I- VOL. XXIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1892. NO. 33 ADVLIlTIoKM KN'T." How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing thatgoml health. ; cannot exist without a healthy Liver. Vt'lion tbo Liver is torpid the Bow els are sluish r.ml con stipated, tha food lies in . the stomach undi gested, poisoning the blood; frcqner.st headacho ' ensues; a feelinf of lassi tude, despondenry and nervousness indicate how . tho v.-holo pysteri de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator. lias teou the feiean. of re.-toring rnoro ' iieoplo to health and iaiTi tiros hy giving them a 1'cakhy Liver than any i gcney known on earth. ,' Jt .cts. with, cxtraor '. -dinr.ry power and efficacy. -.'(SEVER: DCCW DISAPPOINTED, Ai reiiera fjnrnlv rr-rm-i! fur dy-irippgia, Torptd Liver, Cuii(ai;.utiou, etc., 1 hardly ever use auyi.iin viae, ami have uever beeu dis appointed tu the t-fl'oi-t prnmced; it Boema to ' bo imo.t n perfect cure tut -ill dim.-t.Bca of tho J&Uwaach rdu Uir.v-e's. W, J. McKlkot. Jic:c,n, Oa. OF The following are the, official returns of Halifax county as canvassed by the county returning board PRESIDENT, SHERIFF'S SUE OF LAND Un&erand by virtue of the executions in my hand issuing from the Superior court of Halifax county, N. C, both in favorofCar dora, Atsop, Moseley & Co., and against J. O. HeptiusUll, 1 have levied upon and will sell at public auction for cash at the courthouse door in Halifax, N. C., on Mon day, November 14th, 1892, that being the 1st jiajr of November Superior court, all the rigt, title and interest of the said J. O. Hepbiustull in the following red estate situate insttid Halifax county, to-wit: In all that tract of land known as the homo tract of the late J. W. HeptinsUill, contain- acres, eptiu- 101111112 the lands of W . W. fts, J. N. Morris, It. A. Patterson and B. A. Lavender. 2. IuaJl that tract known as the Jacksou tract adjoining the lauds of Suiter et als 3. Ia the tract known as the Murphy pW' , nd adjoining the lands of Wm. . Tifft-ndlt. J. Boyd. 1 lamBip Powell Plantation of 744 acres, adjj Norman Powell, George Massey ancS '.Wood, deceased. Sin, pn John Fanlcon place of 217 acres TnUf! ruuicou nuu j amen jj, 6. The Piney Fork place of 84 acres, ad joining Buck Hnx and K- J. Lewis. 7. A I, " of 35 acres, near W. L. Mc gt f. tiavv vi viiu i.tiuj. ii . iieptiiisuiii, eoi JhW. ing 2000 acres, save and except 400 i fa,; A vthereof allotted to the said J. O. He 3 italf as a homestead said land ad jo mill lives, 01 ill fcvuieH. The Dr. Green place now 'j the Winterey place, oftli ipei'a Springs, adjoining the jL . 8. The place where T. J. Haniill oi in acres. now connected 4 acres, near the lands of e Wnm Thomas and John Dillehay, !'"' e place where Henry Higgs, Jas. J fion and others lived, of JiOO acres, ad- .JJt ut W. E. Bowers, and 1. A. Patterson. ,1 k rapf Annf.iininir dM.ftn ni-rp lviiicv Mn ntf WW....... t, . , j -f, XT.M Gaston, purchased Iroin Ida Dillehay ,,3. A tract containing 31 J acres pur chased from Canby and wife, aud the re- versimiery right of said J. 0. Heptinstall to the Ferry Hond. B. I. ATjSBKOOK. ' c Sheriff of Halifax county, Per A. H. Green. 1). S. n n. IT II i ll DKALEKS IN COAL i f . RICHMOND, VA. HALIFAX COUNTY TOWNSHIPS. BY a- i-H -H s n s s s Briuklcyville, 258 106 109 Butterwood, 54 135 41 Conoconara, 145 10 00 Enfield, 503 179 015 Faucetts, 1315 159 52 Halifax, 222 181 7 Littleton, 179 210 98 Palmyra, 402 48 30 Roseneath, 145 19 39 Scotland Neck, 456 155 11 Weldon, 522 138 00 Totals, 3079 137C 451 Wm. T. Walker, Prohibitionist re ceived one vote at Weldon township. GOVERNOR, 9 ? E? p I I lirinkleyville, 2G3 145 109 Butterwood, 55 0 158 CouoiJonara, 222 57 3 Enfield. 