THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1893 fieth Green's Observations of Reasoning in Trout. omarkable Strenprth of Spi dersIvy Keeps the Walls of a House Free From Damp I colnshire, Eng., Family. sein ureen, mo cciourntou American pisciculturist, givm ti most extruoi'ilin.'iry account of tlio ,'ii'uto reasoning power und infid lilile memory of wnno trout which cunio under iiin observation. In a l)oiid he hail somo 5,000 liiruje brook (rout which hud been originally captured by nieiiim of a tly and barbies liook. The fisher man who landed them had in- uviifif t ma fvi flji ut fiu inuilli jtil gently as possible, and so the trout mm ample time to examine the strange tackle which had played them so false. This experi ence, according to Mr. Green, they never in life forgot. To illus trate and prove his theory be would accompany a brother pro fessor in matters piscicultural to the banks of the pond, carrying behind his buck a long cane and a fishinir rod. The trout would fol low him along on the look-out for bread or scraps of liver. Sudden ly he would swing his cane from behind him and flourish it in the air. The trout smiled, wagged their tails, and asked for another bit of bread. But when a moment later he took the rod with the reel arid tackle from its con cealment, a way the trout fled to the furthest end of the pond, where they remained huddled up for the rest of tlio day. They were care ful trout, those of Mr. Green's. A Fingorless Family. In a Lincolnshire village live a family who suffer under the cur ious deformity of being fingerless. This peculiarity does not appear to be one of those freaks of Nature which mav appear in one individ ual, and not bo transmitted to the next generation. So far as can be learned, the singularity has ex isted in this family so far as history or tradition extends, and there seems at present no signs of its dying out, as the grandchildren are as devoid of fingers as their grandsire. The hands of this re markablo family present the ap pearance of having had the lingers amputated, or chopped off rough , ly and unevenly below the second Hoint. leaving a short stump. There is no nail or hard substance, run nuio it nub iui mcauscuicovi ! iy thing like a cicatrice, a casual ? jserver would conclude tnat tne efect was due to accident; but aa jougii lMiuire iiau aiieuipteu iu jmpensate for the absence of ngers, the thumbs are sbnormal t large and strong. The family re in other respcts fully endowed f nature, and do not appear to iffer the disadvantages the ab 4nce of fingers might be expected $ entail. One of the daughters, tred twenty, can write, sew, knit, jutl is in ever' way as dexterous nd accomplished as other girls of ner age and station. When asked i if kIih did not find it awkward to be hngerless, sue replied; "jNo: 11 yon had never had fingers, you would not know you needed them." The only drawback that seems to be occasioned is the cur iosity of the absence of fingers evokes from strangers. A MISTAKE. 6'ne was a fuir und cultured tnnld With violets iu her turban. She lived uml funned it Drowning Clu Within a tiiwn subnmn. And went with ivirulurlty To Bofton, for tlio Symphony. She. had ii lover, but, uliis! He was n (ray, hold drummer, Who had no pinion for the ninao Iti winter or in suiiwier. He laughed to worn tliu Drowning Club And in derision held the Hub. As for the concerts Symphony, He said they made him weary; Better he liked n inlnstrci troupe With entertainments cheery. And to the opera comlque Went always irnyly once n week. The two were wed one hapless day, Tlio maiden nnthlmr daunted, Hut soon she Van to pine and fade Ily folk