA TAKRH REMEDY. A nasal injector free with each hottle. Use it if you sir health and sweet breath. Price 50c. Sold by W. M. Cohen. When Bahv waa lck, we gave hor Castorla. When she was a Child, ah cried tor Castorla. When she became Miss, nha clung to Castorla. When sh had Children, she gave then. Castoria. A DUEL FOR BLOOD. ONCE IN FOB IT A FfiKSCH OFFICER CAR RIED IT TO THE ENP. A " Yurie Recorder. The recent meeting of Bonowo and Fox on ISelgiau soil as a result of the Drayton matrimonial scandal, and the later encounter of Millbank and Do Morny, have caused a revival of the as sertion that duels taking place in France or kindred countries are "mostly fakes." In a regiment, stationed at Marseilles, the iptaiu of one of tho troops was a noto rious bully. He took a special delight in torturing the youngest of his lieutenants a bright, laughter-loving lad, who was tho delight of the regimeut officers and men. One day after the mess the captain grossly insulted the boy and followed it by calling him a liar and slapped his face. Tho lieutenant flushed and left the room. He had previously shown his courage at Algiers, and his comrades did not un derstand why he should tolerate such continued insults. They followed him to his quarters anu told liiui that if !:e did not call out bis enemy he would have to go Coventry. The young officer ex plained that he had strong religious soruples about dueling and could not con scientiously go out. Finally the colonel of the regiment sent him the alternative fight or leave the sei vice. Tho boy then agreed, on condition that the light should take place with pistols and over a handkerchief. One of tho weapons was to be loaded aud tho other unloaded. They were to be hoscn by lot. The men stood up, each holding the edge of a handkerchief. At the signal the captain pulled the trigger, when it was found that he held (ho un loaded pistol. All eyes were now fixed upon the calm, resolute, fair-headed boy. The specta tors were confident that, tis ho held his adversary in his power, ho would cither discharge his pistol in the air or not shoot at all. But not so. He took deliberato aim and, placing the muzzle of his pistol as near tho other mau's face as he could reach, blew his brains out. Then leaning over the prostrate form of his enemy, he dipped a handkerchief in the blood and smeared the faco with it. Then with exultation ho turned to those in the field and said: "There! do you consider that I havo wiped out tho blow I received?" He then strode from the ground and that evening sent in his resignation. Since that incident there has not been eo much bullying or dueling iu any regi men( of the French army. KEt'CIPT t'Olt A GOOD TOWN'. Grit. Vim. Push. Snap. Euergy. Schools. Morality. Harmony. Cordiality. Advertising. Talk about it. Write about it. Cheap property. Speak well for it. Help to improve it. Advertise io its papers. Good country tributary. Patronize its merchants. Elect good men to office. Help all public enterprises. Honest competition in prices. Make the atmosphere healthy. Faith exhibited by good works. Fire all loafers, croakers, and dead beats. Let your objects be the wel 'fare, growth and promotion of your town and its people, bpeak well ot the puo lie spirited uicd, and also be one yourself. Dyspepsia aud I.iver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75c to free yourself of every symptom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call at our store and cot hottle of Shi- loh's Yitalizer, every bottle bss a printed pnaranlt-5 on i'. i iccoiNlii'gaii'i v "ft v.u lie "Jii it vi!l cist ;ou uoihiic Sold by'W. M. t'.jhen. A FRENCH COLONY SUCCESSFULLY CULTIVATING IN MOORE COUNTY. (IRA PES Eight miles away from Southern Pines over the rolling pine hills there arc sev eral small settlements of poor French peasants who are devoting their attention almost entirely to tho cultivation of grapes. They came to North Carolina with scarcely money enough to buy the cheap rough ground they occupy, but they set to work with a will, built them selves rude log houses, cleared the land in many instances, and many of them now have profitable as well as promising vineyards. One of then says he can make every vine pay him a dollar each season, and all agree that the soil is just what they want for grapes. Some of them the past season', on their poor little plots of ground, made two and three hundred gallons of wine, which they expect to bring them a dollar a gallon These are but a few out of many cases that might be cited of the belief that prevails here sis