THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1S952. THE ROANOKE NEWS TWP.SDAY XOYKMHKK 18112, CiKN. Wk.WK'I. lutL! IVoi'lcS Ml'tV candi'liue tor 1'ivsiilciit, s:iym Ins nirly is not a t.'snjiorary affair, liut i 'fitinn to stay in I1'.'.' li '!J, and lliat it will Vic a factor in every luturo t;im;::ik',n. lie says h:. work of ni limitation will lie piblieil ovi'i- tin.' ivumry. (.leuural Weaver ai.-o sai I he had receiver! iiv.ttc advices IVotu Alabama which cutiwr.ccil hiiu that he cai.icd that State t'y 3,0(1!) plurality, and he expects tu make a liirlit lor it. He says Kolb's I'rieiids will sliuid hy l.iui at tiie aroachiug inau j;urali iti of the ( lovenior iti that Slate lie will ta:;.' the oath of cilice and his tVicii.U aim sujiiiortt rs w ill see to it tlu.t he M-clilv.- insesioii of the olliee to whirl! he iis hmiislly elected. Weaver iulcmU to no to Alahama in the near future and seems determined to end his days fit;htinn fur the new patty. In our i.viie ef Octubci 27' h we charged Mr. Bowers with having voted while ia the Senate aain.-t the appropria tion fur the Oxford Orphan Asylum. Mr. Bowers reijuests us to slate his posi tion ou that question, uiorc fully. He says he does not object tu f.'ivini; the mon ey to the orphans, hut thinks it should be retained in control of the State and not given to a private institution, because as Ion-; as it wai ilven to one others mi;ht justly ciaini help also. Mr. Bow. ers at the last session of the Legislature introduced a resolution to raise a coiuinit tce to iuipiire into the needs of the orphans in the State ami if a Statu Orphan Asylum was needed to report plans lor buildini; and supportiusiit. The passed the Senate hut was lost in the llouie. No one believes Mr. Bowers is unwilling to aid the destitute orphans in the State, and furthur discus sion of the (jueiiun at this time is need less. Ox the 4th of March, lSDIS, twenty five seats in the United States Senate be come vacant. The control of these cen atorial vacancies was at stake in the recent presidential election, and it is now evi dent that the Democratic party has cap tured enouiih of the vacancies to insure its supremacy in the Senate, regardless of almost any possible combination be tween the Republicans and l'opulists. Assuming that Montana, California, and Wyoming will scud Democratic senators here, as indicated by the Associated ,press dispatches, the Democrats at the beginning of the Fifty third Congress would have as many senators as the Re publicans and l'opulists combined, aud thus wou'd be able to organize the Sen ate by thi' easting vote of Vice I'resident elcet Stevenson. It is reasonably certain hiwever, that the Democrats can rely on t he support of some of the 1'opulist sena tors in any of their projects, whether for the removal of the present force of Re publican employees or the revision of the tariff. ( If the twenty-five senatorial seats vacant March 4, lS'.Ki, the Democrats are occupants of thirteen, the Republicans of nine, and the Populists of three, one be ing Senator Stewart, of Nevada, who has flopped from the Republican party into the silver party. The Democrats losu no seat they now hold aud gain five front the Republicans one each in California, Montana, New York, Wiscosin and Wyo ming. The l'opulists gain senators from the Republican in Kansas and Nebras ka, besides Senator Stewart, in Nevada, who will succeed himself. Sonic doubt still surrounds the com plexiun uf the legislature iu California, Montana, Wyoming, aud Nebraska, but late returns all say that the Democrats have gained the legislatures in the hist three named Suites aud the l'opulists in the last one. The elections just held will also have I , ,1 an luiponam. ueanun uu me rouiroi i i j the Senate during the last two years of President elect Cleveland' mlininUtra tion, for a number of those per-His elected last Tuesday will hold over to vota lor senators two years lienee. Iliiw'a Tills. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward forauy case of Ca'.iirrh tiiat can Uot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J.CIIKNKY &CO.. Proprietors, Toledo, O. We, the undcrsigued, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale druggists, Toledo, 0. Wa'ding, Kinnn & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. 