uncultured haunted, He, too, dropped like n flower at fall, From to much music classical. "Woe's me!" at length she wildly cried, "Our souls blend not together." "True, true," with bitterness he slKhod, "Life Is all stormy went In r To one with wife whoso soul is dark To all, save poetry and Much." Next day he tied to the Wild West: In hurry and distraction. The wnrwhoop of the Indians Mliht serve aK a reliction; She .ioined a set which dwelt apart And nothing knew but Just hk?li art. Oh, Boston maids of cultured tustes. To smile on drummers Jolly With years attuned to vulu-ar strains, Is most ejri-eious folly. Dark must his social record be. Who slums the concert Symphony. . lloston Courier. A Canary Captured by a Spider. The strength of some of the spiders which" build their webs in trees and other places in and around Santa Ana, Central America, is astonishing. One of them had in captivity in a tree there not long ago a wild canary. The ends of the' wings, the tail, and feet of the bird were bound together by some sticky substance, to which were attached the threads oi tne gpiucr, wnicu wus slowly but surely drawing up the bird bv an ingenious puuey ar rangement. 1 he bird hung head downward and was so securely bound with little threads that it ' could not struggle.and would have boou been a prey to iU great, ugly ifitlmdnot been rescued ' by an onlooker. The growth of ivy on the walls of houses renders the Avails entire ly free from damp; the ivy ex tracting every particle of moisture from wood, brick or stone for its own sustenance, by means of its tiny roots, which work their way ,t tlm riawlpst. stone. The even iui.' ' overlapping leaves of the ivy con ' duct water falling on them from point to point until it reaches the ground, without allowing the walls to receive any moisture whatever from the beating rains. Aged. Mrs. Swell Our house is fitted iin unfit nil the imcrovements,and we have a picture molding in the PMrs.' Homespun Sakes alive! But your house must be awful damp! To think of a picture mold ing' It must be the paste. Is'pose. PUSS IN BOOTS. They nearly strike me dumb, I tremble when they eomo iMt-a-pat. This i alpitatlou means These hoots mi' (ierahlfue't; Think of that! Where ilid a hunter win So delicate a skin Vor her feet? Ton lucky little kid, , You perished, so you did, I l or my sweet. The fairy stitching (fleams. On the sides and in the seams, And reveals That the Pixies were the wags, Who tipt these funny tags. And these heels. What soles to charm an elfl Had Crusoe, sick or self, Chanced to view One printed ncur the tide. Oh, how hard ho would have tried For the two. For Gerry's debonair, And Innocent and fair As a rose; She's an angel! in a frock, Sne'san angel! with nclocc To her hose. The simpletons who squeeze Their pretty toes to pleuto Mandarins, Would positively flinch Fnom venturing to pinch Geraldine's. Cinderella's lefts and righui To Gcrahllnc weve frights. And I trow The damsel deftly shod. Had dutlfullr trod Until now. Come, Gerry, since It suits Such a pretty puss (In boots) . These to don. Set your clulnty hands awhile On my shoulder, dear, and I'll Put them on. Loudon MagailM ADVERTISEMENTS. OInTE bottle JOHNSON'S Chill and FEVER Cures permanently OILsTID case of (J in Mi and I'kvkb, liilious or Ty phoid Fever, Hemorrhagic or Swamp Fever, or money returned, Price 5()c. foii5 NORTH CAROLINA TESTIMONIALS. Hobgood, N. C. I have used and sold lti bottles of your medicine und it has given siit infliction gen erally. J.F.KLLSWUUT1I. Cronley, N. C. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic has given perfect satisfaction. 