TILE UOAXOKK NEWS, THUKSDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1892. advf.uti5i:mknts. TIir.Y DID. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. 'Hieortfii, dear," said a lovely muid, As they sat tm the porch the other nilit, "Its unhealthy to kiss, the doctors say, So ot roursuit cannot he right. Not right." "Well, darling," spoke the noble youth, As his color mantled high, "I never thought being kissed to death, Such a horrible death to die. Let's try." And then they tried, And neither died, For such a lick Ne'er made one sick. Not sick. YOUR CASE IS NOT HOPELESS IVItSONS AA NFW CURES ALL 5KIN AND BLOOD DI5EA5E5 'roT ..,- ' - - - - i i i ... "TtTfiT.i cod. find prw'Tih ii . , t. '). I'. .. ,ilt i'. -it :tii' ,:M M,3iblD llorj, " ' th "ur of 11 f-rrt -t.'V '--"mm . A , I - I". S ; H N WAY. ; :ING K' ISVTJMATE. i iilu. J Ie FOE IT COJii YT.' CAISK1 THEM TO MEET. fit p II M ROANOKE One Year, la 416 Pages 2496 months for $1.50. Each issue contains news matter, political matter, Something for all, the old man, from matron. Liberal deductions given on ap plication. Established in 1866 it hascontin ued to grow in popularity from that day to this. Terms for advertise ments REASONABLE and given on application. Address: HEWS Advance. columns in 12 literary matter. from the child to maiden to elderly- Weldon,N.O. Wee very muwu9 CO. HOT 1 U 1 V TYLER DESK CO., ST. LOUIS, MO Our Mammoth Catalogue of Bank Counters, Pesks, and other Opficb Furxitueh for 1S9J now ready. Xcw Goods New Styles in Desks, Tables, Chairs, Book Cases, Cabi nets, &c. .':c, and at matchless prices, as abovg indicated. Our goods re well known ar.d ao'.d fn-ely in every country that peaks Knglitdi Catalogues free. Postage 120. nky Si 6 m ivKNTON 0.. K In o;ir orphan umjIuui i:- eitr-o j child Ut at i.a-J :-vut mi 'II H", ,W'Hrfir A U) HI. i ll llil r.l lft'iui-'M in 1.4J niijht not u, tw-i witJi Umlt 1 ;H'iry i 1 'I'.l iu'i- an t im a ilt'iii'iourt :; po'.-!-ii ncii; u:i :ti;a;::nai y j'-.ii -i r, him rouK J.;i-.t y-ar J.v. K. Ko-'i h:. 11 '.'If vi:i litsin, Lnij;e.;;;-t o oiieurv- tli - It:. ti. uni a;ii'iHr.l vliu iib 01' Pa. ! KutniK's ..tvv I . i,ic, t tl ki -nv j i ishet us r.ev.iul 1'ot'leu of it. Tur lira., bii:- Li.j stJj.'...f a ii.i.rkiri h;'i-rovu.:itr t. ar.,J aft"; Ail tiijsa Biiti'i'rir.i: from v-'uhNs-i r.boul.l t.i.V. U. IiU.Lfe.UUA.Ni, ht. Juiiti Aiyluu. This remMy ban bcn propur-1. by tlia KevraJ uiiOA-iTj;'iio I iimi.-rni . iiiiv'i i. I U-o tCOENIC MCD. CO., O'nicao, III. -. v S" ft tt,i - .! aup 20 1v b ' o o o o o o liny Liver Pills o Ol in j aaiHVi nivg M an untUblllons and nntl-miUwIal Oremedr ant wonderful In thetr affects f la freln th. system of LillomttMsW and malarlfc No one. Uvlns; la O Malarial Regions O should be wlthont tli.m. Their M prevent, attack! of chilli and ferer, g dumbejue, billons collo, and clTeefaf thesjsteinetrenirthto real.t all tha Oetll. of an unhealthy and Impure at- A motphere. Elegantly euRar-coated. . lrioe, Si .to. Oflloe, 89 Park Place, N. T. ooo ooooooo fb 4 ly DO YOU KNOW Thai you can hT yoar oyit teattd ac curately, and fitted with glaaaei by a practical optician at YOUNG'S JEWELRY STORE. The finest eet of tet leniasin theatate, and there will be no charge for teating your light. More eyes are ruined by glasses sold by incompetent persons than any other eaoae. Therefore, we advise you to be oareful with your sight, and have year eyee examined by a COMPETENT OPTIC 'AN Silver Roods for bridal presents, dia monds of the finest quality, watchei in gold and silver cases, clocks of the Vent makers and good timers, gold thimbles and Christmas goods, gold headed canes aid plain gold rings, epera glasses and fiaaey hair pin, aid ef the latest styles of goods, at the LOWEST P0SS1MLI PRICES. n . J- W- YOUNC, Oe Syee. k laik Sts. Petershnrr, Y, eUr: AT IAN"1 : i.'B t sll ipiil Xil. n- v. V-L-'iio that 'I Cell iu love with a young lady I al'tcrwiirJ.i niurrioil wliiln the battle of the WildeiDcss was ragiuy," wiid Majur Dan Thmnpson, a niiiubiT of the Keini niseenet! L'luli, that was in Kvsion ut the Southern, says the St, Louis (Jluho lletho erat. 