TEE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1892. LOVE AND PAINT. V7hy Mi33 Eaxtsr Gr.vo Up Het Ch03on Profession. The dining car v;is in a shimmer cf light. Tho dead white of heavy linon, the opalescent (flint of g-k-.ssware and the quiet pie am of silver trembled to pother in tho swift motion of the train. Miss Iiaxter, who had but recently loft her berth, dropped into a Kent mid leaned back a moment, d.ized by this lavish waste of color. Meanwhile, the insistent sunshine took liberties with the dull brown of her severely brash, d haiif, ran burning lingers through it, anij edged it with coquettish gold. Then she hastened to draw the curtain and -throw a pale blue square of shade OTer her corner of tho table, sighing as she settled down again and nil the painful scenes of the evening beforo came surging back. She felt half a notion to lay her head nn. the table and cry outright. She j.rlanced down instead and lingered her ring his ring while her glasses grew misty. She wondered whether she Bhould have kept the ring, now that it Jio longer meant anything. The ques tion was still undecided when she pulled herself together with a visible tremor and turned to the menu card. Dining-car breakfasts ure not timed to wait on tho settlement of suh'.elies in ( ethics, particularly after tho steward has made tho "last call." In the few minutes Miss Ilaxtor had ;. been in tho car she had not noticed her companions. As she raised her head, : ! sho was startled to see a familiar face "t dimly taking shape across tho table. She had removed her glasses nnd was about to press her handkerchief to het ycs; but she t hen put them resolutely on again and looked fixedly through 4, their misty crystals. "Mr. Woodson, where did you come from?" she demanded at length, as his well-known features gradually took ffafinitM clinna lttlnt-a ha '. ., '"From Now York, of course. Docs my dress suit look as though I'd board ed the train in these rural precincts? I thought you knew the cut better." "Do you mean to say that you've " teen on this train all this while after '' . . . after last night?" Miss Iiaxter 'asked with slightly heightened color. "Guessed it, the first time," Woodson exclaimed, brightening. "1 tell you, Grace, you should have gone into the law instead of art. You'd have been great on cross-examination." . ".Never mind, Mr. Woodson; you seem to forget that I prefer to make my own career we've discussed that before, however. And so you've been on this train ever since I have?" she concluded, reflectively. "A little longer, in fact. I made a mistake and got here half an hour early read the time-table backwards, hence these clothes. But now, see here, small girl," Woodson wont on With great deliberateness; shaking out his napkin Into his lap, and gazing in tently into tho blurred, blue depths of Miss Baxter's glasses. "Sec here, now, ' do you surjpose just because a girl jilts ' me " Miss Baxter interposed a depre cating gesuire yes, 1 repeal it no t ' you suppose, just because a girl jilts me, and I have reason to be'.ievo is go ing to the ends of the earth to get wucru sue win uever ace me again, that my sense of responsibility ends till I'vo aeon her safely where she wants to go; jo, I ve maao rsew lone unin- YiaHW aW A " titr vny and I ul,nll mnb-n what amends I can bv cliarjeronirr vou 4 rl 1 - T.- ... -..I, .. ,!