THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1893. THE LEGISLATURE. 11 ! '' i BUSINESS PENIUXO AND DISPOSED OF BY THE LAW MAKERS OF THE STATE. Senator Leach has offered a bill to prevent the destruction of certain game birds, which passed its several readiugs and is a law. A bill providing a stock law for New Hanover county has become a law. A bill to prevent the careless exposure of children to fire has passed both Houses and becomes a law. Bill requiring county superintendents of public instruction to ascertain the number of deaf and dumb and bliud in their counties below the age of 26, and report the same to the principals of the asylums for such unfortunates has be come a law. Bill to prevent county commissioners and justices of the peace from holding office for more than two successive terms was tabled. Senator Leach offered a bill to amend the charter of the town of Littlctou, which he subsequently withdrew. Bill to incorporate Wilkins River Water Power, Manufacturing, Land and Improvement Company passed its third reading in the Senate. Bill to provide for stenographers in the State courts was defeated. Speaking in favor of the bill Mr. Day said that if passing this bill would distinguish this Legislature from the last one he wou'd certainly vote for it. If there was any thing that he did not want to see, it was for this Legislature to be compared to that gang, and he would do his best to prevent it. Mr. Long, of Warren lias introduced a bill to re-enact the charter of the Carolina Manufacturing Co. A bill to establish a criminal court for Halifax and other eouniies has been tabled in the Senate. Bill to increase the annual appropria tion to the Guilford Battle Ground As sociation from two hundred to live hun dred dollars has become a law. Senator Leach has offered a bill to include Halifax aud Warren counties in the opossoiu l.iw, also a bill to pruttct stock raisers. Mr. Taylor nffered a resolution to print certain records relating to Confederate soldiers, which was placed on the calen dar. Mr. Kitchin offend a bill to prevent the formation of oath bound organizations, which was referred to the judiciary committee. Mr. Long, of Warren, introduced a bill to incorporate the East Carolina Immigration and Land Compauy. Mr. Battle introduced in the Senate a resolution raising a committee to en quire into the expediency of establishing a foundry at the penitentiary. A bill to incorporate the William L. Saunders Historical Society has passed the Senate. Bill requiring managers of penal and charitable institutions to report the num ber of persons employed by them and the compensation paid to each has passed the Senate. A bill to repeal the act of 1891 pro viding for the collecting of agricultural statistics has passed the House, A bill is before the Senate to amend the charter of the town of Lewiston, Bertie county. Iu the House a bill was introduced by Mr. Harroll, by request, to repeal chupter 2S.", laws of 18!1, in regard to local op tion in Seaboard, which was referred to the committee on proposition and grievances. A bill io rvpoal the act incorporating the town of Kilquick, Edgecombe county, has passed both houses. H. B. Randolph, Brunswick, Ga., writes: I was under the care of the nine different doctors, but not one did me the good that Botanic Blood Balm has done inc." Now let the "oldest inhabitant" trot out his coldest winter. If it was colder than this we are glad we were not there Ai) VERT ISEM EN TS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in lcivening strength. Latest U. S. Government Fund Report Rotat Bakino Powder Co., 106 WH St., N. Y. FUNDS ON HAND. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.) IN THE TJ 4 T 7 r 4 V sis-. .-...-.- ' SUPERIOR COURT. TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HALIFAX COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA: Pxirsuaat to Chapter 580 Puhlic Laws of 1S91, 1 have the honor herewith to snbmit the following report 1 all pnblic funds re mainimi in my hands on the 1st Monday in Deemberl892, reference being had to annual report made to the Judge of the Superior Court at Isovember Term 1892, under provisions of sections 1864 of the Code-the amounts therein set out in detail, not being rendered in this report: iTnu I Jl;dg' I r, I CASE- I V entitled I FeeBill. ment docket. Date riaintiff. I Defendant. to fund. 5 Nov. State H. KoblriFon et al Ahrnin Tillery, " Miles Pope, 183 Decl3'f9 Philips A Battle J.T.Bellamy, 0 M 8.1 S6 M 1(10 15 107 IU u 116 lit) 119 it 1?0 122 121 111 125 I?8 12C 1M i:i8 IU 1:4 li 1SH 6v 4 161 167 67 8 It 1 403 23ft :!