8ifc,Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Tin: r.MXTioN. We could only give a part of the re suit of the election last week because the n turns were not all in when we went to press. The general result is now known. The remarkable change m Illinois, i. consin, Ohio and California to the Demo cracy is surprising. Ohio and California were not even thought of as b'.'ing possi bly doubtful, and the National committee made no light in those States. Weave! carried Colorado, Nebiaska, Kansas, Nevada and South Dakota, which gives hiiu twenty-live electoral vutrs. Mr. Cleveland has three hundred and three vutes in theeleetoial College. The causes for this great revolution are the force bill and the protective tat iff. The Republican party was com mitttd to both aud appealed to the people to sustiin it. The people refused to endorse either and put the Democrats in power. Legislation for the rich against the poor and bayonets at the polls are not wanted any longer by the Amei lean people and the rebuke admin istered to the Republican party is un mistakable and las iug. In North Carolina these causes operated greatly, but iu this State as iu other Southern States there was another reason. The people of North Carolina would not have the administration of its affairs placed in the hands of an oath bound organization which showed during the campaign how utterly disiegardful it could be of the welfare of the people aad of the State by its deliberate violation of law, Gideon's band and similar organi zations can find no place in North Caro lina politics. The leaders of Gideonites appeared willing to sacrifice any and everything for their own advantage even the very men whom it tiled to control, and whom they would have controlled without their knowledge had not its existence been exposed by men who loved the State and fair play. For those who were deceived iu this way there should be no word of reproach. They were honest and being honest be lieved in the honesty of the men whom they followed. Their eyes have been opened in a way, fortunately for them and all of us, which caunot be injurious. They were taught to distrust those who differed with them aud to believe that the old time leaders were false. They will soon have an opportunity to see more clearly than they now do that they were simply tools in the hands of men who were liuing their own pockjts with Re publican money. These leaders will retire to private life to enjoy their ill gotten gains and the people whom they deceived and used will address themselves hereafter to the real needs of the country in a manner which will in due time bear good fruit. We have been through a long and exel. ting campaign. The excitement was there though it was suppressed. The dark cloud of the Force bill bung over our people and' they recognized the trouble aud calamity which would have followed the success of the party that advocated that odious measure. Such immiuent danger must necessarily strain' the nerves of all good citizens to their utmost tension. This made the campaign just closed one of the most important ever conducted iu North Carolina. For these reasons there might have been considera ble bitterness, but we ate glad to say that with very few exceptions, if any, on tfio part of the Democrats there has beeu neither abuse uor recrimination and there is little cause for soreness. We most earnestly hope that this name spirit of forbearance and kiudly cousideralion will actuate men everywhere hereafter as was displayed during the campaign, because we ought to recognize the fact that un Aimrieuu citizen has a right to his own opinions in politics aud to act upon it, providi d t lint iu doing so he does not infinite upon l lie rights of others. I I he h'hi is over, Dt mm l acy has been j auccesslul all along the line, aud it is j time now to forget the uificrences which I divided men during the battle and pursti-t our several ways in peace and harmony ns neighbors and friends. We are all more or less dependent upon each other in some way or other and we should recogniz ; this fact in a manner that will make us all more lieljifiil of each other. Thb Advektisino Of Hood's Sar- parilla is alwayi within the bounds of reason because it is true; it always appeals to the sober, common tense of thinking people because it is true; and it u alwayi fully substantiated by endorsements which in the financial world would be accepted without a moment's hesitation. For a general family cathartic we con fidently recommend Hood's Pills. Many Person an broken down from overwork or household um. Brown's Iron Bitters nebuUdn the STitara, aids digestion, removes excess of bile, and euros malaria, Uet t' a geuuina, short c i t or thi: a. c. The Charleston Xrir t- Cmrirr of the 7th inst , says: "The Wilson Short Cut has been r.' .'ularly opened tor passen ger traffic by the completion of the Sli..rt Cut" from Wilson, N. (.'