VOL. XXIII. WELDON, N. C, T II U ItS DAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1892. NO. 22 EN FIELD. Mr. Vu.'i:Vu-j, I). ii.-i-ivtie nomin-re of this disuiot (ct Congress, made a very fine speech hero Inst Wednesday, and mark what I say: Ho will get there, and will make a good Representative, lion. James II. Hon, of .1 ulmtoii county, also addressed the cilia :os that day in a speech of' two hours duration. It was a masterly effort and will do much ood. He paid a fine tiibute to (j rover ( lev land as a friend to the farmer and people. He explained the free Coinage of silver so thoroughly, that everybody could see the point. He said it will only enrich the silver mine owners and Wall slreeS 111 u. That they can take sixty-eight cents worth of silver and get a dollar for it, or have it coined into a dollar free, of charg;, while we have 1 00 coots for a dollar. And what, good will it do the South? Since Columbus discovered America up to the present time only $l(iO,l)ll(J worth of silver has been mined in the South just enough to pay the guano bill of Halifax county ior one year. Some rogues triod to lirnk in Mr. L. T. Whitakor's dwelliitg on last, Friday night, while ha was from home. The lames lortuuately heard tiiem ana rang the dinner bell. Mr. Tom Hunter; the nearest neighbor, heard the alarm and ran over, with his gun, but the rascals were gone bofore ho got there. Our colored people had a picnic on Thursday and that night had an exhibi tion Sniii j of on-yciug men went to tin it hi'vi lien mid enjoyed same vciy much, leo cream was served and Mr. Lewis Hale was eating the sixth plate of cream, the bench he was sitting on turned over, but Mr. Halo did not mind his head being hurt, as ho saved the ice cream. The ('it veiatid and I'arr club here have decided to erect a Hag pole about 1 00 feet high. The Hag to cost not less than $2.V(l6 and not more than SG0.00. The members are in earnest, and will do good work in this campaign. Delegates will be elected next meeting to attend the rally of the State clubs, to he held at Halt ih ou the tilth of September. Who took the white mule? This ques tion was asked lots of times here Monday morning. Some of the boys, just fur fun, took a mule from one tree and tied him nbout 100 yards to another, last Sunday night about. 11 o'clock. The owuer of the animal could not fiud him, until shout eight o'clock next morning. He happened to ask one of the boys, that moved the mule, if ho knew anything abeut it, and he told all about it, and who was concerned iu it. Warrants were taken out, and four young mcu were ar rested and carried before J. J. Robertson Esq., fureruel'y to animals. They sub mitted the case. Judgment was suspend ed by payment of cost, which amounted to 6-1. !(0 each. Now yen cannot hear much else on the street but, while mule, heating the record, making it in 1 !). Bon was not in it. The third party had a speaking here last Saturday. It was a very small af fair Th"v hav- nothing to argue about.. Wlif.t complaint can they have of the great Evinoeiittic party? They love to dwell on the silver bill, hut dou't know the meaning of it. A great many of our would be reformers are like tho man who stays up all night trying to get the peo ple to go to bed. M. LITTLETON, Mrs. Lawrence Johnston and Miss Lucy Johnston, of Tarboro, are visiliu Mis. J. W. Bobbitt, near this place. Hugh Hloommer, of Riugwood, who has bt-;i visiting relatives in this place, returned home last Sunday. Mrs Jim Moore who has been visiting friends in this place, returned to her home near Uingwood last Thuiaday. Some of our farmers have commenced pulling fodder. MV D. K. Day, of lloeky Mount, who has bet n visiting his parents near this place, returned homo Monday. W. M. S. (Ill, Wliut h Cougii. Will you heed the warning. The Mgmd perhaps of the sure approach of that moid terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you cau afford for the Bake of saving 50c., to ruu tho risk and do not nothiug for it. Wo know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a Million Bot tles were sold the past year. It relieve? croup and whooping cough at once. Motheru, do not be without it. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Druggist. BP.OWK ' 3 . IRON EIT1ERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. RIMGWOOD. II KM( It'll ATIC t'l.l.'H HIWANIKI) Till It H 1'AIU'Y M'EAKINU Dll. MATTHEWS AT KINH'.S HIM.. On Friday August -'tit h there was a meeting of the citizens of Iiiinkleyvillo township for the purpose of forming a Democratic club, known as the Iliug wood Cleveland and Carr Club. There was a good gathering and every one seemed iu dead earnest, and showed a willingness to work for the good of our country. 'file following is a list of officers: W. T. Williams, President. J. M. Weller, It. A. l'attersou, T. 11. Tavlor. Sydney William. Dr. O. E. Matthews! W. 1'. Sledge, Viva-Presidents. V. A. Williams and J. II. Norman, Secretin ics. Our Execulitc Committee is com posed of twelve good earnest workers. The club meets every Friday at 3 p. m. There were enrolled at the first meeting G(i membeis, all of whom are true blue Democrats. Our people are becoming more and more in earnest about the importance of good iroverniuent. Wo must stand together. This is no timo to it. r.very vote east lor a w cavern e is a vote i'or Harrison and a fore bill. My white friends 1 call ou all of you to taml by the grand old Democratic party. If you do this, success is certainly ours. MONDAY AirafST 2!TH. To-day we hat! sticiikinri here by the Third party. Tender, the editor of the llattlei, from Whiliikeis. blow his horn about 1 hours with the weakest and puniest subjects T ever heard. I am sure of this fact, he added no new members. But 1 feel certain his speech has been the means of adding members to the Democratic party. J'. A. Thome tried to explain the good of the Third party, but a'l iu vain. Their speaking here was a com plete failure. Vender spoke until his own followers had to call him down. But for the fact of the crowd wanting to hear what the others had to say, in less than one hour Fender would not have had one hearer. His speech no duubt has weakened his strongest followers. In fact I heard sowe strong Third party mcu say alter his speech that they were now as good Democrats as they ever were. Dr. G. E. Matthews will address the people to day at King's Hill Essex iu the interest of the Democratic paity. May much good be accomplished, lie know Dr. M., is O. K, and may his good influence bring many wanderers back home. W. THIRD PARTY CANDIDATES THE RECORDS OF TWO MOKE SHOWN ONE CA.N'Eli ANH MESOl '.WEI) AN" OTHElt'si CHURL CONDUCT TOWAUD AN AtiED PARENT. K. A. Cobb, Third party candidate for Lieutenant Governor, is well and most unfavorably known in Cleveland Co. w hcie lie married aud lived lor several years. About the close of the war he was im pressing officer for the tithe gatherer rnd inflicted great suffering around here. Amongst others from whom he impressed stores, was Mrs. Micajah Durham, widow of a soldier who had enlisted as a substi tute and was killed in the service and mother of the lamented Capt. Plato Dur ham. Cobb took from her about a dozen hogs and drove them to Shelby, whtre he kept them sometime after the war. Capt. Plato Durham did not know of this until his return after the surrender, when ho met Cobb on the street and de nounced tho latter as a hog thief and gave him a severe tuning. This fact can be tubstantiated by dozens of prominent itizers of Cleveland county. Dr. L. N. Durham, People's party can didate for Secretary of State, has a rec- era tor uenrtlessncs.s ana peniinousness that is hard to surpass. Iu 1878 Dr, Durham's father, Lemuel Durham, aged 79 years, lost his mind, and although he had a plantation of 213 acres on which he paid taxes and his son was at that time practicing dentistry aud returned his property for taxation at $1,9-7, an effort was made by him to have the old man sent. to the insane asylum. Failing in this, the son appeared before the county commissioners and obtained an order al lowing tho old man $100 por year. This sum was paid for nina mouths and