A1YKimsi:.MKV. L'R CASE W'kot ESS 1 V r ;- i i - MARK v thJT MOlCWtt- IN A'! II CCSIS V S OWN WAY. TO INVESTIGATE. riANTIC SLEXTMOPOISE CO. i ;ej vn Y-"k A. . '.'--ihington. D. C. Uov 111 lv fern V No. 19. c:nr.Ai j::. r v Tv! -i ' Vun t:-.lu U,-ak. .-...: l.' No. 4004, S:'. No- 4010,5 1 3. AtEO no new )-. its IMS?!!, i . link Hull (Kr -(Hii-tal (.ili-fiillm-i. oot 016.00 " SCI 00 - " 8.W.00 crsmlopuo tor . 40 jiorcentlrom ':!:, postage lOo. c Ir,.iia:iRpolii Ind, ,t. fifl.t IAI.TY. ( ,1 Thirty States. :'t. Louis, Wo. 1692. Cr.'-. forme? lint, Shippi- i i ri i . It.lMi We f.- fer v : ,'.;';;.'ti. '"-.i 14 IV-tii ::rY ran Fit:-, r.JiI::s McJuiesf, Hystef V':.rcf. Serronaess, il, eilC-'lv'jSI.es:? Oii ;:..!!. In:' direct action npr.t j:, !,!'!:'. rJ'ir tart all irritabii: I ' v ilav and ?'i v,..'. It -ioI'T .-L'tiy Lai mio ; iir; ;::t:t-c:i;t i.'ffoci-i tin SEE A Yutiluiilc Honk en Normal lii'ai:, y:.t tree to any ad-tret. a-.'l poor J-atieUls rail t'.r-n ntHalD tiui inet!ii hie lieo of c?iliruo. v ban Iw-Ml v-rer:.l'. il by the K'Hiinc .r. ,i ( riv:i , In,!., -iiti'f iiuc Th:? PafiT ii:iow ; , Chicag .cr I'ti i.lnir.rSfO. SSI. 5r :st T:re ' 'c. l. ;.j. i i; GOO iii iS U Li 3;- h WiW Tonirocoiii!ii;.ttin;ipHriR;iiin;ilie1ow- Of elsshouWlhu avoided; it wintkunsthpir power f motioiu A guutlo aperient Q fd'oct U only rcqulrpd. Tatt' Tiny w Liver Pills aro prepared with iXCclal a views to tho prrmamut euro of COSTiVE?JtSS Md HEADACHE. A They aro mild and romnlnintho y-rQ tern until they net on tho liver, cause .a natural How of bile and their tonlo j. properties impart power to the bow- Kj els to remove unhealthy aocnmula Otions. jiool appotito and dlttvirtton jv result from tho useof thme little plllii. IS frice, i.'ic, Oiiice, a Tark Place, S. Y, feb4 ly DO YOU KNOW That you can have yonr eyes tested au curarely, and fitted with glasses by i practical optiuiun at YOUNG'S JEWELRY STORE, The finest set of test, looses in thestat", ana tnere will be bo charge tor teKtint your si''ht. More eyes are ruined hy wild ly ineompetent persons than any nthei cause. Therefore, we advise you to W careful with your sight, and have your eyta examined by a COMPETENT OPTICAN Silver goods for bridal presenU, dia monds of the finest quality, watches in gold and silver eases, clocks of the best makers and good timers, gold thimbles and Christmas goods, gold headed canoa and plain gold rings, epera glasses and fancy hair pins, and of the latest styles of goods, at the LOWEST P0SS1BLI PRICES. J. W. Y on NT. Co Syes. k Bank Sts. Petersburg, Va, i- IT - m THE STRANGER'S CALL An lnriilt'iit Tliilt IntcresK-il tho lit llmni-sli-k Di.iii-s. T'.u'fi- wviv iibmit tw.i lum-livd moll of i- :it 1 ! iiiK-ii'k l)i-!ii. and it v.'M the lun-r of i:uim -m ii v.'.mmi'r's day w'c.'ii iiii; -liiu Davis uvi-r tin' hill with his p.u-1; on l-.U li-.u'V. and M;Iu-d out a claim, lie canu- ahmc. n:i 1 that was whv vc noticed him so partic'.!aflv. 11c seemed to fitlit shy of lis for three or four days, and that is vvhy v-' wor.-i!e--eil if lie was all ri-ht. His,' .Mm had rot siiiint at tlu- of every man in Oil nip liel'or.' he thttwe.l out and became social. In a little time we found him t;i he a ?ooJ fellow, and s i we e-radtial-ly cam.' t i forget our first sustiicions. We wore still a,':v.-.l. however, tliat there was somi'lhin-, (icvr .ih nti. him. lie a;. iv .ired .inxi eis anil perttir'n'd whenever ;i new arrival uasanuoi.tieed, ami if a party of half a dozen canto ahiny. ,i;m wo,ild:;o into 1 i.lin.