THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER t22. 1S)2. ,O..NO!! TiinWDA Y S KIT KM BBC -- l1-'- Tin: nr.Motit v rit' l it 1vi:t. Kim I'iiemuknt: Trover cleveiand. o: Nvw York. tMii v tri;-;'iaii'K..vx: A. E. STEVENSON, uf Lhiiu.i.-. ELIAS CARR, mi: ; n:i s i'-;" i.rn.'k .. 11 S A. 1H CUTOX, f A'..vh:i:.v. n:. ;-i i i t v vn; utT.W H s I'tiKK, IKiXAI.K W. UA1X. uf Wuki k m: .H i'iT.'i'.: i;om:in' m. 1 r umax. d!" l!:i:u'. in! 0. TOR mil!STKS!'KNT 01' 11 Hi H' INMT.ll rfoS : jonx t scakuukoi'i.h, i-ok vrroiiNKV i,i:nki:l FKAXK I. OSUOKXK, of MiTk'.ml'inv. ro::r i.;k of Tiir twelfth h-tkkt: geokhe a. shitokr vor. .us.rkss i:euSI dictum : . A. WOPAK1V, uf i!on. rOB WKCTOR 5EC0SD DISTRICT: X. J. EOl'SE, of I.inoir. "EiPESmi. F.I.rlTOKS F0K THE MATE-AT-I.ABUF. KOHKRT 1J. GI.KNX. of Forsyth. CHAKI.KS B. AYCOCK. of Wayne. The Republicans show wonderful anx iety for the Third party candidate for Governor to remain in the field; yet tbey know there is no chance of his being elected Theie anxiety arises from the hope that if Dr. Exuui remains in the field th Petuocracy will divide and they can elect Jude Furches. Toe New York l-rahl says the Re publican National Committee is said to be considering the advisability of aban doning the Republican State tickets in Indiana. Illinois. Wiseon in, and Kansas, and devoting their efforts to electing the ticket in those States. This policy has been recommended by certain Republican leaders who believe it is the only wav the electoral vote of those States can be .ived to Harrison. The reports from Indiana. Illinois and Win-ousin re cei"'l at Republican headquarters lately h . e uot been very encouraging. A'hen it is remembered that these States have been Republican in National elections ever since they have been States it is a plain confession of weakness fur the Republicans to abandon the candi dates for State offices and trade them off for votes for Harrison ami Reid. Should the Republican vote iu these States fall off iu the same proportion in November as it did in Maine two weeks ago, they will be lost to the Republicans and will take their place iu the Democratic col umn, but this will not do for Democrats to lank on. The plain object of that faction of the Republican party in North Carolina headed by Mr. Logan Harris and Dr. Mott is to carry the State for Harrison anil this they hope to do by a trade. They hope that the Third party will help them in this little matter in return for what help they can give the Third party toward the election of their State and county tickets. The great object of the Third party according to their platform of principles is to secure certain reforms which the National goverroeut alone can enact. Yet they are asked t abandon these reforms and help Harrion in re turn for a promise of help in the election of their Stat ticket, Ilnm-on reprcu-nn the party which is responsible for every law and consequent evil caused by legis lation, and yet the honest Third party men are asked to connive at, if not aid, in hi election. In return for this a few Republicans with little following piomLte to help them to elect Dr. Emim. If sush a bargain should be carried out what be comes of the reform movement? Dr. Exum as Governor could not help it along. Do Third party men believe their State ticket will under any circumstance get an appreciable number of Republican votes as long as a Republican State ticket is in the field ? Every testimonial regarding Hood's Sarsnparilla is an honest, unpurchased statement of what this medioiue has ac tually done. THE JrinK FnuMiKs, tho Kojiulilican can ciiilatr liovoninr. is known to be an iiiK'.ni r-'iiii.'iiii; ll.'j'iiblican, believing in all the iloi'tritn's et'liis party, and ac- e -t:nir its platforms without tjuction. lie i in the light to win ll he can, and lie hopes to win ty reason ot me uivimou iii the Democratic parly. Iu a speech at StatesviHo a few days before his iiouii-r-.ti.ui he said: "If the People's party eet half the votes they say they will the Republicans iil win. Some people claim if the Republicans nomiuate a State tick 1 1 ihe People's party will go back to the Democratic party." He said he didn't know about that, but there were some Republicans, in the People's party; he hoped they would eoine back. He was opposed to the schemes of the People'-) party. The Judge makes clear the hopes and purposes of his party. They are to di vide and couitu r. He is anxious for the Democrats to remaiu iu the People's par ty, beeau-e if they do, his party will wiu, but he hopes if there are any Republicans among them they will leave. He evi dently does uot believe those Republicans who have joined the Third party are sin cere and did so from principle. If this be true they either joined it for the sole purpose of gettiug