., to Florence, S. C'., via Fayettevill... the distance between Eastern cities and Charleston, Savannah and t lot Ida points lias ticn reduced sixty five miles. This, together wiih an in creased late of speed, agreed upon f.r this service, will ciiisc a material r. diu tion ol tiuie between the Ivisteru and Southern cities. Arrangements have been made for the most compli te Pull man sh cping ear service ever attempted in the Sou.h. cons'siing of through sleep ers f out Boston, New York, Philadel phia, Bah:more, Washington, Richmond aud Norfolk to Chari stoti, Savannah, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Rockledijc, Palatka, Sanford, Winter Park, Kissim mee and Tampa. 'I hree last express trains will be run daily each way during the season. In addition the elaborately equipped "Flori da special," a vestibule train with dining car, libraiy and ohservaiory cars, lighted throughout with elee.ric lights and heated by the most approved method of steam lieaiing, will rnu in-weekly. The following will be the time required between New York and the Southern points mentioned in the future: From New York to Charleston 22 hours; to Jacksonville, 211 hours; to St. Augustine, 30 hours, while the time between Wash ington and Charleston will be reduced to 1") hours. With the "Wilson Short Cut" com pleted and iu use tliiro is no question of the fact that the Coast Line and Plant system of railroads combined have the shortest route from New Y'ork to the South. The uew schedule will go into effect, it is said, about, January 1st. TllE bad weiUher on clc?(ion day and the two days following did not cool the ardor of the Democrats. We hope the St tond district is now satisfied that Halifax county did not "ktiife" Woodard, but did good work for him. The Rocky Mount fair had a poor attendance Wednesday and Thursday of last week on account of the very bad weather. A siall vote was polled iu this county, nearly eijht hundred registered voters staid at home on election day. At this precinct out of a registered vote of 814, (107 wera cast. The quick-moving little planet Mercu ry may be seen low iu ihe evening sky about the 22d of this month. Engages to appear "for a few nisihts only." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. King of JVfedicines Scrofulous Humor A Cure "Almost Miraculous." " When T was 14 years of age. I lia A a severe attack of rheumatism, and after I recovered had to go on crutches. A year later.acrofula, In the form of white swellings, appeared on various parts ol my body, and for 11 years I was an invalid, being confined to my bed years. In that time ten or eleven sores ap peared and broke, causing me great pa hi and sufTortng. I feared I never should get well. " Early In isso I went to Chicago to visit a sister, tint was confined to my bed most of the time I was there. In July I read a book, ' A Day with a Circus,' In which were statements of cures by Hood's Sarsaparllla. I was so Im pressed with the success of tills medicine that I decided to try It. To my great gratification the sores soon decreased, and I began to feel better and in a short time I was up and out of doors. I continued to take Hood's Sar saparllla for about a year, when, having used six bottles, I had become so fully released from the disease that I went to work for the Flint & Walling Mfg. Co., and since then HAVB NOT LOST A BINQI.B DAT on account of sickness. I believe the disease Is expelled from my system, I always feel well, am In good spirits and have a good appetite. I am now 27 years of age and can walk as well as any one, except that one limb Is a little shorter than the other, owing to the loss of bone, and the sores formerly on my right leg. To my friends my recovery seems almost miraculous, and I think Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the king of medicines." William A. Leub, N. Railroad 8t., Kendallvllle, Ind. Hood's Sarsaparllla oldkralldnitgUU. fljstxforfs. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD CO., ApothseariM, LowsU, Mats. 100 Doses One Dollar Commissiom:r$ sa le. Ky virtu. of a decree of the Superior court lor Halifax county made iu the ac tion therein pending entitled B. V. (iary vs. Eveline F. Branch and David Wells, I will sell at public auction for cash on the 14th day of November, it being the first day of the. Superior court at the courthouse door in said Halifax Co-, that tract or par cel of land situate in said county and State of North Carolina, (saving and axcepting fifty acres previously conveyed to one San dy Fenner), npjn which the said Eveline F. Branch formerly resided, containing by estimation R50 acre and bounded by the lands of R. H. Shaw and others. For a better description, reference is had to a mortgage duly recorded in book 71 A pas;e 33, Kegister's office for Halifax county. This the 14th day of October 1872. W. , DAJJIEL, 10 20 4t' Commissions!. ADV KRTISKMKNTS. cwe; k;vjoys Both the method and results wheu Syrup of Fiys is taken; it is pleasant aud refreshing to the taste, and acts pontly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Uowels, cleanses the sys tem cH'ecttially, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stmnncli, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita eflects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for ?al in 50c ami $1 bottle by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 10VISVIUE. Kt. NEW YORK, H.r. mar 2(i ly READ IREAD ! LIQUID ENAMEL PINT. HAS BEEN' IXTHE MARKET 22 YEARS. .MIXED EEA D V FOB CSE. Axro.xE can Amy it. Vilson, N. C., Sept. 8, 1876. Mr. C. P. Knight, Baltimore, Mil.: Hear Sir: In reply to your letter as to the merits of the Liquid Enamel Faint, it nllorns me pleasure to say it hns given en tire satisfaction, so much so it has conver ted the painter that applied it. In fact the opposition to it was so intense when 1 was about to buy, I should have likely bought lead and oil had I not have known you so many years and having great confi dence iu your integrity. Yours truly, K. R. COTTEN, ARMSTRONG, CATOR CO., WHOLESALE MILLINERS, Baltimore, Md., 18C4. Mr. C P. Knight, Sole Agent, N. J. E. Paint Co., Baltimore: Dear Sir: In January 187M, our store was painted with the Liquid Enamel Paint nindo by the New Jersey Enamel Paint Company. We used tints that generally show the effects of exposure, but the paiut has retained its color, gloss and freshness. We shall take pleasure in using it iu the future. Yours trulv, ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO. DIXIE AliKlClXTfRAl. MKCHANICALTAIB ASSOCIATION. Wndertioro. N. C, Nov 1. 1S79. Certificate of merit awarded to C. P. KnijrM, Hnltiin' hot prciwrcd Paint. Ifltiu the New Jersey Knaniel Paint, eiliiliited at the. Miie Fair of November, IS7!t. Petersburg, Ta., Pec. 16, 1889. Mr. C. P. Kniht, Baltimore: Pear Sir: We hare used the Liquid Enamel Paint made by the New Jersey Enamel Point Co., whi'h I purchased through you, and we limiul it tirst class iu every particular, and it justly de ervea ull that is claimed fur it a to beauty, dur abi'ity and economy. Your., etc., I.KROY ROPER A SON. Woodsworth, N. C. Oct. 13, 1877. C. P. Knight, Esq : The Paint. I.htild Enamel, reached me prompt ly, i in sun mat naa Riven entire satisiac turn to both invself and oainti'T. 1 regard it us the best In use as to quality and economy and 1 can unhesiutiimly recommend it as such. Very respectfully, K. H. READ. Baltimore, Dec. 18, 1889. Chapel Hill. N. C, Jau. , 1884. Mr. C. P. Knight, Baltimore: Dear Sir: 1 takeplcosnreln statlngthatl have used, with mucin tlsfaction, yunr Liquid Ena mel Paint on our dwelling- house In this town, and cnn confidently ri'e..nimiini It to all who would like to use a beautiful and durable paint for any purpose. Verv respectfullv, . B.UAKTlS. John Robinson, J. A. I. UK, President. Tieaa. Johs T. Patrick, Secretary. C. P. Kulght, Esq., Baltimore : It give us great pleasure to certify to the good qualities of your Liquid Enamel l"alnt. made by the New Jersey Enamel Paint l'o. After using the old style palot for number of years, we were Induced to try your paint by those who had used It. We have now been ustng It some ! or seven yean, both fur Inside and outside work, aud it girea entire satisfaction. Yours respectfully, DEKOKDiC'O. C. P. KNIGHT, SOLE GRNERAL AGENT, No. 102 South St., one door South Lombard 8t: BALTIMORE, MD. (SampleCardt fureiahed by mall gratia.) ee-S-Sm. JOS. J. LOCKHAUT, Attorney and Counsellor At Law, WELDON, N. C. Office in Evans building. Practices in the Superior and other courts of the8tate. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims. dot 3 ly. N M-W A 1) Y What is I L7VS . HI Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic dnbstance. It Is a harmless substitute for I'areproric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its jpiarantce is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fcverislituiss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, euros IXarrheca and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation aud flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Caatorl Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of IU good ellect upon their children." Dr. a. C. Oeaoos, Lowell, Ma. " Castoria Is tho best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothert will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria In stead of the various quack nostrums w hlch are destroying their IotcxI ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agenU down their throats, thereby sending them to premature grave." Do. J. F. EmoHCLOi, Conway, Ark. The Cexrtanr Company, TI Canned Goods at dm Grocer of Enfield. I will far the next Sixty days sell nil CANNED GOODS AT COST, to make room for the large stock of CHRISTMAS TOYS, That williirrivf about the 10th of I)ec mlior. I alwava have a lull line of OKOCEIUK, CONFl-XTIONEIilES, C01!N, HAY, MILL I EKD, lUCUlXG and TI US. Come and see inc and be convinced of my Jiejf Will pnv liijliest prices foe Peanut PEANUT PICKERS And GLEANERS. Will pick and clean 300 bushels of nuts per day. Manufactured by THE CARDWELL MACHINE CO., iiicliiiionil, H. 9 1 3tn NOTICE. I By virtue of an order nindo in the caiife of Walter Clark et ul vs. W. 11. Cox et al j on the 1st of August l!li, and of it 2nd I order setting aside the sale made under that of 1st of August I shall on the 14th I of November lSyo, proceed to sell to the' highest hidderat public auction in front of. the postoflico in the town of Weldon, N. C , that tract of land known as tho Ldwurds' tract situate in Halifax county in the Stuteof North Carol ina, honnded hy the HoanoUe river, the Williams Itlack k Co.'s farm, the lands ofSallie 11. Clark, Lucy N. tlaik and Mwanl T. , Clark and Hunt to contain 371) seres. Tbrms: One-thinl cash, balance on 6 and l'i months time, with approved secur ity. EDWARD T. CLARK, 10 6 tii Commissioner. QOwilSSIOJtER'SSAlE By virtue of a judgments of the Superior Court of Halifax county rendered at the May term ISM in the causeentitled ''Tlios N. Hill as administrator d b n with the will annexed of Maria J. Lowe, I shall sell ascommisHionerof sid court, to the liigh ert bidder on Monday the Hth day of No vember 18U2at the court house iu the town of'Halifax, N. C, the following property to-wit: Three lots of laud containing one half acre each lying south of and adjoining the corporate limits of the town of Halifax and described as lota 8, 9 and 10 in a survey of said land which is recorded in the registers office of Halifax county in book 3(i, on page 454 whioh is referred to for a more accurate description, and is a portion of the land whioh formerly belonged to the late Martha B. Eppes. Terms of the salo will be cash. J. M. GRIZZARD, Commissioner. Halifax, N. C, Oct. 11, 1892. act 13 td KUTISKM KNTS. Castoria. " Castoria Uso well adapted to children that I recommend It aasuperiortoany prescription known to me." H. A, Archer, M. D., 1118c Caford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only bare among our medioal supplies what is known as regular product, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Umhtib Hospital ano DisptxsART, Boston, C. Bkith, JYe., Murray Street, New Tork City. Prime Cost by the low prices. Respectfully, S. MEYER. IT IS A DI TY Ton owe rennelf and AM !!' ' K" ne best vnlnc for roar monev. f.ronoi.ile In your fount en I- by piirchaalni w. I.. I oimlm shoe, which represeat taa beat value tor prices asked, aa ihouwnds I will tcatiiv. $3 00 250 S2.09 F0HUUM 2.C0 L75 FOR BOY "-7S W. L. DOUGLAS Q CLinE? 'FOR i w uiiwia GENTLEMEN. i THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEt UTHKIl M'ECIAl.TIKH la awof rue lame hlRh uraite, and repreni'nt a monev valM lar ti.j-ond the prlt-pscharged. t that nam and price are nmp.v! on bottom of ! tv i ?, A'V.E R(1UHI "HT1.TI TE. VV, 1.. Donalas. Bracutan run.. nli Kill SALE BY W. B. TILLERY, WELDON, N.C., C. E. McGwigan, ENFIELD, N.C. 10 20 2m. Charles Smith, IKA1.KR IN Fin. (ku, CAN'NKD GOODS, CANDIES, CONFECTIONS, SMOKING and CIIEWINO TOBACCO. FAMILY CROCERIES of all kinds. I will be pleased to receive a share patronage, promising goods of excellent quality at lowest living prices. CHA8. SMITH, Corner First street & Washington avenne, oct 27 ly Weldon, N. C. Ail nn 0 . 3.50ir 1 9 nn ft.f$sL'