'Duriu tlie first day's fighting the Cuiil'ederates charged us aeross au old diteli ami were driveu bauk with terrible slaughter. We advanced and took up a position in the ditch, and i'or a i'ew moments the roar of battle died away, with the excep tion of a Confederate battery far to our left, which kept snarling viciously, llight in frout of me lay a young Confederate who had been shot through the hips. Ha was a handsome boy, not more than sev enteen, and was evidently suffering terri ble agony. He was trying bravely to be a mau, but the tears would rise to his and iu a few momeuts he wa bitterly. sobbing "I a-ked him what I could do for him, and he took from his pocket a portrait of his sister aud asked me to give it to her when I reached Richmond. He evl deutly believed that because his regiment had been driven back tnc cause was hopelessly lost, and that nothing re mained for the Federal troops to do but march into Richmond with colors flying "I had the youngsfer carried to the rear and cared for, and put the picturo of his sister in my pocket, where it remained to the end of the war. Her brother re covered and was finally exchanged. A few days after the capitulatioo of Rich ntond I called on the lady to deliver her picture according to promise, and well: it was another ease of Held by the Enc my. The brother and I are in business together in Baltimore." AND SHU 1JKLIEVKL) 1II.M. It was early midnight when the youi g bride heard the front door suftly opened, and as he came up in his stocking feet she dried her eyes and determined that the time for action had come at last. "This will never do, George," said she, with a steely glitter in her eye that sobered him on the instant. "Perhaps I wouldn't mind it so much in the years to come, but our honeymoon is barely over, and here you stay out nearly all night. Uuless you promise to stop I'll go back to my father." " "Forgive me, my dear," he replied, bracing himself for the supreme effort of his life, for he knew the crisis had come, aud upon the result depended whether marriage was to be a failure or a bloom, ing success. "I know my conduct must seem cruel to you, but that is only be cause you know so little of men and their ways. All my life I have been accus tomed to staying out all night. I can't stop suddenly, for the doctor has told ne I have heart disease and that any sudden shock was likely to kill me. That's why, my dear, I must taper off gradually." "Forgive me, George," she sobbed, throwing herself on his breast. "I have been very selfish. I know you try to do what is tho best for you. Never again will I scold you, for it would drive me crazy if I knew I was the cause of your killing yourself." A Leader. Since its first introduction, Electric Rittcrs has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead kUiutig uirdicinal tonics & altcrativcs,con taining nothing which permits iu use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will cure sick headache, indigestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refund ed. Price only 50c. per bottle. Sold by W. M. Cohen, druggist. When Baby was atak, am bar Caetwrta. Whaa aba was a Cbttu, ataa artad for Oavioria. W1MaWbaeaaMlUat,abkuct0aMorl& WbaatWblhia.aaawritbaaC-eMlarla. bi'iti, U!i'(l.r Sr' I K 'unnlir.' M 0rl, lid Chr''1; I'ivtfi 1IM i'v. mt.Ut )' T"ivA. (Vtrrfa. PPP a i3 a o J'. ."