- until he li:t 1 si, -d them u; It was tis if he susiiectcd some or.e was tratUli down. 'I'liere were :i!l sori-iof men in tin' uiininir camps i:i - ,l;;vs. :itnt it ' a i the rule to mind your ou n lutsin.-s. As Ion,; as a miller ,,li.-yed the rules and nvii'ati iiw laid. "mi f u1 tin- u-ovevn-ment of a eauiji he c a- hmked upon as ail riv'hl. Waal he hie! been in lite past was nothiiivr even to his ten!:iiate. 'i'iicre w as a liii; shanty in the center of our viilaire which, was occupied as :i store, silooa. haul; and general rendez vous after worliiirr hours. I was in there on- afternoon ju-t liefore the miners knocked off w,,rk, when a trunirer quietly en'ereii. lie Hail eonni hy the trail and alone, hut ho.one had noticed him. He was a slim, light weight man. and lHoui;h clothed in rouj;h ;arli you could s--e at once that he was not a miner, lie was sunburned ind unkemp'., hut that was to lie c-i-;K'c:ed out there. He was talkini; with the stoorkeepcr as I entered asking ifter just such a man as l!i; dim Davis. His face struck me pleasantly enough. but. th"i-e was a souicthin;; in his ;ray eyes to remind you ot a wounded beast, and a soniethitn; in his voice to satisfy von that he would be a nitiless enemy. lie went out before I did. Where he kept himself for the next hour I never learned. The boys had knocked off. washed up and eaten simper, and about tu-entv of us had lounged into the store. for a smoke and a talk, when the little' man suddenly shown! up. This, mind you. was three months sifter Bii . I im's eomniL'. -inn sat on a nox iacui'' mo Uxir, which was open. I happened to be looking at him, and 1 suddenly saw his face ;row pale and his jaw drop. I looked over to the door mid there stood the stranger. He had a leering sort of smile on his face, and was look ing nnlv at l!ig .Mm. In ten seconds all conversation had ceased. Wo instinct ively felt that the two were enemies. and that the little man had finally trailed l!ig .Mm down. It was fully two minutes before tho stranger moved or spoke. I hen he stepped forward until close to liig.Mm :md said: "It has been over two years, but I've run von down at last: Davis looked at him as one who sees a specter, but made no reply. You have skulked and dodged like a onward!" continued the little man in the same quiet voice, "but you'll be a man now, of course. The lmvs will see fair nlav. Shall it be pistol or knife'.'" If liig .lim's eyes hadn't been wide open wo might have thought him a dead man. You never saw terror more plainly written on a human face. It's a little affair of our own, gentle men, explained the stranger, as he turned to us. "I've traveled thousands of miles while looking for l!ig .lira. I've been hunting him down, to kill or be killed. This world isn't big enough for both of us. Arrange tho details to suit the crowd." Not one of us had spoken. Just as tho stranger finished l!ig ,lim recovered from his stupor and made a move for his pistol. Like a flash of lightning the little m an had him covered, and then he laughed a harsh, dry laugh and said: "I ought to shoot you down like a dog,' but I'll give you a show. Come outdoors. Shall it be this or that knife?" liig .Mm turned white again and re lapsed into his former state of dumb ness. The stranger surveyed him in dis gust and contempt, and by and by turned to us and said: "Hack in