I- THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1893 HIS OWN GRANDFATHER. V I married a widow who bad a grownup daughter. Mj father visited the house very often, fell in love with tny step-daughter and married her. So my father became son-in-law and tuy step-daughter my mother, because she was my father's wife. Some time afterwards my wife kad a son; : he was my father's brother-in-law and my uncle, for he was the brother of uiy step mother, ily father's wife that is, my step-daughter had also a sou; he was of , course, my brother, and in the meantime my grand-child, for he was the soq of my daughter. My wife was my grandmother, because she was my mother's mother. I was my wife' husband and grand-child . at the name time. And us tlio husband of a person's grandmother is his grand-father, I was my own grandfather. Thb riches that run to us soon fly , away. Wherever there is selfishness there ; is sin. ThR greatest of all duties is the pres . ut one. V GOD is never loved until His word is itielieved. ; A lie turns pale whenever it finds out that truth is on its track. ; , Beware of the man whose wife is i always saying that he has no faults. j It is no harder for God to make a ' mountain than a grain of sand. The woild is full of heroes whose oames will not be known in this life. , Some people will sell their souls very . heaply for the promise of spot cash. i i A Leader. Since its first introduction, Electric , Bitters has gained rapidly in popular (favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among medicinal tonics k alteratives,con taining nothing which permits its use as a 'beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized " as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will cure sick headache, indigestion, ' Constipation, and drive Malaria front the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with ' each bottle or the money will be refund ed. (Price only 50c. per bottle. Sold by W. M. Cohen, druggist. " Silk. ercpons are greatly in favor for .evening gowns for young women, as also are mottsselines de soie with crinkled itrikes, the strikes often in several colors and sometimes edged Orietal like with gold. Gthcr sheer silk muslins are printed over with colored flowers. These last come also in ribbon widths for trim ming silk gowns. J. D. Watkins, Blakely, Ga., writes: "Old sores covered my entire person and itched intensely night nnd day. For 'several months I could not work at all, I commenced the use of Botanic Blood Balm, and began to grow better the first week, and am now sound and well, from sores and itching and at work again." When you get a giant down, stick to him till you cut his head off. The devil loves to hang around people who do not give half enough. When Baby was tick, gave, her Castoria. 1711611 she was a Child, afce cried for Castoria. When the became Miss, che clung to Castoria. When die had Children, she gave Uiem Castoria. Tonic. OUSTE BOTTLE JOHNSON'S Chill and FEVER Cures permanently OIsTIEj case of Chill and Fever, Bilious or Ty phoid Fever, Hemorrhagic or Swamp Fever, or money returned. Price 50c. NORTH CAROLINA TESTIMONIALS. Hobgood, N. C. I have used and sold lfi bottles of your medicine and it has iven Batirfuction i;eii- erally. J. F. ELLSWORTH. C'lonley, N. C. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic has given perfect satisfaction. 1. HANI). liwiufort, N. C. Send me two dozen Johnson's Tonic. I have sold out and jied H. 1 have not had a bottle returned. Khip at once. ALLEN DAVIS. Kdenton, N. C. I'le.w ship me i do. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic at once. 1 think it gives satisfaction. V. I. LEAKY. Croatan, N. C. Enclosed find cheek for $7.00 for one case Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic. I think it the best medicine ever introduced into eastern North Carolina. Every bottle has proved us guaranteed to me. so please send oHtone more ease immediately. B. K. M ALLISON. Aurora, N. C. I have sold twenty-two bottles of it and none have been returned. I think I shall get a good trade on it. A. J. MclNTYKE, M. JJ. Ernul, N. C. It is ns represented. Have not failed in case of fever when taken according to di rections. J. A. AfcKINS. Marines, N. C. The medicine is giving general satisfac tion. LEWIS MAKINGS & CO. To merchants or others who have access to commercial reports, please investi gate and see that the above indorse ments are from business men all rated in Bradstreet's and easily accessable. If you sell Johnson s Ionic, sell it on a guarantee. For wucalare address 'A. B GIRARDEAU, Savaniah, Ga. The higher men rise outside of Christ, the farther they have to fall. It is when we are willing to go down ourselves that Christ is lifted up. llueklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cute Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fevcr Soies,Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns,and all skin cruptions,aud positive- cures Piles, or no pay required. It is autced to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, l'rieo 25 cents per box, For sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown iCirriay, llolilaic.Dr. J AMcQwigam Enfield; W. M. Cohen, Weldon. We do uot have to travel far to find out that all hogs do uot woar bristles. God can say things to the poor that he cannot even hint to the rich. 7, f: Guaranteed Cure. authorize our advertised druggist to sell you Dr. King's New Discovery lor lonsumption, Coughs nnd Colds, up on this condition. If you are afflicted with La Grippe and will use this remedy according to directions, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money iciuuuuu. e make ilis oner jmtuusu WEEKLY ftlSPATCH, EEKLY UlSPATCH, BY THE DISPATCH CO., Publishers, The Great Southern Newspaper. ONLY .$1.00 PEK YEAR. s T HE Best Condensed News, Best Stories, Best Miscellany, Best answers to correspond dents Department, J Best Editorials. IT GIVES AWAY MANY VALUABLE PRESENTS. Samples copies of the Weekly Dis patch will be sent free to any address. Write to THE DISPATCH CO., Bichmend, Va. 1893. ZlTHE NEW YORK 1893. WEEKLY HERALD at- ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Burin- ISilli, the Weekly Herald will be without question the best and cheapest family loumal published in America. It will be profusely illustrated by the best artists in the country, nnd will be a maga zine of literature, art and news absolutely unrivaled m its excellence. THE PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURAL will be graphically described and artistical ly pictured, while the great feature of the coming year s history, tlio World's Fair, Will be given particular attention. Fo complete will be thu descriptions ol every thing connected with the great Exposition and so true to the reality the many illus trations, that a perusal ol the eekly Herald next summer will lie almost us sat isl'actory as a visit to Chicago. PRIZES EACH WEEK Will be awarded for the best original arti cles on agricultural subjects. Each issue will contain a page devoted to practical ami scientific laniung. The Woman's Department will be unex celled in praetieal suggestions to make the home more attractive. Every week will be a number of special articles on all topics of human interest. Among the novelists who will write stories for the Weekly Herald are Jerome K. Je rome, Stepniak, Mrs. Grimwootl, Edwin Arnold, Johu Strange Winter, Marie Corel li, Helen Mathers, Florence Warden, me Nisbetand Hamilton Aide. SEND FOR PREMIUM LIST. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Laying and Faintin I Ik Elastic Roofing. Pimm wamniMiliinwnw mmililiilg(pgWjgj: 'iJ J fc'JrWWf la 'F - ' i TIIE GUM ELASTIC HOOFING IS ABSOLUTELY NO N- CO M B 1 1ST 1 13 L E and guaranteed to last ten years. Costs only 2.00 per 100 square feet. Strong ly endorsed by New York Board of Underwriters. Scud stamp for circulars, samples and particulars. THE GUM ELASTIC PAINT Costs only GO cents per gallon in barrel lots, or 81.50 for 5 gallon tubs. Color dark red. Will stop leaks in tin or iron roofs that will last lor years. 1 11 X 11 GUM ELASTIC HOOFING CO., 41 West Broadway, New York. SCOTLAND NECK STEAM DYE WORKS. The dyeing and dry cleaning of garments by French process done and -.- DISPATCH. Woolen and mixed goods dyed at from one fourth to one-third and cotton one-half less than City prices. For con venience of town and vicinity articlesneed- ing attention may bo lef it at the store of Mr. E. W.ICYMAN. In terview or correspon dence invited. Ad dress, STEAM DYEING CO., Scotland Neck, N. C. jy 21 tf. DO YOU KNOW That you can have your eyes tested ac curately, and fitted with glasses by a practical optician at YOUNG'S JEWELRY STORE The finest set of testlcnscsin thestate, and there will be no charge for testing your sight. More eyes are ruined by glasses sold by incompetent persons than any other cause. Therefore, we advise you to be careful with your sight, und have your eyes examined by a ICOMPETENT OPTICIANS Silver goods for bridal presents, dia monds of the finest quality, watches in gold and silver cases, clocks of the best makers and good timers, gold thimbles and Christmas goods, gold headed canes and plain gold rings, opera glasses and fancy hair pins, and of the latest styles of goods, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. J. W. YOUNC. r Co Syca. & Bauk Sts. Petersburg, Va. octly TOWN LOTS FOR SALE I TOWN LOTS FOR SALE! SPLENDID TO Tf'N LOTS FOE SALE IN THE TO TFN OF 1FELDON, A F LOWfUICES, Oil Ir'SOllJBLE JEqfi1 -ALSO o- FINE FARMING LAND FROM 1 TO 2 MILES FEOM WE LDON, K 0. I M South Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. " 1 of the wonderful success of Dr New Diseovcry during last p , derate. Have heard of no if. fnilil Tri. i T..;l . ...y. 1 It ... AilRI s oh Address: JAMES GORDO B'NNFTT, N D, o n ml to g ft 3 03 MiilW a I 8 d II oil 8 5 AfH LJ Mi TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER Ibis is a fine opportunity to purchase land where it will be certain to double in value in two or three years. Apply by letter or in person to NEW ADV ERTISEMENTS. T. N. HILL. W. &W. R. R. BRANCHES, A SI) FUUilAYE IIAII.I'.OAD. CumleiiNciI Schedule. TI1A1NS i(i!Mi SOfTil. DATED -5 v Jim. n:uh l!tt. a, - i "' " r.M. I'.m. r.M. Leave WcMnn, 12 :o r. 115 11 so Ar Rwky Mount 1 !W C VI U Ar 1 ur(t(ro J Leave Tarboro, 1J. Lv Kocky.Mrmnt. 1 .19 ft h:'. 12 SS 7 55 Leave Wil.vm, t i' i; 1 la 7 68 LvSelmu. am Lv Kayetteville, S :1 8- Arrive fiorence, i'J t i i" ' Mr. J. T. Gooch will take pleasure in showing the lots wishing to see them. HALIFAX, N. C. and lands to any one tug 4 Sew V 1 liiery Wkbstkr. P. C. Prr, io, iSot fVf T wish 1 toulil Irt liO re Mitlcr- inc from riuu AVnv tlisvnsv know just h w f Syootl your rcntcdy is. My kmi uvcil it oik- y ar. ml is now the Moiiicst child I It.tvc th k I nianv thanks. 1 rtniuin ullr. 11. A. 1A1 L., r.-si- . r. . r-r. r. i t. I hftVf nnt llflfl DIK l.f lit I'.li li m, If 1 ' M cnmiucitccd laliini; 5 our incihi nit, x in mil s Tim.Anrt.ntTA. P. . J:n 7 ir"?. jy when: ihe ...:cm 1... I .un . i.U 1.; t, wtre cuau ly uns n ninty. ittc kxott n-.r trrpcw rrvrx tw. irtntsr 4'-txi:.. 