office or with the in tention of disrupting the Third party when the proper time should come. We do not charge this but it looks as if Judge Furches believes it. If he does not then he asks those Republicans who are iu the Third party to betray the prin ciples which lead tbem there by leaving it and voting the Republican ticket. Mr. D. M. Haiidv, who put Dr. Kx um in nomination in the Third party convention and has since repudiated all connection with that party, was inter viewed by the Xais and Observer last week. He said he went into the Third party movement because he knew that the peo ple were suffering, and hoped something could be done for their relief through the new party. Before nominating him he asked Dr. Kxum what he thought of this proposed change of county government and the Doctor replied that he was ap posed to any change and wanted things to stand as they are. He particularly stated that "he didn't want any nigger government." A week after the nomina tion Dr. Kxum stated in Mr. Hardy's hearing that he would rather have negro rule than the present State government. Mr. Hardy, thinking Dr. Exum had made that remark through anger and irritation, and being ptined to hear it, later sought Dr. Kxum and a.-ked him about it. The doctor said yes, he did say it and he meant it, and had nothing to take back. Mr. Hardy said also that the Sunday after the nomination Dr. Kx um told him that S. Otho Wilson had told him that the Republicans would give lifty thousand dollars to secure the elec toral vote of this State for Harrison, and would vote the Third party State ticket if they could get the electoral vote for Harrison, and Dr. Kxum said he would rather give it to the Republicans than to the Democrats. Mr. Hardy said that having studied financial matters he had ascertained that no law of which the people complained had been passed when the Democrats had con trol of either house of Congress and he then became thoroughly satisfied that they were not to blame for the condition of tilings: and becoming satisfied that Dr. Kxum was not a fit man for Goverm r and that there was a movement to give the electoral vote of the State to Harrison in pursua ce of a corrupt bargain, he de termined to leave the Third party and return, to the Democratic party and did so. This is "straight evidence that the leaders of the Third party movement in North Carolina have been trifling with the honest e wvieti. ns of lhir followers f.r the purpose not of securing the enact ment of i he reforms demanded but to give the electoral vote uf the State to the Republican. What was to be the con sideration of this treachery toward the p.-op!e who trusted them? Dr. Exum says fifty thousand dollars. Who would get this mouey? Certainly not the men who need relief aod have been honest, if mistaken, in advocacy of the People's part; and its platfotm. Green Goods, Don't be attempted to invest in them. You will get into trouble every time and in the end poverty and disgrace. The genuine Uncle Sam's green good are the only ones of value. Tbey make yon rich; especially when used to purchase Simmons Liver Regulator to cure jour Indigestion, Dyspepsia, or Biliousnega, or drive away Malaria. Don't be tempted to take anything else in the place of the Regulator. Majoh W. H. Malone, who was nominated by the Third party for Judge of the Twelfth judicial district, has re fused absolutely to have anything to do with the People's party and wired chair man Wilson declining to accept the nom ination. Major Malone explains his actioti by saying that he sees no hope for the triumph of the People's party in this State, and if the State is to remain under the coutrol of either of the old parties, he would greatly prefer the Democratic parly He does not want to do anything that might aid the Repoblicaus to get back into power. Further he said he sees nothing in the Republican party or plat form that gives hope of relief to the country iu financial matters. Major Malone docs not abadon the Third party at all; he does not say he is a Democrat, and the presumption, judging from the lone of his explanation, is that he is still as much in favor of the St. Louis dt tuands as he ever was, and thai the contctt iu this Slate being between the Demo crats and the Republicans he kuows that it is better for the people that the Dem ocrats should remain in control of the State Government. In other words Major Malone can see clearly that the Third party movement in North Carolina cannot advance the reforms demanded by the People's party, because they are purely and exclusively National, and that the only possible effect it can have in North Carolina will be to put again into power the party which brought so much evil upon the State and the people by its extravagance and corruption and