VOL. XXIII. WELDON, N. C.f THURSDAY, DECEMBER as, 1892. NO 39 ADVEUTISEM KN Tti. Is Life Worth Living? That depends upon tho i Liver. If tho Liyer is , ' inactivo the whole sys tem is out of order the 1 treat!) is bad, digestion poor, head dull or aching, . energy and hopefulness gone, the spirit is de pressed, a heavy weight : exists after eating, with ' general despondency and the blues. Tho Liver is the housekeeper of the health; and a harmless, simple remedy that act9 .1 like Nature, docs hot , constipate afterwards or require constant taking, . does not interfero with , business or pleasure dur . ing its use, makes Sim - mons Liver Regulator a V medical perfection. I liavo tested Its virtue? personally, and fcnnw thai for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbliinir Headache, it Is tho beat meitl clue tbe world over saw. Have triod forty other remedies before Himinons Livur HeKulat.ir. and none of them nave mora than temporary relief, but tho Iteg-ulator DO oulv r.j l.jved butcured. 11. 11. Jones. Macon, Ga, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ; NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The partnership of BriiTOX & Travis is this day dissolved by mutual consent. ; KOUT. 0. liUKTON, E. L. TKAVIS, Halifax, N. C, Nov. 25, 1892. JOS. J. LOCKIIAItT, 'Attorney and Counsellor At LaWi '; WELDON, N. C Office in Evans building. (Practices in the Superiorand other courts of the State. Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims. nov '.i ly . IAUES 11. MULLEN, WALTER K. DANIM. ,MU LLJiH A 1) A B 1 I 1,, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wkldon, N. C. Practice in thecourtsof RallfaxaudNorthamp ton and I n the Supreme and Federal court. Col lections made in allpartaof North Carolina. Branch office at Halifax, N. C, open every Hon day. Jan 7 ly rjAHOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice In Halifax and adjoining counties and Federal and Supreme courta. auc 28t K. K. L. HUNTER, ."I BURGEON (TnwiA DENTIST. T . J Can be found at his office in Enfield. V Pure Nitrons Oxide Gas for the Painless Extracting of Teeth always on hand. : . ., feb 27 ly. ,T. W. HARRIS, D. U S. l Littleton, N. C. Teeth Extracted without pain. I 4-30-Gm. TitouiaiKiR m t'.icy will w-nr No Other Shoo. Wr this Shoo during tho Summer Montni. DO NOT SUfFER WITH TIRED or TENDER FEET. I Tiiii si. ExrtNDi iiii rvrnv miitiov of I hi. !', .t vi-1,'. ividiiij ii H.TlfL-1 pIihik'. Inn AIMiNruiLK uuurt inuko u pumila' tu wear ft lurrower .hoe. THE PERFECTION lOoiti no more, look, better, wonr. longer, ami K"" 100 timet morn comiort tnmi my i llirr luwke. Prleo, $3.00, S2.60. 3 00 $3.50. I CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO., Nl'Prs, Lynn.Masi. For Bale by the leading shoe dottier in Littleton, N. 0., S. JOHNSTON. W- B TILLERY. Weidon.N. c. GEO. B CURTIS & CO., Entieid, N. c. Shoes iia.uk to measure a specialty, Agents wanted in all Beetions. aug 11 3m. Farewkli. 181)2. New resolutions. Make new re solves. New resolutions are in order. If you miike new resolutions keep them. What changes may take place be fore 1S!M. Weliion wil witness great changes during the coming year, unless all signs tail. May we all be here to witness a thousand new years. V H A te v E R may have been tbe disappointment!) of the past, begin the new year wil li fresh courage. 1893 will prove a prosperous year. Watch the pro fessor. If you have any broken resolutions on hand mend them. May all the readers of the Roa noke News have a happy and a pros perous New Year. t Mr J. N. Ash by, Hiawatha, Kan., like many others who write in similar strain, has found at ln.it what he wants. He writes: "t had mv Hruirsrisf here to send fur a b itiic of ftauain Oil I'm rheumatism and find it tho nly remedy to give relief, alter trying dozens of others. I'erwns exposed to the nilii whether seeking plci.