-( II 25 464 .!! 448 11 m 17 '177 .TO 448 II 409 coi 47 ,'.06 47 12 11 W Tan 89 '90 R P Page & wife J R Jnnes, Mar6 90 State W H Kitchin, Apr 5, 90 TL Emry & wife RAG RRCo. Apr 8 90 Dee. State Bd Co. Corn's H Richards"n, Mar t '1 " Mar 13 91 S Ward J A White, Apr '91 J T Bellamy, 4S M'y 14 .M y S 91 .fly 22. 91 Oct 5 1 Oct 8 91 Nov SO Jan IS 92 Apr 1 92 Feb ! 't2 Mar 14 PJ Mar 15 92 It Mav 4. f 2 Mav '(. Mav '? J'e'mt II Auk 27 52 Feb 6 90, State N 4 C. R R Co B A Pope. Hackney Bros. Allen Smith, M Smith et nl John Omirhenor Phllii s & Battle M K Borden, Ned Hill W. W. Fisher. Berry King. O J Sentt. George Williams J R Rogers, sheriff", H CKennedv, sh'tT J H Mr-Ore, ' J E MHbry. A K shearin, R E Pope. Msnrn-et Smith, B E Pone, R H Itlekssh'ff W T Knight, sheriff R A Hardv .1 G Shields & wife Frank Ballard W & W R R Co Parker A I'lois .1 IT Krnnt U'n. Knjis Bellamy, PCClarl:. WTWritht, sheriff J W Thompson, Peter I.. Powell J C Florers, NBJosey & Co F S Were A Co. J W Stale Sol William Albert (iee W H Piiv ex'r. JCfflrHalo VniLl.:. Basli Devereux It McMohon etal AH Rims,' sheriff Potapscn Gu. Co J R Tillery B E PrTpe"' " ff " " J Evett Tteardon, H J Pope ' " Lee Shields " " R H Mck re , Patapseo Guano Co .1 R Tillerv John .1cknn V u II llkno r-t,. mi ir..;.n V. n-1 , 7 . ;.""". ' r . snerjn v.i.ivii a iiiierjr.i a jinrura Mitrell fcTHlrrv S'l'?. . . , JUkson wrl M F Staneill, sheriff M E Cousins etal R A Hardy R A -sri'v Emry & Co. Bat Willia'msetal J T Howerton. tvT. ,.-r, " . Maderson Williams, R N & W P Co T L Emry t wife Jfeph Baysmoro " Jim Brown, " Edraiind Riehnrds, " Frank Moore. Ex J J Bell ExiWHGray J 8 Mitchell, L B Hancock E N Peterson 3 Pfl 3 0 a so 3 60 2 80 1 60 X 7ft .60 .:;n 1 to 2 01 .' en 2 m .:'0 90 r,n .(0 2 no 3 on .: .v. .90 1 SO 2 30 .1 9ft 9 OS .90 '.CO M 10 00 4 F.0 2 10 i ,"0 .lift .e0 1 20 I 911 .SO 4 0O 00 90 1 SO 1 50 I 90 I ?0 TETJST FTJ1TD. $112 21 A fund paid in byDempsT Odom a Administrator of Mury Odom, deceased, for the i iLx;wrenc odom- K'le Odom and Josephiie Odom, say ?4.00 each. Sl ) A ftmd paid in by R. H. Smith, Jr.. Eq., for Susan Cameron in case of R. IL Hull et als vs. Richard Higgs Balance due iS9 8 , A fund deposited in office by Alfred Richardson, on April C3rd, 1892, as administra tor of one Maria Fsgnnn, deoeawd, . S2K no A fund paid in by J, R. Weeks, Esq., April 23rd, 1802, for Dainy E. Jenkins. Beie. M.Jenkins, Carrie E. Jenkins and Thomas Jenkins. $005 2 A deposit iin ease of William Burnett and others, plaintiffs, against William T." Bur- SHnda d0"'. npon payiug 811 costs tliero wm remain nb0nt 0,,e A fund deposited by A. C. Zollicoffer. Commissioner, in ewe of A. C ZollicolTer vs Jack Johnson Sam Jokntos. Harris Johnson and Peter Johnson, case No. 206 record of KnLTrsga.83' 477- Said ,um U $130 0 aBd was aep0BiitA m th STA TE OF NORTH CAROLINA; ) ? ' HjnnriiPiimr Mb t r: m.i. v. o ; J .e . j v 6 iJt W1 moonpenur conn witnin and lor the county aforesaid, being duly awern aayt: , , . I. That to the best of his knowledge and belief, the foregoing report i true' haiJ? omitted,, which; should Board. BliVlSa" ,,M"1 8JPPlem!D,-1 "V", '. . . .' ' JO H N T . C R E C O R f Clerk Superior Conrt. Sworn toandwbWWorem. this the 6th iay of February A. D. 1893.. ( : . BR0 rai Chairman Board of County Commissioners. and State the n CHEAP LITERATURE -o :Q: o- A clubbing arrangement by which every variety of reading matter can be secured at the lowest rates. For the benefit of its subscribers THE KOANOKE NEWS has made clubbing contracts with literary, agricultur al, political and ladies' publications, by which any class of literature can be secured with little additional cost. The propositions made below are open to every new subscriber, every subscriber who is in arrears and pays up and every subscriber who has paid up and wishes to renew his subscription. Subscriptions for clubbing arrangement must be for not less than twelve months. READ PROPOSITIONS CAREFULLY. the WEEKLY WORLD And THE-:- ROANOKE-:- NEWS One) cur for $'2.00. EQUCash itiuM :icconi any order The Weekly Woild with ninety-six columns of ic;tdin; matter, is really what its n itue implies a weekly cpitutne of the events of the fjroat world and is one of the most desirable papers in the country. It can bo had cheaper in conjunction with the Itoan kc News than in tmv other way. Send two dollars and Kct both papers for twelve months. Cosmopolitan, Published monthly at New York is one of the best American periodicals. Its euraviuh are conceded to be better than those of uny other publication of the kind. It is a hijjh class magazine in every respect and is becoming very popular. The annual subscription to the Cos niopolitau is throe dollars. We offer the COSMOPOLITAN And the ROANOKE NEWS one year for S$3.00.