THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY DECEMBER Qii, 1S92. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FALL AND K DRESS ran. A 7" have ,lif; stock f StorD Serces. Plain Serges, Broad Clotbs, and V V JPJL2TG1 NOVELTIES. Trimminp of all km Jj to match. CLOTHING ! Kr men, boys and children. This clothing will fit and is made in the LATEST STYLES. HATS! The very newest shapes in STIFF and FUR HATS. SHOES G-EADE. J. Faust & Son, E. P. Reid k Co's., an i Manan & Son's Handsome Shoes which are guaranteed to wear well or money refunded. Furnishing Goods. Gent's furnishing goods, notions, and handkerchiefs. HOTJSEKEEPIITG- GOODS and everything to be found in a first class dry goods house. We have a nice line of Ladies' Cloaks, Jackets and Wraps. Do not order goods. We will give you better goods for the price than you can get by ordering. We will keep up our stock better Dowthan ever, and can please you. Come to see us. THE M- F. HART CO., BY RT F. A. S. ALLEN, H. D. ALLEN. The Boston SHOE STORE, Evan s Brick Building, next door to the Bank. STAELISHEI) by well known Boston Manufacturer for the sale of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks and "V" -A. L I SaTThe lowest possible prices is the motto cents to $1.60 per pair. Ladies solid Xobby Dongula, long pat. Leather tip $1.25, worth $1.."0 in any bouse in North Carolina. "Souliettag"' for the baby's tender feet. Original, novel, and lovely. Be sure yo see them. Men's Victor Bals, absolutely solid, fair stitch London tip which you may well ass- now can we anora to run a. fi.'io. BTrunks and Valises at factory prices. 1 In order to meet the wants of the people we have also a full line of HOSIEET, which is also footwear, and comes in properly i n a regular shoe house taT.STKICTLY ONE TRICE TO ALI,..J D.E. STAINBAOK, Manager. oct. 27 6m. -zzz400 KlfJDS 0f zrzr IPS. II I ETC. Sole Ag'ts for Rife's Hydraulic Ram. Hand Power and Steam Pumps. Iron, Wood and Terra Cotta Pipe. IDIRAZIsr TILE- SYDNOR & SHEPARD, H45 st , icEcnvro3sriD"7'JA.. RTMW MO DRILLED WELLS. PROSPECTING HOLES DRllLED. my 12 6m. WINTER p A GOODS. HART, SEC. UREAS S E S of this house. Children's Shoos from 2; ill, TANKS, ADVERTISEMENTS. YOUR CA5E IS NOT HOPELESS 'TRACE MAKK. ; , ; IN NATURE'S OWN WAV. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. A -'amjUM M.lmn ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISC CO. SI4C5 Nf Yoik Ait.. WasMnjton. 0. C. nor 19 ly TYLER DESK CO.. ST. LOUIS, MO Oar Mammoth Catalogue of Baxi Counters, Disks, and other Opficb FutsiTl'BS for 1S8S now ready. New Goods New Styles in Desks, Tables, Chairs, Book Cues, Cabi nets, &c. , &c, and at matchless prices, as above indicated. Our good! are well known and sold freely in every country that peaks English Catalogues free. Postage 12a. my JS 6 m WORK FOR US a ffw dnyji, acd you will le MartUM v.t the unex jpcti eiictfss tlmt will reward your fiform. W positively have the best buaiie!s to ofltr ttu aeon, that cau be found on the face of thi earth, 845.00 profit on S75.00 worth f buaineA U beine aity and honorably uuide by and paid to huitureds of men, women, boy a, and pirU in our employ. You can make money filter ut work for usthauyou have any idea of. "The bitMneM is so eay t learn, and instruction o .-it n pie and plain, that all succeed from the start. Those who take hold of the buines reap the urivuiuajre tliat arises from the sound rt-puiation of oue of the oldest, most aucceful, nnd l:ir;et ubiisli id fif hou?e in America. Secure for y-iur-eif the profit that the business so readily and handsomely yield?. All beginners succeed grandly, and more than realize their greatest expectations. Those who try it find exaetly a we tell them. There is plenty of roinn tor a fi-w more worker?, and we ure them to Iwi'tti at once. If you are already em-pbivt-d. but iiuve a few spare moments, and wish to u-e them to advantage, then write us at once (for thi i vour prami opportunity), and receive full particular bv return mail. Addreit, TKL'E & CO., Wox No. 400, Augusta, Me. O OOGOOO 0 0 0 o TUTT'S 0 Tiny Liver Fills as an eiitl-blliom and antl-malarial remedy are wonderful in tlictr effects f in freeing the system of biliousness J and malaria. No ono living in Malarial Regions O should be withcut them. Their w prevents attacks of chills and fever, dumb ague, billons colic, nnd gives P the system strcusrth to resist all tho evils of nn nnhcalthyand Impure at a mosphen. Elegantly supar-coated. 