t.o the value of hitherto baneti sand hills. Time alone can de termine bow much toundaMon there is for the conviction, but the careful and long-sighted Northerners have studied the matter closely, and they think there is much money in it. If they should be only half as successful as they anticipate this whole section may eventually become dotted with vineyards aud orchards, its waste sands tiansmuted into gold, and the face of of nature changed from homeli noss and desolation into an aspect of beauty and life. PENNIES ARE UNLUCKY. AND SO SUPERSTITIOUS PEOPLE THROW THEM AWAY TO AVOID A HOODOO. Have you ever picked up a peuny on the street ? If so, you probably havo not stopped a minute to think how the copper coin came to be lying there. It probably never entered your mind that the former owner of that penny threw it away purposely. Your natural conclusion after finding the coin was that some one had accidentally dropped it. It is a fact that Chicago has many men whose superstition takes the form of regarding the possession of copper coins as unlucky. These men will never keep a copper in their pockets if they can help themselves, for which newsboys are profoundly grateful. Should a stray penny find its way into the clothes of these superstitious creatures it is quickly flung away with a sigh of relief and as juickly picked up uuless invisible to the Chicago eyes. This habit is common among politi cians, speculators, gamblers of tho ordi nary kind, actors, and some business men who would rather lose a good dinner than be among thirteen at the table. These men, who look upon the despised copper as a "hoodoo." are the same men who carry the left hind foot of a rabbit, a horse chestnut, or other supposed charm in their vest pocket to ward off the ovil genius knowu as bad luck. Some of these cranks go so far as to keep pennies out of their homes, and as long as the children get their pocket money in more valuable 'metal, tin re is no objection to the boycott on copper. 1 hero are men in the City Hall and tho County Building who honestly think they wni'd be beaten at tlio polls or lose their job if a penny gut ioto their packet. Chicago Tiibune. Oh, whst a ("tush. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consutppthn Ask yourselves if you can ait'ui.l lur the sake of saving 5l)c, to ruu the risk and do not nothing for it. Ve know from experience that Shiluh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This explains why nsoro than a Million Bot tles were sold the past year. It relieves croup and wnooping cou'(u at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh'a Porous Plaster. Sold by V. M. Cohen, Druggist. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS ! Cures Dyspepsia, In I dilation & Debility . A GRAND OPENING FOR PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. Rocky Mocnt, N. C. June (!. Editoii Roanoke News: And sti!l the course of Rocky Mount is onward and upward. New and then we hear it said "Rocky Mount is on quite a boom." Now we arc not on a boom in Rocky Mount in the common acceptance of the word, although everything is booming in our towu but we have a solid, steady healthful growth,-a growth that does not jump upward with a few bounds, to fall back to where it started, aud a growth. steady, and with a solid backing which guarantees its continuance, and men who invest judiciously in Rocky Mount can depend on their investment being an ex ceedingly profitable one. Investment io Rocky Mount real estate is not a specula tive one, for there is no dauger of loss, and a certainty of a big profit to the in vestor. Rocky Mount is to-day a very prosperous town, and hasenough interests to give an assurance of a vigorous and healthy growth. Our railroad interest alone are enough to make u a prosperous and wealthy cit; The great railroad .centres of Easter. Carolina, its immense shops now building, its being the distributing point of th. great ('oast. Line system, guarantees iu being one of the great railroad centre of the South. Our unequalled position as a tobacco market and tobacco manufac turing town, gives an assurance that this one iuterest will build up as quickly as it did Durham aud Winston. Our ex tremely favorable railroad position, tap ping as wo do the great section pro ducing tho raw material material, and our unexcelled facilities as a distributing point puts Rocky Mount in a position where all that is needed to make her one of tho most prosperous aud important cities in the country, is capital and energy and these she has. Letters have been pouring