twen ty-two days, when death put an end to the old man's sufferings. - THE FAIR. TO UK IHCLI) on novum kick I, ti, AN 1)4, XKXT. The twenty second annual fair wiil be held here on November 1, 2, 15 and 4 So it has been decided. The business men of the place concluded to co operate with the society aud have another exhi bition iu tho fall, and preparations are now going on to make tho fair next fall a splendid success. The following officers have been elect ed: President T. L. i'imry. 1st Vice President -W. 11. Shields. Secretary J. W, Sledge. Treasurer J. J. Daniel. Board of Directors T. L. Kinry, W. II. Shields, II. J. Pope, II. II. Stancell, Oeoige Bishop, W. D. Ellis, 11. W. Brown, E. I. Thomas, W. II. Day, J. M Gri.zard, L. M. Long. Vice Presidents 11. II. Smith, Sr., P. E. Smith, 11. Y.. Peebles, S. Johnston, K. L. Suuimcrell, W. IP Harrison, Hen ry Dlouut, W. W. Long, II. S. Harrison, T. W. Mason, I. II. Smith, V. M. Par ker, M. T. Savage, C. J. Gee, W. 1". Parker, II. A. Foote, R. P. Barham, A. 11. Zollicoffer, 11. 11. Andertt.u, M. ,1. Squire, J. A. House, Kdward Dromgoole, Jr., Dr. II. W. Lewis, J. L. Suiter, V. W. Gregory, J. P.. Tillery. Copy for the premium list, is now in the bauds of the printer and wiil soon bo ready for distribution. There w ill be races en Wednesday and Thursday of the fair and the purses will attract lino horses. O.her amusements will be provided each day for the enter tainment of visitors. There will be a German each night in the ballroom of the Coast Line hotel aud music for them will bo furnished by the celebrated Rich mond musicians. W'eldon fairs have been proverbial for their popularity and the next one will not be surpassed by any of the preceding. Everybody will bo here aud the week will be a gala time. Ilecognixing tho importance aud ad vantage these exhibitions are to the1 towu tho business mcu have put their lmud.i to tho wheel and will give it both moral and material support, and the success of the fair is coosvpiently assured. Now let every person in this eonmiu nity aid in making the next fair tho best ever held hen; It can be done aud should be done, aud vd believe it will be done, if all will work together to that end. Itiinemoer tho dates November 1, :i, 4. FIVE WIES. The most remarkable fact in the lit' of a foimer Governor of Missouri, Clai borne 1". Jackson, is that he mairied. successively, live sisters belonging to em: of the most wealthy and distinguished families in the State. When tho Governor asked the old father's consent to marry the last sister the venerable gentlemau, answered: "Yes, Claib, you can have her; you have now got them all. For goodness Hike, don't next ask me for tho old wo man." NATURE OF AX OATH. Judge Durfrey "Do you know th uature of an oath?'' Mose Snowball "I reckon I does Jedge. Yo' swar ter tell de truf, all do truf de lawyers '11 let ye, uu' no mo' lies dan ye kin help dcir squeezing out!" Is Marriage a allure! no shali decide ur ' We have con eluded long ago that it is a success every time with Simmons Liver lteguiator iu the house. It promotes harmony aud good nature by preventing any attack of tho worst enemy, indigestion and dyspep sia, which make discord in the brightest homo. You will the 6nd the Regulator a good remedy for binoj.-ujss and sick headache. It is the household friend THOMAS 15.LONU. RECORD OE THE PEOPLE -S PARTY CANDI DATE FOR STATE AUDITOR. Ahvnance Ghana: Thomas B. Long is the nominee of the People's paity on the State ticket for Auditor. Mr. Long was the agent for the North Carolina Railroad at Salisbury from August, 1S08, to October 18G9, a little over one year. He bad giveu a bond in the turn of 810,000 for the faith ful ami honest conduct of the duties pcr- uning to this trust. The railroad com pany discovered by and by that their agent was not making full and complete returns of the. proceeds of the office. He was dismissed from service, end an inves tigation instituted which developed the fact that he had been unfaithful to the employing company to tho tune of several thousand dollars. An action was instituted by the' com pany to recover the amount of lit defal cation. The suit was brought in this, Alamance county, it being the domicile of the company, and upon trial a verdict was rendered by a jury for the sunt of .,!. 