567 176 3 Faucetts, 213 72 49 Halifax, 235 179 8 Littleton, 205 1G2 122 Palmyra, 404 50 30 Ro-icueath, 144 18 38 Scotland Neck, 496 127 13 Weldon, 524 132 00 Totals, 3328 1124 593 The vote for other State officers ran well with this there being but little vari ation. Templeton, Prohibitionist, re ceived three votes one each from But terwood, Littleton and Weldon, JUSTICE SUPREME COURT. MacRae 3140, Ball 1305. SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE. Shuford3141, Norwood 1305. CONGRESS. H rr CT B B 367 139 15G 407 106 300 230 27 290 304 49 6 12 51 20 85 75 18 59 Palmyra, ltoseiu'ath, Scotland Neck, Weldon, Totals, Briuklcyville, Butterwood, Conoconara, infield, Faucetts, Halifax, Littleton, myra, Roseneath, Scotland Neck, Weldon, Totals, CLEVELAND HAS A Dili MAJORITY ELECTORS CHOSEN. Brinkleyville, 137 Butterwood, 38 Conoconara, 86 Eufield, 325 Faucetts, 127 Halifax 130 Littleton, 172 Palmyra, Roseneath, 101 Scotland Neck, '237 Weldon, 268 Total, 1621 2326 450 Iliuson received three votes two in Briuklcyville and one iu Butterwood. The vote of Palmyra township was thrown out because the Federal Supervisor took the returns and brought them up to the canvassing board which very properly re fused to receivo them. STATE SENATE Day. f S. H. HAWES & CO,, V ' i " Dealers in r:, - t 4' I Richmond, Va. (mfb ly Brinkh-yvillc, Butterwood, Couoconara, Enfield, Faucetts, Halifax, Littleton, Palmyra, Ros'cncath, Seotland Neck, Weldon, Totals, 244 37 157 523 207 224 215 385 154 510 567 3223 Bowers, 308 182 61 186 114 158 23D 83 40 103 3 1477 J. H. Bullock received on rote, REPRESENTATIVES. Kitchin Brinkleyville, Butterwood, Conoconara, Enfield, Faucetis, Halifax, Littleton, 246 43 155 532 - 2U2 224 220 Taylor. 247 43 158 .533 208 ; 221 221 3SG 156 516 555 3235 Harvey. 303 178 64 185 111 160 236 81 40 102 3 .'185 156 515 564 .".254 White. 303 176 64 185 112 160 230 84 40 103 3 1465 1408 SHERIFF. Alsbrook 3145, Dawson 1583. REGISTER OF DEEDS. Brinkley 3189, Skinner 1546. TREASURER. Parker 4747, no opposition. CORONER. Gary 3222, Shearin 1533. SURVEYOR. Neville 3226, Brinkley 1374. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. For 3085, against 1603. THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE. OF a Q a 2 Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Blaine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, N. Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, W. Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyotuiug, Totals, 11 8 9 4 6 3 4 13 3 24 15 13 10 13 8 6 8 15 14 9 9 17 3 8 3 4 10 36 11 3 23 4 32 4 9 4 12 15 4 12 4 6 12 3 a a. ii 8 9 6 3 4 13 24 15 13 13 10 15 8 9 9 17 10 36 11 23 3 32 4 12 15 6 12 444 300 112 32 THE NEXT HOUSE. States. Rep. Dctn. Alabama, 0 9 Arkansas, 0 6 California, 3 4 Coloradu, 0 0 Connecticut, 1 3 Delaware, 0 1 Florida, 0 2 Georgia, 0 11 Idaho, 1 0 Illinois, 10 12 Indiana, 4 9 Iowa, 5 6 Kansas, 4 0 Kentucky, 1 10 Louisiana, 0 6 Maine, 4 0 Maryland, 0 6 Massachusetts, 9 4 Michigan, 7 5 Minnesota, 6 1 Mississippi, 0 7 Missouri, 2 13 Montana, 1 0 Nebraska, 2 2 Nevada, 0 0 New Hampshire, 2 0 New Jersey, 2 5 New York, 14 20 North Carolina, 0 9 North Dakota, 1 0 Ohio, 11 10 Oregon, 2 0 Pennsylvania, 20 10 Rhode Island, No election. South Carolina, 1 6 South Dakota, 2 0 Tennessee, 2 8 Texas, 0 13 Vermont, 2 0 Virginia, 0 10 Washington, 2 0 West Virginia, 0 4 Wisconsin, 4 6 Wyoming, 1 0 Total, 127 218 F. A. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A MYSTERY. MR. CLAUDE F. WILSON, OF THE WILSON ADVANCE HAS PEARED. STRANGELY DISAP- Necessary to a choice, 223. Shlloh'H Consumption Cure This is beyond question, the most successful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success iu the cure of Consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first dis covery it has been sold on positive guarantee, a tost which no other medi cine can stand. If you have a cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10c, ,0r- n"d 51. If your hums are sore, The readers of The Advasce will regret to know that Mr. Claude F. Wilson who has boen editor of this paper has left Wilson. The circumstances of his de parture are shrouded in mystery. He left Wilson Sunday morning, October 30th, on the 3 o'clock train, without telling any one that ho was going, and went to Weldon. He has not since been heard from and there was at first much fear that he had come to an untimely cud. But it is now believed that he departed deliberately for some cause that is not yet fully explained. II e owed some debts, but his creditors were not pressing him and he had friends who would have gladly assisted him in any financial