0 ITJce, 85c. OlBce, 30 Pork Flore, ". T. O O O OGOOOOO feb4 ly DO YOU KNOW That you can hare roar eyes tested ac curately, and fitted with glaases by practical optisian at YOUNG'S JEWELRY STORE. The finest set of test lenses in the state. and there will be no choree for tenting your sight. Mure eyes are ruined bv classes sold by incompetent persons than any other cause. 1 heretore, we advise you to he oareful with your night, and hava yon? yes examined by a COMPETENT OPTIC 'AN SB .&mm: ' S2S IS A-v I)). Silver goods for bridal presents, dia monds of the finest quality, watches in gold and silver cases, blocks of the best makers and good timers, gold thimble and Christmas goods, gold headed eanet and plain gold rings, epera glasses and fancy bair pins, and ef the latest styles of goods, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ' J. W. YOUNC. Co Syoa. 4'Banlt Sts. Petersburg, Va. ortij. ' i Flt.HTING WITHOUT FIHEARMS The Greek pike was 24 feet 1 Dg. The mediaeval lance was 18 feet. The Swiss pike was 1 feet long. The Roman javelin wus (i feet long. The pelrary was a media?val catapult. Plate arm r was used from 1410 to leno. The standard Roman sword was 2- inehes. The helmet of Richard I., weighed 25 pounds. The rabbis say Cain killed Abel with a club. David slew Goliath with a sling stone, B. C. 1DC3. German helmets were ornamented with cow-horns. The cross-bow came into use into in the twelfth century. The military flail came into use in the tenth century. Spears are found in the earliest hiero glyphics of Egypt. The first armor used was of skins and padded hides. The pulley drawn cross-bow had a range of forty rods. Projecting engines were first invented by the Greeks. Mixed chain and plate armor was used from 1300 to 1410. Gustavus Adolphus abolished all armor but a light cuirass. The French infantry were aimed with the pike until 1640. The battles of Crecy, Poictiers and Agincourt were won by the archers. strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If La Grippe has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts di rectly on the liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aidingthoseorgansto perform their functions. If you are afflicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and per manent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c. at V. M. Cohen's drugstore. BITS OF WISDOM. The only truly brave people are those who are not afraid of the truth. There is not a man in the world who is not serving some kind of a master. Nothing makes a man a bit richer tint does not make him more grateful. No religion can do you :i bit of good that does uot make you try to do gocd to others A Little Girl's ICvperienee in a Light house. -Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are keen er of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Bench, Mich., and are ble.ssed with a daughter, four years old. Last April she was taken down with Measles, followed With a dreadful Hunch nml turnintr intn a Fever. Doctors at home and at De truit treated her, but in vain, she grew worse, rapidly, until she was a mere "handlul of bones." Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after the use of two and half bottles, was completely cured They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weicht in sold, vet vou ruav tret a trial bottle free at W. M. Cohen's drug store. THINGS WOKTII KNOWING. Tannon mixed with mutton tallow is good for chapped hands. Put a tablespoonful of salt into a kero- s;ne lamp once in a while. A good sized sponge is nice for cleans ing paint and washing windows. A larj;e, soft sconce, either drv or dampened makes a good duster. A paste made of eoual parts of lard and puwdered chalk will cure corns. Nitre is excellent for a cold, especially a feverish one. Use ten drops to a lea- spoonful, according to age, once in four hours. G: M. Carter. Chester. S. C... writes- "A negro boy here had a bad case of scroiuia. 