- nM ..A ever it is vou nro com;'. Now what shall I order for breakfast?" "Ilarry, you're cruel. You know Mr. Fleming was going out there for the color, and I thought it would be a , good chance to continue my outdoor work." "FlnmWt TW.nrlir! Wnll I riiiln't know before that he was going. I see i there is still more reason why I should go now and stay." "But I forbid your doing any such foolish thing." "To tell the truth, Graco, I thought ' of stavins all tho time of coins into , tome business there." "Why, you never told me of it be fore." ; wen, i never mougni 01 it uu alter ,1 left you last night Then it occurred ;to me I might go into sheep or cattle or omethiog like that." , "AtManitou?" "Why not?" 4 "It's a summer resort" to be there iu tho summer, anyhow." "Ilarry, you're a trifler." "Well, I can peel an orange, anyhow if you'll allow me," Woodson ex- ciaimeu, laiiing ii-om iter nanu uie one sne was making a sau mess oi. "Ilarry, I never can forgive you for ; doing this," Miss Baxter concluded, after a moment's contemplation of the . whirling blur of green through the car 'V11 t nAt-A. ..in 1 rl frtt'rriva iyhqa1 ; if I hadn't and thcro it was," ho us- -, serted, dispassionately, laying tho pulpy, broken sphere of the orango be fore her. . It is quite a jaunt from Manhattan ,to Manitou; but ono morning they ex- 'changed the cushioned weariness of tho train for that blue hollow of tho hlllu witl, ltd ni,.lw.i.nWiMl f.,rifu nml gnblos showing hare und thcro up , the canyon, like a scattered troop of butterflies. Then life benamo ono Ion!? a breath ol delight. What color there wu! Tho cortU seemed !tw in some rarer mitrltiim limn. finmmnn nlr. Tim yellow cactus blossoms were like flakes of flame. Ko they painted from morning till night, keeping two or three studies un der way ut once putting iu blues where Woodson saw greens, and pur ples where he saw nothing but nonde script sand, and doing all tho inex plicable things that should be done ac cording to the gospol of tho luminutn. Woodson sat by and chaffed. 11a couldn't paint He wouldn't smoke. He parried Grace s occasional inquir ing plr.nces by explaining tbuthe was negotiating to go into the cattle busi ness;, a man was going to bring him a herd on trial. ... .Meanwhile he arrayed his shapely figure in cowboyish top boots, blue shirt and slouch hat, which became lum immensely and made a sinister im pression among the blazers and tennis suits of summering Manitou. Grace was absorbed and satisfied. One day an idea struck him. "Grace," said he, l I omul u little bit down hero th: olhr day that I'd lileo to have vou sketch to send home, you know You'll doit, won't vnu?" "Why, of course. I'll sroak to Mr. r lcming. " "Oh, hang Mr. Fleming," Woodson broke iu. "Fleming's :;11 right in his way, but I want you your sketch, yor know." Tho place was quite a distance away over the mesa. They set out for it the next clay. "Here it is," Woodson exclaimed, aftev quito a tramp, pointing over thii burniLg plum to where u row of cot- tonwoods w?re banked ngui'ist the slcy, tremulous in the vnji-uiit, air. "It doesn't seem to coicposu very well," Grace murmured, holding the tips of her lingers together nnd inclos ing the picture in a rosv frame, throucl which she gazed, half shutting her eyes in truly artisnc intontness. "Well, never inind that; et the char acter of it You know Fleming says the character's the thing. That's what I want the character the true char acter oC Ibis beastly country." Ko Grace, donned her big blue apron and set to work with her biggest brushes. But some how she had trouble, Tho quality of that sky, burning with light and yet deep in hue. did not seem to reside in cobalt, however tresh from tho tube. The value of tho stretch ol plain, tremulous under the flaring heavens, disturbed her, too, and when she came to put in the airy wall of cot tonwoods along the