'il. 94 against defendant Long in favor of the plaintiff company. All the records of tho prott'citieg, judgment ami all, are now on liie in tho offic of the (,'!,;rlc of the Superior Court uf Altmar.ee, county. Anil thejudgmeut has not been satisfied to this day. Several years ago, when said Thomas B. Long began to aspire to' political hon ors, ho went to Col. Thomas M. Holt, then president of the N. C. R. 11 Co., now Governor of our Commonwealth, and asked the company's best terms for the adjustment of the matter. Col. Holt proposed to remit all interest and to ac cept fifty cents on the dollar as full satis faction of tho judgment. Mr. Long said the proposition was liberal and satisfactory, and that he would pay it off. Already several years have elapsed Mr. Long has not paid a penny of it. Such is the record of tho man aud former Republican whom the People's party has nominated for State Auditor, whose business it is, briefly stated, to manure the fimsneesof the State. Should sueh a man be chosen to take charge of the State's finances, how long would it be before he would bankrupt the State'.' A defaulter to manage the finances of the State would be a public disgrace aud ca lamity. The people who believe in holi est government aud faithful public ser vants sl.o';!t see to it that only honut and c.ipaL'le men are nouiiuated and elect ed to office. DIVISION Or L.VIiOK. The Religious Herald relates the fol lowing: It is narrated that a New El- giami preacher ot tiiu olJen time was paralyzed during a St rmon by discovering his rude offspring in the gallery pelting the hearers in the pews below with pea nuts. But while the good man was pre paring a frown of reproof tho young hopeful tried out ; "You 'tend to your pleaching, daddy; I'll k eejt em nwaUc. tSavminah, t.!u, April "JG, lSd!). liaviugnscd three bottles of 1'. 1'. 1 fur iuipuit) bluod and general weakness, and having derived groat benefits from the same, having gained 1 1 pounds in weight iu four weeks, I lake great pleas tire iu reeunimcniliu;; it to a I i.i,...ili.t..itt. like, yours truly, Jno. iMukiiis, Olliee of J. N. McKlrov, Pruggist, ) Orluuda, Fla., April'-'!), 1 SOI. j !!.. Lippuan iti , s.iv.tt;nnii ti,t : Dear tUM 1 Sold three bottles of i1 '. I'., large siz; yesterday, and one rnft'o ineill sii to-day. The P. P. P. cure ! my wife of rheu matism winter before last. It came back ou her the past winter and a half bot tle, 81 00 size, relieved hero again, and t-he has not had a symptom since. I fluid a bottle of P. P. P to a fiiend of mine, one of l.is turkeys, a stud! ouj took siek, and his wife gave itatoaspoon ful, that was iu the eveuing, and the little fellow turned over like he was deal, but next morning was up hollowiug and well. Yours respectfully, J. N. MeKl.KOV. J?:-rgFor sale bv nil druggis-tp. l..i i i a:. Bit jt.., 1'rupn. and druggists, Savunuah, Ga. MOSQL'ITOES. The odor of pennyroyal is '.he most effective thing to drive away uiosepiitoes. The essential oil sold in the drug stores is baldly so effectual as thu 1'ivsli herb itself. A bouquet ot thu flagrant herbs will usually drive away this troublesome pest. The best autidote for the bile of a mosquito is undoubtedly ammonia, weakened with a little water or salt and water. Some people go so far as to prcsi the poison nut of the bite with some small metal instrument like the point of a watch key, before applying the antidote. This prevents the painful swelling that sometimes occurs. There are a great many objections t-j mosquito bars; the chief of which is the sense of suffocation which their use co- genders. They keep out mosquitoes, but they also keep out the pure, fresh air. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. POWI Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening sticngth. Latent U. S. Government Fuud Report, ROVAT BAKING Pott'DKIt Co., lOGWall St.,N. Y. Bctanle Itasd Mm It Ctvac SCtliOFULft, ULCERS, SLT 1 form of malttrtsnt SKIN ERUPTION, be tides being eiiicicious In tocl.i ttp the sysltmsr.d restoring tha constitution, when Impaired from any csuoj. Ur, ilmcjt supernatural healing properties i justily us in guaranteeing a cure, il . directions ro followed. SENT FREE n.U'STT!ATF.D "Book of Wonders." FLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, F,n Eidgeway High School, FOR o BOYS AND GIRLS- KAI.I. KF.S--J'N OK !1'2 i;i ai ni vr TOTAL. EXPENSES Hoard,. ........ ' V,Vl.i:;.:, .. C'.iil 00 :; no e-i it 2,-) o'i 12 fiO 2 511 I mi Tuition, Music 'iu Piano,.. Use of Instrument, Illcid.-Utiti (.'l:,l!'e. No extra charge for any language, sV i! :,!.'v. Tor catalogues address the priu.ipa' JOHN CRAHAM, S 1 lni Ridgo'.iMv, X. ('. ur ? A Household Remedy TOR ALL X I BSSASES I I3I Els ftii CZEMA, every 7 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The tv?. r-i.;:!0il having on the lrftii day of ,iuiy ipulilicd before the Superior couit of Halifax county as executrix of the hut will and testament of A. S. Smith, deceased docs hereby notify all persons having claims iwaiust theestale of her to; tator to present the same for payi'nut on or before the first day of August lsiKl, or this notice will lie pleaded in liar of pwovery. Allpvr sous iiidelilid to sai'' - m-. are leiiue'tcd to "it'ke iiium-,Uait , . Hint. E. A. t' AKKlON, jyUO'w. Executrix. ADVERTISEMENTS. hum UU 111 Is called the "Father of Diseases." It is caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with 10SS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully It is a mild laxative and a tonic to the digestive organs. By talc, ing Simmons Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular haliit uf body and prevent Biliousness uud Indirrestiou. "My wife war inHy dismiss?,! with Onstips tion mid ttiuliiit, fl!"wi:d wit!: Dlcc'lint; i'ilc... After fnur mouth , ' 'A SereTiujis l.iv,N H fi'.ul.unr the is almost t'tuiTvl' r-:li,:vt-fj. ir.unimT slru!:;tlt and Hct-.h." W. n. Li:i:i't:it. J &.,;: Take tilth; tho Of it : Which has m it.a: k at.d S Vl ,t 'ti,:r ll: l: QAI.K OF ,:ti) , KE.S fcJYALUAJJLi; LA NO. OP J'y virtue of ;i decree of t'.ie Superior court of Warren county, rendered on the day of May. in the eas,- entitled W. W. Long vs Tlie i'.ritisli and American Mortgage Comiuny (Limited) I will sell at 1'iiblie Auctiun at the court house door in Warrenton, mi .Muuday, the tilth day ot Heptembtr, 1K!). :dl Unit tract of land ly ing in Warren and Halifax comities which was owned and occupied liy Samuel A. Williams, iltHvascit, at the time of his death and which has been owned and occu pied by W. W. Lung since the death of saitl Williams. Said tract of land adjoins the lands of Henry Wallet and (1. llranch Alstou on the -Y.rtlK.JulmNc.i!, Dudley N'cal, Tians berry Ncal, and Lafayette Williams on the west; W. . She.irin, W. fi. .Shearin, Mrs. Keniia T. Alston and A. V,'. Hamlet on the .South, and Big Fishing Creek and tho lands of T. C-Williams on the cast, and contains 7,000 acres, more or less. The terms of sale will he one-fourth cash and balance in one and two years, title retained until purchase money is paid in lu'l. This tract will lie sub-divided iuto small er ones, which will be described and shown by plot at the sale, mid each smaller tract sold separately, so that purcli.tsi-rs m.iy buy in such quantities its they wish. I will also sell at the same time and place and upon the same terms, tint tract ot land which was eonveved to Samuel A. Willi ams by Thomas 1 larris known as "I! ten I'oiut." i-or.tainin acres, less thai portion thereof which W. W. Lon-i has convoyed to Kobert Thome and others, Iwing about 1"0 ai res, more or less. Tiis is a lif.c opportunity id buy excel lent liinoint; ianiU in one of tho healthiest sections of North Carolina. i: l. t';a !.-;, OiOniuissioncr. J !:.";:: v . (' . Aii!:a-.i lli, J.-'!,'. : ': ' ! ! 10 ii v. r.i:s ix fmmmk i U ,4 T S. H. KAVVES & CO., Peitlcrs it. LlfM, PLSTEf$, Richmond, Va. my o;ij

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