1 he doctor said it would kill him. I got him lo use Botanic Blood Balm, He took a dozen bottles and is now well. He has not used any of it for four months and continues well." "Mamma," said Jacky, whoso little sister was pulling his hair, "I wish you'd make May stop. She's behaving in a very ungcntlemr.nly way." Wbea Babr was sick, ve ravs her Castor. When the vas a Chile", she cried for Caetoria. Wbea aba became Mies, aba elunf to Caatoria. When aba bad Childram, aha far Uwtn CaaWria. Cholly Bah, Jove, I've a dreadful pain in my head. Can you suggest remedy? Sinnikers Yes, have it filled. HUUo-nOLJ bi'tcVTIES. r.rotlcil Ti-nderliiins. Cut a tenW oin into throe loug stiM.;s, liattfD tlu-m a':il put on a broiler which h:is ir'mi k'reaicil over a (luiek lin1: nave a saucepan reaiiy over the tire with a lit tin incited butter iu it, sprinkle a little salt over the tenderloins, put them in the saucepan for two or three iniuuU-s, then serve. X. Y. Observer. (Jree.i Tomato Soy. Take green tomatoes just before frost Slice them thin, l'ut a layer of toinat.M'S, chopped onions, .'e ery and mustard seed, pepper .nd salt, and t'.vo tab'espumfuls of A'hite sugar: m.vee nnd cloves if fancied Till the kettle; ad 1 vinesfur enouyh to cook them; when tender, add more vinegar, and boil a few iniuuWs. Har per's Apple Custard Ti '. Peel, core e.n.i slew s mr apples. M ish then very fine, and for each pie allow the yolk of one egg, one cup of sM.'ar, one-half cup of butter, one-fpiai'ter of a nutni 'g, grated. Bake with only 0111 crust, tho same as pumpkin pie. un 1 ik the white of the cgS ai frosting, to be spread on after the pi.' is il ie Ilrown it nicely, by returuinir it to the oven for a few min utes, Koston lludyet. 1'launel Cukes. Hub two ounces of butter into a quart of sifted flour with the hands until well mixed; add one teaspoonfnl of salt. Mix together the beaten yolks of three eggs and one pint ami a half of milk; add this to the Hour; beat hard u-.itil smooth. Next add the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth and two tablespoonfuls of baking powder. Hake quiekiy on a hot griddle, greased with fat pork. X. V. Observer. Rolls. Let one pint of milk come to a boil; then add one tablespoon of butter and one tnblespoon of sugar; cool and add one-half eu; of soft yeast and flour to make a soft sponge; let it rise several hours, or, if for breakfast, over night, then stir flour in until the dough is firm; knead thoroughly; let it rise again, cut with a biscuit cutter and fold half-way over. When light bake in a quick oven half an hour. Watch carefully that they bake evenlv and are a golden brown. Boston Hudget Chocolate caramels are great favor ites; and although the word caramel really means burnt sugar, it is often applied where this ingredient is entire ly lacking. To make this candy at its, one cup of sugar and half a cup of butter are creamed well together as if for cake, adding by degrees a cup of molasses and one of cream, if it is to be had if not, milk will make an inferior substitute, l'ut all these ingredients in a saucepan and let them boil fast When nearly done, which will be in about half an hour, add a cup of grated chocolate and stir well. Drop a little of the caramel into cold water and have ready buttered pans into which it may be poured an inch thick. Mark into squares when cool with the back of a warm knife. Harper's liazar. THE CHARM OF COURTESY. Wlegcil YlVll.brrcl Kexerre The Woman YVIit l:ires tr Ite Affable. If women could ever learn that it is quite possible to combine affability with dignity in commonplace, daily in tercourse with their fellow creatures, ihis would be a far brighter and more 1,'reeable world. Xine-tenths of the gentlewomen one knows would no more address an tinint reduced female than bite otf a bit of their own tongues. Xot once in a blue moon do they dare con verse with their servants, the clerk be hind the counter, the chance companion of a railway journey, or even the lady who has dropped in to call on a mutual friend. Awkwardness and timidity, with a sense of alleged well-bred reserve, seal their lips to every form of communica tion. I u their shyness and stupid fear of furnishing an opportunity for undue familiarity they go through life like oysters, as far as those outside their narrow circle are concerned. l!ut, thank heaven, there is a woman, and her trilie