horizon the whole thing ended iu a painty muddle. "Oh, I can't do anything to-day!' Grace exclaimed, petulantly, wiping her troubled brow with tho back of her hand and leaving a streak of bluo along ner lorchead that intensified her puz zled look. "Why don't you put those trees In green?" Woodson asked, with serious concern, as Grace renewed her struir gles with the regulation blues and purples. "But I don t see them so," she murmured in a moment of absorbed ef fort "Grace," he blurted out almost be- fore he knew it, "I don't believo you sec anything, Excuse me, but I don't believe you ever did. I don't believe in your art; I don't believe in your ca reer; l don t believe in your indenen denee! You're simply spoiling the nicest girl in the world with it You see everything through Fleming's eves. You see things bluo and purple because ho does; and he wall, ho sous things mat way because some fellows over in Paris do, and I don't believe in it There, now, I've said it, come"- But it was not arranged that he should finish what he had to say. He had looked down to the ground where he tat as ho spoke of Fleming. When ho looked up, Grace was several feet away from him, hur rying down tho hill, with her head bowod. "I'm a brute, a miserable brute!" Woodson remarked to himself with considerable force, as he watched her striding toward the half-dry creek. "But some one ought to have told hor. Her art is all foolishness. Look at Fleming, even. He's forty, and I'd like to know where he'd be if it wasn't for his teaching. But I'm a brute, just the same, a heartless brute!" Thcro was a plum thicket along the creek, and watching Grace disappear within it Woodson set about picking up her sketching kit This done, it oc curred to him that it would bo a proper penance on his part to wash her brush eshe had always hated dirty brushes so. Gathering them up, ho started to ward the creek. When he got there he could seo no sign of Grace. Could it be that anything had happened to her? The thought made .lira Batch his breath for a moment, lie knew she was im pulsive capable of any rash move in a moment of excitement Then he heard a stirring in the plum thicket, and came face to face upon her in a little open ing, crying softly to herself. "Grace," ho called out, "why, what's the matter? I know I'm a brute, but I didn't thiuk you'd take it so." "Oh, can't you help me?" she plead ed, and began grasping about and feel ing aimlessly around with her hands. He saw that her hair was loosened and that her wrists and face were scratched and bleeding in a dozen places. "Why, what's the matter?" he queried again, as sho catno groping to ward him and stumbled against him. "Can't you help ine at all?" "Of course I can, small girl, you're all right Nothing shall touch you," he reiterated as his arms closed around her. "Oh, silly, can't you see I've lost my glassesl" sho exclaimed, pulling away irom hiin and flushing red among tho greenery. But ho held her tight "You don't want t hem, you seo bet ter without them, blue eyes. Confess now, you never really saw before. Give up trusting in those wretched glasses and trying to bo independent Come, seo your career through my eyes." But still sho held back at arm's length, really deiiant. His fingers left a white cirelo whero they clasped her wrists. She seemed ready to cry and theu smiled instead. "You'll fc'ot ley glasses if I promise?" Lie nodded. Suddenly throwing her arms about his neck she said: "I always liked your eyes," and pressed akisson either lid. "Mnybo you were right about my art," tho added, seriously. "But this needn't interfere, need it?" "Interfere! why, I'll toll that man that I've decided not to take his cattle and we'll turn the wholo herd into paint" Then ho reached over arrt carefully (liseiigrvl l.cr glasses from tho twig wheiM ho hud seen them bunging as he entered the thicket G. Melville Up ton, in Kate Field's Washington. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; MEN AND WOMEN 1 wm LOOK YOUNG DR. CAMPBKLL'S SAFE ARSENIC WAFERS possess most marked and snrprl zing virtues in lire serving Youth, Health and Beuuly. They an) the only substance known that will prevent tenancy to wrinkles anil aging of the skin. They preserve the tone, life and trmiKtiiniit. ilitw of vmilh They prevent withering oflne skin and rtmnir np of the flesh. They arc simply wonderful for removing Freckles. Wrinkles, Moth, lllackheads, Plrunles, Vulvar Hertness. RoukIi, Yellow or Miiuny Willisana other luclal illslltjiiroiiieiil. If you desire Rtransiiarelit. clear, fresh num. plexion, free from blotcn, blemish, roughness or coarseness, and wish to preserve YOI'TH and 11KAI TY, use these WONDKKKI'I,, MAliK'AI, ANDMAKVKhhOrM DU. CAMPBELL'S BAKU AKar.fliu At mis. REMEMBER ALSO THAT Every Skin Disease, whether torturing, dlsfig- muiK, uuiinnuuiiK. iirnuiK, nurnuig. bleeaillg, scaly, pimply or blotehv In fact, faun Pinmlps to the most distressing eczemas, and cwry hu morof the blood, whethersirnple, scrofulous or hereditary is speedily, Permanently and eco- DR. CAIHPIHCIJ,' safe arsenic COMPLEXION WAFERS. These wonderful wafers are a Wood Purifier and Sklu Heautlfler. They are the greatest of numur Aeuieoies, wncn me oeac pnysicians and other remedies fall. The above Is strong language, but true. Thou sands of grateful testimonial from high, low, rich and poor attest their Wonderful, Unfailing nun jut:uiuiarHuie emcaey. The Wafers are for men as well as women By Mail, SI. 00; 6 Boies, 83.00. Depot, Ji8 Cth Avenue, N. Y and all Druggists. Dr, Campbell's Wafers are the only Genuine Arsenic Wafers made. ll-17-6m. When ordering mention this paperand receive ujraus; a very pretty steel money purse. NOTICE. By virtue of the power vested in the nn dersigned by a certain deed of trust dated January 20th, 1888, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Hali fax county, in Book 80, Paj?e 107, executed Dy unas. jn. tlamilland Uliie A. liamill, his wife to the undersigned, as Trustee, to secure certain indebtedness therein men tioned, I will sell at pnblic auction for cash to tho highest bidder at the Court house door in Huhtax, N. C, on Monday me znn uayoi January, all the right, title and interest of the nnrties in and to that tract of land in Halifax county, State ot JNorth Carol inn, devised by Edward Davis to Eliza Davis, wife of John H. Davis and her children, nud which upon the death of the said Eliza was divided among her children, nine in number, the saidLillieA. Hatuill being allotted about 180 acres thereof, adjoining the lands of John 1'. Futrell, Mrs. J. H. Jiichards and others. This the 30th diiv of November, 1892. W. E. DANIEL, Trustee. dec 8 tds. PEANUT PICKERS And GLEANERS. Will pick and clean 300 bushels of nuts per day. Manufactured by THE CARQWELL MACHIN W0- Kichuiond 9 13m sjiiHsim., DEALEKS IX COAL, RICHMOND, VA, s. H. hawes & co -Dealers in urn, PLASTER, CEfJEfJT. Hiclnnond, Va. my 5 ly Laying and Pa iTHE GUM ELAS1 IC ROOFING IS ABSOLUTELY NON-COMBUSTIBLE and guaranteed to last ten years. Costs only 82.00 per 100 square feet. Strong ly eudursed by New York Board of Underwriters. Send stamp for circular, samples and particulars THE GUM ELASTIC PAINT Costs only 60 cents per gallon in barrel lots, or U 50 for 