1). HANI). Ik-aufort, N. C. Send me two dozen Johnson's Tonic. I have sold out and need it. I have not had a bottle returned. Ship at once ALLEN DAY In. Edenton, N. C. Please shin me 4 doz. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic at once. I thin!; it gives satisfaction. W. I. LEAKY. Croatan, N. C Enclosed find check for $7.00 for one case Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic. I think it the best medicine ever introduced into eastern North Carolina. Every bottle has proved as guaranteed to me, so please semi out one more ease immediately. B. B. MALLISOS. Aurora, N. C. I have sold twenty-two bottles of it and none have been returned. I think I shall get a good trade on it. A. J. MOUNT YKL, M. D. Enrol, N. C. It is as represented. Have not failed in case of fever when taken according to di rections. J. A. ASKINs. Marines, N. C. The medicine is giving general satisfac tion. LENVIS MARINES & CO. To merchants or others who have access to commercial reports, please investi gate and see that the above indorse ments are from business men all rated in Bradstreet's and easily accessable. If you sell Johnson'sTonic, sell it on a guar antee. For circulate address "A. B CIRARDEAU, Savaanah, Ga. NEW ADVERTISEENTS. Iff EEKLY niSPATCH, II EEKLY U EEKLY UlSPATCH, BY THE DISPATCH CO., Publishers, The Great Southern Newspaper. ONLY $1.00 PEK YEAR. EL A. S T ZED Best Condensed News, Best Stories, Best Miscellany, Best answers to correspond dents Department, Best Editorials. A Ten Stdiy Clubhouse. Think of it! a club house tea stories high. This is what the Iroquois Club of Chicago proposes building on the comer of Adams street and Michigan avenue. The second floor is to contain the prin cipal rooms of the club, the third floor will be a large reception room for use on formal occasions; the fourth and fifth floors will be fur nished into rooms for the members, the sixth floor will contain a large ball room, eitrhth and ninth floors the dining rooms, and servants will occupy the tenth floor. This is the most ambitious effort in the way of a clubhouse that has as yet been projected. People Who Barely "Wink. There are people who rarely wink. How they manage to got along without doing so is a mar vel, out somehow or other they do. Some eyes are naturally more moist than others, and the very moist eye does not so much need the assistance of the lids to keep the eyeball brighr. It is a consti tutional matter, for winking though under tl control of the, will, is done so quickly that it is practically an involuntary action. Men wink when tliey feel that the eve is uncomfortably dry, and when it docs not become dry the necessity for winking is not felt. The Moon. The moon is a fossil world, an ancient cinder, a ruined habita tion. The moon was once the seat of all the varied and intense r.etivitips that now characterize tlifi surface of our earth. Its life age was, perhaps, reached while the earth was yet glowing. A Bejrular WlndfalL Fond Mamma Why, what 'k.ti.A x-n in VMiir nnrrm V lltlVD vuui;v. ..f. . T ittlo DiiiiD-htfir Oh. mammal Such good luck. Dotty Simpson's V.ol aiv IritfnnH und her taw nlv t . mamma would not let her keep i. . j.t.A AinB but one, so sue gave mo uo vmoi five IT GIVES AWAY MANY VALUABLE PRESENTS. Samples copies of the Weekly Dis patch will be sent free to any address, Write to THE DISPATCH CO., Richmond, Va. 1893. T RE NEW YORK 1893, TOWN LOTS FOR SALE! TOWN LOTS FOR SALE I :0: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. &W. R. R.g BRANCHES, AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS (iOING SOUTH. HATED ApriUSlh ,; P.M. iOK i'.M. Leave Wclrtnn. 