is increasing, who realizes all of the beautiful opportunities and rights the gift of speech gives her. She can afford to talk to her domestics about any nnd everything, and cement their affectionate respect with every word uttered. tier kindly recognition of the shop girl and fr.igment of pleasant gossip across thj yardstick is a wholesome break in a clerk's dull day. To sit tie side a respectable female for an hour's train travel, and not exchange greet ings as two human beings touching in their journey of life, would confound her kindly nature. "She is sure of her dignity, nnd. strong in its integrity, af fords to do what a less fine-grained na ture shrWks to essay. Her friendly, well-chosen words are as far removed from volubility as her cordial manners are from gush. Reeogniz:ng the power of speech as the most potent of spells for removing dull, unlovely discontent embarrass ment and loneliness, she is free with worthy thoughts graciously expressed It is noticeable that su -h women never leave drawing-room, kitchen, shop or coach that every other creature of her kind present doc not acknowledge to herself the supreme excellence of courtesy above all other feminine charms. Illustrated American. IlAM't t'ntntnes. A baked potato is most delicious when lerved alone. Xo knife must touch it; tivU It carefully ftsd sq-tct-z; the con tents of the jackets iuto a light heap on the plate. Then sprinkle it with salt and it is an exquisite dish, to be eaten alone. Asparagus spoils everything it touches unless it tx u little bit of toast, to which it Imparts its own flavor. Green corn eaten from the cob. or after a slight boiling cut off and in a dish, will not be enjoyed as if.should be if mixed with other foid. Iloust beef will bear nothing but mushroomw with it, and in spite of all that epic jres may say wo like it bist when its blushing face, half hidden in the red veil dippe I from the drops that followed the knife, is all w can see on the plate be tor us. Journal of Commerce;. Marie lllm Wearr. Aunty I love flowers. Don't yon? Young Xephew I used to I "7 menced to slndy botany. Now 1 laate 'em. Uood Xews. ADVERTISEMENTS. HIIsSons NEW tl iHr,lUr r THE OfiLY PERFECT Send for circular and price list to h-' WUEELER & WILjOX MFG. CO., Si mayisiy. Atlanta,Ua. $ ml GROCERIES! Confectioneries. CIGARS' and TOBACCO. Weldon, X. C. Fresh bread and cakes shipped to ay point. Orders by mail promptly filled. My B A E is in the rear end of the same building. THREE DOORS from BROWX'S COR XER Main street, Weldon, N. C. oct 1 ly. 144' Sclentiflo America rT AgeicyforS' ' iJ ,C CAVEATS, 1! '... -.srODES'QN PATENT v rTHlV COP t RIGHTS, etc For Information and free Handbook write to MINN 4 CO- 361 BROADTTAT, NiW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing peteats In Aaiertea. Bverr patent taken ont by ns is brought before the public br a notice given free of obarge in tot Scientific JVwriati Lanrest eirealatlon of hit seientlle paper la tee world. Splendidly illaatrated. No ntel!Knt man should be without Iu Weeklr. 83.V a ;ear: tus six months. Address Mt'NN CO, Voiiusaiua, SCI Bruedwsj. hew lark. 1892. THE-' NEW YOKK 1 822. WEEKLY HERALD AT ONE DOLLAR PER YEAS Is the best and cheapest familj paper in the United Slates. SOW J THE TIME TO PfBSCRIBE. NOW 13 THr. T1MK TO 6UBSCHBB. rViih the mot perfect news gathering machinery, and with correspondents i every sectirm of the habitable alobe, the,y Herald is enabled to lay be fore its readers the latwt intelligence and most entertaining new from ererj itj and country in the world. The reputation for freedom and inde pendence which it has acquired during themnny years of its prosperous career will be maintained durins the year of 1892. Its specialties for 1892 will be Online! aiiiucs iu practice! fsraisj; izi Gardening. Serials and short stories by the best authors. Woman's work and woman's leisure. Goms of literature and art Original flashes of wit and humor. Progress in Science. News for Teteranl and information on sll subjects. Ths sttmp of Purity snd Truth in Idess, Stories snd News will be strictly maintained. Address: Now York City. Do not fail to subssribo for ths New York Weekly Herald. Only one dollar a year. "a

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