the states this white-livered coward betrayed my confidence and wrecked my home and my life. Even his dead body would disgrace your diggings. L'ome, Jim!" He stepped back and beckoned t Davis, who slowly followed, staring lik one who wa Iks in his sleep. The littl man backed to the door out of it int the moonlight, and then started up th trail. Davis foil owed like a dog, nevei looking to the right or to the left mak ing not the slightest move to draw hij weapon. It was as if he had been mes, inerized. Something of that same foel- ing was upon all the rest of us, for w stood at the door, speechless and amazed, and looked after the pair until thj were out of sL;ht It was like a dream. and men rubbed their eyes as if heavy with sieep. I'p the hill around the great blaca rock past the tree on which we hung Taylor for murder, and then they wers out of sight The stranger we never saw again. A month later a prospector lonna mg ,nm s SKeieion la a tatma two miles away. N. Y. Sun. FuhtonoblD MIium. With the exception of a few fine ie ornaments or a Rmall buckle of Irish, brilliants, all fancy decorations on dress shoes nd slippers have nearly disap appeared. Fine soft shoes of undressed kid, most easy and delightful to wear, are shown In many new shades to match the costume. The dove-gray and paW tan models find the largest sale. Theso tinted kid shoes do very well for a change or to complete a auit of one color entire, but for real elegance an j neat and refined appearance there la no foot ooverinj that can compare with a perfect-fitting shoe of fine black French kid. It suits all styles of dress, all oc casions, and makes the foot look trim mer and much smaller than a shoe of any other descrlDtion. N. Y. PoaW THE liOANOKE XEWS, THURSDAY AUCJUST 4, i Do You Want Wn &rt$ i HI ) i I r , , I W. W. R. R. BRANCHES' ggliaSOilD Jl j i ,mmmwm4 A Rich, Sweet Smoke? . new - A I I (jffeil Do You Want f ... ;.:Z I1"! ! I ' Tu Get Your Moneys f m!. Iftlfli FS4:X 1 1 v m$3 worth? ... i nt 1 4cl? it V i ?f lit K ' beiivi- Wiiileti il:tn 4 W r ' ! - ;4.iii:-: 'J -Tp.p 3U Want ', Af kvM.imu.... ! I t I 6. Hi U V ' !' ) j UIV '''-. l.i'Hii-Tnr',.,r,.. .. ilfSHKw I I 5 (.'-' :-V"-'-"--,; ". Vrt Rl' ' Arrive W.li-,,... . I 8 IS I V ll I 7 40 S -V Oll-H-- 1 f I . v - : Mm--. J Arrivi'Si.iiiui ! 3 : ! l-V-" ' 'X?Ts 1-"'.'., !-'' : : ' ..U Arrive Knv. vflle, l.-,:i ' "- , i C'-i -.'fV.ii a... ,ir,i'4 I gvWSvvj Five for Ten Cents. WW 'i ('1H li'.l TCHMA KKK H. J KTrli-sT"Jk. Littleton, wK -Vorth CaR'-i.nAi Makes asrwialty of f-iliTtl, A nice line of repairing tine M 7V7.VS'. CLOCK'S, WATCH KS ami CLOCKS. Fitting spectacles and eye i:!a.-sis. fcirCusli jiiiid lor old go'd anil silver. 1 fill Acres of Valuable 125 Farm Land adopted to the cultiva tion cotton, mm JLL Within one mile limits of W E L 75 ACRES y Qood House hJd Outhouses. liliiiii woll f wsste A Stream of water runs through the land. In good state Apply to mrmm1mlmimmamtmmmmmmmmmaKtxKKxwmtHiMuuim mmut t m I vb-ur nri'liTKftll'VTS I UV l-'liTISKM K'TS m:vadykutisements. 1. .1 --I- --' lli:r-rl .. fc ar-MW KM W M Mfl A ftnf V 1 . VSRG1NSA CHEROOTS. 10 J JKWKLKR, M.) JEWELRY, nriDnT w frd:p4--y VW:5 Always on hand '-"MW -'H KAP. Wa WkJ'-HfW xent me l,y until wi Always on hand for itches ill be carefully repaireu anu promptly returned. of TOBACCO, KlfJDS Of TfUCK. of the corporate D 0 N . OLEAEED. of cultivation. SI j.i Real Estate Agent, Weldon, N. C. 18!. Hiii l h aillll I" I'll n I'M' I IN lr n r. . r rtt sn : :l I i I T 4'i I s ;1D I 1 I II .... I '.'"it I i -I ;!7 I S -111 I '.I It I ! ii i n I '.I 11 2"i I i.oiMi NuitTH I . . Z'a - I jj . 