-ureor pursuing the ordinary business avocation- of life, should not fail to keep a bottle f Dr. Hull's Cough Sjrup, the ,r-;.l cough oiiri', irir ' .' t".V :ri ' 'ill"1 a I spuoulul belulo l'ctiriiiL 1 ' ii". J I n distressinn.' dangerous cold may thereby I be cut off. all. Dyspepsia's victims find prompt and permanent relief in Hood's Sarsaparilla, which tones the stomach and creates an appetite. NccUr:; itc-'- t uul'i.i., who want build mrf up. should tHlrp ilROWN'S lllOS BI'i'TJT", It i3 pleasant i lake, cures M uun.i, Indl leetiou, lHUousuem aud liver Cooiplaiatt. Welcome 1803. A happy New Year. Write it 1SD3 after Saturday. One more mile post passed in life. Let us nil try to be hotter in every way. The new year begins well o u Sunday. Only three more days of leap year reiuaio. Let us all begio the now year wi' li renewed hope and energy. Reflect n o t upon the dead past but look to the fu ture. May the year witness fruition o f hopes of all. tl- t L How many youn; ladies have im proved the oppor tuoities which leap year gave them ? If you haven't made new resolu tions make them now. If you have made them stick to them. fikfKM) till siclt wauhis to Urahy 8 IIUIUILOUICAI, OAMiAIUUAl, LhtilUX, V f. It) 13 tf. If you .10 el we,.. end all worn cut Aaki BROWN'S IRON BITTC NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tobacco Cure ! AQnCKnml AlWOLUTE Cl'Ki: fur the TOBACCO HABIT! Next to the whiskey tnillic, it is the nuist expensive mill Inallisomi' liatiit of the American people. The annual cost runs op into millions. The average tulmcco user pays to gratify this unnatural appetite from five to ten times tiune than ho gives to support tbe Chnrcli. Shame on us. This Cure has not yet failed where the party was in earnest about (putting and followed directions. Thousands have been cuied of chewing, smoking and dipping. Here are samples of certificates: Birmingham, Ai.a., March 1G, 1892. Mcmrx. llrazcitl it Co. ' Gentlemen I used tobacco fur nine teen years, and finding it injurious, decid ed to quit it. About seven months ago, with the Hose Tobacco and Sim IT Cure, I quit it, and now linil my health greatly improved, and that I have gained .10 pound in weight. A. T. Baker. Messrs. Brazeal & Co.: Dear Sirs The tobacco tablet bought ot you December ltd, IH'Jl, has given perfect satis'action. It has cured two persons of the tobacco habit myself and another. I smoked cigarettes for four years, and had been chewing fourteen years. Since the use of the tablet 1 have no desire whatever either lor smoking or chewing. It did the work in fonr days. Yours truly, K. T. Odom, Gadsden, Ala. Rocky Fobd, Ga., Jan. 12, 1802. ,fiwi. Iirazml & Co., Birmingham, Ala. Dkar Sirs I have used oncof the tab lets for cigarettes, and it has cured me. En closed find $10. l'lease send mo amount in tablets. Will take agency or territory. Give me full particulars. Refer to any business house of this town. Yours truly, G. R. Head. Mrs. J. F. Jndd, of Fayette C. II., Ak., writes : "I received my box of Snuff Cure and am delighted with it. There is no doubt of its curing any one who will give itafttii and honest trial and really has the desirt to cease using the weed, aud exercise this willing desire. I think I can sell many boxes for yon. I do want to help tlwse who want to help themselves." PRICE PER TABLET, TOBACCO (TBE.Sl.OO " " BOX, SNUFF CIUIK, l.W IlKDKK OF BRAZEAL & CO., BIRMINGHAM, ALA., General Agents for Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina. sep 8 ly Save t raying Sills BOTANIC rti nnn nil IB Fi BLUUU DALm ( THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES U.b hn.n fli.,Pn,,v)ilTll.Ht,a llV fttll- 1 Ittmit phviticlaas aiiil tho pi-opla A fr 40 vt-HM. and never fitilii to r" cure quickly nnd pcrmAaeatly SCROFULA. ULCFRS. ECZEMA. 1 RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, 1 a .11 ,.nn.. nf VtTlNa. SPRKAlITNG Slid I KIINN1NI1 SOKES. Inviriahly curt Hie moull I loathnomn blood dlneiuun 11 dim Hoti3 or (ol- I lowed, rnce 81 por uubviv, uuiwt..v. . ' Bale itj arutririfi. SENT FREE woNDi iibi l Tubes. Rl nnn BALM CO.. Atlanta. Ga. july 28 ly. IN". C. Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes. All Goods New, All goods latest Style, all goods Cheap. Kverjthing w.trai.tid as rtprctentutit Call and f ..,mine quiility und price. No irouh.u to !,, v j;i.i,ds, glad to bae use them Iier ll.T, (IT BE UNDKMfcOLO. t) i9 u'. 1. 1 Miry,

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