5 gallon tubs. Culor dark red. Will stop leaks in tin or iron roofs that will last for years. TRY I f GUM ELASTIC ROOFING CO., 41 West Broadway, New York. L iquoes and;;groceriep I have a comple stock of Family Gro ceries of all kinds which I will sell cheap for Cash. I have also on hand and am constant, ly receiving a large variety ol LIQTJORS. Such as whisky, brandy, wine, beer ale, porter, carbonated waters, &o. Call and see me on Washington Ave nue at the t&-od stand of R. W. Daniel. W. D. SMITH. octl8 ly -STOP AT- CLEAN" ROOMS." SPLENDID TABLE' p0LITE SERVANTS. Fare always the best the markets can af ford. SERVICE NEAT AND PROMPTS o 5NEAR THE COURT HOUSE.-! Baggagr aken from and to the railroad station. nice accommodations; FOB LADIES. BATES $2.00 A DAY, Special arrangements for bnnrd by the week or month. R. G. REID, Proprietor. mar20tf IB "AKAKESIS"gtvmlnatnnt rollot ami Is an Infallible Core fbr I'llc. Price!. Hy , Xsal'i'ui'itistsorinnil. Samples B Srni'.ililrca.s,'A.NAKE.SlS.' 3 E7? '5C?i;o'c una, A'cw Yotlt City. S B P P H ond Whiskey Habits ; l. :",i V. ' pint T'i;i, ltMnirr, - Tf' '"V"-" K. M. V'V i.LBY.M'.li vwir Uouta.Uu. oiU.:c jiuv. H'huAhoii u. Southern mm r rll I US' 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mm hi Elastic Eos s mm ii':-J: mm jv- tS4 -to tfe-v fem--i8fti NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. 4 W. R. R. $ BRANCHLS Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. DATED HAY818T, 16U8. rfOQ CTJM V J P. M. P. M Leave WeMon IUWIMS Ar Kooky Mount.... 1140 I 6 3fi A. M. 600 I 7 09 ArTarboro I - LeaveTarboro .. 1 18 58 Arrive Wilson. . lrt Leave Wilson a 3 Arrive Selma 830 Arrive Fnyetteville, 5 30 Leave Goldsboro 1815 Leave Warsaw 4H Leave Magnolia.... I 4 27 Arrive Wilmington 6 10 I 600 7 00 7 40 7M 8.10 9 SO 40 19 44 6S 1 11 85 TRAINS GOING NORTH 2-a A I A. M. A. H. T. M. I 123o SIT) I 4 80 I I 1 54 10 57 6 01 ( ...... 11 11 16 15 tin 12 05 7 10 I 9 10 11 0 18-10 8 35 1S5I 8 04 I 4 08 1 80 8 89 I 6 30 8 18 f 12 58 5 05 155 10 00 Leave WllmliiKton Leave Magnolia Leave Warsaw Arrive Goldsboro Leave FayettevilU Arrive Selma ArrireWilson Leave Wilson Arrive Rocky Mt. Arrive larboro, Leave Tarboro. Arrive Weldon, Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Eoad leavri Weldon at 400 p. m. Halifax 4 !8. arrive Scotland Neck at 5 15 p.m. Greenville 6 62 p. m. Kinston 8 OOp. m. Returning leavea Kinston 7 10, a. m. Greenville 8!0a ra. Arriving at Halifax 1100, a. m., Weldon 1185a. ra dailyexceptSunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon on Mon day, Wednesdays and Friday at 10 )6a. m. arriv ing at Scotland Neck 1 05, a. m , Greenville 6 80 p. m., Kinston 740 p. m. Returning, leaves Kinston Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 80, a. m. arriving at Greenville 9 55, Scotland Neck 190. p.m. weldon 5 15 p.m. Train leaves Tarboro N. C, via Albemarle and Raleigh R. R. Daily except Sunday 4 40 p.m., Eundaysnop. in . arrive Wllllaraston N. 6. 718 p. m.. 4 !0p. m. Plymouth 80p m., 610 p. m. Returning leaves Plymouth dully except Sunday 6 80 a.m. Sunday 9 00 a. m. Willlsniston, N. C, 740 a. ra. 958 a. m. arrive Tarboro 10 06a. m, 1180a.m. Trains on Southern division, Wilson and Fay etteville Hrancli leave Favettcvillc 7 u0 a. m., arrive at Rowland 1 15 p. in. Returning leave Rowland 12 15, p.m. arrive at Faj etteville 5 16 p. m. Dallv except Sundav. Train on Midland N. (:. Branch leaves Golds boro N.O., dally crept Sunday 6 00 a. m ., arrive Srnitlillcld.N C.,7:in a. m. Returning leaves Smithlield, N. C, s00a. m., arrive Goldsboro, N CtlilOp.m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rockv