stress. A few weeks ago he re:eived a note, said to be from Gideon's Band, threatening his life. Some think that this so frightened him that he be came temporarily crazed, and while in this condition, he took the train and went away to escape the threatened death. We hazard no uucs-s at tho cause ut ins sud den and unexplained departure, hoping that the reason advanced that he was suffering from temporary insanity may turn out to bo the correct one It N the ouly theory urged that is cout,istetu with the commence that has been placed him by tho people of ilaun. Ills family have boen greatly distressed as he lei them no word and hi- mother hns almost been crushed under the Mow. It is the most inexplicable affair ever known in this part of North Carolina, for Mr. Wilson is a young man ot unquestioned talent aud capacity. He had a fine openiug here aud no young man in the State ever enjoyed more advantages to win a successful and useful career. It is sad that a career that promised so much ended so mysteriously and disastrously, and that his reputation rests under a cloud. Wilsou Advance. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. From the establishment of this gov ernment to the present time, there has eon no period in the history of our commonwealth in which the Supreme Ruler of the Universe has uioie richly bestowed upon us His blessings, or indi cated more clearly His purpose to pre serve for us our civil and religious liberties. To the author of all good we owe what ever of peace, prosperity, or happiness we have enjoyed during the past year. The people of North Carolina have much for which to be thankful, and, while the earth has not yielded her greatest abund ance, our people are yet blessed with a moderate and reasonable return for their labors. In conformity, therefore, with the re commendation of the President of the Uaited States, I, Thomas M. Holt, go- crnor of the State of North Carolina, do appoint Thursday, the twenty-fourth day of November, 1892, as a day if thanksgiving, praise and prayer. And do earnestly request that the people i . our State lay aside all secular businei-.- and assemble on that day, at their usuu places of worship, in humble thanksgiv ing for past blessings and a prayer foi continuance of Divine favor. In order that our sen ice may be more pleasing aud acceptable, let us remember in our prayers and substantial offerings the needs of the widow and orphan, the disabled soldier, the poor and afflicted and all institutions established throughout the State for their proper cure and maintenance. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina, at the City of Raleigh, this eleventh day of of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousaud eight hun dred and ninety-two, and in tho one hundred and seventeenth year of our American Independence. Thomas M. Holt. By the Governor. S. F. Telfair, Private Secretary. " TO THE LADIES. There are thousands of ladies through out the country whose systems are poison ed, and whose blood is in an impure condition from the absorption of impure matter, due to menstrual irregu larities. This class arc peculiarly bene fited by the wonderful tonic and blood cleansiug properties of Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium (P. P, P.) Roses and abounding health take the place of the sickly look, the lost color and the general wreck of the system by the use of Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassi um, as hosts of females will testify, and many certificates are in r ossns.-ion of the Company, which they have promised not to publish, and all prove P. P. P. a bless ing to womankind. CAPT. J. D. JOHNSTON. To all whom it may concern: I take great pleasure iu testifying to the efficient qualities of the popular remcdv for erup tions of the skin known as P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. ) I suffered several with an unsightly and disagieeable eruption on my face, and tried various remedies to remove it, none of which accomplished the object, until this valuable preparation was resorted to. Alter taking three bottles, in accordance with directions, I am now entirely cured. J I) Johnston. Of the firm