., t.'iui.., euroilo 'TI!Tu1ZIiuiu7TiUm furlnl I'. !..iU, T.lUr, 8 aid H.wl, tk ., Hi. r. t P. U oowrful I'll., muH n ri'11rtt uptt'ttf, boj iyumi r. pt.itnn wJ who. Mood li to "nidHltiB, Haa to rn.'ntfi! r CURES : Malaria tba'i'lif proptrtlM f P. P. P., Prickly A, Pol Rool n.l Put Linuin. LIPP2AN BEOS., Proprieton, Drugfist,LIppmaii'iBloci, BAVABHAH,Oi LIPPMAN BROS., Proprle'ors, Druggists, Llppmin'l Block. SAVANnlAH. CA. may 12 6m SCOTLAND NECK STEAM DYE WORKS. The dyeing and dry cleaning of garments bj French procemdone with NEATNESS and -: DISPATCH. Woolen and mixed goods dyed at from one- fourth to one-tbird and cotton one-half lees than City prices. For con venience ol town aud vicinity articles need ing attention may be left at the store of Mr. E. W. HYMAK. In terview or correspon dence invited. Ad dress, STEAM DYEING CO., Scotland Meek, N. C. jy 21 M. lew V Millinery. -0- MY STOCK OF 0 FALL And WINTER hi i iiimury. Ii arrlvlnf , and I will dltplay the flneat lint ol rooda.Ter ahownln thli town. Com and see NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW EST NOVELTIES. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, ooUlj . Weldon, N.C. rifs- 'iM Br. .nw.u Hun TI 8 Iff THE ONLY PERFECT seWiMQ mechanism send for circular and price list to WHKKLKIt a WILstlN 1IF0. CO., maj'lOly. Atlanta, Oa. GROCEEIES ! Confectioneries. CIGAKS and TOBACCO. Weldon, X. C. Fresh bread and cakes shipped to aay point. Orders by mail promptly filled. MY is in the rear end of the same building. THREE DOORS from P.UOWN'S COR NER Main street, Weldon, N. C. oet 1 It. .,4, scientino rxnienoaqi l..uii(Ma'. eavEATt. TlfAUa HNRKh DESIGN (ATINTS COPYRIOHTS. etc For Information aM rrta Handbook wrrU to MUNN ft co Ml Broadway, New Tonic OldeK bureau lor aetorlnK patenta In Amartoa. Krerr patent taken out br ua l bronaht before the publle by a notlo gtTtn free of etnrg In the Scientific mtvban Larteat etrenlatlon of any aelentlSe aaper In tbe world. Splendidly llla.trated. No lBt.Ulia man ekould be vttbout It. Weekly, SS-M a year; ll.M Mi month.. Addreea MtJNM 00, nauiaiaa, m Broadway. New Terk. 1892. ZZTHE NKW YORK 1892. WEEKLY HERALD AT ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, Is the best and cheapest family paper il the United States. NOW IS THE TIME TO NVBSCIUBE. NOW 13 THJf T1UK TO 8UBHCK1BE. With the most perfect news fathering machinery, and with correspondents ia every section of the habitable elobe, the Weekly Herald is enabled to lay be fore its readers the latest intelligence and most entertaining; news from every city and country ia the world. The reputation for freedom and inde pendence which it has acquired during the many years of its prosperous career will be maintained during the year of 1892. Its specialties for 1892 will be Original articles on practical farming and Gardening. Serials and short stories by the bet authors. Woman's work and woman's lrieure. Gems of literature and art. Original flushes of wit and humor. Pregrcss in Science. News for veteran and information on all subjects. The stamp of Purity and Trnth in Ideas, Stories aid News will be striotly maintained. Address: JAMES GORDON BENNFTT- N. Y. HERALD, New York City. De let fail te aubseribe for the New Terk Weekly Herald. Oily en dellai yew. a a r l j j it i

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