Mount at5 18 p. m., arrives at Nash ville 5 f5 p m., Spring Hope 60p. m. Returning haves Spring Hope 8 00 a. in., Nashville 8 m., ar Rooky Mount 9 15 a, m. dallyexceptSunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, tiaily except Sunday at 6 00 p. m. an1 11 15 a. m Returning leave Clinton at 8 80 a m and 3 10 p. m.. connecting at Warsaw with No 40.41. Wand 7ft. Southbound train on Wilson and Favettevillt Branch is No. 51. Northbound is 50. I)ally ex cent Sunday. Trains No. S7 South, and 14 North will only stop at Rocky Mount, Wilson Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. "ft makes close connection at Weldon forall points North daily. All rail via Richmond and daily except Sunday via Bay Line, also at Rocky Mount dally with Norf.vk and Carolina Railroad for Norfolk and all points North via Norfolk. Tralnsmskesclose connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run s"lid between Wilmington and Washington and hare Pullman Palace Sleeperi attached. J.R.KENLY, J F. DIVINE, Sup'tTrana General Sup't T. M. EMERSON, lieu'l Passenger Agent. TLANTICTAST MLINE PETERSBURG A V'ELDOXR.E t'otideithctl Schedule. TKA1NS C01NO KlL'J'll. Dated May Slat, 181)3. Nn. 2U Daily. No 27 Daily. T.r"'-p V 'ci' tirj;, l.iao o,iiiy t. ret U, Leave Jarnitts, Leave Hellioltl, Anisu W, Moil, KM.Huin 1(1. :"ll am 11.11 am ll.odnni J'MO inn :!.4:i p m 4.18 ) ii. 4 18 p in TlfAINS (iOINU NOliTH. No. 14 No. 7f Daily. Daily. Leave Weldon, , 1(1 a m. Il.lon. ni I.cPe'fieM, S 44 a.m. IS.Wp. in Le Jiirntlla, (!.(in a.ni. 4l'ilyi. m LeStonv Creek, Hl.ia.m. .4 :::! p. w Arrive relerslntris. (i.SOani. !i.V?p. n All trin run f-u, Weldon (oVuihiir ton. E. T. P. MYERS, T. It. Eltr!;s,,ON, LGen'l Siiperiuteudetit, Gen.rnrnat r . allHI 9 PiT9 r il i 8 V.'nrsTiiK. P. P.. Pre. io. i8qi Sirs.' I wi'li 1 ic.ul i f t nil who are sufler ing Injin itittf .V.-i-wn itm: know just how gootl yourrcinc.y I-.. My .'' us, d it oncyar, and in i.uw t!je stout' ;.t 'chilli 1 have. With many tl.anks, I rt:iu.n ut.i-s, H. A. TATE. I have r"t rmri oiw t.f mv k.d spoils since I comniuiccii Uii.iliil Mirr I' ((Vciitr. s'x rtinnths ago. iiitmsY U.MOiU; rnir nvi.P!!iA. r... T. n. a ,Poa. I Wrsottltlf 7 l.ntir of IAO t:-..is of J-VM, where llie p.ilic;!t h;ol jrvcii uu all hoiie, that! were cu.'.u by Un4 r nic I A. YI 'UU, Treasurer A::icr,c.:n l'ublishing House. Trj? y.mV r.:r T'-rCv rFrE. the! nmtsr vas::.s. 'iin.i von mav m- it.! tnffttitir racialist', u-t mil send you lttf Give Aye, Po.s.-O.'.e un! Suite, Ai dreaii Hull ( Iwmicol Co., wrsr v.ii. nv.t.vf.UA, va. CIS. M. WALSH, South Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va. L' wefit catih jiriic f;u:irantcrd. AD work vrarraoted satisfactory, C11AIMJ S M. WALSH. oct 11 Ij. TO THE PATRONS OF TFt E albemaklestkam navigation CO CtMtnV Tir.ir HoiwcmNORFOIKand viw. KAS'il.HNK. CAROIIN On and aflrr Monday. December nih, and until further tictire, the Steamer CHOWAN, ( m 'me V'iiliv, will LEA VI! AXK1.1X ni Mnntlnv", Wed nil,iMii ,l Cru'i v. li.rl-:DENTO'X,I'LY-JIOl 'l II nml il i leniKilintB points on arrival of mail Ira n from l'orttiiiiouth, ear m-ir am. ItElVKNINc; ,U "Cliowaa" will reach Erimkllii on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Snturihiys at ! 15 A. M in time to ctinmct with l-:ist Vutf train from Kaleigh tn IVrtMvoutn aiii' wiih Exprcas train for the rfntli. rasFi iii't rs, ly tt'is nmrpeme tit, taking tho Steamer f l ovni n iy j oint on the river, will REACH NO Pre i K l.i oclock A.M., ami ti ns hr.-!''!. ih.y for the trans actionofhti' i'-'iity. C.IVB TUr ';( TF A 'TRIAL. .- ,-!!y, H rapt rank 1 in v 1