in from ev ery direction written by men who wish to cast their lots with us, some of whom have unlimited amounts of capital behind them, and who propose to engage in manufacturing enterprises iu the future "Great." They have plenty to encourage them, as our present manufactories are all paying very largely, and havo orders for many times more of their products than they can supply. We will have at least one other tobacco sales warehouse here next fall, and a large number of new leaf factories. Wilson !c Co., and the Amer ican Tobacco Company are now building immense leaf factories. The Rocky Mount Improvement aud Manufacturing company keeps steadily at work improv ing their very valuable property. The West End Land and Improvement com pany are doing good work on their prop erty, while the South End Land Co., nro doing good service in extending Church street to the R. It. Shops. Arrangements have been made to extend Gold Leaf street to the Tarboro road, which it will strike near the cemetery. This will cut oil' from a mile to a mile aud a half in the approach to the town from that direction. Everybody in Rocky Mount and in fact in Eastern Carolina is talking about the big land sale on the 15th, and there will bo undoubtedly an immense crowd present. Tho company uive very favorable terms, one-sixth down and the balance in easy paynieuts Their property is bound to bo the popu lar residence po'tiom of the town, whilp the railroad passing through it, and the river bonndinar it on tho North furnish untquaL-d manufacturing sites. The person who invests intelligently on the 15th is sure to come out a head. L. From I''riend to l''ricml Goestlio Htorv nf the excellence of Hood's Sarn. inula itu'i what it luis nceomiilUlicd and this is thestrougest advertising which is dona ou behalf of thii medicine. We eudeavur to tell honitly what Hood's Sa.Kiparilla is and what it will do, hut what it has done is far more important and fur more potent. lis unequalled record of cures is cure Ut convince Uu:;e who hac ii ;v.'i tlio. iiv.'od's Sar.sapaiil!.-. that it i-s ixcollent medic-iac ADVERTISEMENTS GONSTSPATION Is culled Uic'-KitUior of Disoiries." It is caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally aecmipuuiied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully It is a mild laxative and atonic to the digestive organs. By tak. ing Simmons Liver regulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. tion ami couch! iip. folio wed with IHoeding 1'iics. After four mouthf. use of Simmons Liver Regulator she i almost entirely relieved, gaining strength and t-esh." W. It. Lbepsr, Delaware, Ohio. Take only the Genuine, Whi. h has on the Wrapper the red IZi Tr.iuV niurk aud Signature c : ol WHY IS THE L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It It a M'&mleu itute, with no tncks or wax thread to hurt the A?et; mndu of the btut line calf, stylish And enny, and Imcauie we mak? more $hor of till grad than any other manttfucturer, ltequaUbaud BtnVfHl HIKH3B CU31 1HK in till 54.0' w cp.w. ffiS UOiit uu.ue Hand-sewed, the flnwt enlf Pa vhut ever olferod for MJ; equals Freucii Imported ahoeB which owt- from $.1(10 to tia.'O. CV1 ilO Hnnil-Srwrd Welt Shoe, One calf, P Btyiith, uoinfuruble aud durable. The hesc hoe ever offered at tliU price ; same grade M cu toni-mu.! shoes cos tint; from W.'X) to J.'.-. SO 50 J'ollco Shoot Farmer, IteUwad Men Pvi ami ,etUT( arrlersnll wi-arthtm; fine calf, seamleu, imootti luilde, heavy three soles, fexteo alon edf o. One pair will wear year. n 30 flue cnlf i no better ihoe eer offered at tfba thia price; one trial will oonvlnce tbo9 who want a shoe for comfort and nerrice. CO ami ?'2.00 Workiiiainnn' fthoM are very ttrong and durable. Thow wUo have given them a trlul will wear no other make. nAtiC fci.OO mid 81.75 school shot am EJUVO worn bv the Kiyrf everywhere; IhejMll ou their merits, Hi th" iu Tcnwin? sfthm show, I qHiDC !?tlt4M) llaml-HfMved ahoe. besb kClUlvD lh'tiKula, Vi.TitlUh;eijiuiJarreut tmtorted shoes oostinir from S-t.u) to 6.UM. l'ndUV 'J.50, t'i.DO ami 91.95 ihoe for Hisses tire the btwiflnelJoiigoU. Stylfnh and durable, Cuutinn.heo that W. L. Lu tolas' uamo uutf price are stamped on the bottom vt each shoo. fFTARE NO STnHTTTUTK,jH v TriKtslon locwl advertised dealers aimrjlvlntf von. XV. li liOl OLA, UrocktoiUasiN Sold by W. U. 1ILLERY, Wcldon, N. C. DKALEKS IV S. H. HAWF$ & CO., 1 Valors in PLASTER, GEfiEHT. Richmond, Ya. ryMy . If. 7 'I . .V ( F e J& COAL, RICHMOND, VA, IRON BlfiiRS

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