1 l M. A. M. 1'. M. I I.' ! i '.'I ' I If j I .-1 111:7 I ill) I I II II lli h ; 3 'ii iv nr. 7 in I "!! 10 1 1 OS I 18 10 ;t :',i I 12 is S l I m i iio s :i'.i r, ,o 14 is I I I'J w Mfi SM 10 no I I.i'i'vi' U iliuinul.m l.eiivi- Murii-'liii I.eio'i- Wurviiw Arrive ii,ilillieni l.eiu'e Fityi'lli -villi Arrive Si-lma ArriveWi'-im Leave WiNiin Arrive itm-ky Mt. Arrive Tiul'ore. Li-avu Turi- irii, Arrive Wclilm. I)tiily exi'L'pt .-'.iTKinv. Tniin on Si-iihiLnl NYi'ii Unuit-h Ki .ad lenvee WrlitMintt in. iirt.iliix 1 23, urnvo Scotlmnj Nfck nt i: . in trroenvillp il.'ii p, m KmMt.u SOo. in. Ki turiiiiiy Uavos K insltui 7 111, h, m. (irt't'iivilh' sin ii in. Atrirhitf t ilu!ifn lino, a. la., WYI'lnti tl 2 a . in Miiil y oxi'i't Sunday. Lue.il I'rrihi iraiu Icim'a Wt'ltlnii mi Mini-(1-iy. Wrtlm'-tliiys (mil Friilny at 10 I'm. m. aniv iiifi nt x'l'tliUMl'Nt t k 1 0. ii. iii , lirt'cnville 5 W V. m.. Kiiistmi 7 in ). m. KelurniiiR, Ichvor KinH'ii Tu'Mlity. ThurM'-'iy unl Snlurony at 7 20, h, i.i (trriviiii: n't (irt't'iLville I' .'m, Sc.tliiiid Ncik i(v p. m. vv.l(Ii)ii 1" p. in. Train h-nvi"; 1 iirlicnt N. ('., via Albcmnrle and lUlci:.'!i K. 11. lnily cxirpt Sundny -1 to ii, m., fcuiitlny ' in i, m , iirrivi' Willnjinstun N. ('. " 1ft p. in.. 4 2"i'. ui. l'lynimitli : i'p m., Ji 20 p. m, Kt'tiiniiii'j lciivo-i t'lymuutli diiily except Sunday fi 2n u. muinltiy ii tin u. m. WillininstDii, N. ('., 7 40 n. m. '.-.is a. ui. arrive Tarhuro loO-ia. m, 11 20 H. m. 1 nnus tin simthfTU tlivKtii, hMwhi ami i ay- tteville I'liiii' li li'.-ivc tayutU'vilu. i :o ii. m., arrive at i;uviatid Vi r p. iu. Kt'turuniij leave U'vl.ni.l VI l.'i, p, m arrive at hayettevilU'5 Kip. . l)ailv excei't !'imiity. Train on Mi'lfund N.C. Hrancli leaves (iclds tmru X. ' , dully erpt Sunday ii Oi . m , arrive Siiiitlitit id, N (' , 7 :.i a. in. Returnincr leave mitlitield, N. ('., s h. m., arrive litihlsbi)ro, N (VJ.'iO p.m. Train on Na.-hville Hranrli leaves Iioely Mount ii i i. in., arrives hi asii vine t i, prin Hope t (0 p. in. Heturnlnif Uavofi iifiiu' iini't 'mi a, ui.. asllvu' ;i a. m ar Rocky Mount n IT. a, m. daily except sunda y. I ram mi i union linincu leaves Mtirsitw i-.ir Clintnn.dtiily e(vnt Mnwlay al f.00 p. in. ani lll'iH.ui KetunutiK leave I'lintiui it' f-in ft ni and :Uo p. in., eonueetinii at War-uw with Jinn 40.41. S-t and 7. SoiitnlHiund tr.un on Wilson and l-nvfttevlllf Hraneh No. M. Northhound is nfl. Daily ex tent Sunday. Trait! N. '2t V'Utn, nod i l Mrn win only Moit at Kockv Mi'iiut, Wilson ' iiohUln.ro and Magnolia, Train No. 7 ir.akrs rinse connection at neldo? rail noiniK Nurih dnilv. All mil via Kichnoui and dailv pxcen Minday via Hay Line, also al K n ky Slonni iiauv u itn .omoik uun ( arouns aiivoii-i ior .vtrinin ana an ikjiius inn via Norfolk. Trains niHkeseloso connection for nil point Norm via Ku nnioim aim asninL'inn. All trains run R'diii between ilmincton and Wiiiiiulou and have i'uliinan 1'diaee hleener attiielied. J.K.KKNKY. J r . lMVINK, Sun 1 1 rans (ttMieral bup l l . :. t.y i'.tio., (.it'll i rasMMiKer akimii. TLAXT5C COAST IJXK. PETERSIirUG ,! U'ELDOX R.h Coiulenscil Srliedule. TKAIX-S t;01N(; SUL'TH. Dated May .list, 1892. Leave retershurj, ID.Ufani IU1 p hi Leave Stony Creek, 10.5(1 