incom petency when it controlled the adminis tration of State affairs. The people of Halifax county know well what Republicanism was during the years following reconstruction and they should know that the party has not changed one iota. The cause of reform is not advanced one step by injecting it into State polities, and in grasping at the shadow they may loose the substance Consider ! The letter on the eighth page of this issue from W. II. Marslender, of Wash ington county, is worth reading. Mr. Marslender was a member of tho Third party but has come back to the Democ racy and in this letter gives his reasons for doing so. It is a plain statement of facts, which ought to convince everybody, it seems to us. Dr. Exum says the Republicans prom ised him to nominate no State ticket, and when they did so they were guilty of treachery. They broke this promise because they thought they had too good an opportunity to elect a Republican. They want to use Dr. Exum to draw away enough votes from Elian Carr to elect Furches. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hood's Sarsaparilla la a concentrated extract of Barsararllla, Yellow Dock, Plpsissewa, Juniper Berries, Mandrake. Dandelion, and other valuable vegetable remedies, every ingredient being strictly pure, and the best ot Its kind It Is possible to buy. It Is prepared by thoroughly competent phar macists, in the most caretul manner, by a peculiar CombinatWin, Proportion and Process, giving to It curative power Peculiar To Itself It will cure, when In the power ot medicine, Scrotula, Bait Rheum, Blood poisoning, Cancerous and all other Humors, Malaria, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Catarrh, Bheumatism, and all difficulties with the Liver and Kidneys. It overcomes That Tired Feeling, Creates an Appetite, and gives great mental, nerve, bodily, and digestive strength. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. It ; tlx tor S. Prepared only by C. L Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. X. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa rilla do not be Induced to buy any other. 100 Doses One Dollar QT7T? 1 A iJLVJhJ . You can save from 15 to 25 per cent by -r-BUYING Fruit Trees and other Nursery Stock from the OLD IORTH STATE RURSERY. J. Y. BAY AGE, Agt, Scotland Neck, X. C tT WU oTaxa HaJifiu ud adjoining counties tbi season mtj i 3m. ADVERTISEMENTS. s ONE IvJX JOYSS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Rowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches aud levers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN Ft A flCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kr. HEW 10M, .r. mar 2(! ly READ iREAD ! LIQUID ENAMEL PINT, HAS BEEN IN THE MARKET 22 YEARS. II IX ED READY FOR USE. ASY OSE CAX APPLY IT. Wilson, N. C,Sept. 8, 1876. Mr. C. P. Knight, Baltimore, Md.: Dear Sir.' Iu reply to your letter as to the merits of the Liquid Enamel Paint, it atlonls me pleasure to say it has given en tire satisfaction, so much so it has conver ted the painter that applied it. In fact the opposition to it was so intense when I was aliout to buy, I should have likely bought lead and oil had I Dot have known you so many years and having great confi dence in your intefrrtty. Yours truly, K. H.COTTEX. AKMSTKOSO, CATOli CO., WHOLESALE MILLINEK3, Baltimore, Sid., 1884. Mr. C P. Knight, Sole Agent, X. J. E. Taint Co., Kaltiniore: Pear Sir. In January 187, our store was painted with the Liquid Enamel Paint made by the Xew Jersey Enamel Paint Company. We used tints that generally show the effects of exposure, hut the paint has retained its color, jjloss mid freshness. We shall take pleasure in using it in the future. Yours trulv, ARMSTRONG, CATOU&CO. Chapel Hill.N.C.,Jan.9, lSS-i"' Mr. C. 1. Knight, Baltimore: Dear Sir: I take pleasure In stalini- that I have used, with much s tisfaetinn, your Liiiuid Ena luel l'nitit mi our itweUiuir house iu tnia town, ami eati emifMeiitlv reei'tniiienrt it to all who would like lo use a beautiful and durable paint for any uurpnie. ery respectfully, E. 11. MARTIN. John Kobissos, J. A. I.CAK President. iteaa. Jons T. Patrick, Seerelary. DIXIE AGRICl'LTt'HAI. A MECHANICAL FAIR ASSOl miIN. Wmieslioro, N. C , Nov. II. 1S70. Certifieate nf merit nwanled to ('.. P. Kniitht, rtaltiiuiire.for h-t nreoared Paint. Iieiiut the New Jeraev Enamel Paint, exhibited at the 1'iiie Fair of November, IsTJ. Petersburg, Va Pec. 16, 1SS9. Mr. C. P. Knight, Baltimore: Dear Sir: We have used the Liquid Enamel Paint made hv the New Jersev Enamel l'aint Co.. wnirh I purchased through jou, and we found it tint class in every particular, and it Justly de serves all tbat is claimed for it ai to beauty, dur- abi'ity amlcconumy. Youra, etc., LEROY ROPER & SON. Woodsworth, S. COct. U, 1877. C. P. Knight, Esq : The Taint. Liquid Enamel, reaf lied me prompt ly I will state that it haa given entire aatiafac tion to both myself aud painter. I regard it aa the best In use as to quality and economy and I can unhesitatingly r. commend it aa such. Very respectfully, R. II. READ. Baltimore, Dee. IS, mi. C. P. Knight, Esq., Baltimore : It gives us great pleasure to certify to the good qualities of your l.lquio Enamel Paint, made by the New Jersey Enamel Paint Co. After using the old style paint for a iuimlrofy rs, we were induced to try your paint by thoae who had used It. We have now beeu using it some six or seven yean, both for inside and oatalde work, aud it gives entire satisfaction. Yonra rsffotftillv. DEfORD 6 CO. C. P. KNIGHT, 80LI0INKRAL AOINT, Me. 1W South 8U, on door South Lombard St: BALTIMORE, MD. (sample Carta larBlsat by Ball (rati.) aep-l-3SB. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having on the 19th day of July qualified before the Bnperjor court of Halifax county as executrix of the last will and testament of A. S. Smith, deceased doe hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate of her testator to present the same for payment on or before the first day of August 1893, or this l rtice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. . A. HARRISON, jy M Iw. Executrix. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. What is Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic suhstancc. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoriu destroys Worms and allays fevcrlshness. Castoriu prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and ilutulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. G. C. Osooon, Lowell, Maae. " Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest ot their children, and use Castoria In stead of the voriouiquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to prematura graves." Do. J. F. Kixcbxloi, Conway, Ark. The) Caatskaur Gompsvaj, TI 400 KlflDS Of I PS, ETC. SoleAg'ts for Rife's Hydraulic Ram. Hand Power and Steam Pumps. Iron, Wood and Terra Cotta Pipe. JDttJLHST TILE' SYDNOR & SHEPARD, 1415 Main St., IICIiCOlTID, V.A.. ARTESIAN AND DRI LLED WELLS. PROSPECTING HOLES DRILLED. my 12 6ui. OUSTE BOTTLE Chill and FEVER Cuies permanently OTsTTT! cose of Chill and Fevkk. Iliiiuus or Ty phoid Fever, II eiuorrhnpic or Swamp Fever, or money returned. Price fide. NORTH CAROLINA TESTIMONIALS. lloligood, N. C. I have used anil fold ll! bottles of your meduiue and it has jrivcti satisluetion gen erally. J. F. ELLSWORTH. CronKy, X. C. JolniMMi's Cliill and Fever Tunic 1ms given perfect aatisfai'tion. I. HAND. lic.iiil'urt, X. C. Send me two dozen Jnlinson's Tonic. I have sold out and nerd il 1 have nut had a bottle returned. Ship at once ALLEN DAVIS. Eden ton, X. C. Please ship me 4 doz. Johnson's Chill uod Fever Tonic at once. I think it given satisfaction. W. I. LEAKY. Croatuu, X. C. Enclosed find cheek for $7 (X) fur one case Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic, i think it the best medicine ever introduced into eastern North Carolina. Every bottle has proved as guaranteed to me, so please send out one more rase immediately. B. B. MALLISOX Aurora, X. C. I have sold twenty-two bottles of it and none have been reiurued. I t'uiuk I alwll get good trade on it. A. J. McIXTYRZ, M. D. Ernnl.N.C. It is aa represented. Have net failed in case of fever when taken according to di rections. J. A. ASKIN'S. Marine, X. C. The medicine la giving general satisfac tion. LEWIS MARINES & CO. To merchants or other who have aoceaa to commercial reports, please investi gate and tee that the above indorse ments are from business men all rated in Bradatreet 1 and easily acccasable. If you aell Johnson's Tooio, sell it 00 guar antee. For circular! address A. BCIRARDEAU. Savannah, Oa. Castoria, " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital ad DisputaaaT, Boston, Allbn C. Surra, Pres., Murray Street, New York City. -0 PEANUT PICKERS And CLEANERS Will pick and clean 300 bushels of nuts per day. Manufactured by THE CARDWELL MACHINE CO.. Kichmond, Va. 9 1 3m ThouwiKli tiy inf.y will tr Na 0thr 8 ho. Ww this Shot iurinf th Summtr Month. DO NOT SUFFER WITH TIRED or TENDER FEET. Thiih if KX?HD1 ih KVRHY MiiYWM tSt f'tA iHtlii IU ("ffw-t !(). Ill AltJt'Hr Hl,K raiur Utah it anielttotni nrr ' lit.). THE FESFICTICM I CoU a. woe, look. bM.f, van l.oeM, , !' iw ttm. iaoi- Miul.rt I u.i ft iv t'r ,.. rMui, sa oo,, ss oo CONoOUDaTEO SHOE CO, I'fn, LjwsMsm. For tale by the leading shoe dealer in Littleton, N. C, S. JOHNSTON. W B TIlLERY.Weldon.N.C. GEO. B- CURTIS I CO., E.Wd,N.c. SHOKa MADI TO MIA8CR1 A 8PECIALTT. aWAgcnts wanted in all sections. au(r, 11 3ui, III ILLS, TANKS. 1l StC !rl

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