of Johnston k Douglas, Savaminh, Ga. larFor sale by all druggists. Lippm an Bkos., Props, and druggists, Savannah, Ga. Tobacco Cure m o A CLICK and AliNOLtffK CUKE for the TOBACCO HABIT! Next to the whiskey traffic, It ia the most expensive and loathsome habit of the American people. The annual cost runs up into millions. The average tobacco user pays to gratify this unnatural appetite from live to ten times more than he gives to support the Church. Shame on us. This Cure has not yet failed where the party was iu earnest about quitting and followed directions. Thousand have been cnied of chewing, smoking and dipping. Here are samples of certificates: Birmingham, Ala., March 16, 1892. Mem-it. Itrttzmt & Co. : Gentlemen I used tobacco for nine teen years, and finding it injurious, decid ed to quit it. About seven months ago, with tlie Kosc Tobacco and Snuff Cure, I quit it, and now find my health greatly improved, and that lliavegained 30 pounds iu weight. A. T. Baker. Messrs. Bhazeal a Co.: Dear Sirs The tobacco tablet bought 01 you December 30, 1801, has given perfect satisfaction. It has cured two persons of the tobacco habit myselfand another. I smoked cigarettes for four years, and had been chewing fourteen years. Since the use of the tablet 1 have no desire whatever either tor smoking or chewing. It did the work in four days. Yours truly, K.T.Oiiom, Gadsden, Alu. Rocky Ford, Ga., Jan. 12, 1892. Mcmr, liruzea) c0 Co., Birmingham, Alt. Dear Sirs I have used oueof the tab lets for cigarettes, and it has cured me. En closed find $10. riease seud me amount in tablets. Will take agency or territory. Give me full particulars. Kefer to toy business house of this town. Yours truly, G. It. Hkad. . Mrs. J. F. Judd, of Fayette C. II., Ala., writes : "I received my box of Snufi" Cure and am delighted with it. There is no doubt of its curing .my one who will give it feii and honest trial and really has the desin to cease using the weed, and exercise this willing desire. 1 think I can sell many boxes lor you. I do want to help these who want to help themselves." PRICE riCR TABLET, TOBACCO CURE, 81 .M BOX, SNUFF CURE, 1.00 OKI) ICR OF BRAZEAL & CO., BIRMINGHAM, ALA., General Agents for Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina. sep 8 ly 5 5 Save Paying Doctors' iills BOTANIC BLOOD BALM' THE GREAT REMEDY - FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES His nwn thoro(fliiy tn oy em inent jihTsli-iani and the peopte for 0 yearn, ami neyer ffcila to cure Quickly ami iteniiaiieiiity SCROFULA. ULCERS. ECZEMA. 1 RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, 1 I .A .11 mann.f fit FATTVO. BPKEAPINQ and I 1 lnathautne blood dtM If diwrior-l are fol. lowed. iTic tl per buUle, 6 bottle tor 6. For 1 aale by drujctriiw. ' SENT FREE wonderful cubes. 1 BLOOD HALM tu.. r.llinil, i. july 28 ly. Siiiloh's Catarrh Rf.medt, A marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal. lniep'.ir Tor 'hem iresuccessiul treatment h si, or H k li.ro, ust Sbiloh's Porous I of'th,.. complaints without extra charge i FUur. SJd I y W. M. Cohen. I Price 50o. Sold by W. M. Cohen; Johnshn's Chill Cure In thi. itialaino ntM2ub of the year people want to know what will cure chills for certain. Tuey want to keep some kind of a dead shot in the house all the time. This way of having two or three chills before ibey can be broken is not satisfactory at at all, One chill ii tun many: and the remedy which wiii kuoek the first one hot even before it knocks you e. ild is ihe remedy dial sells. Johnsons I I. ill Cure is that remedy It is for s ile by W. M Cohen, Weldon, and Jonas Cnhen, i'lufield. Price 50 eents KeeCin! twilr . ,. ... t. ho want build- iiUOWN IliOA BITTTT-J. It is lfiS3i!i to take, cures riilji..i, ludi leatkm, IsUioutucaa aud Liver Complaint!. f. E. lew, WELDON, 1ST. O. Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes. All Goods New, All goods latest Style, all goods Cheap. Everything wsi ranted reprexented. Call and ex luiiue quality aud price. No troubh to show goods, glad to have you sec thtm. k-WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. 1 9 29 if.

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