12 8" H us OTT l?MTlTTlTrMVTT rTi3 VfiV QAT.W TV TITT? TO ll'V flT? TrFl.TinY AT Ar Korky Muunt 1-1 0(1 UL JiUHili IU Fill liU LUiUlt UaiiU ill HJJ, -J Vy. rr x. v.'f.c I'lirltOrO 2 Leave lurboro, 12 hi I WW I 1 I 1 t U A U( 1 IX A Kl .W. Leave Wilson. J !;, :is m I I TV I J1 Lv FnveUevllle, m I lUH IVI n. Arrive Florence, iu ,i in "3 A.M. 7 !J 7 it 7 r.s r. a. I S5 ;. no s l.i 8 M -ALSO- T.v Wilson. FINE FARMING LAND FROM 1 TO 2 MILES K32 Ar Wilmington, P.M. S 2" f' 4S n 7 :is 4 :;o s 17 Ii Ui) 10 15 A.M. P.M. 7 M 8 4!1 !) K) 11 Ho FEOM WE LDOIST, K 0. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. TRAINS I101NG NORTH. Sr. -3 Lv Florence. Lv Fnycticville, T.chvo Wpl nm. Ar. Wilson, A.M. A.M. P.M. 5 10 11 21) 7 :t0 11 It 0 : 1 14 1 MS It .10 A.M. i', :;o 11 so H 49 12 CO This is a fine opportunity to purchase land where it will be certain to double in value in two or three years. Apply by letter or in person to WEEKLY HERALD AT ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Dtirine 1803, the Weekly Herald will be without question the beat and cheapest family journal published in America, It will be profusely illustrated by the best artists in the country, and will be a maga zine of literature, art and news absolutely unrivaled in its excellence. THE PRESIDENTIAL INAXIGURAL will be graphically described and artisticul ly pictured, while the great feature of the coming year History, tne World's Fair, Will be given particular attention, 80 complete will be the descriptions of every- tliinic connected witn tne greitt i-.xpomtion and so true to tlio reality the many illus trations, that a perusal ot the Weekly Herald next summer will be almost as sat isfactory as ft visit to Chicago. PRIZES EACH WEEK Will be awarded for the best original arti cles on agricultural subjects. Jyjjjh issue will contain a page devoted tnMtructicnl and scientific farming. ' The Woman's Department will be unex celled in practical suggestions to make the home more attractive. Every week will ben number of special articles on all topics of human Interest. Among the novelists who will write stories for the Weekly Herald are Jerome K. Je rome, Stepniak, Mrs. Grimwood, Edwin Arnold, John Strange Winter, Marie Corel li, Helen Mat hers, Florence Warden, Hume Nisbctand Hamilton Aide. BEND FOR PREMIUM LIST. Address: JAMES GOMOV BFNNFTT. N. Y 1IKUALD, New York City. Subscribe dow.5? T. N. HILL. HALIFAX, N. C. Mr. J. T. Gooch will take pleasure in showing the lots and lands to any ono wishing to sue them. tug 4 Lv Wilmington, 9 30 7 45 4 00 Lv MHcnolia 11 !" " it. " Lv Golcta'wo, 12 20 10 17 0 Ml Ar Wilson, 1 10 11 00 7 48 No 14, Lv Wilson. 1 It 1 M 11 :io 7 4S Ar Rocky Mount, 1 r,7 2 42 12 08 8 20 ArTurboro, 2 It Lv Tnrlioro. 12 . Lv Rncky Mount, 1 57 2 42 12 OS 8 80 Ar Weldon, S o.t :t v, i no !i 30 P. M. r. At. A. M. I'.M. P.M. THE PLACE TO GET EPRUQS as? f.lEDIClfJES AT THE LOWEST PETOES, IS -A.T DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE R. K. SHED. WE L DON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. 49-FRESCBIPTI0N DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH THI BEST SELECTED MATERIAL.- PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY. STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. I&B II EM BIR that hetrtrwoloomealwiyi awaits ran al ZOLLTCOFFER'S. Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland N'ei-k Branch Road leave! Weldon at 3 40 p. m. Halifui 4 on, arrive Seotland Neck at4 48 D.m.clrei'nville n 28 p. m. Kiuston 7;Wp. m. Returning leaves Klnston 7 20, a. m. Greenville R22a m. ArrlviiiK nt Halifax 1100, a. m., weldon n 2'Ja.m.ciniiyexcepisunuay. TrainR on WatiliiUKton branch leave Washing ton 7 so a. m. arrives l'armele 840 a. m., Tarboro 9 SO: returning leaves Tnrboro 4 40 p. m. Parrale 6 00 p. m.,orrivesVashiii(!ton 7 SO p. m. Daily except Sunday. Connects with trains on Scot land Neck Branch. Train leaves Tarboro N. C. via Albemarle and Raleigh K. R. Daily except Sunday 5 m p.m., Sunday 3 SO p. m., arrive Williamaton N. C. 7 18 p. m.. 4 sop. m. rivniomn iop. m., o,,p. m. Returninu leaves Plymouth dully except Sunday 6 SO a. m. Sunday 10 00 a. m. Williamston, N. C, 40 a. m. 958 a. m. arrive Tarboro 10 85 a. m, 11 20 a. m. Train on MWland N. C. Branch leaves Golda- boro N. C, dailveTcept Sunday 0 00 a. m., artfve Smlthrield, N. C., 7 30 a. id. Returning leaves Smith fleld, N. C, 8 00 a. m., arrive Goldsboro, N C, 9 SO p.m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at6 IS p. m.. arrives at Nashville fi 60 p. m..SDrinelIone 7 IS n. m. Returning leaves SpringHope 8 00 a. m Nashville 8 S5 a. m., arRoeky Mount 9 15 a, m. dailyexceptSuuday. Trains on Latta Krancn norenee k. k. leave Latta. 7 30 p. m : orrive J unbar 8 40 p. m. Re tuminr leave Dunbar 0 00 a. m., arrive Latta 7 15 a.m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday at 6 00 p. m. an 11 30 a.m. Returning leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 310 p.m.. connecting at Warsaw with No. 40, 41.23 and 78. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon forall points North daily. All rail via Richmond and daily except Sunday via Hay Line, also at Kocity Mount nanvwitn .onniK nna Carolina Railroad for Norfolk and all points North via Norfolk. J.R.KENLY, J. F. DIVINE, sup t Trans. i;encrai sup'i. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. TLANTIC COAST LINE. PETERSBURG & WELDON R. R Condensed Schedule. TRAIXS GOING SOUTH. Dated April 18th, 1892. No. 23 Daily. No. 27 Daily The PrICE of JOB PRINTING REDUCffl! Leave Petershurp, Leave Stony Creek, Leave Jarratts, Leave Belfield, Arrive Weldon, 10.10 am 10.50 nm 11.10 nm ll.KOnin 12.10 pm 3.33 p id 5.07 p m TRAINS GOING NORTH. Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Packet Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Business Cards, Posters, Drafts, Wedding and Pic-nic Invitations, Receipts, Ball Tickets, Tags, Circulars, and everything else in the Job Printing line EXECUTED AT SHORT NOTICE. 3END FOR PRICES & SAMPLES. Address All Correspondence To E. L. HAYWARP, 2-11. Weldon, N. 0. No. 14 Ko. 78 Daily. Daily. Leave Weldon, 1.01 a.m. 3.25 p. m Le Belfield, 4.02 p. m Le Jarrntts, 4.20 p. m Le Stony Creek, 4.42 p. m Arrive i'etersbuip. 2.32 a.m. 5.26 p. m E. T. D. MYEl's, T. M. EMEIiSON, Gen'l Superintendent. Gen.Passcngerag TO THE PATHONS OF TUK ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIGATION CO CSlHOV TIMC Retween NORFOLK and V I Vi I iniu ' EASTERN N. CAUOLIN On and after Monday. December 17ti, and until further notice, the Steamer .CHOWAN. Captain Withy, will LEA "K riiAJiKLJNon Mondays, Wed- nesdaya und Fridays for EDENTON, PLY MOUTH and All intermediate points on arrival of mail train from Portsmouth, say 1(1.1,1 A. 1. RETURNING ihe "Chowan" will reach franklin on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at9:15A. M., in time to connect with Fast Mail train from Raleigh to Portsmontn and with Lxprcss tram for the houth. Passengers, by this arrvngeiaent, taking the Steamer Chowan at a iy point on the river, will REACH NORFOLK by II oclock A. M., and thus have ihe entire day for the trans action of bu-iuess in that city. GIVE THIS ROUTE A TRIAL. Respectfully, J. H. EOGARr anklin. Va.,l)tc. 15. lfcf-fc. i,Eopt

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