am 4.14 pm Leave .liirratts, 11.11 am Leave liellielil, 11. "H am 4 4ft p m Arrive Weldon, 1'J-lOpm 5-23 p ui TUAINS CiOIXG X0KT1L Xo. 11 Xo. 78 Daily. Daily. Leave Weldon, 5.10 a.m. 3-15 p. m Lellelfield, 5.44 a.m. 3.52 p. m Le Jarratts, G.00 a.m. 4.09 p. n Le Stony Creek. ft. 15 a.m. 4.33 p. ra Arrive Peterahnrn, (i 50 a.m. 5.12 p. in All trains ruu solid Weldon to Washing tou. E. T. D. MYEKS, T. M. EMEKROX, Geu'l Superintendent. Oen.Passen)er ant TO THE 1'ATKOXS OF THE ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIGATION CO QUICK TIME S?SS On and after MoimImv, peeernbe r 17th, ana until nirtner notice, the Kteamei CHOWAN, Captain Withy, will LEAVE FRAXKLIXon Mondavs. Wed. nefldayn and Fridays for EDEXTOX, I'LY MOUTH and ill intermediate poinUi on arriT.il of mail train from Portsmouth, sat lA.lf ... ' 1U-1.1 A. JH. KKTUKNING The "Chowan" will reach Franklin oa Tuesdava, Thursday! and Saturdays at 9:15 A. M., in time to connect with Fast Mail train from Raleigh to rortamonta and with Express train for the South. Passengers, by this arrvngetneat, taking the Steamer Chowan at a ly point on tlx river, win REACH NORFOLK by 11 oclock A. M and thns have the oatlre day for the trana aeuon oi oasiaeai tat taat city. GIVE THIS ROUTE A TRIAI . Re-HKitfally, J. K. BOGART Jfraaklii Va., D. 15 18k. SibI '-i VXs m i7! Vv-:l:. IKAAV ft V -.j,s. THE ONLY PERFECT -V-MIlaX Send liircirevjliiriuiil price list to whi:i-:li.k & wilsos mkc. co., lnny l'.i ly. Atlniitn, lia. GROCEEIES! Confectioneries. CIGA1.S ami TOBACCO. Rj. B. PUR1TELL Velilon, X. C. Fresh brrail ami cakes shipped to any point. Orders hy mail promptly filled. M V B A E Hi. is in the rear end oi'tlisame httilditig. T1IKEE DOOKS irom liUOWN'S COU- ni:i; Main street, Weldon, N. C. net 1 lv. bkM4 scientmo American eivriTI. VElin" MARKS. r,r?T,' COPYRIGHTS, oto. For tnf ormatloil and freo Handbook write to ML'NN A C0 XI BROAUWAT. NW YoBlt. Oldest bureau for secuiinir putenti In America. Every ri-itniil taken out bv u. 1 brought beroire tbe public tj a notloa given free ot cbarg la lbs cicutific mtxitm Laraest circulation of enr iclentlrlii paper IB the world. 8plndldl lllu.traled. No Intelligent man nhould be without It, Weeily, 3.00 a jear i tun nx montha, Addmt MDNN CO, ruiiUSBiaa, XI Broad war. New York. 1892. nT HE NEW YOUK 1892. WEEKLY HERALD AT ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Ia the best and cheapen family paper in tt) I nited Mates. NOW IS THK T1MF TO 8fB'RIBK. NOW 18 THK TIME TO StasCilUE. W ii h the uiost pcrl'ect news Catherine machinery, and with corrcspondentg ia every section of the habitable ulobe, tht ef.kly Hehald m cnubled to lay be fore its readers (he latest intelligence and most entertaining news from every city and country in the world. " Ik. 1 The reputation for freedom ami inde pendence which it has acquired during the many years of its prosperous career will be maintained durmtr the year of 181)2. Its specialties for 1802 will le Oriuinal articles on practical farmin ind Gardening. Serials and short stories by the bes-t authors. Woman's work and woman' leisure. Gems of literature and art. Original flashes of wit and humor. Progress in Science. News for Teterani and information on all subjects. The stamp of Purity and Truth in Ideas, Stories and News will bo strictly maintained. Address: Now York City. Do not fail to subscribe for tho Now York Weekly Herald. Only one dollar year. H