-5 fiCash must aceoi.puny each d HOME AND FARM LOUISVILLE, KY.; , Trenti of tli. nery-day life on tin farnu of th South anil Wfat. Its contributors arc practical men who tell what they have learned between llio plow handles. B. F. Johnson. Waldo F. Brew.. Jeff. Welborn, Bill Arp, Nteelen Bayou, ff. F. Master, Johi C. fcda-ar anil a score of utuers make HOME tad FAB1 the most instructive aa well as the most attractive lanu journal published. Ite Home Department ! not aurpassed by any home journal. lis articles come direct from th. home makers. The Children's Department Is in charge of Faith Latimer aud is hii iuvaluablo aid iu education. XTS PLATPOEM: Defter Roads ; Better Schools'; Better Laws ; Better Farming; Better I'ostal Facilities; Free Barging; Free Twine; A induction of the Tariff; A Fair Field and no Favor. War on all Trusts and Combinations which war on the fanner. Co-operation among farmers, and united efforts to r.ake farming pay. SfBSCBIPTIONS, BO CENTS A TEAR. HOME AXD FARM and ROANOKE NEWS One Tear. Only. $1.75-a TO SKfTliE A YKAItV SI llsTltll'TION TO ! 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It is not a class publication nnd is suited to all localities being National in its make up and char acter, thus meeting with favor in all lo calities. It is strictly non-political and non-sectarian. It has a trained corps of contributors and is carefully edited. The various departments of Farm, Horticul ture, Sheep and Swine, The Home, The Horse, and The Dairy, are filled with bright and useful ina'ter. The readers oftho American Farmer are universal in its praise and look for its monthly visits with keen anticipation. The regular subscription price to the American Far mer is S1.00 per year, but by this ar rangement it costs you nothing to receive that great publication for one year. Do not delay in takiug advantage of this of fer, but to call at once or send in your subscription. Sample copy of the Amer ican Farmer can be seen at this office or will be supplied direct by the publishers. The i-iOAlMOXE NEWS Ami THE LOUISVILLE COURIER JOUKNAL OXi: Yi.AU i-OK TWO DOLLAKS IX ADVANCE. The Courier-Journal, Heury Watter ""ti's paper, is a journal of strong South ern proclivities and always iu the fore i rout for everything favorable tj South irti enterprise, Southern iudustry and the Southern people generally, its brilliant editor being to the manner bom It is peculiarly a; newspaper but devotes considerable space to literature and its special features are particularly attractive. A HANDSOME OFFER. A 1'OULAR ILLUSTRATED HOME AND woman's PUBLICATION OFFERED FREE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. The Roanoke News has perfected arrangements by which we can offer FltEK to our readers a year's subscrip tion to Womankind, the popular illustra ted monthly journal published at Spring field, Ohio. We will give a year's sub scription to Womankind to each of our readers paying a year's subscription to the lloauoke News in advance, and to all new bubscribcrs paying in advance. Womankind will find a joyous welcome in every home. It is bright, sparkling and interesting Its household hints and suggestions are invaluable, and it also contains a large amount of news about women in genera'. Its fashion depart ment is complete, and profusely illustra ted, it has a bright and entertaining coips of contributors, and the paper is edited with care and ability. Its children's department makes Womankind a favorite with the youug, and in fact ic contains much which will interest every member of every household in its sixteen large, handsomely illustrated pages. Do not delay in accepting this offer. It will cost you nothing to get a full year's subscrip tion to Womankind. Samples can be seen at this office. The Roanoke News and Cosmopolitan one year for The Roanoke News and Courier-Journal one year $2. The Roanoke News and N. Y. World one year $3. The Roanoke News and Home & Farm one year for The Roanoke News and American Farmer $1.50. The Roanoke News and Womankind one year $1.50 Remit by check, money order or postal ncte. Address: THE ROANOKE NEWS, Weldon, N. C.

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