'ihat VOll m;.v irv It, M k 'it himt '.rM iM'' ve will set'.l yyn ' JHtt(tt' J'Tff. nil run rift; (rv'"'" ") ws- Give Age. Iost-(.)tVio: ami Sut. Aildiew Jhtll Chew teal Co.,' WKST IHlI.1i:i.lIIIA, 'A. teSffTF-sv-K '77.:. . v-...: Lc.west cash prit s guar"' 'cd. All worl. warr-- ii r.t "AKAKF.S1S" givos Instant relk't anil is an miiiiuuie Cure for l't. PrlwSl. Itv Prairinsts' rmnil. Nimplcs f re. AdUn " A N A K EslS,' yw Vmlt City, nhbsyEabtta ' iiue with- 0 MY STOCK OF 0 FALL And WINTER Millinery. C a A.M. (', .i 7 2 Lv Wilffnn, l.V linldsliiiT'O, Lv Mnulinlla, Ar WilinliiKtoii, r.M. 2 25 (i 4S :t 20 7 4 :io -17 (i (M 111 2"l A.M. 7 f)S S S U 85 11 o P. it. 8 : 5 1 8 W r.M. TRAINS (iOI.N'fi NOKTH. Lv Florence. Lv Kiiyetleville, I.eavc .-'elina, Ar. Wilson, a.m; .'i M s 5 6 v. v. A.M. I' M. U 20 7 SO n is o 40 1 M l .-, ii ;;o o'.l o a A.M. ft ; .o f o 11 411 12 t Lv Wilmington, ! I.vMannolia 11 M Lv Coldsboro, 12 i" Ar Wilson, 1 10 i m 1 57 Lv Wilson. Ar Rockv Mount: Ar Tarboro, 2 3.i Lv Tarboro. 12 'S Lv Rockv Mount, 1 f7 Ar Weldon, 3 nr. V. M. e x 'AS) 8 on 9 ::o 10 :is 11 15 No 14, 1 as u ;:0 2 42 12 08 4 on 5 40 fi 59 7 48 l'.M. 2 42 12 OS : 4r, ol T. M. A. M. 7 4-8 ' 8 20 8 2n' 9 8H P.M. "Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neclr Branch Road leave Weldon at 5 15 p. m. Halifax 5 :S, arrive Scotls" Neck ate 2". p.m. Greenville 7S8p. m. Kin 9 00 p. m. Returning leaves Kington 7 10, a. Greenville 8 22a m. Arriving ut Halifax V a. m Weldon 11 10 a.m. daily exccptSunda; Trains on Watliington branch leave Wr ton 7 20 a. m. arrives Parmele 850 a. in., 1 9 50; returning leaves Tarboro 3 .15 p. ui.V 7 :;4 p. m., arrives Washington 9 00 p. ni except Sunday. Connects with trains c, land Neck Brunch. Train leaves Tarboro N. C via Albci' Raleigh It. K.Uaily except Sunday Sunday 8 SO p. in., arrive Williamston p. m., 4 20 p. m. Plvraouth 10 10 p. m., Returning leaves Plymouth dally exi ti is n. m. Sunday 10 no a. m. Williai 7 10 a. m. 9 08 a. m. arrive Tarl' 11 2fla. m. Train on Midland N. O. Branch 1 horo N. O.. daily ecept Sunday 6 (1 Smithlleld.N.C," 80 a. m. Re Smithfield, N. C, 8 00a. m., arrr C, 9 80 p. in. Traill on Nashville Branch Mount ato 15 p. m., arrives at Na' m., Spring Hope 7 If, p. m. Ret Spring Hope 8 00 a. ni., Nashville arRoeky Mount 15 a, m.dailyei Trains on Lalta Branch Florenc Latta 7 "0 p. m : orrive Ennbar 8 4 tumine leave Dunbar 6 00 a. in., a a.m. lmilv except Sunday. Train on'Clinlon Branch leave! Clinton, daily except Sunday at 6 11 80 a. m. Returning leave Clint and 3 VI p. ni., connecting at Wa 40,41.211 and 78. Train No. 78 makes close conn, for all points North daily. Allra and daily except Sunday via It Rocky Mount daily with Norf Railroad for Norfolk and all Norfolk. J. R.KENLY. Sup tTran?. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passer TLAXTIC COAS PETERSBURG A WJ CoiuleiiKcA Sr.lte TRAIXS GOIXO Is arriving, nnd I will disnlay the finest line ol goods ever shown in this town. Come and fee the NEW STYLES. COME AND SELKCT THE FEW EST .NOVELTIES. Dated Jan. 2!)th, 1392. Leave retcrsbnrp, Leave Stonv Creek, Leave Jarrtit t, Leave licllicld, Arrive Weldon, 10. 10..' 11.1 ii.: 12.1 TRAINS GOING N Leave Weldon, Le IJellicld, I.e Jarratts, Le Stony Creek, Arrive IVterslmrp. No. 1 Dail; 1.01 a 2.3 E. T. D. MYKl s, T. M. Gen'l Supcrii lendeut. Gi TO TIIE PATRl OF THE ALBEMARLE STEAM QUICKTIME kasteLn f On and after Monday, Deer tnd vini il lurtlier notice, CHOWAN. Cnptnui Withy, LEAVK FIvANKLIXon" ncsdnvs and rridayg (iir KI MOl'TM and Ail i'pjttrni" arrival of mail tr Kl.iriA.M. KKTl'KMNC reach Kranklr and Sattirdayt conneet with . to Portsmouth thi nth ,